[Blood Magic] Plot request

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Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:47 am

I want to get blood magic for Arkash toward the end of Ash. I've put together a plot with a few key points to adhere to that will result in him gaining blood magic.
  1. Arkash begins work next season as a thief/assassin about half-way through Ash after some rehabilitation. Shortly after, he's approached by a gaunt, shriveled human that gives him a piece of parchment. Any attempt to talk to the human is met with simple replies along the lines of 'it's from my master' or 'read it and see.' The parchment holds details of a farmhouse beyond the walls of Nivenhain and its inhabitants. He's instructed to kill the mother and father and paint the bedroom wall with the bloodied eye that's depicted at the front of the parchment, then paint the forehead of the son with the same insignia with the blood of his father, and take him outside to be collected by the gaunt human. (1 thread)
  2. Arkash goes to the farmhouse in the dead of night and breaks in. After sneaking into the parent's bedroom, he decides to eliminate the father first as he only has one arm, but his gargling and thrashing wake the mother. Panicked screams ensue, and she fights back. Arkash uses his venom and knife to eliminate her. Once both parents are dead, he begins to paint the wall, when a young boy of seven walks into the room, frozen with fear. Arkash, having expected the son to be at least his own age is faced with a moral dilemma, but clings to his hatred of humans to suppress thoughts of weakness. he paints the boy's forehead with his father's blood and takes him to the field instructed to be delivered to the gaunt human. (2 threads)
  3. More odd jobs are delivered by the same gaunt human after the completion of the first, which grow increasingly difficult with every completion. At some point, Arkash will be able to afford a bladed prosthetic for his left arm to make the jobs easier. All the jobs he faces share a theme of increasing difficulty as well as leaving the bloodied eye insignia where it can be seen, close to the scene of the murder or act of cruelty. (4 threads)
  4. Finally, Arkash is instructed to kill a specific Errant-Knight on patrol. The gaunt human introduces himself as 'Chitter', and tells Arkash that his master wants to meet with him once he's done with the job. Arkash accepts, and the details are given to him by word of mouth. Eliminate the target in a given point of his patrol toward the fringes of lower Nivenhain, then guide his hollow to a designated Alley. Return to the scene quickly and paint the eye around the bleeding body of the errant knight. (1 thread)
  5. Arkash ambushes the errant knight from a rooftop and drives the blade of his prosthetic limb into the knights shoulder. Simultaneously, he clamps the knight's face with his jaws, injects his venom, and rips as he fulls away. The hollow is disturbed and attempts to attack Arkash, but he bounds out of reach before the golem can catch him and knocks its master to the floor. Arkash spends the rest of the fight weaving through attacks from both the hollow and the knight while delivering deep cuts to the target to make him bleed out faster. When the human falls, he guides the hollow to the designated alley, where it's captured and later ceremoniously executed by Chitter. Arkash returns to the scene and paints the eye around the body. Chitters approaches Arkash and instructs Arkash to follow, and he's led out of the city. (1-2 threads) (Disclaimer: I plan to have at least expert acrobatics & stealth and at least journeyman blades & unarmed combat at this point.)
  6. Chitter guides Arkash to a cave in the northern wilds, which is carved into the side of a mountain. the cold leaves him somewhat immobile by the time he reaches the cave, but the interior is warmed by fire. There, Arkash meets with the blood mage, Malafor. He's a withered, sickly human near his death bed. His condition reminds Arkash a lot of his father, so he empathizes with the mage to some extent, despite being human. Malafor offers Arkash unlimited power if he completes one more job for him, and Arkash immediately accepts. The job is then detailed as the assassination of a specific noble lord of house Vogen, the one who cast his affliction upon him, and to paint the bloodied eye around him on his sheets. Arkash decares that it will be done and takes a moment to warm up by the fire before he heads down the mountain. And that's where his research of house Vogen begins. (1 thread)
  7. During his research, Arkash discovers that the man named Malafor was a powerful and feared mage who was brought to his end by an Edward Vogen, who'd barely survived the encounter himself. He learns of the noble's roost in the west end, then resolves to head there after buying some specific tools to help him complete the mission (1 thread)
  8. Arkash journeys to Westfalen, where his face is unknown. There, he elects to buy an inn room for a week and watches the noble's estate carefully from afar and records everything he can, from guard patrols to occupants of the home, pets, schedules, everything. Once he has all the data he needs, he devises a plan on paper. (1-2 threads)
  9. he proceeds to the estate in the dead of night. He has a twenty-minute gap between patrols to enter the building. Using the pick-like extension of his prosthetic arm, he scales the front of the building and climbs in through the lord's window either by picking the lock or using a glass cutter. He ceremoniously kills the sleeping lord and paints the sheets with his blood as instructed. The door opens partway through the act, and an Argent Knight yells his warning and attacks Arkash. Arkash doesn't try to fight the knight and instead dodges the man's attacks while completing the bloodied eye. When it's done, there's even more knights in the room, so he bails through the window and injures his leg in the fall. he attempts to limp away as the guards Rally, and Chitter arrives at the scene on horseback. he helps Arkash onto the horse, then escapes the city.
  10. Though Arkash is wounded, he's still presented to Malafor with news of the deed being done. Malafor is beyond pleased and declares that Arkash will be his progeny. Though surprised, Arkash accepts and a ritual he's unfamiliar with follows. He's instructed to do nothing, to hold still and endure the pain that he's about to face. Arkash becomes hesitant and demands further explanation, but no such knowledge is given. Instead, he's detained by Chitter and another gaunt human, and held down while Malafor draws the rune on Arkash's back. He doesn't fight back as his body fights with the mark, and gashes of various depths and sizes appear on his scales. he's close to death by the time the initiation is complete, and blacks out to the pain. (1-2 threads)
  11. When he next wakes, he finds his wounds stitched and bandaged. He's then made to practice his new magic on others under Malafor's supervision. He will remain imprisoned there for some time, and I will either have Arkash kill Malafor when he's strong enough and escape or I will have his companion NPCs save him somehow (or other players if they're inclined).
This is all quite roughly thrown together and I'm writing it at 4am before breakfast, so if you need any clarification or things changed, please let me know.
Last edited by Arkash on Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1332
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Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:10 pm

