A Private Dance (Memory, Vassilios)

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:49 pm


Glade 45 4620¤

This wasn't good.

It was the dead of night in the Wastes. Miki was riding her chariot full throttle, a huge billow of dust coming from her back tire as she peeled towards the side of a ravine. Behind her were three women from Iron Moon riding four wheeled chariots with the occasional gunshot coming from their pursuit. So far she had gotten from them unscathed and had an edge on the lead. Some said there was a brothel hidden in a cave near this same ravine, seeings how Miki was too far from Traphole it would be worth while try to escape there. Another bullet whizzed by her head, too close, and Miki spun out.

She and the bike both skid across the packed, dusty earth... as did her payload. The sack she had stolen from the Iron Moon women just hours before wriggled and cried as Miki limped to her feet. Her face had a huge bloody skid mark on the side and her left arm was popped out of its joint, unusable. Gathering the sack she slung it across her back and made way her way to look for the cave. If she was in luck she was hopefully on the right side of the ravine in order to find it. It was impossible to get a shot at the women coming straight for her without the use of her other arm, she would just have to make a break for it and hope the entrance wasn't far.

The ravine in question wasn't too deep or dangerous as she made full effort to crawl down inside of it. There wasn't a lot of certainty on her part if this would help finding the entrance but started off to the right, it at least put more distance between herself and her pursuant. Her arm was killing her as the short, red woman threw down the sack and tried popping her arm back into place. The pain was hotter than fire as she screamed against the pressure put on the wound until she heard a "snap" and the arm was sore, but functional again. Gathering her gun and the payload yet again a gunshot pierced through her left shoulder, causing her to fall flat on the ground. A war cry could be heard and the sound of boots on gravel came as Miki pulled herself back up, oriented the barrel of her gun, and blindly fired at the women. It would seem the shot hit its mark as she saw out of the corner of her eye the body of someone falling into the ravine. Stumbling forward, she braced herself against the pain and trudged through the large boulders lining the ravine's pit.

A short fire fight ensued as Miki fled her assailants. None of the bullets hit, but they weren't far behind. That was when she saw a set of stairs leading deep into the ground. Unfortunately for her at this moment the stairs started at the top of the ravine leading down halfway making the entrance high above her. A bullet ricocheted off the stone and struck in front of her feet, holding both her weapon and her payload she made a break for the cliff wall. Not the fastest sprinter another bullet landed in her left arm, causing her to drop the sack as she yelled in pain, clutching the wound. Grabbing it in her good arm and shouldering the rifle around her left side she desperately looked for a way out. That was when she spied a pile of rubble and climbed to the top of it, it wasn't high enough to reach the entrance, yet. Leaping from the precipice she called upon her adrenaline to guide her as she grabbed the ledge, crying out in pain and grimacing while she hoisted herself up. Covered in blood, she made her way down into the cave.

It smelled disgusting in the brothel proper. Sex, vomit, tobacco, few payed the blood soaked newcomer mind. Terrified and still running on pure adrenaline she looked left and right for a place to hide, anything, a barrel, a dressing room, hell even a hole in the ground at this point. She didn't hear her assailants yet coming down the stairs to the brothel, and took the chance to peek into the sack. Everything was fine, it was still alive.
word count: 766
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:27 am

Where some ignored the blood soaked newcomer, one restless pair of eyes did pay her some mind. As the blood soaked newcomer dashed in the Well Of Fortune, it was mostly met with little concern in place of the tantalizing embraces of the dancers and pursuers for nighttime activities, or even the relief found in sweet or bitter nectar in their tankards, losing themselves as temptations and desires were indulged with wild abandon. However, her presence did not go entirely unnoticed…

A patron cloaked in blood… Terrified and running on raw, unprocessed adrenaline as he was looking around for a place - any place to hide. Such was bound to catch even the barhand’s attention. A bewitching server kept his gaze upon her, seeing through the swarms of revelers like a hunting dog poised to pounce upon his prey. However, he turned his gaze and met the darkened red gaze of a bulky man. As the owner finished three drinks, one for a customer, the remaining two for a specific purpose. “See her?” The owner whispered as he kept his gaze upon their newcomer. “Let’s see if we cannot help her collect herself… Mind checking that out, son?”

