
Players requesting to own and operate a business should post their business sheets here.

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=155&t=2365
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2373

Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:55 pm


Nestled in a quaint town just outside the bustling city of Amoren lies Luna's Workshop, a haven for necrodoctors and those seeking relevant goods. The building itself is a charming one-story structure made of dark, weathered wood and adorned with ivy creeping up its walls. Its location, just off the main street of the town, ensures easy access for clients while maintaining a sense of privacy and seclusion. A beautifully carved wooden sign hanging above the door features a crescent moon and a needle and thread, a nod to Luna's name and her specialty in the world of necromancy. Upon entering the workshop, visitors are greeted by an atmosphere of calm and quiet focus. The air is tinged with the faint scent of herbs and minerals, essential aromas to detract from the sickening things that happen in the back rooms. The ground floor serves as the main working area, with a large wooden counter displaying metal containers filled with expertly stored sinew foam and sinew cloth. Behind the counter, shelves line the walls, filled with various tools, books, and ingredients used in Luna's craft. Behind the necromancy shop is a blacksmith's workshop which is used to make a variety of things for the business,. though the main focus is producing sturdy containers that can survive a trip to the city.

The raw materials for Luna's sinew products come primarily from animals, as well as from criminals who have agreed to part with some of their body parts in exchange for lighter sentencing. This agreement was reached with the town's leadership, and in return, Luna provides basic necrodoctoring services to the community free of charge. Luna has recently taken out a loan to expand her business, which was used to construct the blacksmith's workshop behind the necromancy workshop which she'd already owned. The loan will also cover the cost of a horse and a wagon, which will help her transport the animals and materials required for her work.

Luna's products and services will grow as she becomes a more experienced necrodoctor. At the time of this submission she can produce sinew foam, sinew cloth, and can produce partially functional digits (fingers, toes).

Rural town outside of Amoren

Business Type

Products & Services
Basic care to people living in the area - Free
Sinew Cloth (enough to heal several small wounds) - 75df
Sinew Foam (enough to heal most superficial wounds) - 25df
Digits with limited function (finger/toe replacement) - 200df

Necromancy - Journeyman

Base Wage: 20df
Business seasonal bonus: 9df (includes 4df from non-business seasons)
Business owner: 10df
Skill level bonus: 20df
Luxury Bonus: ???
59df * 91 = 5369
5369 * 0.7 living expenses = 3758df final income

Necromancy Workshop = 3000df (Already owned)
Blacksmith Workshop = 2000 df
Horse = 500df
Wagon = 200df

Total Value

Total Debt
Luna would be looking to borrow 2700df.

word count: 521
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Mimi Pidders
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Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:48 pm

This is just a little note to say that I read this and I think it's quite well thought out. Typically, I read business applications a few times before responding and think about them in my spare time a bit, but since the site has been slower, I wanted to give you an update that I've started that process.
word count: 61
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