Inexplicable Meadow Meeting (A Line Drawn) [Levarin]

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Location: Headed from Dagrun to you~
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Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:13 pm


"Maybe I was too rash in the way I spoke, I'm terribly sorry..." He fluttered his words as he seemed to take on a more chameleon persona; he narrowed his eyes at the two and shrugged "I would figure then, that you wouldn't be interested in such treasure lying around in the Badlands, waiting for it to be found... Like I said, Daravin has all kinds of history, including historical sites that depict the ages... Although think about it, along with the advice I gave you."
This rang through Moop's mind, her assault didn't seem to work. He was still being catty. It's why she said nothing and left, unbeknownst to her Salen had followed invisibly and trailed behind them learning of their whereabouts. She thought maybe she DID go too far and was worried, what if, under the circumstances, he told someone. He did say never to trust anyone from Daravin, did that mean him included? What if he tried to frame her or something, as far as she knew Mentalism was feared almost everywhere. Then again, he seemed almost unfazed, but maybe that was the worst part about it. she couldn't get a read on the man. Hell, under every circumstance, the way they met, the object colliding just as their hands touched, her confession out of the blue, and her attack with the mentalism, it seemed too uncanny. She thought she would at the least be able to get away with her wicked deed. Her mother would be so disappointed. Bel, nevermind her mother.

Her twin sister sat there in front of her and yet wouldn't meet her eyes. She was more then shy, she was angry, and not one to speak up in her greatest tempers. Moop in some ways didn't want to know what she was thinking, as Joop would certainly cut her with each word that would be spoken. They had been arguing all night and trying to sleep, let the pot burn. Joop didn't move, so Moop was left to get up and grab the damn thing to get it to stop stinking. She was also hungry. It would have to be bread and cheese this night, which were okay accommodations, yet she wouldn't be able to sleep in any case, her belly felt like a hard rock after her meal. Tending to the ponies, patting them and feeding and watering them. The ponies had been worried under the current eerie blackness in the sky, she had to comfort them off and on since they had arrived back at their camp. In the process of cooing at her own pony, she didn't notice at first the person who came from seemingly nothing, appearing like a mirage in front of them. It was that man again. His sudden appearance startled the ponies, which Moop tried her best to get calm again, after she had spent so long patting and nannying them before his arrival. She was annoyed, but curious.

Salen had with him two bottles and some glasses, offering them a drink. Joop stirred, her hair at first wild poofy mess, with the signature pout on her face. She almost made like she was going to turn around and go to sleep, instead she stretched and sat up straighter, wiping the sleep from her eyes and getting to her feet to greet the man. Joop told him in her raspy, honey voice,
"I see you bring tidings, I was wondering when we would see you again. If we must accept your apologies accept ours, my sister acted brash. Though what you said was indeed shocking. You say all act this way to foreigners? Most we have met have been shy, but kind. Then again, we have only been trading with poorer folks. We don't have the money to go into any of the Gentrevese speaking stores."
Moop was frowning but accepted a glass from him and drank the wine when it was poured. She would sip lightly, wondering if there was some ulterior motive here. Finally, Moop blurted out.
"I didn't know anyone would be able to see the tether, I'm-- I'm not sure what came over me. How are you no longer angry, after all that show?"
Her honesty to some, even Salen even, would seem like a handicap, but to her, it was tantamount to her being. You see, they say honesty is the best policy and sometimes people will follow suit, loosen their lips, tell her what they mean. She was pragmatic and blunt herself, needing to cut more through the fat and straight to the meat of a situation.
"This is good wine, I thank you. Pray tell, you are trying to get us drunk to loosen our lips more? Or what is the motive, I'm sorry if we did anything to offend you previously, but I have given much thought. You are right, we shouldn't have spoken so commonly to you without knowing who you are. I just... felt inspired all of a sudden and my greatest dream, fantasy even, came bubbling out..."
She didn't add it in but she thought to herself, perhaps he and Joop were right. Maybe it was simply a suicide mission, not some great honor.
word count: 919
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1686

Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:19 pm

The offer of wine appeared to be enough to secure the gnome's trust, although he wasn't certain that they fully trusted him. He knew foreigners were more vulnerable to Daravin's harsh qualities and rules, but a figure of help wouldn't hurt. Salen smirked as he sat down by their tent and started pouring their glasses. He watched as Joop was the first to get up from their camp, slightly nervous as he may have disturbed their sleep. Still, he sighed before looking at them "Tidings, yes..." He said with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow "I apologise too, it seems I may have clashed cultural differences with yours... No matter, you'll get use to it in time... You may have no choice after all." He said with a shrug as he held his wine glass, looking at the darkness swirling around in the air as he laid their for a moment, before choosing to answer Joop's question.

