Jared 'Mistwalker' Gloomcrest

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Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:03 am


Full Name: Jared Gloomcrest (Draedan Name: Vendrel)
Race: Human (Draedan of Saren, Corrupted God of Time, Fate, and Decay)
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 5'4ft
Weight: 136lbs

Birthdate: 15th Glacial Dusk, 4593
Birthplace: Alistian, The Northern Marches, Daravin;
Mageblight: Nil - Use Divinity instead

Profession: Petty Thief
Housing: Run-down cottage in the slums of Alistian (20x20)
Partners: Nil
Sexuality: Homosexual

Titles: Nil
Factions: Nil

Fluencies: Common, Gentevarese;
Likes: Meaningful Trinkets, Cooking (will never admit though), Stargazing, High places;
Dislikes: Being caught flat-footed, Heavy topics, Enclosed spaces, Rain/Getting wet;
Merits: Quiet, Inquisitive, Reflective, Hardworking;
Flaws: Cautious, Aloof, Insecure, Easily flustered;

Having short, wavy, black hair that is paired with amber-hued eyes; Jared is a rather short human male who stands at about 5'4ft with a toned build;
Mostly covering his head in a black hood that is gilded with tarnished metal designs on the edge of the seams & a black cloth that covers his mouth and nose.
Beneath the physical covers reveals a scarred, jagged slash on the edge of his right lip.

Mostly needed to fend for himself due to growing up mostly as an urchin; It is a bit difficult for Jared to get close to people;
Putting on a mask to appear rather rough on the surface but with a bit of patience and time; This particular thief is a rather quirky guy who just has a hard time speaking with others.


Living off of the streets of Alistian for the majority of his life; Never really knowing much of the warmth of simple hearth or loving gestures of a mother's love.
Jared Gloomcrest started off life with a simple view of life that those who did not strive to live were destined to decay into nothing.
Determined to grow as a person in any matter possible. Jared quickly adopted many skills & tactics to avoid succumbing to hunger and a cold embrace of death;
From pickpocketing to opening shoddy locks; Running across the rooftops of Alistian to scurrying away from authority.
The only times he felt free from his mundane life was during the time his body could sore through the skies.

Yet most of his mundane life would quickly change when he picked the wrong mark on one of his days of thievery;
It so happened that he crossed a reclused mage whose ire burned brightly and would stop at nothing until the petty thief was caught and died by his hands;
Quickly apprehended, Jared was quickly force-fed a mass amount of black, viscous fluid which forced the young male to squirm, struggling to breathe.
It all seem like a hazy to the young street urchin, as his body felt heavy, almost lifeless as his body was quickly beaten, whipped and bruised until the mysterious mage had enough and walked off. Leaving the young man for dead knowing that the petty thief will die one way or another; whether from the injuries inflicted or whatever the fluids which were forced upon Jared kill off his organs.

With barely any strands of life lingering in his body & soul; Jared weakly dragged his worn & bruised body to a quiet, abandoned alleyway where he believed his final thoughts were laid to bear.
Recalling how lucky some people were, how his life was essentially sniffed out by a wave of someone's hand and how much he wanted to defy the odds in this painful world; So many things he wanted to do and be free of but exhaustion & pain lulling him to dreamless sleep; an echo of anguish & hopelessness yet burning brightly with defiance.
In what seems like ages or even eons, it was only when Jared started to come into the world; Did he realise that he was alive... Beaten, scarred & in much pain but alive nonetheless, Jared quickly limped his way over to the safety of alleys. Biding time to recover, needing to understand why he is alive now and what he has become.

After that particular encounter, Jared spent many years improving his skills in thievery, making a living out of it; but also discovering and teaching himself this odd form of manipulation of darkness must that is still unknown to him or what it is but something that he plans to keep to himself and further experiment and manifest in all shapes and forms but also dealing with the consequences and trauma that was inflicted to his being but with all wounds, time is the only medicine.