“You got the right fucker for that.” The man spoke with excitement in his voice and drinks in hand.

The server approached the blood-soaked patron with slow steps, eyes following him as he placed one drink directly before her face. A sight for the sore eyes awaited her. A goliath made flesh stood before her with strong arms and a broad chest. Bare skin glistened with sweat, with grisly features with messy black and red hair, accompanied by a toothy grin and a suggestive gaze. The tattered boots accompanied by darkened pants with a black codpiece that held it all together. “Welcome to the Well Of Fortune, pretty lady.” He began with a grin. “Name’s Vassilios, what’s yours?!”
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Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:27 pm



Miki scratched behind her horn anxiously as the worker came up to her. She thought sarcastically,
He clearly could see the blood all over her and her body was in extreme pain. Now seated the stress had caught up to her, she weakly accepted the drink and took a sip hoping the alcohol would give her a second wind. The bag beside her began to squirm again and she moved it behind her. Hopefully it wasn't being suffocated, it would do no good to her dead. She listened to his honey soaked words but was so disinterested in a prostitute right now she almost laughed at him, instead, she caught herself, this could be her chance.
"Alright, Vassilios. They call me Miki 'round the Badlands--"
She was cut off, speaking was painful, she possibly broke a rib from the wipe out and was just now feeling it without the adrenaline coursing through her veins spurring her on. Clutching her ribs she looked to him in pain, that was when she had an idea.
"You have VIP rooms, I have money. Care for a dance?"

Should he oblige she would follow him to a sequestered room, looking all around her for signs of the Iron Moon pursuant. It seemed for now, she was in the clear. Walking behind him she was slow, and took her seat on the fabric bench. Before he could start stripping she would cut him off.
"Look, times are hard for us all. I need to lay low."
Which was obvious, he would have to be an idiot to not see she was in pain and experiencing some sort of trouble.
"Unless you often get blood soaked patrons? In any case, I will pay in full for your time. Though, should you double cross me I will escape from whatever confines find me, and I will find you, and we will have a dance that day, but the one soaked in blood will be you. This sounds harsh, but my life is now in your hands. I am fleeing from the Iron Moon, I have precious cargo."
As if waiting for this moment the sack she was carrying ripped open and a medium, beautifully purple, iridescent parrot popped its head out. It was unable to fly, instead it squawked with an awful noise and flapped its wings angrily, trying to peck Miki and bite her. She reached out and tried to pat it, instead it gashed her hand with its beak. It took every ounce of resolve she had to not bash it in the head, instead she picked it up, blood dripping from her hand and all, and gently tried replacing it in the bag. It was a fight, but the creature went back eventually.
"This doesn't belong here in the Badlands. I am taking it back to Daravin to sell it. Those fucks in the Iron Moon know not for caring majestic creatures like this. You see, I was on a business deal with them, acting as a merc, when I saw this ailing bird. I fed and watered it for some days while with the Moon, then decided our contract was done, I was pursued here by them, luckily the payload seems to have kept its spirit."
She felt in a word, weak, as blood dripped from her head and hand and her ribs ached. The arm she had popped back into its socket was again losing feeling, she tried adjusting it again and then... Everything went black as she fainted there on the bench. Completely at this man's mercy.
Last edited by Miki on Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 626
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:49 pm

Vassilios took note of this woman covered in blood, and a deal of pain, chuckling as she accepted the drink and took a sip. Vassilios took a sip from his drink, while his eyes acknowledged the bag beside her squirming as she moved it behind her person. Now, what would that be? Something shifting or something among the living in that bag of hers? He would find out soon enough.

He listened to her undemanding words before her pain cut her off, earning widening brows as Miki began to show signs of pain, as Vassilios looked her over, checking for any stab and or bullet wounds amidst the many strokes of blood. But he did not find any. As she clutched her ribs, he met her gaze, fraught with pain. Once he heard her proposal for a dance, Vassilios gave a toothsome grin.
“Your wish is my command.”

