(Wilds) To and Fro

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:06 am


Ash 35, 4621¤

The duo rode their bikes, needing the wurmblood, across the wilds headed towards Valtoria. She was worrying about money, she had nothing in her pockets and not much to bargain with either other than what was in her backpack. They would kill the man's wurm and then they would dine like kings. They had already decided to ask for collateral in case the deal went south on his end. It was more than enough in their eyes to ask for. Strictly speaking she found the idea comforting and well within the Candor. If he refused he would be denying them compensation and that was it. Nothing for anyone. She could and would play hardball, she knew she and Izul were quite the out of the ordinary pair but they were worth their weight in gold.

"Don't fuck this up."
Miki muttered to Izul when she came back from hunting fowl in the bush. It was good turkey this night prepared again with onions and garlic. A staple out here. Izul ignored Miki's growling and got to work on cooking and eating.
"I can see this going two ways, very good or very very bad."
Miki chewed on a turkey leg considering out loud how and why they would end up in a ruse. Izul already knew where she was going and cut her off claiming,
"You are paranoid. Pogma and I go way back. Let's just get this shit we'll be fine."
Miki grumbled in reply, but said nothing ultimately. Izul was good at keeping her moods in check. Was there always something worse on the horizon? It seemed like the days creeped on with nothing changing, the stagnation of her life was getting to her. She got up and stretched cracking her back in several places.
"I'm gonna get some air, I'll be back before sunsets."
Izul snickered and said,
"I believe you because of your creepy horn thing."
Miki took that as her sign to leave and headed deeper into the forest, trying to find a stream to wash her hair in.


The stream was had. She waded in the ankle deep water and splashed around before washing her hair. When she was done she tied into a tight knot and looked around for any signs of crystals. It was well known to her quartz and garnet liked riverbeds. She was hoping to get lucky. Then, within the silt and clay, she unearthed a large white quartz ripe for the taking. She dug it out by hand, getting muddy all over, but didn't care. At the end she washed the mud off of her and returned with the quartz. It was palm sized and beautiful. she plucked it from its cavern like the novice she was, some of the better parts had been marred in the extraction. At least she was able to salvage the tip which glinted and gleamed like a star in her palm.
"Find something nice?"
Izul asked when Miki returned. Miki simply tossed the crystal at the other who caught it with some dexterity. Appraising it, Izul told her,
"Hm I like this spot here."
And returned it in a flourish to Miki, who fumbled but caught it. They ended up talking about crystals for awhile while packing up and disposing of the food. It would do to risk Azunath's eye on them while they slept in the way of hungry predators.

"Who was the contact again?"
Miki asked when they were bunked down for the night, the fire was dim now and almost out.
"Raphael, necrodoctor. Supposedly needs it to settle some debts? Not sure, we'll see what he says when we get there."
"Well hopefully he lets us stash our bikes somewhere, else we will have to hike to the city."
"Already planned on it."
Izul shook her head like she had won.
"We walk in and find our target, then leave with the collateral to the Badlands and hunt down our target. You know we can head to Traphole and find what we're looking for easy. I just hope it's enough. I've never done it with just two people so we'll need to go fleet of foot."
Miki hadn't either. She wondered about the repercussions and waste. With only two of them much may end up being left behind to either rot or get scooped up by others. Would the hideout provided by Hector be enough for all of the blood they would aquire?
Last edited by Miki on Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 787
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:26 pm


Ash 36, 4621¤

It was Miki's turn to help out getting meat for the duo. She was a terrible hunter but a decent shot, as long as she could get in range she would be able to kill a lizard. She had been out of the Badlands only a few times since her emancipation from the safety of her race's settlement. Still, she knew that lizards around here were a delicacy. It was her charge today, she would look for a lizard to shoot down while Izul gathered herbs and fruit.

There was a pile of carrion not far from their camp and Miki posted up there out of sight She watched through her scope for any sign of movement from the bush. Finally a lizard with rough brown skin roughly the size of a dog came out to feast upon the spoiled meat. Miki watched it for some time, conflicted. It didn't know what it was about to eat was its last meal. Yet without it she couldn't have her own belly fully tonight. She adjusted the scope as it dropped a great hunk of torn viscera into its gullet. She almost couldn't, until Izul dropping a pan with a huge clang alerted the beast. It lifted its great head and revealed its tongue in a slither from its mouth as it tasted the air for signs of trouble. If she didn't act fast she would lose her shot. Her finger twitched and she took the shot, the lizard lay limp-- killed instantly. Cleaning out the barrel with a rag on a stick she went to go grab the hulking body of the lizard.

Miki dragged it back to the camp and began poorly harvesting the meat from the bones. She wasn't even sure if it was edible but when she put it on the searing hot rock it sizzled and smelled like a worthy steak. Izul was back later and was impressed with the meat, taking to the rest of the cooking from there. They eat a plethora of fruit, nuts, veggies, and meat that night. It was home cooking, nothing like being served by a waiter, but it hit the spot all the same. It would be time to get on the road soon, back to the Badlands and off to fight the wurm. She remembered their last wurm hunt where they chased down the largest she had ever seen in her life, the largest anything. They had so much wurmblood they could have bargained for anything, but Reiki got greedy and tried making a three wheeled mega-hog. Now it was all gone. That would not happen again.

The trepidation Miki felt about the wurm hunt was palpable. With so few people, just the two of them, would they even be able to take down the wurm? Still, they would have to. It would do well to prove to Hector they were worth their salt. Then he would wiggle his fingers and provide them with bodies for the gang, fresh faces sure soft from time spent in town but the good ones would harden fast. It would be well worth it if Hector could also prove himself and hold up his end of the bargain. Paranoia settled in her haunches but she tried to fight it, this is how she felt with all new people. Everyone had an angle, everyone wanted something, everyone wants you to prove yourself to them, she was getting too old to make friends but business partners she could do.


They rode all day until finding an outcropping of stones a four day's walk to Amoren. It was close but they had high hopes no one would be able to find their bikes. Shrugging on their large backpacks they began the arduous walk on foot the rest of the way. They would need, after meeting with Raphael, to make it back in good time and not mess around at the town drinking and socializing or looking for leads. It would be time getting towards the Badlands and the Traphole but they would be there soon enough.

Miki was ready for the bubble around her psyche to pop, so impatient she felt as if she were a horse being led by a carrot-- never to truly get her prize.
word count: 750
Be what you is...
And not what you ain't.
Because if you is what you ain't...
Then you ain't what you is!

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Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:45 pm
Location: The Imperial Badlands
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1454

Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:47 am



Leadership: Generic Lore 1
Leadership: Generic Lore 2
Leadership: Generic Lore 3
Gunslinging: Generic Lore 1
Gunslinging: Generic Lore 2
Gunslinging: Generic Lore 3

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5

Comments: If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know!

word count: 55
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