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Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:05 am


Skill List
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Cooking 100/100 Master
Nightfall 0/100 Novice
Lucence 50/100Journeyman
Bypass (1st Draedan Ability) 54/100 Journeyman
Wildering (1st Draedan Ability) 30/100 Apprentice
Acclimate (1st Draedan Ability 100/100 Master
Stealth 75/100 Expert
Investigation 50/100Journeyman (Capped - Searing 4623)
Running 29/100Apprentice
Climbing 25/100Apprentice
Bodybuilding 22/100 Novice
Dancing 9/100 Novice
Persuasion 7/100 Novice
Blades 6/100 Novice
Etiqutte 4/100 Novice
Intimidation 5/100 Novice
Singing 2/100 Novice
Tactics 2/100 Novice
Research 2/100 Novice
Apprisal 2/100 Novice
Medicine 1/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Initial Character Creation150 0
Approval Notice - CS+15 15 (Blades (5 exp), Intimidation (5 exp), Dancing (5 exp)0
Mirrored Reflections & the average life of a petty thief*+55 (Climbing (2 exp), Investigation (1 exp), Lacerny (1 Exp), Running (1 Exp) 0
Fletching leaving the nest & somber travels to Genteven+3 Non-magical, +2 Magical5 (Running (2 exp), Larceny (1 exp), Nightfall (2 exp) 0
Rags to Some Riches - Casing & Pilfering an artisan's workshop+4 Non-magical, +3 Magical7 (Larceny (1 exp), Investigation (1 exp), Stealth (1 exp), Climbing (1 exp), Nightfall (3 exp) 0
Distractions & Some Comfort Fritters+5 Non-magical, 5 (Cooking (5 exp)0
From Light to Shadow: Discovery of Umbralplasm Usage+5 MagicalNightfall (5 exp)0
A humble meal from rivers & seas+5 Non-magical5 (Cooking (5 exp)0
Pondering future prospects over chowder+5 Non-magical5 (Cooking (5 exp)0
Preparations of Foodstuffs for Season of Frost: I+5 Non-magical5 (Cooking (5 exp)0
Meals before Moonlight+5 Non-magical5 (Cooking (5 exp)0
Writtern in Blood+8, Can be used in MagicStealth, Acrobatics, Nightfall & Climbing (2 exp each)0
A flickering wish in moonlight+5 Non-magical, +2 Magical7 (Dancing (2 exp), Singing (2 exp), Climbing (2 exp), Acrobatics (1 exp), Nightfall (2 exp) 0
Risk & Rewards: Stealing from a wealth merchant - Arrival of the cat burglar+5, Can be use for magicNightfall (5 exp) 0
Risk & Rewards: Stealing from a wealth merchant - Hurdles over Defenses+5, 2 for MagicNightfall (2 exp), Investigation, Larceny, Stealth (1 exp each) 0
Risk & Rewards: Stealing from a wealth merchant - Delving into conspiracies+5, 3 for MagicNightfall (3 exp), Larceny, Stealth (1 exp each) 0
Risk & Rewards: Stealing from a wealth merchant - A mysterious patron in writing+5,Investigation (2 exp) Larceny (2 exp), Stealth (1 exp each) 0
Risk & Rewards: Stealing from a wealth merchant - Detected & Evasion+5, 4 for MagicNightfall (4 exp), Running (1 exp)0
Treats for the Ashen Season+5+5 Cooking0
Food Preparations for Frost: III+5+5 Cooking0
Blades & Battery: I+5, 2 for Nightfall+2 Nightfall, +2 Bodybuilding, +1 Blades0
Blades & Battery: II+5, Can be used in Nightfall+5 Nightfall0
Roughish Grit & Recovery+5+4 Investigation, +1 Medicine0
A simmering in the ashen air & preprations for a gala+5, 2 for Nightfall+2 Nightfall, +1 Larceny, Stealth & Acrobatics0
A Glint in the Dark+5, Can be used in Nightfall+5 Nightfall0
Battered but not broken+5, 2 can be used in Nightfall+2 Nightfall & Acrobatics, +1 Running0
