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Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:33 pm

M I K I - K I ' L I R I X

Full Name: Miki Ki' Lirix
Race: Moroi
Sex: Female
Age: 44
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125lbs

Birthdate: Searing 3, 4579
Birthplace: Kornos

Profession: Metalsmith
Housing: Tent or tavern
Partners: None ;)

Factions: Snake Eyes

Fluencies: Common, Kornann
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Typical of her race she has red, gold skin, a short red tail with a black tuft at the end, two red horns with beautiful gold rings, deep navy hair, and golden eyes which seem to glow. What makes her stand out from her people is her sense of style. Having really adapted the Badlands sensibility she wears a lot of brown leather, spikes, and facial piercings. One of her horn tip's has broken off, a deep scar to her and something she will not answer about. The final things to be said are her affects. She always wears a golden locket, one that opened a vault to the antechamber where her historical family was said to have hidden great secrets. Miki also commonly wears a pair of tiny circular sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose like a vulture.

Rough around the edges she's a hard person to get to know.

After all she has been through she has much to say, when she speaks it's usually an expletive or something angry.

She loves learning and travel, enjoying all things metal and tech. Atharen has much to discover but it just isn't home.

Miki helped assemble the ship in which she left her home planet on. Bolts, rivets, fire, and smelting she has done it all on Kornos when it came to high tech smithing and assembling rocket ships. A genius back home, a young prodigy of only 19, she had a family and a husband. When the Outlander came her children were weak and among the first to die. Miki and her husband were scared, reacting in different ways. At the time she agreed with the rest of the rocket smiths that fleeing was the best option, but her husband thought differently. He stayed behind and did medical work for those who were dying. She left without him, his last words to her being, "You'll be back." When she thinks about this now it makes her angry, nothing will ever be the same, her children were long dead by then and after she left she knew that world was a wasteland. She would never see her husband again.

Her horn was broken in the attack of the Krish when they arrived among the stars in the wrong place. Only aided by the help of the scholar she and her brethren again fled through a portal to now Atharen. She watched and helped as they disassembled her hard work to come to a new world on the word of a single man, when his entire race was out to kill them. As they fled through the portal Miki was among some of the last to go through to make sure the integrity of the portal stayed sound. She was flogged and beaten until her horn tip snapped, wrenched away finally by a fellow and dragged bloody through the portal.

There was a long silence in Miki after that. She stayed a mute for three years after the incident, sometimes a sobbing wreck who would attack anyone who came near her during her episodes. All she knew was gone. Miki stayed in the mountains, so alien, so unlike her home, until she couldn't stand it anymore and fled to the deserts of Southern Daravin.

Eventually she found herself in the Badlands and per her unusual appearance was adopted by a local group by the name of Dust Burners. This was satisfying to Miki and eventually she learned to speak again, learning their language, learning how to ride the motorcycle, and learning the ways of the Badlander. She knew they were not good people, morally much of what she did with them was wrong-er than wrong. But it was such a far cry from the lands of her home she acclimated quickly, adopting their style, their mannerisms, and their ideals. She wanted to be anything than what she was, a Moroi, and never told any of her new compatriots about her history in full. Never speaking about her lover, her children, or her life other than her job and titles.

Later on in life she had visions of grandeur. Now she is thinking of challenging the established gangs from the bottom to the top with her own gang, Snake Eyes.

Last edited by Miki on Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:36 am, edited 30 times in total. word count: 860
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:37 pm

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Stealth 53/100 Journeyman
Mount(two-wheeled chariot) 50/100 Journeyman
Smithing 50/100 Journeyman
Gunslinging(rifle) 50/100 Journeyman
Axes(War axe) 31/100 Apprentice
Negotiation 30/100 Apprentice
Leadership 25/100 Apprentice
Clockwork 20/100 Novice
Mining 20/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Smithing+025 75
Mount(two wheeled chariot)+020 55
Clockwork+015 40
Gunslinging(rifle)+015 25
Axes (war axe)+015 10
Mining+010 0
Atharen Launch Bonus+250 25
Mount(two wheeled chariot)+010 15
Smithing+010 5
Clockwork+05 0
CS Rewards [RN]+150 15
Gunslinging+05 10
Mining+010 0
Bombs and Shitport+50 5
Meeting Hector in the Drug Den+50 10
Good, Clean Ale+50 15
(Wilds)To And Fro+50 20
[Traphole] Molten Sparks+50 25
[Traphole Meeting Your Maker+50 30
Good Luck With That I+50 35
Good Luck With That II+50 40
Good Luck With That III+50 45
(Wilds) Rock Down to (Badland's Avenue)+80 53
NANO 25K Words Prize+400 93
Smithing+015 78
Mount+020 58
Gunslinging+05 53
Stealth+028 25
Negotations+025 00
Starting Skill Adjustment+500 50
Gunslinging(rifles)+00-25 25
Stealth+00-25 00
Preying on the Rowdy+08-00 08
Leadership+00-08 00
Atharen 1 year+015-00 15
Leadership+00-15 00
Zero Lost+05-00 05
Negotation+00-05 00
Burning the Man (Mimir) [MEMORY] +08-00 08
Bar Hopping [Traphole] (OPEN THREAD!) +08-00 16
Axes (war axe)+00-16 00
A Private Dance +10-00 10
Leadership +00-02 8
Last edited by Miki on Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 27 times in total. word count: 272
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:37 pm




Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
Using the butt of the gun as a weapon
Shooting without the scope (NANO 9)
Finding a vantage point up high (NANO 10)
Ricochet is a bitch (NANO 11)
Caring for your rifle (NANO 12)
Loading a rifle (NANO 13)
Better quality bullets do more damage (NANO 14)


Generic lore 4 (SP)
Generic lore 5 (SP)
Generic lore 6 (SP)
Generic lore 7 (SP)
Generic lore 8 (SP)
Generic lore 9 (SP)
Generic lore 10 (SP)
Generic lore 11 (SP)
Generic lore 12 (SP)
Generic lore 13 (SP)


Generic Lore 1 (AT)
Generic Lore 2 (AT)
Generic Lore 3 (AT)
Generic Lore 4 (AT)
Generic Lore 5 (AT)
Generic Lore 6 (AT)
Generic Lore 7 (AT)
Generic Lore 8 (AT)
Generic Lore 9 (AT)
Generic Lore 10 (AT)


Generic Lore 11
Generic Lore 12
Generic Lore 13
Riding in the desert (NANO 1)
Putting the pedal to the metal (NANO 2)
Doing a wheelie (NANO 3)
Taking care of your chariot (NANO 4)
Polishing the chariot helps with the rust (NANO 5)
Caring for tires (NANO 6)
Riding with a passenger (NANO 7)


Slower riding with a heavy payload (NANO 8)
Hiding the chariots in the woods
Riding in wooded areas

Axes (War Axe)
10 generic lore


Generic lore 1
Generic lore 2
Generic lore 3
Finding a rival's hideout
Getting away from the scene of the crime
Following your mark
Staying still when hiding
Having a good hideout
Hiding in plain sight
Following behind someone


Waiting for them to get a head start
Hiding behind a large rock
Hiding your bikes in a worthy spot
7 generic lore



Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
Forcing others to give you valuables
Making a deal
Making an offer
Hitting a sweet spot for your target (NANO 18)
Changing hands of money for services (NANO 19)
Using tact to get your way (NANO 20)
Generic lore 1 (SP)


Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
Acting like everything is okay
Finding out a secret
Hiding information from someone
Generic lore 4 (SP)

3 generic lore

Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
Wearing all black to hide yourself
Wearing a cloak to hide the horns

Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3

Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
7 generic lore


Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3
4 generic lore
3 generic lore


Treating others like you would like to be treated


Generic Lore 1 (SP)
Generic Lore 2 (SP)
Generic Lore 3 (SP)
Generic Lore 4 (SP)
Generic Lore 5 (SP)
Generic Lore 6 (SP)
Generic Lore 7 (SP)
Generic Lore 8 (SP)
Generic Lore 9 [RN]
Generic Lore 10 [RN]


Generic Lore 11
Generic Lore 12
Generic Lore 13
Bending metal to your will
Working in hot conditions
Using eye protection
Creating steel(NANO 14)
Using an anvil correctly (NANO 15)
Heating and cooling iron (NANO 16)
Using casts to make bullets (NANO 17)


Doing business with a gang

Generic Lore 1 [RN]

Breaking into a home
Stealing someone's valuables

Generic Lore 1
Generic Lore 2
Generic Lore 3



Last edited by Miki on Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:10 pm, edited 26 times in total. word count: 633
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:37 pm


Starter Package, General, Migrant
1 Set of Clothing (Coat and footwear)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Large Tent (4 people)
1 Large Tarp
50 ft. of hempen rope
1 lantern (complete with oil)
10 torches
1 Bedroll
1 Blanket
1 Chariot (Badlands Starting)
1 War Axe
1 Arquebus

A simple tent.

