Taelian's Vesj'vakar

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:00 am


1. NAHL -


3. TYRID -

4. QE'ZHOD -

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:04 am


The Hira'lotha are Endir that lurk near the bottom of the ocean floor; they appear as compelling lights, wispy and floating in the distance, traveling in large schools that make them reminiscent to deep-water fireflies. They are much larger than the average jellyfish, with their bell holding a diameter of around 1 meter and their tentacles ranging from ten to twenty feet in length. When they are summoned on land, these cords will wrap around one another like crossed wires, allowing them to hover above ground without dragging their paralytic appendages against the ground. Hira'lotha do very little when not called upon by Summoners, only behaving with false animal-like tendencies as they trap and prey on large deep sea fish.

The Hira'lotha do not speak, even to their Summoners. They communicate by altering their shade, as they are capable of changing the color of their bell at will. A brightly glowing white is an affirmative, a dull grey is a negative response, yellow is confusion or uncertainty, blue is fear and red is anger or aggression. There are other colors and other complexities, but these are the most common. Their emotions are extremely primitive and they tend to obey the Summoner's will without question. They are not particularly aggressive or non-aggressive, and appear to operate purely on instinct, though some in the past have appeared to treat their Summoner with a modicum of affection.

The Hira'lotha are Nahl-class Archetypes, and thus are both cheap in terms of ether expenditure, and weak. They tend to contract with a Summoner for three days, after which point they will return to the depths in a spray of mist. This also occurs if they withstand a lethal blow.

Hira'lotha, while summoned, appear to have difficulty moving and can only move by orbiting around the summoner. They will typically float anywhere from two to six feet away from the Summoner, and cannot go beyond this. They can orbit fairly quickly though, and move their tentacles with decent alacrity within the radius of the orbit. Once their tentacles touch a foe, they will send a powerful paralytic shock into them that is spiritual in nature, thus transcendent of many organic means of protection (such as leather). The more tentacles in contact with the foe during this time, the greater the shock will be; it will always be at least somewhat debilitating, slowing the foe or damaging their muscles.

Aside from this, they are weak and can be killed with only a few traumatic injuries. As they can only orbit around the Summoner, they move in a predictable space, only really able to act as a deterrent from engaging the Summoner directly.

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:04 am


The Marghozad, or Margos, are the dogs of Veravend. When one thinks of the Vesj'vakar their thoughts often go to the Margos, who act as the staple Archetype of their family, hunting for both Veravend and her affiliates and bloodily enforcing their will. They are long, agile eldritch abominations with bodies of corded black limbs and rake-like ebony blades drawing from a stem on their back, resembling wings. The black tendrils rising from the center of their back are used to latch onto objects to improve mobility, or to restrain or crush enemies. With sharp claws and long, piercing tails, their bodies are purposed well for eliminating foes. Typically they have very little involvement in the world outside of being called as Archetypes, but in the wild they are vicious predators who can swim faster than they can run. They appear to hunt for sport and challenge foes greater than them, often dying and being replaced by the flux of Veravend's abyssal powers.

Margos are foul entities. They enjoy invoking suffering in others and like to eat their foes alive, focusing on gnawing and chewing on the least lethal of areas so as to prolong their torture. They are arrogant and often disregard the Summoner's will, appearing to tend primarily to a sort of sadistic predilection above anything else. They often must be commanded by Unification for this reason, and often this appears to lend into their usefulness, as they coordinate very well in packs when commanded by the Summoner.

Margos are Vrannik-class, tending towards the middle of the pack in expenditure. They will remain by a Summoner's side for one twenty four hour cycle.

Margos are potent fighters, highly agile and carrying multiple lethal methods of dispatching foes. The strongest part of their body is the stem of their mock wings, which they will use to handily deflect and parry enemy blows as they ravage them from a close distance. They are not incredibly durable otherwise, their chief weakness, but they can temporarily mitigate this for up to a minute every hour by cloaking themselves in a shadowy, abyssal veil, reminiscent of Thultu’s intervention. This makes them much more durable, and during this time they are generally at their most aggressive. The Margozhad are fairly physically strong, capable of tending through flesh with ease, and puncturing armor with their claws and tail.