Hello and Good afternoon!

I have 3 questions to start this thing off:

1. Do you have any threads currently that would explain why Arkash would be approached by this mysterious person in step 1, or are you planning to write some threads to establish the background for this initial meeting? If you already have some threads please go ahead and link them here.

2. The assumption here is that the entirety of this plot will be done via Solos, but do you foresee the possibility of any part of this plot becoming a Coop thread with additional players?

3. Do any of the NPC's mentioned in this plot series already have write ups or will you be generating them yourself as you go?

Question your Reality,

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Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:37 am

Hi Mirage, thanks for picking this up!

For your first three questions, I have these answers.

1. Arkash made a mild amount of noise in Lower Nivenhain before he was sentenced to death which might have caught some people's attention or started rumors: The death of a savant citizen and a burned-down home (which were later tied to him with the proceeding investigation), and a vicious assault on an innocent savant boy, who later testified against Arkash as the one who inflicted the wounds that mangled his arm. Arkash was sentenced to death within hours and hollows were dispatched, but the constructs didn't return and were found destroyed in Lower Nivenhain the next day. I think all of this might be enough to turn some heads and start people talking, which would catch the attention of one of the chitters, who would already be scouting a protégé for Malafor. When the lizard turns up after a couple of months of quiet as an assassin, one of the chitters will then track him down.

2. I'd like to do some of this with players if possible, but Arkash will see this as something he has to do, and won't ask anyone for help, even his mentors. He might even try to push people out or avoid others during his work, which would make it difficult for people to get in. But on an OOC basis, I'd love to share this story with anyone that's interested (as an obstacle or a boon) if I'd be allowed to.

3. I planned to generate a write-up for Malafor and possibly the Noble Lord he kills if necessary once I was sure the plot was acceptable. Both the chitters are like plot-device level NPCs, and I don't think a write up is necessary for them, but I can make one for them too if you'd like. As for the final point of being saved by his mentors, I think I'd rather have Arkash kill Malafor himself once he's strong enough with a little further consideration. (Of course, I won't say no to any sympathetic PCs that think they can save him)

Of course, I can make the above write-ups before we proceed if you'd prefer; I planned to get them done before September anyway. I hope this clarifies things!

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Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:49 pm

I see no issue with this plot. If/when you involve other PC's be sure to talk to your local moderator, likely Sovereign in this case, to ensure their involvement will not hamper or change any factors relating to this plot significantly. I do not foresee this plot requiring direct mod intervention, but to be safe keep your mod team in the loop as you progress as they may wish to work some elements of this into larger plots as well.

