22 Ash 4619
The four kingdoms of Radenor were full of wonder and splendor, but Thomas had never really enjoyed traveling through any of them. Originally hailing from Grisic, he couldn't help but feel that the good citizens of the four kingdoms were hopelessly behind the times. He appreciated that they were suspicious of magic and that mages were kept under watch. This seemed sensible to him, especially compared to the barbarism of Daravin, and he felt safer here.
Unfortunately, that was the most enthusiasm he could muster for Sheorlund, Vestria, Jorikford and Northradica. The people were insular, clannish, and suspicious, which he didn't mind overly much, but also poor, which was a problem. Selling novelties and sundries only worked if people had extra coin to spare, and many of the communities here were too close to being in poverty for him to make any coin. The one time he'd gone all in on selling a farming community a special over-wintering fertilizer, he'd come to regret it. Since then, one of his principles was to avoid conning people who didn't have a nice soft cushion of money to land on unless it was a matter of survival, in which case all bets were off.
Radenor was not without its uses as a region, though. For one thing, there were plenty of artisans in guilds all over the The Great Valley, many of them practicing the traditional ways of doing things that had long since fallen out of favor in places that were less backwards. He'd worked with a scribe based out of an otherwise unassuming little town on creating a forged illuminated manuscript years ago, then sold it to a grasping Valran in Daravin who thought that in the lines of looping, untranslatable script were secrets of the old empire. In truth, it was just a bunch of recipes from a Grician cookbook that he'd scrambled into a simple substitution cipher and then transliterated into Gentaverese but add enough mystic looking symbols onto things and exciting drawings of occult gatherings and, well, people filled in what they wanted to believe.
It had been worth it, even if the Valran had tried to cheat him out of his coin by using some kind of awful magic on him. He was lucky he'd had the foresight to bury the manuscript before the meeting so that the man needed him alive.
In any case, he hadn't been through town to meet up with Kent since them, and his last letter about new business had gone unanswered, but he'd acquired something truly great from his fence in Lorien: an actual antique book, and the knowledge that classical literature from Radenor was all the rage among a certain subset among the idle heirs of the Riennese. Thomas was happy to give them what they desired: very convincing copies of the real deal sold at a slight discount due to their shadowy provenance. All he had to do was get them drunk, tell them the book may have been purloined from a library in Northradica and that the nobility of Radenor was even now on the lookout for it, and they'd be hooked. But first, he needed three or four to sell.
And so, against his better judgment, he made for Sheorlund, hoping that Kent just hadn't bothered to write back. If the man had taken on an apprentice or another guildsman had moved into town, maybe they could suggest someone who could do the sort of work Thomas sought.