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:06 am


Of all of Veravend’s progeny the Nir’zjedin are one of the most impactful in daily life. They wear the facade of a mortal race, even going so far as to form hierarchical social dynamics and engage in cultural rituals. Some say they have been left by Veravend to serve as her direct arm on the land, having lost much of the faith of the Druskai who once served her prior. The Nir’zjedin carry the visage of many aquatic species, and always with a humanoid form. They are sharks, octopi and squid, eels, dolphins and whales, and a variety of different fish. They carry dramatically in presentation but tend to fall into the same order of loyalists, calling on powers from beyond the veil.

The Nir’zjedin vary too much for a particular temperament. They tend to be loyal, organized and well-disciplined, coordinating with the Summoner to an almost fanatical degree, especially an Apostle.

The common Nir’zjedin are Vrannik-class Archetypes, and will contract with the Summoner for thirty six hours.

While it can be said that Nir’zjedin are both strong and durable, that is not the reason one would want to call on them, as they do not meet the Margozhad in sheer physical merit. Though they often wield dangerously lethal spiked clubs and staves, the primary purpose of these is not to bludgeon, but to use as an instrument in their strange spiritual rituals to call on the power of the Unknown. Nir’zjedin act akin to shamans, channeling the ominous powers of their God, who they refer to as the World Queen.

These powers pull from the Mists. Portals of sheer black will rip open and from them, massive tentacles will erupt and attempt to bludgeon or pierce through foes. They can only do this with at least a small gap in-between and it is always obvious, but slow enemies and large groups are susceptible to these powers. Additionally, they can conjure small apparitions from the Mists that will wander the field and attempt to latch onto foes to slow them down. They are limited to six of these, and they carry little threat outside of this tactic.

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:07 am





Val'darron is a hulking figure standing at around thirty feet in height. Already incredibly dangerous, his inherent ability makes him moreso: the ability to call upon his true body from the Mists, by inserting a limb through one of his constructed portals and conjuring his real self in exchange. xx

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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:07 am






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Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:08 am


Tyranic is at the heart of Veravend’s structure of power. Supposedly, he was once a powerful Ald’norai mage who contracted with her against the will of his kin, betraying his race to serve the will of his Goddess, whatever her intentions may have been. He fought with her against Lotheric and the other Elven Gods, though the long and grueling war between the Elves and their rogue God ultimately culminated in Veravend’s humiliating defeat. With Tyranic’s ship shattered and the Elf submerging near-death into the ocean’s depths, he was pulled into a barren void deep within the Mists, where he found his Goddess reforging herself under the scalpel of Thultu’s divine eminence.

Tyranic himself has been carved mightily by the nighttime world he was sent to, a purgatory never ending in which his mind was tested and retrained to think of nothing else but service to the mighty Queen. Veravend twisted his form over time and made him something new — grotesque and malleable, an Endir like herself but with the pragmatism of an Aldir. He was made into a wildly, nearly fifty foot tall giant, with a thin form that sprouts several additional arms. He is melded to a levitating throne of flesh that acts as his sole outlet of mobility, made of his own discarded Elven form and his darkly powers.

The Qe’zhod has fleshy wings that emerge from his back, though they do not function for flight. Instead, they channel and direct his spiritual powers, flaying his foes with the razing touch of the Mists.

Tyranic is a deceptive and mystifying creature, capable of appearing as a floating black eel with many amber colored eyes. He speaks to both Summoners and others always with queries on their desires, how they intend to achieve them; what, in the living world, they ultimately want. He is not assertive or aggressive or cruel, or the inverse of these things. Tyranic is pragmatic and obedient, offering the Summoner the bargain they paid for, though often he will seek to further understand their ambitions and various goals.