For the sake of this plot line I would like to see write ups of the two major NPC's Malafor and the other noble. If you can delve a bit into their family in the biography that will go a long way with identifying if this plot will cause any other ripples in Lorien that could generate more plots later on. As for the chitters they do not need a full write up. I would, however, like a brief blurb on them and what their roles are so that I can add it to the records of this plot. You never know when little details like that may come in handy later.

You can post the writeups in this thread and I will approve everything in one go ^.^. I will also update your Character Secrets thread as well when that time comes. Let me know if you have any questions!

Question your Reality,

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Sat Aug 22, 2020 11:52 am

N P C: M A L A F O R

Race: Human
Age: 53
Height: 6'3
Weight: 110 lbs

Occupation: Assassin
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Plot NPC
Influence: 3

Old, gaunt, and withered. Most would assume Malafor to be far older than he really is. His cold eyes are sunken, gnarled teeth are yellowed with age and his silver-grey hair is always a frayed mess always. Despite his living conditions, his skin appears clean but darkened with wrinkles and red in patches. The scent that surrounds him is akin to dampness or mold, and his clothes often reflect that. His fingernails are about as kempt as the rest of him and extend outward in long, curved claws with chipped and broken ends.

As far as clothing goes: a dark grey cloak that meets the floor, stained with dust and dirt from the places he haunts. His posture sees him constantly hunched over with a forward-leaning head and a perpetually angry scowl decorates his features.

Malafor, once a wicked and revered monster that prowled the streets of Rien cities under the cover of shadow, now a shriveled husk nearing death. His origins are unknown, only that his name was first whispered in the slums of Lower Nivenhain for the brutal way that he mangled his victims, and decorated the scenes of his murders with depictions of bloodied eyes. While his strength and ambition grew, his area of effect grew. Before long, he offered his services as an assassin to the noble lords of the houses. His ability to eliminate competition and opposition without use of valuable resources while remaining confidential saw him used to end a number of conflicts between houses before they could start.

Peace was not his brand, however. Malafor sought only dominance. The fear of the people drove him; if his next victim was someone that the community cherished, he'd see to it that their body was painted across the front wall of their estate for the public to see and despair. He reveled in the chaos he created, the power he wielded over others in their final moments.

That wasn't to say that he was without help, however. His acts of cruelty attracted plentiful dark hearts, who sought a piece of his glory. They aided him in the shadows. One of these men was a powerful affliction mage that struck his opposition with particularly gruesome maladies that they quickly perished from. Werg was his name, and he served Malafor with great punctuality, though he carried his own ambitions.

When the time came that he was contracted to eliminate the a count in the west end, Werg's ambition was revealed. Before Malafor could even make it to the land, Werg turned his fangs on malafor, and the two engaged in a brutal battle of wills and magic. Werg ended torn with multiple lacerations, and Malafor struck with a crippling malady that left him unable to fight. Werg fled and left Malafor for dead in the frozen wilds, while Malafor crawled and struggled through the blistering winds. When all seemed lost, more devotees stumbled across him, a pair of twins from the slums of Nivenhain. They aided their revered ord of fear and tucked him away in a cave to the north.

Malafor was intended to die within months, but he persisted for years to come. The damp air of his new home and prison was good to his lungs and helped to stall his degenerative diseases, but he could never leave. Chitters, as he called the twins that had helped him, served as his eyes, ears, and tongue. They ventured into the streets of the cities to scope the world, as well as search for a successor to his legacy.

Eventually, he learned that his name was spoken of not with the fear he craved, but as a joke in the West End. One of the noble lords there claimed to have made him beg for his life before striking him down. From the Chitters descriptions, Malafor knew it to be Werg. Betrayed and wracked with vengeance, Malafor made it his first order of business to see his past accomplice killed. Time was running short for the mage, and none seemed equipped with the backbone nor the skill to complete such a daunting task. To this day, he has yet to find anyone he considers worthy of his vicious magic.

Blood Magic: Master
Blades: Master
Kinetics: Expert
Acrobatics: Expert
Stealth: Expert
Necromancy: Expert
Tactics: Journeyman
Teaching: Journeyman

N P C: E D W A R D

Race: Human
Age: 42
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lbs

Occupation: Noble Lord
Relation to PC: Victim
NPC Type: Plot NPC
Influence: 3

The lord retains much of his youth in his complexion, despite his rough early life. Cool blue eyes gaze from the tan complexion of his facial features, framed by a full head of long greying hair. He's often found smiling and carries an unprecedented amount of patience for his subjects. Always well-kept and groomed, Edward clearly leads the life of a Rien noble. He maintains good posture and carries himself with an air of practiced elegance, as is expected of someone of his status.