He led the way into the further part of the bar, a cacophony of howls, moans, and swears rang through the large hall as Vasilios stopped at a door marked “III”. The room itself was as clean as clean could be. Widely lit in violet light, with a bench and a wooden chair for the customer - or perhaps the dancer should inspiration strike. Vassilios opened a book by the door, writing his name and Miki’s into a slot before shutting and locking it. But he was quickly cut off before he even started.

Vass only chuckled and nodded in understanding, as she was clearly in pain.
“I have an odd client or two, Miki, but I always give the choice~” Vassilios answered, revealing the tattoo across his solid pectorals, entitling ‘Play Nice’ and ‘Play Rough’. He leaned back against the wall, nodding in understanding. “Find me? I’ll be RIGHT HERE! And I love me a Danse Macabre. I just hope I can keep up with you.” He began in earnest. “I don’t know who these Iron Moon are supposed to be, but I hope they like to have some fun. Now, about that cargo…”

His question was answered as the sack Miki carried was ripped open and a medium, violet iridescent parrot popped its head out. “What the-” Was all he could muster before he inched from the wall as he began to approach. Though it did not fly off, it squeaked awfully and flapped its wings as it turned to Miki, moving to peck her and bite her. Though caught off guard by the creature’s beauty, Vassilios soon chose to come to help her soothe the poor thing, but it instead gashed her head with its sharp beak. He dashed over to help with their struggling friend, but the time he got closer, Miki managed to get the wild bird back in the bag, struggle and all.
“I dunno HOW, but that is too beautiful for this hellhole!” Vassilios could not believe his eyes but instead turned to Miki as he popped her arm back into the place while blood trickled from both her hand and head. And like a candle, she fainted on the bench.

Vassilios did not waste a millisecond of time. He dashed for assistance, as two girls came and grabbed Miki’s things while Vassilios noted about her ‘cargo’ before he took Miki himself. He took her upstairs to his room, filled with little but another logbook and a large bed. Vassilios placed her on the bed, while the girls placed her bags beside the door. A minute later, a man dressed almost like nobility with a large case entered the room as he took to examine her wounds, touching her most with the most gentleness and caution. Lykos attempted to stop the bleeding while Vassilios briefed him on Miki’s situation.

After a while, the bleeding has stopped, but Miki still appeared unconscious. “So she has a parrot in that bag? And you say she purloined it from the Iron Moon?”

“That’s right. Bright and purple, and one hell of an attitude. Would’ve taken her whole hand if she let it.”

“Interesting. I will not confiscate her bag, then. Vass, keep an eye on her and let me know the minute she comes to. If her story checks out, the Iron Moon may be coming soon, and as you know, everyone is welcome at the Well of Fortune. I’ll send for a doctor in the meantime.”

Vassilios nodded in agreement, turning to Miki as he took her hand in his. He wanted to say something. Anything reassuring, but the words did not come together. “Don’t die on me. I haven’t even danced for you yet..”
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Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:53 pm



Flashes of light, the stars streaming by, she was looking out of a porthole at the darkest part of the sky dotted with speckles of life when she was awoken...
A groan and a sputter, Miki's hair fell around her horns fully exposed to the stranger's mercy. He clutched her hand in a red room filled with drapes, pillows, blankets. She missed his lament but caught the sentiment of his words before groaning and writhing she clutched her arm and the wound to her skull. Her body ached from the crash and she wanted to sleep. Drawing her hand away from his she reached to her temple to find no blood there.
"Where am I?"
She asked in a dour tone with her eyebrows drawn together in almost feral-like resentment, the kind of fear that comes from people who have been burned and used before. That was when she remembered she was in a whore house somewhere in the Wastes, the disorientation from the dream mingled with the pain and exhaustion-- still the memories of the chase and finding her way here, fighting with the bird. Was she in a bedroom? She couldn't tell and checked her purses, clutching with her better arm for her bag and the payload.
"My bird?"
Miki asked him again in a serious manner.