A powerful Qe’zhod class Archetype, Tyranic is highly detrimental to the Summoner’s arcane stamina when summoned, though most would argue his value regardless. He contracts with the Summoner for a period of twelve hours, though this extends to twenty four for an Apostle.

While the Archetype has little to no offensive physical capabilities, he is among the most powerful of Archetypes in wielding destructive magic. Tyranic’s powers can only be described as degenerative, his abilities all seeped with a corrosive, burdensome weight that cripples those oppressed by their impact. These attacks - often black-indigo, abyssal rays - degrade the equipment, flesh, bones and even the magic used to defend their victims, over time. These are emitted from his two usable index fingers, often in a casual manner; they will barely lift from the armrest of his throne. Rays are a constant form of aggression by Tyranic, and they tend to be quite powerful, capable of corroding virtually anything with enough focus.

He has more abilities along this strand, calling on portals to the Mists to bring them forth: the ability to create voidstorms by focusing his mind and leaning his head towards the field, encapsulated in large radiuses; pillars of black rays, thirty feet in diameter, risen from the ground; explosions that spawn from portals, flung to the ground at a high velocity in the form of a chaotic black ball. Tyranic is an immensely powerful sorcerer, able to put a great deal of pressure on a master Mage.

Tyranic is also able to control the field with great influence, directing his abyssal rays onto structures and terrain in order to create large, degenerative wells, numbering three total. These are black in color and visibly seething with volatile energy in the form of rising magenta-colored energy and dark purple vines that cord along the surface of the pool. He can willfully expand these degenerative fields over the course of battle, each well growing through time and beginning at a diameter of one hundred feet and growing rapidly at nearly thirty additional feet in diameter per minute, up to two hundred and fifty feet. Around these pools, a number of dark-colored apparitions stalk prey from within the wells, unseen. They tether to nearby enemies and not only act to guide the wells toward them, but occasionally rise to attack their foes or draw them into the pools with incredible force.

These entities are fairly vulnerable to damage, but reform incredibly quickly, making evasion the best strategy.

In general, it is agreed by enemies of Veravend that the best method of counter-attack against Tyranic is either evasion or the targeting of the Qe’zhod himself, as his primary self defense mechanism is surrounding himself in one of these mobile wells and fending off attacks with his abyssal rays. Every minute or so he is capable of forming a powerful spiritual barrier with his wings as he charges the roots drawn along their length, sheathing his form for several seconds and allowing him the chance to gain distance. He is durable, but not unreasonably so, and can be banished by inflicting enough damage to his form. As a note, Tyranic's wells are incapable of damaging the Summoner and those designated by them as allies.

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Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:49 pm


Pathfinder is a small creature that appears to be mostly crafted with wisps of fire. It has a glass-like transparent frame, with embers stoking within. Its arms and legs, as well as its face, horns and tail appear to be perpetually immolated, though it can recede these characteristics to appear as a sort of beige aethereal entity. The Vestige is named as it is because of its curiosity and its nimbleness, able to quickly glide around before returning to perch upon Taelian's shoulder or back, tending to stay near to him until delegated to fight.

However Pathfinder evolves, it is always capable of returning to its original, Apprentice/Journeyman form - though it cannot fluctuate between its current evolution and any other stages along its evolution.

Apprentice: At this point in Pathfinder's development, it effectively acts as little more than a scout. However, in this regard it is very successful. Pathfinder is capable of producing 'embers' from its form, egg-like constructs similar to amber in color and texture. The composition of these embers is not biological; each ember is aethereal and, as a result, can be placed within solid physical objects. After a few minutes within an object, the ember will begin to mature, sprouting from the object as a fiery-colored eye with a solid black slit through the center. When Pathfinder closes its eyes, it can peer through any embers that have bloomed, so long as they are within a mile of it. Pathfinder can only lay up to eight embers at a time.

