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Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:03 am


  • These fiery serpents are as long as boa constrictors, reaching lengths of 9.5ft, their bodies covered in glossy obsidian glass scales over an emblazoned body. These spiritual fire serpents resemble pit vipers in the face. There known to be nimble their movements darting to and fro across the field.

  • These spirits tend to display a level of cunning as they assess the surroundings of the summoner, formulating ways of how to ensure and seize victims for their summoner. Summoner's will note that the Hihebi can be found hissing about the different ways one could capture somebody. They communicate through hissing, as their summoner is able to understand the different meanings and tones of the hissing.

  • When summoned, the Nahl class summon will stay alongside their summoner for up to 13 hours costing minimal aether to contract them, unless dismissed before then.

  • The main ability the Hihebi possess is the ability to use agile bodies to slither up and wrap around a target to bind them, using their fangs to clamp down on them. Coiling around the victim causing the skin to burn against the hot bodies of the fire serpent as well as the obsidian scales scraping against their skin as well. These nimble serpents also perfect scouts as they move fairly fast slithering across the ground.

word count: 356
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:50 pm


  • Majestic in all sense of the word, the archetypes known as Suzaku, are an embodiment of beauty & power given fiery form. It has a stature of 6'7", though from head to tail, the Suzaku is around 10'2" long. Its swing span is 7' in length, 4.5' in width with a billowing tail that is 3'5" in length as well.

    From the crest of its head to the length of its wings and down to the top of its tail are flames that emblazon a beautiful iridescent obsidian frame and wings. With a beak resembling that of an eagle's, the Suzaku archetypes are among some of the Irothar's most beautiful, if not arrogant spirits.

  • These spirits are attention seekers, rolling into fiery fits if ignored or someone else steals the attention from their summoner. Due to this, some have been known to scorch the companions of those that summoning as a "warning" that they are stealing said attention that belongs to the summoner. Despite this, these birds are social entities as it struts around, flashing those beautiful feathers to attract people's attention. It thrives off of recognition and loves to be noticed by its summoner and those close to them. When communicating with these blazing fowls, summoners have noted that the Suzaku all speak with an airy haughty tone, hints of condescending and arrogant tones in their exchanges.

  • As a Vrannik class, Suzaku's cost a modest amount of aether to contract with them, one that lasts for 10 hours or until dismissed by their summoner.

  • The Suzaku seems to primarily resort to using hit and run tactics on its target and leading in with an intense stream of flames then returning to flight using the momentum it gained during the attack. Though they also bear talons, they rarely resort to using them, most likely relying on their momentum to keep mobile during combat. Another unique ability of the Suzakus is the ability to release feathers, but unlike normal feathers, these are akin to molten shards and can regenerate rapidly after being tossed. They are able to fire these feathers within 50 yards around themselves or their summoner with a powerful flap of their wings. As a defensive measure, the Suzaku can shield their summoner by covering them with its wings, most conventional attacks hitting the hard obsidian surface, only giving way under great brute force.

These are for public use

word count: 544
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:22 pm


Aethereal and translucent, Rakkis is a swirling snake made of glass that orbits and departs from a hardy, inert stone sigil that fits in the palm of the hand. When floating away from the sigil, it hovers in the air and moves with an undulating coiling motion, a being that is agile and incorporeal. Mundane strikes will not harm it, just as it cannot harm in mundane ways, but destroying the sigil will banish it. Within the center of its body, tiny wisps of flame fan out like veins, giving it a soft warm glow under an overcast sky. It is shy in contrast to its Summoner, preferring to stay hidden until called upon. To Rakkis, flesh is like a warm soup it can move through, and others feel him as a heated presence within the body when he enters.


Apprentice: From the beginning, Rakkis is a support creature. It does not cause direct harm, just as most physical interactions cannot harm it. However, spells and effects like curses and wards that do not rely on physical touch definitely can. At this level, it can dart around at a decent pace, but it's nothing too hard to avoid. This creature possesses the innate ability to mark objects with Aetherial embers beneath the skin, appearing as a glowing patch that allows it to sense the location of any it has marked within the distance of one mile, as well as peering from the mark to spy upon its surroundings. When a marked individual that the Summoner cares about is visibly in danger, Rakkis can feel it and will communicate the fact. Up to eight individuals, locations, or objects can be marked this way.

