Eagle in the Barn During a Storm (Memory, Andros)

The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:26 pm



The meal was mostly quiet, Andros making small talk and offering to help them at the end of the meal. She was impressed at the size of his heart, she wouldn't have given the thieves shit except the respite from their life after threatening them with such previous vitriol. But that was her way and she tried her best to respect Andros' way. That was until the young woman decided to make a move on Andros. Miki refused to look over when she sat on his lap, but all hackles were raised, tail high beating the air like a switch, an alien hiss rumbled up in her throat. Baring her teeth she finally had enough when Andros said plainly no and the woman kissed him anyway.
Was what Miki hissed Kornaan, a lyrical language that would sound like it came from Bel due to her tone. Removing the girl from Andros' lips she did him the favor of pushing her off. She had the woman by the collar and wrenched her to the floor.
"Witch! What did you call me?"
Screamed the woman at Miki. Miki replied in common,
"That was assault, he said no. I can call you something if you would like, like ignorant pig, but I think the insult is greater that he would, or was, going to help you and instead you pushed yourself onto his lips. You may want to grovel if you want his help now."
Leaving the woman on the ground to fume, Miki ripped off a piece of the bottom of her shirt and wiped his lips, leaning in closer, her breath hot and suggestive against him as she whispered in his ear.
"I am so sorry, I don't take sloppy seconds. Meet me tonight when you are through with them under the large tree outside by the sheep. I'd like to continue our moment before we were interrupted."

Jealousy was a foreign concept to Miki as her husband of old was true and pure to her. This made new feelings well up inside Miki, thoughts racing. Leaving Andros, an attractive man, to his own devices for so long when she returned to the Badlands? It solidified in her mind the need to return to him to check on him. But also begged the question of her own escapades, would she remain true to him? This type of anxiety hadn't ever racked Miki before but she knew the way she could get rid of it. Hissing again in her language she cursed the group as she left the barn and went outside to be with the sheep, afraid if she didn't leave there would be trouble. That said she wasn't far and anything the group would get up to she would know, there to blow them to bits if they made a wrong move.
word count: 505
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:30 pm


Andros sat on the floor of the barn for a good minute grinning at nobody like a moron. The poor girl brushed herself off and stormed off to chatter angrily at her brothers, who were not bothering to hold in their laughter. Perhaps she didn’t get turned down very often. She was pretty enough but no Miki, that’s for sure.

He felt on top of the world. Now he was sure Miki wanted the same thing he did. It had been so long. Not that he had been completely celibate since Elena died, but there hasn’t been anyone he cared about. This would be different.

Jealousy was a powerful motivator. On rare occasions when the women of Upper Village would dance for the men as part of a festival and Andros would catch the others staring at his wife, he came at her like a bull that evening. And if she ever caught him looking at a girl at the well, all the gods help him. He wouldn’t be let of bed for days.

In reality, Andros trusted Elena completely and never had cause for concern. She was the jealous one, always making him swear oaths of fidelity before his trips to the mainland. He liked that about her. It showed how she wanted him all for herself, even after all their years together.

And he rather liked it about Miki too. It was surprising, but there it was. She was jealous, and protective too. That could only mean she liked him back. Probably quite a bit. He wanted to go right out to her but he didn’t want to seem desperate, so he finished his dinner and walked over to speak to Atharen’s worst bandits.

“Children,” he addressed them in a purposefully belittling manner. “You will sleep here tonight and then follow me to the nearest Guild Tower in the morning. I know the chief warden there. He will find you jobs and a place to stay. You won’t have to whore yourself out anymore, young lady. Or if you want make a career of it, the mages have lots of money and nowhere to spend it and you’ll live well as long as you keep your looks.”

He turned on his heels, not giving them a chance to argue. Then he paused and looked back to add “I visit each tower regularly. If I hear of you committing any crimes or disappointing me, I’ll tell Miki and she’ll do what she wanted to do to you tonight. It won’t be pretty.” He grinned, a bit menacingly, then walked outside.

Miki was right there. She hasn’t gone far. It almost seemed like she was hovering. Perhaps waiting to break things up if he changed his mind about the girl. Andros absolutely adored it. He must be quite the catch, for an old man.

This time he didn’t wait for her to come to him. He was done waiting. He walked over to her very directly, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her in close. They fit well together already. He beamed down at her.

“Well, are you going to kiss me or not, beautiful one?”

Created by Moop!
word count: 575
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