At this point, Pathfinder has virtually no combat potential. It is capable of gliding from high places and can twirl and wisp through the air, acting as a slow-moving firebolt. If it hits an enemy, it is capable of burning them severely, but due to Pathfinder's slow gliding pace this is unlikely and difficult.

Journeyman: The appearance of the Pathfinder remains the same at this point in its evolution. Pathfinder is now much more capable in combat; its ability to glide has been dramatically enhanced, as it is capable of gliding much faster and for far longer distances, barely losing elevation as it does so. The way it does this is by creating jets of fire from its upper back, steering its body to control its propulsion. Pathfinder is also capable of a few minor abilities now: for one, Pathfinder is now capable of drawing glass from its form and wielding it like a weapon or armor. This glass is often heated whilst being highly durable. Additionally it can now completely coat itself in an aura of fire, before rapidly accelerating its speed in repeated forward-lunges, changing its movement trajectory via traction after making a dash.

Expert: At this point in time, Pathfinder acquires a new form, along the process of its evolution. This form -- in many ways a dramatic expansion to its original appearance -- is that of a long, sleek, red and black colored being with a withered torso almost covered by that which appears to be cords. Pathfinder is heavily armored now, and it is also tremendously agile.

Pathfinder's changes upon obtaining this form are great. It is now a highly durable fighter, skilled in melee combat, with exceptional resources and agility. Its entire body is something of a weapon, allowing it to weave elbow-strikes, tail-swipes, claw attacks, headbutts and even rolls into its attacks. Due to its incredible speed it will alternate its attack patterns frequently, fighting erratically. It is also capable of two new magical abilities: one, it may lay ashen fields upon the floor, super-heated cindered grounds that will rapidly spread from their center to cover a radius of around eight feet. After around three seconds, a pillar of flame will rise from the ashen field, immolating anything within. These pillars are somewhat difficult to land against agile foes due to their small radius and ramp-up period, but they can be used to effectively crowd foes into individual areas as well as reinforce Pathfinder's flank and rear. It can lay three of these fields at any given time, and can extend their duration if necessary, making the fields a mainstay of its fighting capabilities as it wields them in its defense. Secondarily, Pathfinder can now breathe beam-like rays of fire, precise but short-lasting bursts that quickly sear through most materials they touch.

Master: The appearance of the Pathfinder remains the same at this point in its evolution, though it becomes clear what the black sections of its body are colored by: mold. As Taelian's third Archetypal family was that of the Mirdun, of Ridhain, Pathfinder is highly influenced by Ridhain and it is his powers that form the bulk of the Vestige's master abilities.

Pathfinder is capable of infiltrating and infecting the body of a dead or heavily damaged entity; it does this by clawing open its form, before transmitting itself into the body via aether. As Pathfinder is entirely constructed of aether, its form can become malleable if necessary, though only now does that ability become fully realized. The way it does this is by becoming a mass of mold, filling the body with the disgusting bile as it assumes control of its functions. Once it does this, it will begin to meld the being with its own features, the body erupting with spikes, flame-like veins and a fiery eye upon its torso similar to the Vestige's original ability. The Vestige, while inside of this other form, will use it as a sort of armor in order to fight without risking damage to itself. The body it transfers to will be given superhuman agility, might and endurance, similar to that of the Vestige itself. It will mainly fight with its talons and spikes, which it will be capable of ejecting from its body and rapidly re-growing. Once this temporary body is slain, it will erupt in a flurry of spikes and Pathfinder will emerge, often using this opportunity to make a surprise strike.