He dresses in fine clothes that reflect the colors of his noble house to reflect his loyalty.

Eddy, as he was called on the slums, was born nameless. he grew up hearing whispers of the vile and wicked Malafor. Instead of finding fear when confronted with the thought of facing such a man, Eddy only felt admiration. He too wanted to share in the brute's glory, and siphon the fear of the weak. So, he traveled in search of gifts that would aid him in earning the favor of his role model, and earned a rune or two of his own purely to impress the monster of his childhood. When he returned to Lorien, he put his gifts of tracking to use and finally encountered the youthful mage in his prime.

Malafor agreed to take him on if he swore loyalty to his cause, and the boy accepted. Together, they worked to strike fear into the hearts of the people and stood among lords on a number of occasions. That was to say that Malafor did; Werg, as he was called then, stayed in the shadows and helped only to cover his tracks and quiet those that pursued him. It wasn't the life he wanted, and his ego sought something better. So, the wheels of his mind turned and envy turned to ambition.

The problem, he decided, wasn't his position. It was his lifestyle. Instead of a life of crime, he decided to pursue a life of luxury and waited for his opportunity while working for Malafor's glory. Other aides came and went, but those loyal enough to stay, he quietly dispatched. He needed to keep his master solitary.

When Malafor's exploits saw him offered a contract grander than anything they'd done before, which was to eliminate the last member of house Vogen. After Malafor shared his plot with his most trusted aide, Werg sought to reap a different reward. He went to the count and warned him of the plot against him. The count was skeptical, of course, but offered Werg a payment of his choosing if he killed the mage and brought back proof of his exploits. Werg accepted and asked to be made a celebrant. The count accepted his terms and declared that he would marry a lord in his holdings to be elevated to celebrant status.

So Werg continued to aide Malafor in his preparation while he dedicated his affliction to creating a curse through a Morbus Domicillius that he would use to defeat the greater mage. He hadn't the time to finish the curse before they set off for the west end, so he rushed it while on the road at the cost of severely corroding his soul, then used it against Malafor, who was quickly overcome with maladies of various kinds in the blizzard they'd traveled into. But Malafor still fought and delivered several severe slashes to Werg, including the scar that runs across his face. Werg knew of Malafor's strength, especially around the blood of others, so he fled with the mage's belongings and left him to die in the snowstorm.

Later, he was married to a noble lord and elevated to celebrant status, but she sadly passed away to an incurable illness a few years after their marriage, leaving him as the lone lord of his estate with plenty of upward mobility.

Affliction: Expert
Mesmer: Expert
Blades: Expert
Acrobatics: Expert
Tactics: Expert
Stealth: Journeyman
Etiquette: Journeyman
Politics: Journeyman

N P C: C H I T T E R 1 & 2

Race: Human
Age: 27
Height: 5'8
Weight: 170 lbs

Occupation: Thief
Relation to PC: Recruitors.
NPC Type: Plot NPCs
Influence: 4

The twin scraggly street rats in service to Malafor. They act as his eyes and ears, and scout for potential protegés for their master. Both are distinctly run down, gaunt human males with similar characteristics in hair, skin pigment, and eyes. In fact, they're almost completely identical to one another, save for some select scars.

Both are relatively friendly and humble when confronted with others. When asked for help, they offer it and even provide assistance to whichever candidate they select to continue their master's work, until they're deemed unworthy.

Last edited by Arkash on Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1668
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Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:39 pm

This plot is approved. Please update me here when you're done so I can sign off on your acquisition of Blood Magic.
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Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:04 am

Here's the plot, fifteen threads total.
  1. Prospect
  2. Innocence Lost I
  3. Innocence Lost II
  4. Hunting I
  5. Hunting II
  6. Cleaning Up The Vermin (Collab/Complete)
  7. Presentation
  8. Phobia
  9. Second Blood I
  10. Second Blood II
  11. Legacy
  12. Stolen Tomes
  13. Stake-out (Collab/Complete)
  14. Avenged (Collab/Complete)
  15. Reward
All threads are completed and either in the review queue or are reviewed.
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Thu Nov 12, 2020 5:14 pm

You are approved to acquire Blood Magic at your leisure. Thank you for writing a great plot!
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