Rest, Comfort & Soup+5 +5 Cooking0
Moth to a flame+5, Can be used in Nightfall+5 Nightfall0
Rags to Riches: Strike for Gold - Melodic Interlude+5, 2 for Nightfall+2 Nightfall & Stealth, +1 Larceny & 0
Bits of sweets over looming dread+5+5 Cooking0
Rags to Riches: Strike for Gold - Shadowy Steps & Traces+5, 2 for Nightfall+2 Nightfall, +3 Larceny0
1st Anniversity of Atharen+15+15 Stealth0
Seven Years, Bad Luck+8+5 Cooking, +1 Etiquette, Tactics, Investigation0
The Black Dahlia's Revelry+5 Non-Magical, +5 Magical+5 Nightfall, +1 Etiquette, Tactics, Investigation, Running, Acrobatics0
The Night of a Hunter's Moon+10 Non-Magical+2 Dance, Running, Acrobatics, Larceny & Bodybuilding0
Frigid Nights over the Hearth+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
A meal that is missing something+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
A Groggy Morning in Frost+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
Medicinal Herb Gathering & Some fishy Creske+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
Preparations for Travel & Moments of the Past+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
Preparations for Travel & Moments of the Past+5 Non-Magical+5 Cooking0
The Fall of Dahlia Senerite I+10 (5 Can be used for Nightfall)+5 Nightfall, +2 Acrobatics, Investigation, +1 Bodybuilding0
The Fall of Dahlia Senerite II+15 (2 Can be used for Nightfall)+5 Nightfall, +2 Investigation, Acrobatics, Running, Bodybuilding, Larceny0
On the Nature of Daybreak+10 Non-Magical+2 Etiquette, Investigation, Bodybuilding, Running, Research0
Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Search for Importance+5 (2 for Nightfall)+2 Nightfall, Acrobatics, +1 Investigation0
Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Eye for Appraisal & Information Gathering+5 (1 for Nightfall)+2 Investigation, Larceny, +1 Acrobatics0
Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Raised Stakes+5 (2 for Nightfall)+2 Nightfall, Larceny; +1 Acrobatics0
Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Ambush & Plundering a Hidden Laboratory+5 (2 for Nightfall)+2 Larceny, Investigation, +1 Acrobatics0
Risk & Rewards: Strike for Gold - Mistwalker's Vanishing Act+5 (3 for Nightfall)+2 Running, Larceny, +1 Investigation0
Trial of the Fallen Shroud+10 (4 for Nightfall)+4 Nightfall, Running, +2 Bodybuilding0
Trial of the Fallen Shroud: Shadowed Presence+10 (4 for Nightfall)+2 Acrobatics, Stealth, Bodybuilding, Investigation, Larceny0
Empty+8+2 Larceny, Bodybuilding, Persuasion, Investigation, Appraisal0
A Pale Crescent Moon+8+2 Stealth, Bodybuilding, Larceny, Investigation0
Human Racial Bonus+10 Non-Magical0
Thieves and Rituals+5+2 Larceny, +1 Running, Stealth, Investigation0
Planning of Notoriety+5+2 Larceny, +1 Running, Stealth, Investigation0
After the Fire+5+2 Lucence & Stealth, +1 Larceny0
A Light within the Dark+5+4 Lucence & +1 Stealth0
Mysterious Notes & Delver of Secrets+5+2 Acclimate & +3 Stealth0
A Thief's Search Warrant+5+2 Lucence & +3 Stealth0
Nimble Fingers and Stubborn Locks+5+5 Stealth0
Dawn and Dust+5+2 Bypass, Lucence +1 Larceny0
The Sun in Rags+5+4 Lucence, +1 Dancing0
An Average Midnight Scuffle+5+3 Wildering, +2 Acclimate0
Alabaster Light+5+5 Lucence0
Breaking and Entering+5+2 Wildering, Lucence, +1 Larceny0
Vessel+20+20 Acclimate0

