Ash 45, 4621¤
On the precipice of the rare stone strewn throughout the desert a lone anole watched solemnly as the riders kicked up dust across the horizon. It licked its eye once as the loud, thundering chariots came near and darted into a skull within a bone pile. The bone pile rattled and blew back as the chariot screamed past. Disheveled, the lizard poked its head back out to make sure the coast was clear and scurried away with a lesson learned.
They had rode for days, only stopping for a short while to eat and snooze in shifts. Other than that they rode on and on into the endless horizon which only served to become more barren as the days went on. Eventually they got to the Imperial Badlands and everyone got off the hogs to get a drink. Fresh water was stored on Miki's chariot in a saddle bag to the left of the rear wheel. It would be right underneath Derek* who rode on the smaller chariot with Miki.
"Scorched earth."
Miki said while touching the cracked and scarred ground. They were certainly here.
"I need to blindfold you, we're almost to the hideout."
So far the boy was willing and so she tried putting the blindfold on him and Izul helped him back onto the chariot with Miki wasting no time in heading straight for the hideout. This would be their first time seeing the place, the new spot for the gang Hector had loaned them. Miki yelled to Derek over the roar of the engine.
"We're seeing our shithole for the first time, heard it was a death trap for his last contacts. We'll see how we fair, I guess."
Then revved the engine and sped far ahead Izul.
It was clear sailing up to that point, the women were making good time and would be to the shithole in just around fifteen minutes. That was when the wind started to pick up and small tornadoes of dust started forming. They both knew what this meant. Corruption. Miki could only hope that her navigations were correct. Going full throttle now the women said nothing, knowing exactly what to do. They would need to outrun the dust storm and make it inside with the chariots until the storm passed. It would be fatal to be trapped out in the storm.
They rode on, engines buzzing and roaring letting out great smoke as behind them and rapidly descending was a wall of dust and debris. They rode on faster straight ahead until up in the distance they could see a small dip with a flagpole tied above it. Izul went first and opened the doors, letting Miki and her charge inside before dragging her chariot in and locking the door with a long metallic clang behind her. To the observant the front of the storm hit just as the door slammed shut, letting only a puff of air inside the building. It was a single rectangular room with supply boxes lining the walls. A strange device from the bygone age in the middle off to the right against the walls. Everything was covered in cobwebs.
Miki yelled, completely exhilerated from the experience. If the blindfold wasn't off by now she would take it right off the boy's face.
"Do you want a drink? Hector promised us there would be half a bottle of whiskey in here--"
She was cut off by the sound of a great groan then a crash as the ceiling farthest away from them in the back crumbled and the storm began blowing in.
"Get the tents!"
Cried Izul who started throwing things out of her pack to set up her tent. It was ripped from her hands just as Miki grabbed hers out. The winds from the storm had gotten inside, but so far the majority of the dust had stayed at the crumbled part of the hideout. Miki and Izul quickly assembled the tent and weighted it down with their chariots, then shoved the boy inside with them. It was large enough for four people and they were comfortable enough to have arm and leg room inside.
The storm blew well on. Eventually Miki broke the silence.
"Well, the tent might not do much. Do you think we'll get the madness?"
Izul shrugged and replied.
"It taints water. Did we bring our water supply in here?"
Both women looked at the young man before them, waiting for him to speak.