Preying on the Rowdy [Miki]

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:35 pm

Glade 8th, 122


That's what he had to do, hide from the enemies he had made whilst finding himself. His own freedom that he knew had been on the line since he had taken the liberty of taking himself. A broken code to Brazim's nature of self-indulgence and sinful pleasures. To serve oneself in their own way. This powerful enemy served herself by using the whims and wills of others to achieve her goals, including her own brethren. A very powerful enemy indeed that could bring destruction and chaos to Daravin through her ways of espionage, seduction and ruthless application of the Candor. The Black Dahlia. That's what they call her within the realms of the Entente. Some say it's malicious gossip as there was no proof she committed such atrocities. Of course there was no proof. Her plots were elegant and sophisticated enough that even a single pounce of opportunity could've solved them. At least that's what Salen thought. They were vultures born of the same ilk, knowing when they see an opportunity, they strike, like a lion pouncing on it's prey.

Salen knew methods. He knew people as he was visiting an old friend he was working back in the Badlands, the barman of Rustbucket; he owed Salen a favor but in perfect exchange, he offered to work for them, even during the nights where customers will become rowdy and violent, craving to fulfill their depraved desires. It was a seedy bar with the reputation of carrying one of the largest brothels in the Badlands. He had to fit in though, knowing that he was being hunted for his ultimate betrayal against a powerful Entente spymaster. He sported a leather vest which he kept it open, followed by other clothes which would disguise him as a badlander. Of course, he was dressed the same as the whores that worked around the place as he carried his tray of drinks.

He was minding his own business until another badlander spanked him on the ass. Smack. A thrush of excitement and vigor coursed through his veins. Lust? Who knew. He turned to the man who had a smirk on his face. Salen smirked back and played coy, acting as if he was interested for a moment "Hey handsome. You stopped me, why was that?" He asked, before moving closer, watching the badlander stand up infront of him as he looked intimidating with his height of six-feet five inches. It was at that time that he prepared his shaper, knowing it could still have some strength to knock out a man, even at his stage of development for his blight. His eyes met, knowing that predatory look that seduced even the weariest of men and women.

At that moment, he grinded his butt against his crotch, watching him as he moved his hands, knowing how much he cheered for him "Oh, yes!" He said as he appeared to get rowdy and excited for what's about to happen next. Or in this case, what he thinks would happen. He shimmied his body in front of him, showing every contour of his muscles to him as he wolf whistled and catcalled at him. It wasn't until Salen turned around that he was going to teach him a lesson. A lesson in respect "Do you know what they say?" He paused as he tilted his head and cupped his chin "You can look." He pulled his fist back and delivered a blow to his face "But you can't touch" He watched as he stumbled into backwards from the force and tumbled over a couple of drinking badlanders.

Salen laughed as he watched a barfight break out due to his act of violence as he carried on walking and serving. And maybe smashing the odd bottle over some nasty fucker's head.

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Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:48 pm






That was his tell. Dumbass. Even having played very little card games Miki could always tell a fucking sucker. Tapping his fingers against the table could only be the most obvious of tells, too. That being said, he laid his hand. Not just a winner but THE winner Miki stared slack jawed at her savings depleted. Everyone sighed, it was a total wipe for them all. He was about to take the pot. The woman playing beside her dressed like an utter tramp sucked her cheek and folded. As did the next. Miki on the other hand stared no where else but the pot. The JACKPOT, two thousand farthings. This game was no joke. In fact it was getting to the point where Miki was considering just letting someone else win and robbing them. That was until Miki drew her next card. The countess of hearts. Miki's heart stopped as the blood flushed from her face. That made a full run. Somehow she had beat him.

In a moment of her own tell she giggled and swished her tail, a toothy sinister smile. All else folded and it was her turn. She paused, using the moment to say something divinely catty but right before she laid her cards the table was sent flying, cards, farthings, and bodies all.
Someone shouted as the house scrambled for the massive amount of farthings now scattered. Calamity was ensuing. Looking around she spotted a man who looked rather pleased with himself within the chaos, not far from the table it would seem the man who crashed into her game was done so by his hand. A smattering of farthings were scattered in front of her. Before she could make the scoop to regain her bet someone dived for the coins. Using the heel of her boot Miki crushed their hand in one movement, but was now uninterested in the meager coins. Surely the master of chaos would have something she could take?

The moroi made her way through the rowdy crowd, drinks spilling all over her, soaking her in mead and liquor, a wench carrying a tray tried to get past her and she pushed them out of her way, sending them sprawling. He was walking through the crowd himself and she followed in the background, eyes on him while she took elbows and pushed right back. Her target snuck off somewhere, she had lost him. Not of her own volition, no, because a very large bastard was standing in front of her looking for a fight. Small to begin with this man was towering not over just her but over most in the bar. She hadn't noticed his height before but it was the man who had almost won the card game. Nothing was said, there was only menace as he went to grab her small form by the shoulders but she was quicker and dodged, at first. Picking up a chair he tossed it at her, sending her to the floor. Miki caught herself with her elbow which sent a ricochet of pain through her body. She hissed her alien hiss, a mixture of a trill and a cat like spit, then jumped from her spot and headbutted him in the nose with her horns.

Blood splattered across her face as he reeled back in pain. Not sparing another moment on his hulking form she slipped away, looking in vain for the one who cost her the pot of winnings.

word count: 617
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Wed Apr 13, 2022 12:14 pm

Salen was oblivious to the ruckus that he had caused, knowing it was normal in the badlands. They were chaotic rowdy fuckers, which was fine company to be around. Well, almost fine. There were occasions which it irked Salen although he needed to seem like he was having fun. The common principles of customer service. However, there were those that wanted to take advantage of the situation in front of them which would instigate a reaction. He understood it was probably not the best decision, but it was necessary to assert his dominance.