It was as if she was trying to hide her fear, pain, and exhaustion but clearly was doing a bad job at it as she lay prone and some large supposedly prostitute had taken her in. On second thought,
"The people... chasing me? They ain't gonna get wise and end up in your bedchambers are they?"
This could be her ticket to the clear. The thought raised some of the weight, uplifting it up off of her shoulders and relieving some of the pain. She sighed then and tried sitting up but her body was suddenly taken as she tried sitting up right, causing her to fall back down into the bed with the prostitute.
"Or is this the part where you rob me? I'll be honest pal, I don't have much to take. My shit's wrecked and I don't got no coin to spare."
Miki sighed again, defeated there. Looking up to him, blue black hair and yellow, pupiless eyes she would truly claw her way out alive if she had to, this would not be the day she would die-- no. But something about Vassilios put her at ease, flinching from the realization she then noticed her gun on a table not far. She knew then she was safe without really knowing why.

word count: 469
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:50 pm

As his darling guest was beginning to come to, Vassilios watched Miki’s hair fall about, revealing her horns. Curious, Vass ran his fingers about the curvature of both her horns. Though she was on edge, he could not deny that she was not hard to look at. As she clutched, groaned, and writhed as she began to regain consciousness amidst the comfortable rosy red bedspread and pillows. She looked and seemed like she was in absolute pain as she inspected her pockets and her prize.

“Worry about yourself right now. Your little bird is with my boss right now.” He answered back earnestly. “Besides, you’re in my bed right now. And you’re safe. With your clothes on.”

She was looking as though she wanted to hide her emotions, but Vass could see them to a degree. Fear, pain, and exhaustion painted across her face before this wannabe raider and prostitute who willingly took her in. As she inquired about her pursuers, Vass chuckled with a smile before she asked if he planned to rob him. “What kind of man-whore do you think I am?” He asked with a sleazy brow raise. “A coin or two in my hand and we’d be going through a bottle of wine while pleasuring each other. I mean, you are my bed right now. Either I am sleeping in it or somebody is sleeping in it with me.”

Vassilios stood and grabbed a bottle of red wine from the dresser as he took a swig before he turned back to Miki. "Unless they are in some mood for some pleasure themselves… But in all seriousness, Lykos won’t let that happen.” He was initially concerned that she would have been pulling out a gun and making threats and such. However, she seemed to be at ease right now, as she noticed her gun on the table.
“Oh wait, there’s more.”
Vassilios slipped an arm underneath his bed, slowly dragging out an iron piece from a bag, revealing a double-headed ax and a sawed-off shotgun.
“We at the Well of Fortune pride ourselves on being a house of pleasure and safety for our patrons.”
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Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:12 pm



The bird was with his boss? Miki frowned at this and tried to sit up to go after them but couldn't, again she fell right back into the bed. With a sigh she moved some hair from her head and moved Vassilios' hand away from her horn. He was right, at least she was fully clothed.
"Well, if that's so. Is he the one who patched me up? OR did you do that?"
She laughed when he called himself a man-whore. She repeated his words.
"What kind of man-whore do you think I am, huh? Interesting turn of phrase. I ain't heard that one before. You think I loosen my legs for simply a bottle of wine? Must be an interesting way to get a woman in your bed, are you used to women ending up unconscious in your bed?"
The previous hard disposition had been eroded some by he and his people's goodwill. Miki had lost some of the suspicion and instead it was replaced with simple exhaustion. Struggling to open her eyes she said,
"Would be nice if I could at least get a beer. If you're all welcoming here and that. Actually, that ain't right, let me try this..."

This time she struggled to get up, and it was the last time, as she was able to shakily push up from the bed her midsection rocked her but instead of falling down she coughed and leaned forward. Finally upright she made to move her legs and swing them off the bed. It was a struggle to get out of the thick duvet but she was finally able to, shrugging off any help Vassilios might give. When she was upright she got up and reclaimed her small sunglasses, then grabbed her boots from the door. Lacing them up she groaned as she bent over to tie them. It was her broken rib that hurt the most, that would smart for awhile. She didn't feel anything floating but figured there was a nice fracture. At least she wouldn't need surgery. If Vassilios tried to stop her from leaving she would wave him away. Grabbing her gun she tipped her finger from her head to him and said,
"Thanks for that. I should be going now..."