Starting Package:
150 Points
  • Nightfall - 25 exp
  • Lacerny - 25 Exp
  • Cooking - 25 exp
  • Acrobatics - 25 exp
  • Stealth - 25 Exp
  • Climbing - 15 exp
  • Running - 5 exp
  • Investigate - 15 exp
  • 10 Exp (For being Human)
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Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:05 am

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Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:05 am

1. Starter Package Name Here
  • 1x Set of clothing
    1x Waterskin
    1x Backpack with a set of toiletries, 10 days of ration, 1x set of eating utensils, Flint & Steel, 1 Set of Leather Armor, 1x Iron Dagger.
  • A few gemstones;
  • Some generic jewellery made of brass & cadmium;
  • Dranari Bank notes (to be determined for value);
  • Ledger of people's names & signatures;
  • Slightly bloodied arrow (Trinket from Written in Blood)
  • Apothecary Kit;
  • Larceny Kit;
  • Furred Winter Cloak (Black);
  • Stone of Vardrek -- anyone who needed help in getting to Vardrek was sent this, a Shard Resonator encompassed by a magical, golden ornate outer layer that was/is specifically aligned with Vardrek's celestial coordinates. Upon using it once, the stone dissipated. If you did not need to use this stone, you will still have one for future purposes.

Run-down cottage in the slums part of Alistian.

Currency Ledger

Earned Currency

  • Starting Income: 1000 df;
  • Searing Income: 1529 df;
  • Ash Income (Pending): 2184 df

- 700 (From Frost, 4622)
Total: 1829 df

Earning/Spending - Frost, 4622

  • 1000 DF + Teir 3 - Unrefined Remnant Sunderscrap (Reward for Plot with Vinsue, Hugo & Salen);
  • Apothecary Kit (- 150 df);
  • Larceny Kit (- 150 df);
  • Furred Winter Cloak (Black) (- 200 df)
  • -1200 df (1 month of Medical Care with a Journeyman Necrodoctor)
Total: -700 df

Last edited by Gloomcrest on Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 429
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Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:02 am

Bypass - A Burglar's Friends:
"From one door to another, a treasure lies in wait;
When the victim noticed what was taken, it is all too late;
For what was supposed to be protected;
The object in question, now collected;
When the time comes to search, all is lost within date."

Jared has access to Bypass, the first core Draedan ability, which manipulates locks, alarms and wards so that any active defences and warning systems are suppressed and eventually disarmed with further practice.

The requirement is that Jared is required to have physical contact with the object in question that is currently being protected by locks or wards. Through physical contact, divinity is spent in the form of malleable strings that can be used to manipulate the inner workings of the lock or ward in question.

Initially, Bypass is only able to temporarily suppress locks which, after a couple of minutes of not being affected by Bypass, the internal mechanisms will return to their original state without leaving any physical trace such as scratch marks and reducing to audible output by a sufficient amount.

Over time with practice, the suppression can become permanent for physical locks, and the addition of Bypass affecting wards becomes available but only temporary by disrupting the flow of ether through the usage of divinity to create a small gap which will naturally repair itself after a couple of seconds without Bypass being channelled.

Wildering - Lapse in Judgement:
"Seeking clarity in times of need, one loses sight of their own path;
Instead, many stumble and fumble upon another waking wrath;
Too eager, for the young are inexperienced and unwise;
Many meeting death's embrace, grinning in its guise;
All that remains from this wildering moment is merely the aftermath."

Wildering is Jared's Second Core Draedan ability which solely focuses on disorienting people by channelling an influx of divinity into his target to alter's one perception and reaction speed temporarily.

Initially, the effects of Wildering come in the form of staggering motions where a simple shove takes a little bit longer for a person to recover from as their coordination is disrupted. The longer Wildering is active, the more intense the disorientation becomes, and while initially, the effects are not strong, the progression starts to ramp up as long as Wildering is active. The initial onset is enough to momentarily make an average person feel slightly nauseated. Enough to allow a window of opportunity for a strike or retreat; With other practice, the staggering and disorienting effects grow more intense and rapid.