Journeyman: At this point in its evolution, the Vestige's speed and reaction time grows, becoming far more difficult to avoid and even becoming a challenge to follow with the naked eye. Rakkis seems to experience an almost magnetic pull to all sources of Aether, becoming aware of their presences while able to magically accelerate itself towards chosen sources within 20 feet, be they people or weapons, or even a hurtling ball of fire. Once there, Rakkis may tightly coil around or even thread itself through the source to drink its Aether, producing an effect that makes the limb, item, or projectile much warmer, but also oddly heavier. A warrior may find his weapon off balance and far more burdensome to swing, and a fireball might droop off course when intercepted. Someone fleeing might find one of his legs ensnared with an awkward gait from being off balance.

Expert: Rakkis becomes more hardy to magical tampering, its reality reinforced by Aetheric reserves. While it does experience yet again an up-tick in speed, the additional amount is only slight. Further, Rakkis develops the ability to apply its magnetism in reverse to the Summoner's currently held weapon. Strikes will subtly adjust course, striking with moderately greater speed and intensity--the Summoner will need to take care that Rakkis lets go of the effect as the blade is pulled away, or else their swordplay will be slowed substantially, and they will need to position Rakkis where they intend to strike. With training, Rakkis can learn to draw in certain projectiles within 20 feet, and even limbs or the victim's weapons to slow their outward strikes, subtly adjusting their course and leaving a victim vulnerable to friendly fire or self harm on a battlefield.

Master: With mastery, Rakkis' existing abilities see a marked rise in their potency, and its reaction times become truly difficult to exceed. A weapon will feel much, much heavier to the point that your average person will struggle to lift blade or limb, and the added magnetism far more wrenching than before. Rakkis develops more flexibility in its ability to pull itself and other objects along, able to juggle multiple targets by switching between them, although it can still only do so one at a time.

Eidolon: Upon becoming an Eidolon, Rakkis becomes more opaque, its body becoming colorful and geometrically complex like the surface of bismuth. The Vestige experiences an upheaval in its ability to leech Aether from chosen sources contacting with it. Magic items may eventually lose some of their oomph, and mages may find their limitations sooner. Given enough time, Rakkis can drain a target dry, but this can take hours and sometimes days for the most powerful of mages, and is more used to keep an already drained mage prisoner, its combat applications still limited. After a few minutes of stealing Aether, Rakkis can supercharge its magnetic abilities, creating powerful vacuums towards itself against specific sources that are so strong as to bend a steel blade if not allowed some give, or even making a limb or weapon so heavy that titanic strength would be needed to effectively lift it for a span of ten seconds. Supercharging without this reserve can lead to the Vestige falling off of its intended target, weakly retreating to its stone sigil home to rest and recuperate--the sigil itself has become far, far more durable, requiring a truly immense force to shatter it.

To be created at a later date...

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Nim Leone de Heloise
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:03 am


A glowing point of light, it sheds its glow like frozen dew emanating around it. Roughly 4 inches wide Literally just sentient frozen, glowing water vapor. It whispers in an amiable tone in the summoner's ear but isn't good for much other than speaking. An elder type of Lotheric's Naul it's flighty, yet helpful. These archetypes are very weak and easy to summon.

Benign, whispery, cowardly, shy, amiable. They are known to fly behind their summoner when someone approaches but slowly drift back to the summoner's side. They are chilly to the touch which some summoners dislike as they generally fly close circular patterns around the head and shoulders unless ordered to do otherwise. Not one to back talk or play mind games.

Naul class archetype contract. These are particularly easy to summon as they are tiny and weak, nearly insignificant. They last for days because of their insignificant amount of ether they expend, unless many are summoned at once.

Cold to the touch, quiet, good at advice when the summoner is able to understand them. Perfect for reconnaissance and gathering information.