He made his way around the bar, minding his own business. He couldn't help but feel the tension of someone following him. Ops. What had he done now? Maybe it was that guy he punched in the face that time.


He saw the red horned psycho of a alien like creature after him. However, he kept his cool, blending into the environment as she appeared to be on the hunt. He could feel her rage from a mile away, as if someone was breathing down his neck. That horrible feeling of dread sinked into his skin. He knew how violent badlander gangs could be, so it was best that he would keep a low profile around the area.

Yet again, just as soon as he thought he was safe, he lowered his guard, not to mention the fragrant smell gave him away from the body odour and perspiring men and women that roamed these areas. However, some patrons of the bar also wore strong cologne. No? She could smell him.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

He saw him headbutt another man as she saw how much of a lunatic she was. Shit! If she turned around now, she could spot him as he slowly snook away into the shadows of the crowds once more, hoping that the female didn't catch the gaze of him, or even the trail of his floral scent.

Please give me Brazim's favor

First, Dahlia now this crazy woman? When you first gave me your blessing, did you suddenly make women hate me all of a sudden?

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Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:49 pm



And what really was that poignant smell? Miki thought she had lost him but somehow was following her nose, an arm here, the to p of his head there. She didn't know much about magic in this world, magic was replaced by crystal tech in her homeland as well as pure science. She had no idea what she was following and being effected by was a Blight. A feeling of desire was welling up in her, she was getting angry. There was an absence of caution in her, he just cost her several thousand dranari! It had been several moments now, she had snuck off into a quiet corner away from the fight, but even from her vantage point with a scope of the fight she had lost him. That was when the smell wafted to her nose, that smell which seemed to dull her senses and make her want something visceral.

She turned around on a whim and saw him beside a few boxes. Caution thrown to the wind she stomped up to him and looked him in the face, tufted tail swishing madly and an accented hiss on her lips.
"Quite a piece of art, too bad some trollop has ran off with my rent. You seem just fine in some mayhem, think you owe me for that spilled table?"
She grinned, it was more a baring of the teeth as she stepped back from him and pointed an accusatory finger drawn in front of completely yellow, pupil-less eyes.
"Big baller tried to beat my ass for that spill. Maybe if I bring him you he'll leave me the fuck alone."
In truth she was here without any protection and her chariot was well outside. The bar was starting to hit a crescendo, people were slipping in the blood on the floor.

Miki was drinking it in, slipping in a way of her own. Should this turn out to be someone formidable she had nothing but horns and a nasty bite or claw to defend herself. Yet the seething anger she felt crawled over her skin like an itch she couldn't scratch until she got some form of retribution. You see, she was flat broke and hungry. At the end of her rope gambling was a last resort. The moroi wasn't even a gambler by hobby, but like everyone had heard of the massive winnings people could scrape for coins.
"You did throw that guy didn't you?"

Despite the magic pheromones from the Corvo blight she still was second guessing herself. Could she win this fight? Could she get what she wanted?
word count: 466
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:31 pm

The moment where Salen had been caught red handed, he exhaled through his nose in frustration, before he simply turned around, putting on a smile that seemed chameleon enough to be construed as friendly. However, the red haired woman was clearly at unease, knowing he had costed her a gambling table. Should she attack the true cause of his actions? Who knew, there was a way he had to handle this; through his persuasion, charm and charisma that he had going. He simply kept his cool and smiled "Why thank you." He ever so brazenly added to the compliment. With a nod, he shrugged, knowing how tiny the woman was compared to him.

He crossed his arms and looked down at her, giving her a patronising look as he stared into her eyes. She was clearly annoyed, but there was a way he had to bend his will; the golden twinkle of his iris' lit up as Beguiler was in effect with the intense eye contact he held for a moment "Y'know it's rude to point, lady. Didn't they teach you manners from wherever you came from?" He admitted with a smirk. He was clearly cocky and trying to seem intimidating towards the female, knowing full well he may have to defend himself against the small, yet slightly devilish looking female.

What on earth is she?

He tilted his head in thought for a moment, thinking about what he she had said "Yeah, I did." He admitted, looking down on the female "Listen here, I don't take any shit from anyone, I'd think you'd better find the route of the problem first, before flailing around like some sort of psycho." Salen would make eye contact once again as he crossed his arms "I tell you what, why don't you take your anger out on the horny pig that caused this argument in the first place. You and me and walk merrily free from this unharmed, hmm?" His eye contact seemed more intense, yet it was friendly, charming and seemingly calm although he was ready to strike in case Beguiler didn't work.

He was betting on this chance.

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word count: 485
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Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:53 pm

Thread Title

  • Seduction: Charming your way out of a situation
  • Seduction: Being the center of attention
  • Seduction: Drawing someone in with smells.
  • Seduction: Quality of voice makes a difference
  • Seduction: Acting coy
  • Persuasion: Delivery is important
  • Acting: Feigning Interest with a client
  • Unarmed Combat: A punch to the face

  • 8 XP

  • 3 Generic Gambling Lores
  • 8 XP

  • An unopened bottle or some farthings as desired.

  • nothing significant. More blood next time, please.

Nice bar fight! Maybe next time there can be more bottle smashing action. Always a fan of that, personally.
word count: 254
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