Ashes of Old Days: Daravin 4621-22

An Empire of fallen realms, kept in line by the magocratic Entente.

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Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:13 pm


Ashes of Old Days

In the days before the Age of Tyranny, the Daravinic Empire was once the providence of the Ald'norai, or the Ashen Elves. It is said that the greatest of their relics and monuments still exist within the world -- dispersed through the hands of the Entente, some carried within the bowels of Sil-Elaine, while others have been lost to time.

Her Grace, Treveyn Brilan Ald of the Kingdom of Couronne, vassal-Queen of Emperant Justane of Daravin, titles so on and so forth, is known to be a scholar of these times. For whatever reason, she has sought you out, delivering her missive in the form of an invitation to a soiree. The Wintry Accord of Frost 12, Year 4621 looms. If you will accept her invitation, you can only wager that the woman has something great on offer.

The details of this plot are not meant to be public information until they are discovered IRP. For that reason, I cannot elaborate on what the nature of this plot will be. However, I will say that anyone interested in the history of Daravin and magic will likely be met with an intriguing story if they decide to join.

Ashes of Old Days is going to be a year-long plot that will set the stage of Daravin's future. This plot is a great part of what I built the Empire around; its history, its players, its secrets and mysteries. For this reason, I do want to run this event, but I do need to make clear a few things:

1. This event has room for a limited number of players at any given time, though it is not so clear-cut as to be restricted to a set few. Obviously, anyone can involve any other character within their own story, but most moderated threads only have room for a few characters at once. I will not run multiple, separate modded threads, so whichever modded thread occurs will be limited to a number of four to five characters at any given time. The characters or players within can change, and I do not expect the plot to fully progress with the same characters from beginning to end, as I know people tend to dip in-and-out as time goes on.
2. The characters who truly shine in this event, contributing and remaining active throughout, will likely be given access to an extremely rare reward that does not exist anywhere else on Atharen.
3. The first thread of this event will begin Dec 1, 2021, in the season of Frost 4621. As stated, it will occur on Frost 12, during the Wintry Accord.
4. Most of this event will not be directly moderated, but instead players will be directed on particular quests that are related to the overall story. Most of these will be player-led.
5. A Daravinic soiree is an extremely dangerous affair. Anyone who decides to make an extremely grievous mistake at such an event risks the death of their PC.

Anyone who is interested in joining this event, please post below. I will only select five characters for the initial thread. This is not first come, first serve. These chosen characters will be selected based on who I think will be able to provide most to the story, based on a number of criteria. Just because you are not selected for the initial thread, does not mean the plot and/or its rewards are unavailable to you. Any who are inactive during the initial thread will be booted from it, and I may allow replacements depending on how early into the thread we are. Thank you, and I hope you all enjoy the story.
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:24 pm

Does this post count toward my NaNo total?

(Sign me up please)
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:34 pm

I would love to throw Ellasir to the wolves pwease
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:40 pm

I'll toss Jack's lot in with the rest.
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:12 pm

Hmm, this could be interesting sign me up
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:47 pm

Shall toss Arielys in here
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:05 pm

Wherever Jack goes, Midhir goes.
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Sat Nov 13, 2021 9:33 am

Might as well throw my hat into the ring right?
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Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:48 pm

Jean would be comfortable enough there. Sign me up.
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Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:10 pm

If there's still room I'd love to be apart of future threads.
word count: 14
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