Going My Own Way

The Southern Crown of Radenor.

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Thu Nov 24, 2022 7:14 pm

31st Ash, 4622

Oliver was horrified at what he had found after rummaging through Eric’s stuff, it appeared to be a fabrication of lies and secrets as he came across letters of the man plotting his downfall as the letter was left on the table, ready to be sent the next morning.

Dear Augustus Rever

I am sorry for the short notice, but it appears our plans are ready. I am ready to leave Lorien for good and give up my life as a Lustrian, as I am ready to give up my life with my current husband. He has been a good husband, but nothing compares to the value of respect and prosperity you bring to me. I feel like he’s sponging off my riches as my family had said, but now I have made my decision. Divorce is my only answer.

We will be together soon.


“So that’s how you feel about me?” He said as tears would retract from his ears that he would remain there for the rest of the night, appearing to be sleepless from the current revelation.

The morning had arisen as Oliver was looking out of the window, seemingly annoyed by last night’s trail of debauchery with Eric. He slammed the glass on the table loudly, enough to wake Eric up from his peaceful sleep. He awoke and yawned “Good morning hon!” The smaller male said, before Oliver turned around and exclaimed at the top of his lungs “Don’t you ‘good morning hon’ me, Eric… Not anymore, especially after yesterday’s stunt, not to mention you’ve been lying to me on what this trip is really about.” He said as he let out a deep sigh, slamming the paperwork down from a man named Augustus Revers “Who is this man? I found other documents too, now explain yourself, because if you don’t have a good reason then I’m walking out of that door and you will never see me again… Ever…”

Eric seemed to panic, but almost like he was guilty that he had been caught red handed and not because of the fact that he had been married “Oh, relax… Oliver, it’s just a…”

“Just what? An innocent little tiff? Let me tell you something, I don’t like it when people keep secrets from me, it was done in my family and it most CERTAINLY shall not be done here, now tell me the truth… Were you actually planning on divorcing me in the first place?” He asked as he shook his head as he looked at Eric, reading the letter that it had confirmed his state of divorce. Oliver’s head sank in sadness just reading the state plans.

The silence shook the air as Eric didn’t have any answers. Oliver had his answer: silence always screams the truth out loud. He shook his head frowning for a moment as he tilted his head “Eric, what did I do to deserve this?” He sighed as he sat down, appearing to sob as the smaller male came closer in an ounce of sympathy, as if he was looking to get him back.

“My family was right, I knew I shouldn't have married you, knowing that you would've used me to gain access into the system…”

“No, I gave you everything, knowledge, I even helped you write that stupid essay for your book and now you're just using me?”

“Well, you were a good scribe, yes but... You lacked character, you're just a boring fart who won't lighten up a little”

"Theres a difference between having fun and waking up paralytic every day, the amount of times you've insulted me and you're lucky I had the patience of a saint putting up with you... Infact, I’m going, you're not my problem anymore…” Oliver proceeded to leave on his way out, that was until Eric stopped for a moment, realising that Oliver was serious about leaving. It appeared that he had lost the care in the world for him, as he did to men who lie. He immediately started gathering his things innocently as Eric watched in shock. Did he at least care somewhat? Why was he this way? Or was it the anger of no longer getting his own way that decided to take over? Whilst Oliver was packing, Eric loomed over his shoulder.

“Where will you go?”

“Anywhere as far as from your greedy, self-centred ass, I've had enough, I've been married for you for three years, your behaviour is out of control. I don't know what you want any more so please spare me the pain of dealing with someone emotionally damaged as you are...”

"So is that what you think of me? Sometimes I wonder if it's you with the problem, Oliver."

"There we go again, trying to turn the problem onto me as usual! WHEN ARE YOU GONNA GROW UP!" He screamed out in anger as he shook his head "Probably never at this rate, you're too concerned with what your Lustrian family think, well let me tell you something, I don't fucking care anymore, you're not my husband anymore because you wrecked our marriage!"

"Perhaps I was mistaken in marrying you myself, all you do is wallow, complain like a big baby..."