It should be noted that Wildering can be spread over to multiple people but requires line of sight, and the effects of Wildering are significantly reduced due to the need to split the reserves of divinity to affect multiple people.

Acclimate - Change of Plans:
"All the planning in the world yet even the small drop alter's one aim;
Try as we might, everything could fall in shame;
Yet, when the sands trickle;
And things around you become fickle;
Adjusting to the new course could lead to new claim."

Acclimate is Jared's Third and final core ability that he has access to; Acclimate allows objects and substances to be infused with divinity, shifting the object/substance's inherent properties and temporarily altering certain aspects of the object in question to one's desire. Acclimate also allows the user to identify the properties of the object or material in question which can later be adopted in future usage of Acclimate.

Acclimate requires a sufficient portion of divinity to temporarily alter the properties of an object, such as reinforcing a hairpin so that it can pick locks without breaking or mimicking a lustre and polished surface of the leather to act as a mirror. The purpose of Acclimate is to use various objects and substances from the environment or random objects/substances present to provide some possible advantage through creative thinking.

Acclimate can mimic properties of rare materials at the expense of other divinity; however, the requirement of having some knowledge and exposure to the material for a certain period is needed. Usually, it would take about a season to handle the material in question is enough for Jared to understand the innate properties of the material he is attempting to replicate through Acclimate.

Vault (Preservation of Secrecy) (2nd Tier Ability) (WIP)

The vault is a pocket dimension that Jared can access, allowing him to be perverse and store objects and living creatures in a temporary stasis with which Jared can only interact.

The dimensions of the Vault initially start at the size of a broom closet, slowly expanding to a small room to a traditional cottage and eventually a large vault as his mastery over Vault develops.

This can also be used on various things to hide away from people, suspending it in another dimension outside of usual reach to preserve secrets. Vault can only be accessed via a door, archway or any urban and natural entrance.

Pocket - A Hidden Satchel (2nd Tier) (WIP)

Pocket essentially allows Jared to store and retrieve items from an alternate dimension within an object by creating a mark that harbours the pocket dimension.

The pocket size is limited to what the mark is attached to and can only affect items that the Draedan can carry. For example: If a Pocket were used on a standard sack, it would have extra space to what the load would typically be able to carry, but with more mastery over the pocket, the amount of extra space created quickly grows in size, starting as double the size, 4x, 8x, 16x and 32x times the amount of weight though the scope of what the marked object can fit remains the same.

Any of these marked Pockets can adjust their weight as long as Jared has the item in his hand or has sight of the Pocket, Allowing for possible combat usage by swinging a sack only to suddenly increase the weight of the Sack to land a solid blunt force attack. A rapid method of collecting a large mass of items

Suppose a Pocket-infused object were to be destroyed. In that case, all of the contents within the bag will scatter violently and with full force, potentially causing massive damage over a large area with the potential for the stored objects to pierce through stone and possibly plate armour.

Filch - Exchange of Possessions (2nd Tier) (WIP)

Filch would allow Jared to exchange objects from a distance that is not in the current possession of others. The weight, size and length affect how much divinity Jared would consume. With higher levels of mastery, Jared could eventually take things from a considerable distance without draining so much upon his divinity reserves.

Filch has a few pre-requisites before the ability can be activated:

  • The object that Jared wishes to exchange must be touched within the last 24 hours though the time limit does increase with mastery of Flich;
  • The range of exchange must be within line of sight and initially starts as 10ft/20ft/30ft/ 50ft, and it takes a couple of seconds for the ability to be channelled before the exchange occurs;
  • When the exchange happens, a brief unease sensation is washed over those near the object.

With additional mastery, the channelling time decreases rather quickly. Eventually, it could be used in combat, like exchanging a quiver full of arrows with rocks or a chamber full of bullets with sand though this cannot be used to exchange weapons entirely like a blade.

word count: 1419
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