The Vestige's second ability is known as the 'muck' to Taelian, a pool of horrendously-scented mold that will leak and spread from Pathfinder's form before crawling to nearby dead bodies. It will begin to infiltrate them as Pathfinder does over the course of time, infecting them before assuming control. After this, their body will appear partly coated in mold, and will drip with it constantly as they move. Over time, the mold becomes better at commanding whatever body it has infiltrated, but more complex beings can never be efficiently operated. Even if the mold operates a very powerful being, it may be so incapable of managing its motor functions that it will effectively act as a scarcely moving husk. For this reason it tends to take on smaller animals and mortal races; larger beings are inherently more complex. This only lasts for as long as Pathfinder is active and once he is dismissed, all bodies will immediately drop to the floor, deceased. The more creatures controlled by Pathfinder's mold this way, the more disorganized they will become. Eight creatures may be mostly easy to command, but twenty will operate as a scattered band, acting little more intelligibly than blithering undead, never given directive.

Eidolon: At this stage, Pathfinder becomes the powerful Eidolon, harmonizing with all six members of the Eldhan Weald. Becoming larger, broader and more durable, the Eidolon's inherent characteristics make it a truly devastating melee fighter; a terror upon the field. It gains only one new ability: the ability to fly, with all other expansions to its might appearing in the form of its six operable paradigms.

Only one paradigm can be active at a time. As per Summoning's guidelines, switching consumes a minor amount of Taelian's aether.

Vesj'vakar: In the Vesj'vakar paradigm, the Eidolon is capable of melding with shadow and hiding in darkness. In order to attack it must cast off its shadowy veil, but with it, it is essentially invisible. This can only be maintained in darkness, with Pathfinder effectively becoming a chameleon with the dark. Once it leaves its shadowy form, it is given a momentary burst in speed and is empowered to make a far-reaching and rapid lunge, striking out from the darkness to murder its prey.

Irothar: Pathfinder's entire body is coated in a thick glass-like armor, one that is see-through and difficult to view. The easiest way to discern the armor is the way it reflects off of natural light, though simply striking Pathfinder makes it clear that this glassy armor is around six inches in width. The armor is highly durable, but vulnerable to high-impact strikes and most magic, especially anything blunt. Taelian must expend aether in order to repair Pathfinder's armor.

Mirdun: The Eidolon can become malleable this way, shifting and altering its shape by transforming into a monster of mold. With its body flexible and difficult to define, it can alternate limbs into weapons and shift and weave to avoid certain projectiles and attacks. This is most effective when fighting numerous foes, as it can adapt its form to effectively deal with being surrounded. This cannot change the Eidolon's mass; he will always be large, and shifts tend to occur over a few seconds and therefore cannot be used to instantaneously transform to evade or defend. Shifts occur gradually, meaning Pathfinder can weave them into one another: for example, he can cut a gash across a foe mid-way into transforming his arm into a hammer, immediately cleaving off the sundered sections using pressure and their vulnerability. Each shift uses a very small amount of Taelian's aether.

Viddashan: Pathfinder can invoke the Viddashan paradigm in order to become a creature capable of operating within the seas, its wings effectively becoming fins for gliding within the water. This also changes all of Pathfinder's fire abilities into scalding water ones, though their effects remain roughly the same. This paradigm is the most transformative to his regular appearance (if one excludes the Mirdun's overall shifts), as he will become a more aquatic-looking creature. His spikes will become that of razor-sharp coral, which he is capable of launching from his body and quickly regrowing. This coral is highly poisonous, killing most animals within minutes.

Cordreyn: While within this paradigm, Pathfinder is capable of planting pods filled with spores that will transmit through nearby air once they are activated, typically as a result of living beings wading too close to them. If these spores hit a target directly -- therefore being breathed in in massive quantities -- they will likely fall asleep within seconds, and will become direly poisoned, likely never waking from their sleep. If breathed in small amounts, they will become poisoned to the point of near-delirium and they will find that their body feels weighed down, their movements difficult. This delirium will also make casting spells less effective, as their diluted focus will lessen their ability to efficiently bind aether. These pods expend some of Taelian's aether to plant, but remain there even if Pathfinder switches paradigms. Their spores will generally expand outwards up to twenty feet once they are triggered, expanding at a pace of about five feet per second.