She expected to collect the bird, but didn't expect it to come flying, screeching right towards her with Lykos chasing behind. The pair came through the door and ran Miki over, she blurted out an explicative in her native language and fell to the ground, completely prone. Luckily the gun did not go off as it skid across the floor to Vassilios' feet.
"I wanted the bird, but I didn't want this!"
She complained loudly as Lykos helped her back to the bed and took off her shoes. The bird had perched itself on the edge of a chair but was now happily taking dried fruit and vegetables from Lykos hand.

word count: 525
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:01 pm

“Lykos patched you up with his very strange tools… Dunno where he got them, but there’s very few I’d trust to fix me up.”
Vassilios smiled as Miki laughed, and burst into laughter along with her well after she repeated his words.
“I think we’re past the modesty phase by now.” He began, “And it’s true. I am a man-whore, and an equal opportunity lover.”
He shook his head as Miki asked if a wine bottle would be enough to open her legs, “It would be too easy if women went for that shit. But some will go for honesty. One tried to get me to leave this place. When I told her she had a better chance of that if she bought the Well of Fortune, well… She realized there was no making me leave. As for unconscious women, this is a first. Besides, my bed is among the cleanest in the Badlands. You could do much, much worse.”

Initially, he thought his misinterpretation, but it seemed the woman was not loosening her legs, but lowering her guard even if slightly. He felt like she was not on edge anymore but just exhausted.

As she was struggling to get up from his bed, Vassilios dashed to action but his assistance was shrugged. He stepped back as he watched Miki move her legs and swung them off the bed. As she grabbed her sunglasses and grabbed her boots from the door, and began to lace them up. She seemed to look all right, but he imagined some part of her was smarting or there was going to be some pain. As she grabbed her gun and tipped her finger to him, he tipped his finger back to her, shooting back while he was moving to block her departure as he was waved back,
“I’ve no clue what this means, but I would prefer you stay a little longer. Maybe I’d get you that beer.”

He imagined she would be looking to collect the bird, but not for the bird to come flying, screeching towards her with Lykos chasing after her. The two nearly ran Miki over, and with a word Vass had never heard before as he watched Miki fall to the ground. Vassilios soon turned to the gun, watching it skid over towards his feet.

He placed it on the bedspread beside her, giving her a wink and a smile.
“I don’t get why you wanna leave, considering your injuries and such. But full points for effort.”

Lykos watched as the bird ate from his hand, “You may not be fit to just dart out of here, my dear.” He began. “If the IronMoon has not already given up the pursuit, which I wouldn’t choose to consider if I were on their list, you’ll be a sitting duck the second you leave the ravine. Now, I have a full house down there with patrons I know that are armed to the teeth. Some may just surprise with a bullet in their chests. Either way, I believe you’re safer, so I ask you as the proprietor here, to let us at the Well of Fortune assist you! Do you perhaps need something?

“How’s about a beer?” Vassilios winked at her before Lykos glared at him briefly.
“What? She risked everything to see that bird this far…”

“Fair enough… The first three are on the house but open a tab after that. We are running a business, after all.

“Shit. I’ll tell Gzardine!” Vassilios left briefly to shout something downstairs before coming back with a beer in each hand, handing one out to Miki as he sat back on the bed while taking a swig of his drink.