"Why of course... Daravin is a very ruthless nation to pick for such tourism, if you don't follow the Candor, you're basically dead in Daravin, unless you choose not to engage with anyone." He shrugged as she mentioned the Gentevarese stores that lingered around Daravin "Those stores? Pfft, they are run by Entente scum" The sound of his tone was somewhat disrespectful towards the folk; the cutting jibes he delivered, the insults that clearly stated that he wasn't a man of the law, but a man of principle "I wouldn't waste you're time with those, besides if you go into those clothing stores they are somewhat dodgy, even necromancers are looking for a few corpse experiments of their own." He stated before he raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his glass as Moop spoke.

Salen listened and shrugged "Mentalism... A beginner? I must say, that was quite impressive, you trying to use a tether on me, kinda cute too... It only partly worked however." He boasted with a sigh, sipping more of his wine "Pfft, I wasn't angry, I was concerned... I've seen too much bloodshed myself." He raised an eyebrow for a moment, chuckling as he listened to the Moop speak with a shake of his head, turning his head "And Daravin is the perfect place for gnome technology, I saw a dimp located in the badlands, one that looked like it was built for the Unbroken Empire; although recently local Montese and other barons have taken interest in the location... Might be a good idea to, fetch some company along, someone who knows the area well..." He said with a shrug as he was willing to offer every help under the sun.

"And believe me, if I wanted to find out information, I would've done that easily without having to get you into a... Drunken stupor as they call it" He snickered under his breath once more before showing his chameleon smile once more "Do you accept my help?" He asked with a genuine smile "Maybe I should give you two folks time to think about it, If you change your mind... I'll be lingering about, you'll see..." He disappeared into his Shroud again, running forward back to the city of Leverin.

word count: 554
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Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:59 pm


Joop also took some wine for herself after waking up and sipped gingerly from her cup. She listened as the two spoke but said nothing more. Moop was the one to reply then,
"Yes, our cultural differences. It seems we both have much to learn about each other..."
That being said she was less sure about him by the moment, but, was he a wizard? He talked so flippantly about magics she was intrigued although wary after their initial meeting. He prattled on more and she drank it in and listened. Wondering aloud Moop thought, with a finger pressed to her chin,
"You have seen much bloodshed...."
He continued on about a dimp from the Unbroken Empire's reign being downed in the Badlands. That was truly fascinating. She interrupted his thought then,
"I am interested., but we will need time to think, especially under current-- er, circumstances."
This was said with a nod to the sky, where against the usual stars instead lay only twisting black streaks. He left shortly after, leaving a bottle to share between the two gnomes. They drank a glass each and then one more, it was enough to loosen Joop's tongue to Moop after she had been silent all day and night.
"Should we really be doing this? I know we would get some, well, brownie points with CLUGS but is it worth hanging around some man like him? He looks scruffy like a vagrant."
She wrinkled her nose, as if the thought of him disgusted her. Moop could only shrug as she picked up a rock and threw it with her mind, she told Joop then,
"Well, I think it's worth it. You never know what relics we would find."
Joop replied again,
"Indeed, but is that not for the Dunemaids? Perhaps just writing a letter, we could get some help from the Maids..."
Moop said her final peice before heading to bed that night,
"I am not so sure myself about this man, but the Maids nor the letter will get here in time. Whatever this sign in the sky is, I doubt they would come out of Dagrun, likely everyone is hidden inside themselves right now. I hope this is just some phenomena and not a sign of troubles to come."
word count: 412
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Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:30 pm

☠ Inexplicable Meadow Meeting ☠
☠ Points awarded:
  • 8xp for both parties {can be used for magic by moop}
☠ Lores:


Mentalism; Tragedian, inflicts sadness
Mentalism; Tethers can be seen at low levels
Mentalism; Latching on to existing emotions to amplify them
Rhetoric; Telling someone off
Rhetoric; Making a point
Etiquette; Biting your tongue
Etiquette; Wearing current fashion to fit in high society
Etiquette; Keeping silent among your betters
Deception; Telling a lie to someone close
Deception; Omitting the truth to get your way
Animal Handling; Calming a pony
Animal Handling; Feeding and watering your animal


Acrobatics: Momentum
Acrobatics: Flexibility
Stealth: Usage of Shroud
Stealth: High Elevation of Blood levels ensures effective shroud.
Stealth: Concealing goods
Stealth: Perception of Surroundings
Politics: Daravin - The Candor
Politics: Daravin - Extremely Xenophobic
Politics: Daravin - Zealous towards Ulen
Politics: Daravin - The Entente are the Ruling Class.
Larceny: Slowly stealing wine bottles.
☠ Loot:
  • N/A
☠ Injuries:
  • N/A
☠ Mage Blight:
  • N/A
☠ Notes:
  • Your thread has appeased the vengeful spirits and saved your soul from damnation, congratulations!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 241
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