1. Starting Gold, +25,000 df. 25,000 Total.
Price List Crunch 2,500 df. Total.

-2,500 df. Arquebus 0 Total.
+50 df Preying on the Rowdy 50 Total.
Seasonal Wage from ASH +1,092 df. 1,142 Total.
Wart Axe -200 df. 942 Total.
Last edited by Miki on Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:43 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 187
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Sun Nov 07, 2021 5:12 pm



Snake Eyes is a wannabe start up gang in The Badlands headed by the de-facto leader Miki. While the danger of starting up her own gang is real and daunting the small band of thieves, nere-do-wells, and informants are working up the chain and will try to over throw the current regime for control of Shitport. Visions of pure grandeur it will be up to them to make or break their hopes. Currently, as a ploy, they are uncover as a mercenary group for hire in order to hide from heat on them from the other gangs. Will Miki do it all and reign like a fat cat over a broken land as Queen? Or will a change of heart set her path to discover the reason to make the Badlands a place for all? Her gang, Izul, Zero, Hector, and Rose act as leaders of sections of her gang. When all are gathered she will be strong enough to fight another gang in the streets of Traphole and take it for her own.


To fight their way to the top and one day reign like Kings is their entire motto. The ends justify the means, nothing is too unsavory or heartless for these folks. You may never steal or harm your brethren though and any who would usurp or otherwise disrupt, violently, the status quo in the gang will be hung without trial. Their hideout is in a pile of rubble they call "The Dump". It's filled with scrap and rubble from some long ago outpost forgotten now, or hopefully, as it has a working forge and equipment. Accommodations in the Dump are enough for twenty four people to stay comfortably in the rooms, there is a single common room with a kitchen and a hearth right next to the large "garage"-like room which holds the forge, able to fit two or three chariots. Miki happened upon this dilapidated and obscenity marked junk yard with a tip from the plot line with Zero.




Namen Izul
Race: Orkhai, Variant
Age: 41
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 240 lbs

Occupation: Second in Command
Relation to PC: Old friend
NPC Type: Plot, Faction

Description: Izul is the one who pulled Miki from her greiving, she gave Miki a second chance at life. She is the major one to have taught Miki everything Miki now knows. They are the same age with similar birthdays. There is so much history between the two. Izul stands tall and proud with bright, mahogany skin. Her eyes are deep orange. They recognize a sister in each other, this is why she is Miki's second in command.

Cooking (Master)
Hunting (Expert)
Mount (chariot) (Expert)
Gunslinging (Journeyman)
Intimidation (Journeyman)
Mining (Journeyman)


NameAchille Hector Deodore
Race: Human
Age: 45
Height: 5'11
Weight: 200 lbs

Occupation: Conman and Informant
Relation to PC: General of Snake Eyes
NPC Type: Plot, Faction

Description: Achille Hector Deodore is a master of the Candor. Having lived in Amoren his whole life he is well connected to both the underground and the upper class life. Being a Veir hasn't stopped him from doing dirty dealings. As an older man he is attractive and cunning, though a large scar marks his face. Now he dedicates his time to searching for admissions into the gang.

Etiquette (Master)
Disguise (Expert)
Leadership (Expert)
Business (Journeyman)
Politics (Journeyman)
Law (Journeyman)


Race: Hyr'Norai
Age: 135 years old
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 225 lbs

Occupation: Merc, Marksman
Relation to PC: General of Snake Eyes
NPC Type: Plot, Faction

Description: Zero got his name from the humans in the Badlands because "After you meet him you'll have Zero in your pocket." Renown at gambling and shooting he is hired to take a hit out on Miki, but when he is shocked to find she has found his lost dog and infiltrated his base of operations in Radenor he has a change of heart and joins her cause instead. Zero is a quiet guy who loves his guns over anything else. Passionate as well, he can be ruthless but has a set of fine morals and a kind streak for people closest to him. He has a stray dog with him named Bones, a large hound with a droopy face and tall, lanky body. Bones is a tier 2 pet.

Gunlslinging (Master)
Gambling (Expert)
Interrogation (Expert)
Survival (Journeyman)
Navigation (Journeyman)


NameRose Lafaux
Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 185 lbs

Occupation: Arcanist
Relation to PC: General of Snake Eyes
NPC Type: Plot, Faction

Description: Bit of a know it all. Coming from the slums she was sold by her father to a maid service at a young age. There she remained but despised her servitude and ran back to the slums. When her master found her he asked her a certain question. He wasn't angry he was earnest, he would give her her freedom if she would join his court spies. He would promote her to handmaid and she would spy for him and bring information during soirees. She then lived her life attending schools until she got a message from the mother of her birth. She was dying. Back to the slums she ran and that's where Miki finds her, ultimately convincing her to join their cause.

Baptism (Master)
Spycraft (Expert)
Chemistry (Expert)
Cryptography (Journeyman)
Linguistics (Journeyman)

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Last edited by Miki on Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:58 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 1102
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Location: Badlands, Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1410
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Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:50 pm



word count: 41
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

Sound track
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