Elizana's Companion NPC

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Elizana Celamyrsa
Posts: 61
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:36 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=292
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Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:01 pm

Vincent Alder Celamyrsa

Age:1st of Glade, Year 96 - 23
Race: Human
Height: 6'
Weight: 165 lb.

Occupation: Noble
Title: Lord (Heir to County of Ludren)

Politics - 40
Tactics - 40
Blades - 30
Unarmed - 20
Law - 20
Acrobatics - 20
Agriculture - 20
Body Building- 15
Running - 15
Singing - 15
Dancing - 15

Description: Vincent is Elizana's twin brother. His is about and hour younger then her, but the two have been very close since then. Despite early efforts from their mother, and do to the efforts of there father the two weren't separated in their raising until the later years of their childhood. During this time both suffered a the separation was extreme. They were only allowed to see each other at dinner and when they would sneak away. When their father became the Count he removed this separation though he did push for them to continue to develop as separate individuals. They continued to be close, but each developed there own skills. While his sister learned history and magic Vincent focus was on politics and military.

Vincent received weapons training and tactical training from the local Argents who he has become close to and when he could would practice with the knights. He also made himself more and more useful to his father and he began to master politics and understand of the County's economy. He still found time to spend with his sister and their twin bound never faded especially as he found support for goals and efforts in the unwavering loyalty of his sister.

It was tested again when Elizana was married to the Count of Branderbren. Both suffered from withdrawals, and it was then that Vincent really became useful to his father as he volunteered to run the missions and errands that would take him out of Skaven and provided his with a chance to visit his sister. Between letters and these visit the two stayed as close as possible. Vincent actually enjoyed visiting the county as well as it focus on sports provided good entertainment while he was there. When the Count of Branderbren died Vincent picked up his sister and brought her home. The two have continued to support each other ever since.

word count: 405
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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:10 pm

Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:51 pm

You are approved for this NPC! Keep in mind this NPC cannot be utilized to directly benefit your PC because of their noble ranking. Beyond that have fun!

Question your Reality,

word count: 48
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