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Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:43 pm


Full Name: Est
Race: Fae'Norai
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 225 lbs

Birthdate: Glade 64, 4587
Birthplace: Railón, Daravin

Profession: Gardener
Class: Serf
Housing: Single-room cottage outside rural Railón

Fluencies: Raillén, Common
Conversationals: Gentevarese
Ineptitudes: None

The first thing anyone notices about Est, as is the case with many Fae, is her skin. Her skin is a pale green, with slightly varying shades from her head to her toes. Her hair is comprised of short pale-green peaks and waves. These spread across the top of her scalp in two rows with very little room for styling. Her hair is adorned with a handful of deep purple petals, and within the center of each petal is a long stamen which sprouts from her head and droops around her not unlike true hair, albeit a sickly and thin version.

Her ears sport a slightly deeper color, with light purple tinges on the insides, reminiscent of the adornments in her hair. She dislikes using a Carapace, and will only construct one if it is absolutely necessary, preferring to present as her natural Fae appearance.

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Est is, first and foremost, curious. She is curious about other races and their biology, and specifically the way that medicines can affect their bodies. She is fascinated by their fragility- that which makes most Fae'Norai look down on them- but also by their abiltiy to bounce back. Unfortunately for those she is allowed to experiment with, this curiosity is less a curiosity to understand her peers and more akin to the relationship between a scientist and a lab rat. Although she values their lives and believes in their preservation, it is only the same level of preservation she would extend to a plant. Sometimes, dying branches are best cut off to save the plant vital nutrients. This seemingly cold and calculating view of biology means that she is largely unappreciated in a medical capacity and has relegated the study of biology to a hobby, leaving her content to mostly observe rather than practice.

Observing rather than practicing makes up a large portion of Est's time in general. When she is required to go into the heart of the city, she avoids direct contact and interaction as much as possible due to the negative receptions of both her race and status. Although she enjoys lingering simply to watch the people live, the fact that she does not typically disguise herself can impede the ability to observe others' natural behavior.

Contrary to what one might assume, Est is a naturally touchy person, preferring to use all her senses as any good scientist would. However, people do not take kindly to this. especially in Daravin. Eccentric is the kindest word people have used to describe her behavior. This means she generally prefers the company of plants, who will not protest to being stroked, pinched, or tasted.

Est is not strongly religious, although she does practice and pray to Veratelle. She does this mostly in order to honor what her mother taught her, and herself believes it to have little value beyond self-comfort.


Est's mother is Fae'Norai like her. At the time of Est's birth, her mother had already lived in the area for many years, and had a working relationship with a family of Veir wherein she provided them with fresh fruits and they sponsored the land she grew on.

When her parents met, her father was a merchant ferrying good up and down the river. He was already aging, but her mother was so smitten with him that she did not care. He, in turn, loved her for who she was even though it meant him leaving the city to join her in a life of relative solitude. He insisted that he had been ready to settle down anyway.

From a seedling, Est's mother taught her to believe in and pray for Veratelle's return to life, and to value the preservation and cycles of life. From her father, she learned to read and write, to meditate and to focus on the betterment of herself as an extension of the environment. These two influences led Est to seek a balance and harmony between herself and the world around her.

When Est's father passed, her mother gave him as close to a traditional Fae'Norai burial as she could manage. She placed his body in the ground surrounded by plants, so that a garden would prosper over him. Her mother took care of the garden and Est until her seedling had matured, giving all of herself to sustain the lives of her two loved ones. As soon as Est was old enough to receive it, her mother left the garden behind in Est's care. She left the city, explaining that she felt a calling in her soul to go and visit Veratelle's grave site. Est expects that someday, when she is finally ready to wither, her mother will return to be planted next to her father. Until then, it is this very garden that Est tends to with all the love and care that she knows her mother would have. She only hopes that someday she will be so dedicated to someone and have someone to tend to her garden when she withers.

The working relationship continues with Est, although in a slightly more independent manner. Est tends to a small field of fresh grapes and berries for the Veir of Railón during its busy season, and tends to her personal herbs and plants at home during the off seasons when the nobility has lower demands.
Last edited by Est on Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:16 am, edited 14 times in total. word count: 1048
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=2012
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Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:45 pm

Skill List
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Botany 50/100 Journeyman
Gardening 25/100 Apprentice
Survival 20/100 Novice
Navigation 15/100 Novice
Research 15/100 Novice
Biology 15/100 Novice
Meditation 10/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
None yet+00 0
None yet+00 0
Starting Package:
150 Points
Botany 50
Gardening 25
Survival 20
Navigation 15
Research 15
Biology 15
Meditation 10
Last edited by Est on Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:11 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 83
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=2012
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Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:45 pm

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Last edited by Est on Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:03 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 120
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=2012
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Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:45 pm

General Starter Package
6 sets of clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

A 400 sq ft. (20x20) cottage in a rural area of Railón, in the Southern Marches. The home was wood when it began, but has long since become more living vines, moss, and trees than it is dead wood. The interior contains a hearth, a bed, a small rug, a table with one chair, and a chest to store her clothing.

Currency Ledger
Starter Package: +1,000 df
Total: 1,000 df
word count: 157
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