Tar'haen: Pathfinder, aside from now appearing much more wood-like and terrestrial, winnows and becomes thinner and more agile. Its tail becomes a longer, spine-like construct with sharp edges, and its arms and legs seem to grow even more powerful and capable of maneuvering its weight. It will now fight mostly by making massive leaps, and will move at incredible speeds, refocusing itself entirely to become an agility-based fighter. Pathfinder becomes much less durable in this paradigm, instead focusing on taking down sensitive targets with overwhelming precision. Perhaps the most important change to its fighting style is the way it operates its tail: the spine-like bladed object becomes so long that it can use it effectively as a long-ranged lance, precisely stabbing at foes with speed that is difficult to react to. The Pathfinder's wings remain feathered and expansive, and these wings are used frequently in order to control its speed and adjust its movements.

Pathfinder retains all abilities as it evolves. Like most Vestiges, it follows a linear progression towards its zenith, keeping its retained knowledge along the way.

This Archetype, as a Vestige, is for Taelian's use only.
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Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:37 pm


The Dre'vhora are Aldir who have inhabited the forms of drowned women and men. Not just any, either, but the splendorous forms of deceased magi; those to whom Runes are carved into the flesh. While the soul of the dead passes on, and with it their aether, the Dre'vhora learn to repurpose the intrinsic power of the mage's flesh and bones to enhance their own capabilities, altering the form of the deceased to suit their will. They erase any independent depth in the appearance of their taken form, their bodies shifting to look more like watery wraiths, often with a veil of indigo-black overlays, painting their form. Outside of their Archetypal functions, the Dre'vhora are involved in the world; they are rare but when encountered, they tend to be malignant entities who uniformly attempt to kill those around them if found. Dre'vhora are most often found around water; generally swamps, wetlands, rivers or lakes. They will - horrifyingly - sometimes travel together, searching an area for something Veravend finds to be of interest.

In terms of size, they tend to be around eight or nine feet in height, with an oval-shaped watery barrier that appears to stretch around them, almost transparently veiling their body. It is more visible overhead, and appears to be around twelve feet in length.

Entities of almost no tangible emotion, the Dre'vhora do not appear to hold complex hierarchies or do much of their own free will, seemingly given an almost coded guidance in how they act throughout the world. When they do speak, it is with an almost laughably quiet tone, their words sounding as if they were emerging from a strained and brittle throat. They hold a calm demeanor in the presence of a Vesj'vakar Summoner and generally follow the one who called upon them without question.

The rare and haughty Dre'vhora are Tyrid-class Archetypes, who will remain at the Summoner's side for a period of twenty four hours. As Tyrid, they cost a considerable amount of ether even for an Expert or Master to call.

Dre'vhora are graceful fighters, swift and deliberate. Rather than channeling powers from Veravend's domain in the Mists, they appear to be inlaid with inherent strength. They levitate, always, and appear to be almost entirely invulnerable to being stalled or stopped even by severe blunt trauma. They are difficult to kill. For one, their watery barrier acts as a nullifier to most incoming attacks, blocking them though at the cost of the barrier becoming damaged. Those who puncture the barrier will still need to contend with their naturally durable, spectral forms. Their barrier regenerates rapidly upon being broken, meaning another consequential attack is needed in order to damage the Dre'vhora before its shield repairs. The Dre'vhora tend to wield weapons with a similarly watery appearance to themselves, spawned seemingly from the moisture in the air. These weapons are various and are typically long blades, scythes, large maces and mauls, and even longbows.