"Because you do stuff that's aggravating and damaging to your health and reputation! I just want someone with common decency, not a man who throws away their last bits of coin on drink, goes behind my back in some affair that you appear to be having. I have been loyal to you, but you have to understand it goes both ways, Eric, it hurts." Oliver said tearfully as he kept his back turned, knowing that looking at Eric was painful. "Go to your new lover... At least maybe you'll be happier..." Oliver frowned as he continued packing.

Eric placed a hand on his shoulder as Oliver could feel the essence draining out of him. He began to feel weak, unable to fight the sensation of being winnowed “Eric… What are you…” Oliver's skin began to sag from the inner weakness of his Vitescence being drained from his body as if his vitality was being completely siphoned from his body. He tried to fight it, but no matter how much he tried to budge Eric, he could feel his strength waning as fast as he could.

He passed out on the floor as he looked in his peripheral vision one last time, closing his eyes from the weakness he had endured, seemingly losing consciousness from the amount of essence siphoned from his soul. Eric had felt the moral dilemma of siphoning essence from his body. He decided to return his vitality straight to his body. He eventually tried to grab his gun as he felt his hand begin to burn. It was enkindled already, meaning that only a Sigilic Pyromancer could revoke its power.

He chose to abandon Oliver in that condition, eventually leaving him for death or alive.

An hour later.

Oliver woke up in his bed once more as he opened his eyes, noticing Giselle checking his heartbeat and pulse using Kinesthesia. He moved off the bed, seemingly startled by her presence as he took a deep breath.

“What? What happened? Why are you here?”

“Well, judging by the way you and Eric seemed to get along, you seemingly ended your relationship with him?” Giselle asked curiously, crossing her arms “I only came to help if that was what you were wondering.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“You said that last time whilst we were looking around the ancient sites of Icheron, you got your foot trapped in quicksand…”

“And you have to bring that up…” He grumbled under his breath “So why are you here? To explain yourself why you left me?”

“If you were wondering, I was forced off the ship by the crew… I tried to go back but the crew defied me…”

“Ahh, I see, so you’re not the strong leader I thought you were…”

“Still rather petty…” She retorted as she shook his head. “Truth is, I’ve been following you because your husband, or rather now ex husband has been a very very naughty boy…”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he’s a Lorien man from the East correct? You should know not to trust them.”

“But he’s a mage himself..” Oliver said with surprise.

“Lorien folk only care about their own sort, Oliver… You were just an obstacle in his way, that he thought you could use… He’s been dealing with Griscian magehunters…”

“So all those trips to Tyrclaid were just to fund Eric’s greedy habit?” Oliver asked, shaking his head as he appeared angry for a moment “He’ll pay for his avarice, trust me… Greedy people get their comeuppance.”

“I never knew you were slightly sly, Oliver… Surprised me actually.”

Oliver looked back at Giselle as that appeared to be a remark to tease him as he began to leave the tavern for a moment, looking around for the carriage that Eric and Oliver arrived in.

“Fuck! He’s taken it… Everything…”

“Well… If you ask nicely, I have another place for you to stay… Somewhere much more cosier in Lanbridge…”

“No thanks…” Oliver retorted with some form of aggression to his voice as he walked off into the distance.

“You’ll regret it!”

“I’m going my own way!” Oliver said, making his exit from Nurin.

Giselle watched as a crow flew down from her pedestal before transforming into her human form “And it appears your old friend is a stubborn mare, from what I’ve gathered.”

“Don’t underestimate him, Lucretia. He is strong… Perhaps too strong that his stubbornness appears to give people quite a hard time.”

“Will he serve us?” He asked.

“I’m not sure if we can get him in a position to… We do need his help though…”

Giselle and Lucretia turn towards each other as they nod at each other, signalling rally points as she could feel her “And Lucretia… Not a word that I’ve been here…”

“A promise from the sisterhood…” She nodded as Lucretia transformed into a crow and fled.

word count: 1739
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Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:16 pm



  • 6x Generic Lores

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  • 5 Non-magical exp

Comments: When fate is entwined with another, sometimes, severing the cord to become independent is required to grow as a whole; Never forget that you are your own author who is creating their own story to tell...

word count: 117
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