Public Archetype
Last edited by Nim Leone de Heloise on Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 262
Nim Leone de Heloise
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:04 am


18 inch tall humanoid whose body is glowing blue and smooth. Spikes similar to a lion-fish protrude from the top of its head to the base of its spine. It has wings that look like exotic fish fins, giving the appearance of archetype swimming through the air. It is presumably naked but its body is featureless, not a hair nor a blemish. It feels likes slimy fish skin. This archetype of Viddashan is always wet.

Bitey, sing-song voice, speaks in riddles and rhymes sentences, chatty, informative, brat. Good at getting information and talking in circles around people. Will sometimes bite their summoner, though this doesn't draw blood. Very playful and giggly, but if you get close charmant will scratch or bite you. Not one to ride on shoulders or usually welcome there. Charmant are noticeably curious of the environment and wildly independent.

One day summon with a three day cool off period or risk over stepping. Vrannik archetype.

Flying, water manipulation, hyper intelligent but only speaks in riddles and rhymes as a rule. Decent offense with the water which it usually uses like whips to hurt and stun. Almost like an encyclopedia if you can decipher its speech. Sometimes in extreme danger it will use its spikes like a projectiles at the end of its conjured water whips.

Public Archetype
Last edited by Nim Leone de Heloise on Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 296
Nim Leone de Heloise
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:44 am


Small and squat this vaguely humaniod walking stump is aptly named. The appendages on its body are spindly with protrusions of thin, tall branches coming from the to of their heads. Twenty four inches in height leer get around with utmost silence. They have two small points of green light for eyes. No leaves grow from their body or head and their bark-like skin looks dead. Their body seems lifeless and hollow somehow, like a swift kick would shatter the summoned beast to dust. It's said they are the watchers of Veratelle, those who whisper in the ears of the ones who guard her death chambers. Slow and methodical, they are nearly unable to be told apart from common strata in wild environments.

Expressionless, immobile, demure, observant. They make good travel companions and are quite subservient. Prefer the dark and tend to stick to the shadows like their mother, Veratelle, the dead one, taught them to do.

Three days, leer are a naul class archetype.

Silent, yet slow, these creatures are weak and take a long time to do anything. They can spit a poison, aiming for the eyes, a surprising distance. The poison is vibrant green in color and tends to stick to the wearer like jelly and glue mixed. If gotten in the eyes it will burn them, rendering the foe blind. Other places of exposed flesh will be burnt as well. The poison in reality is low quality and only needs minor treatment. Similar to the effects of mace.

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Nim Leone de Heloise
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Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:46 am


Standing at four feet tall and weighing around one hundred pounds this Tar'haen isn't anything to scoff at. Wielding a staff this creature's stench is pungent from the sap and poison which ooze and steam off of it's bark covered hide. The body of an eso looks to be wrapped, dead branches spiraling and interlocked around each other. On its face is a mask made of stripped bark engraved with runes a summoner would recognize on a deeper level, though not be able to describe their meaning. The runes glow and shudder while the holes where eyes should be are dark, lifelessly so. Some say the mask's resemble a skull. There is never a mouth on the mask.

With no mouth it never speaks, but is completely subservient to its master, often befriending them. It uses gestures and can only answer yes or no questions, but it never seems to want to go back on its master. Shows aggression to people without the Cardinal Rune of Summoning infused to their flesh. A common habit among the eso ilk is to shake their head to one side as if it's on a spring. They also pound their chest from time to time.

Six days with an eight day cool down in between. This is vrannik class and costs a modest amount of ether.

Covered in poison from head to toe, the poison is not like an acid but instead makes the flesh rot and burn away with infection should it come into direct contact with living or dead flesh. Eso will wipe the staff with their body secretion's and beat people with it. The main attack of this creature is physical, using martial arts to incapacitate its foes. Coupled with the poison makes this a summon good for body guarding or guarding valuables. It's clearly aggressive to others though would never directly attack someone unless it was warranted.

Public Archetype

word count: 400
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