Their attacks are highly lethal. Dre'vhora are known for being able to cleave cleanly through armor and flesh, rending through heavily armored Knights in single swings; their movements are unnaturally swift and often unexpected, particularly given how slowly they appear to move. Unfortunately, the Dre'vhora's barrier appears to be more resistant to magic than it is to physical damage, and so despite their melee proficiency many find that they must contend with them up-close.
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Sun Dec 29, 2019 10:55 am


Phylaxia and Elise were Veravend's first creation upon becoming a vassal of Thultu's, two physical bodies drawn upon the same spiritual essence. They acted as guardians to the boundaries of her new and comely domain, the frigid home she settled to, filled with blackened barren lands. They guarded her as she recovered from her great defeat, defending her from the incursions of the ill-begotten Choir of Fog, hungry to cleave her eminence from her and gain her domain as a Patron. Phylaxia and Elise are among Veravend's most powerful and most beloved of Archetypes, crafted with the elegance she herself aspires to. While they do not roam within the boundaries of the physical world as many Archetypes do, their impact can be felt all the same by upstarts and Veravend's most maligned foes. Sometimes, it is said, she calls upon them of her own volition to permanently silence the enemies of Thultu and herself -- though this cannot be verified.

Each of the sisters are around ten feet in height, and their weapons follow this trend in their own large proportions.

As Aldir Archetypes, the sisters carry no personality and do not speak. They do not act out of turn and appear to purely follow the Summoner's will, whatever that may be.

One of the best of Veravend's retinue, a Qe’zhod class Archetype, Phylaxia and Elise are very costly to a Summoner when called, but not without validity. The sisters contract with the Summoner for a period of twelve hours, though this extends to eighteen for an Intermediary.

The sisters are known for their overwhelming offensive power, signaling an easy death for all but the most stalwart of warriors and mages. They test the limits of their foe's defensive capability, designed to cull those without mitigating magical defenses or physical barriers. In order to explain the abilities of the sisters, one must detail their fighting style. Firstly, it must be known that the two of them are Aldir who are not bound to their physical reality, and among all of the Vesj'vakar they hold the most malleable forms. As the Gatekeepers of Veravend's domain, either one of them at any given time may shift their form to that of an incomprehensible doorway, puncturing through the veil that separates Ransera from Veravend's home in the Mists.

The result of this is catastrophic. The utterly frigid winds of Veravend's barren home surge in at vicious speeds, assailing the entire area with a destructive gale of frost. Exposed enemies will begin to slow and relent immediately, and within not more than several seconds the most vulnerable of enemies will wholly freeze. The Summoner is immune to this effect, but not their allies, or even other mages who call upon the Vesj'vakar. The sister may keep this form for as long as the other one remains alive, as she holds their physical tangibility together. If one dies the other is forced to remain corporeal, though this does not spell the end of their threat.

Phylaxia and Elise are truly elite fighters. They are easily comparable to the greatest masters in their chosen weapons: a scythe and a khopesh for Phylaxia, and a blade as well as a chained sickle for Elise. The two sisters are each incredibly swift with their strikes, poised and elegant in each of their movements, with an innate capability for predicting and countering an enemy's moves through either offensive ripostes, disarming parries or quick follow-up strikes with their secondary weapons. Their weapons carry with them a cold, disturbing chill, and bear incredible strength in each of their strikes. The sisters are capable of moving at absurd speeds, and are able to ghost through physical bounds by temporarily shifting their form to an incorporeal state. This is possible even if one of them is acting as a rift for the veil, or if one of them is dead.

The two of the sisters may also fight alongside one another in physical form, forcing an enemy or group of them to face a truly relentless physical assault. They are wildly aggressive and can stagger even a bulwark of a foe with their heavy swings, and their dresses appear to act as dense physical plating. They may also use sudden gusts of frigid, abyssal winds to weaken attacks coming for them, though this is difficult if they are actively physically engaged with a foe. A final note, there are three large and fleet black tentacles hidden within the attire of the sisters, who may use these tentacles to whip at foes up to twenty feet away, with the swift tendrils powerful enough to cleave through flesh if caught off-guard.
Last edited by Taelian Edevane on Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 867
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