“Vass clued me in, but now I want the full story… What is the deal with the IronMoon chasing you and this bird?”
Last edited by Vassilios on Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 653
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Wed Jul 13, 2022 7:23 pm



He was right, after all, the bed was very clean. Miki said nothing in reply at first when they helped her into bed, just watched Lykos feed the bird. While her body still ached she could tell the necrodoctor patched her up good. For what it was worth, they seemed friendly and quite frankly were both easy on the eyes. Miki started to wonder what it would hurt to spend one night here in the Well of Fortune. As she listened to Lykos speak and her face hardened, she hated being told no.
"You're right, I can't deny. And if you say the bar will erupt on yer word, well, that really is something just for little ol' me."
Kindness, something not always prevalent in the Badlands, or the world at large. Considering these ones seemed to ask for nothing in return... Well that wasn't quite true. Vassilios couldn't keep his eyes off her, she knew she would be paying for something later if he could help it. After all, he seemed to have taken a genuine liking to her, they had only known each other for a short time, moments in truth, but Miki could tell somehow he was a big softy. Maybe it was the tattoo, "Play Nice or Play Rough" that clued her in? She couldn't decide, but the thought of spending the night with him, this risque action of sleeping with a real escort... He didn't seem the type to sell himself short either. Not if he had his eyes on her, that was. She wasn't cheap herself.

That was why when he got a drink for the each of them from the one named Gzardine Miki took it and drank greedily. She still felt exhausted but the beer truly helped. Such hospitality was not wasted on one like Miki took stock in things like first impressions, especially those of genuine kindness. If others could get along with her rough edges it would seem she was usualyl able to get along with them. In truth, she was lonely. That was also why she divulged the information freely about what happened with the bird.

"It's simple, really, and wasn't premeditated exactly. As in, I didn't mean to find and rescue a bird when I took the contract. I do merc stuff from time to time, find myself working with all kinda people. When I saw how poorly they treated this animal well, I wasn't going to really let them keep it. Was I? Nothing deserves to suffer, I think we all agree. Especially not animals..."

As she finished speaking a man came and rapped on the half open door, letting himself in. He was dressed like the prostitutes here were, revealing.
"Master, I think we have an issue downstairs."
He told Lykos. Miki wanted to get up but could not. The man quickly left and the sound of a glass breaking could be heard from down the stairs. Miki turned and tried to get up but groaned. Looking at the pair she said seriously,
"Sounds like the Iron Moon showed up. I guess, could you guys do me a favor? Don't let me die like this, it's just too much."

word count: 572
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:55 am

Miki had hit it right on the nose. Lykos had several patrons prepared to defend his business and ‘erupt’ on his command, or so he has witnessed in the past. Compassion was an absolute rarity in the Badlands, but Lykos often believed that he spread that to some degree, it might be less of a rarity around here or even the world at large. Still, he was running a business here. He cannot give everything away for free, and just shrug his shoulders when the time comes to pay his employees and tell them to kick rocks.

Vassilios had his eyes dead on Miki, not that he was going to milk an injured patron when their lives were in potential danger, but if he was not getting some coin from her today - he would at one point. It was not long until he felt her gaze on him, but he pretended he did not notice. To say he was digging her was an understatement. Not that he was actively trying to get in her pants, but that she was a rare one. Some of his female customers would be all over him before he wrote down their names. She was different, and though they had known one another for mere moments, he could gather that she did have a spot of softness behind her iron mask. Maybe it was not so hilarious that someone like her could be one of her clients. Perhaps a long-term regular if she was enjoying herself.

“Nothing deserves to suffer…” Lykos repeated, chuckling to himself. “That’s much is a-”
It was then he turned on instinct as he heard the door handle shaking as one of his prostitutes let himself in. Lykos listened intently before the man took off as breaking glass could be heard from downstairs. No bullets just yet… Good.

“Vassilios, stay with her. Gzardine and I will see to our guests now.”

“That was the plan, Master.” Vassilios assured, readying his ax and shotgun.

Lykos took his leave and immediately headed downstairs to see his many patrons appearing on edge, some already reaching for blades, guns, and any weapons they could get their hands on. Gzardine, his four-armed bartender, was directly at the source of the bar’s unease… Their newest arrivals and one had just thrown down the drink of one of his most prominent patrons. He looked to Lykos, who winked back before taking to the front of the bar, and speaking in his sultry business,
“Welcome to Well of Fortune! How can we be of service this evening?”

word count: 432
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