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Thu May 28, 2020 2:16 pm



Full Name: Khaori-Raelios Cor’
Race: Fae’Norai
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 156lbs

Birthdate: 44th of Glade, 100th of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Vendigad

Profession: Noble disguised as a slave
Housing: N/A
Partners: N/A

Titles: N/A
Factions: N/A

Fluencies: Eldhan and Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Last edited by Khaori on Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:45 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 87
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Character Sheet:

Thu May 28, 2020 3:30 pm



Fae Form

Khaori’s appearance is what he deems appropriate only for his own kind to gaze upon; a fae’s original form is almost too magnificent for the eyes of mere mortals who cannot understand the artistic ways in which his body is crafted. The noble fae’norai has seafoam green skin that gives off a pearlescent glow whenever he is soaking in the almighty sun. Cherry Blossoms adorn that very skin, some sitting on his shoulders like armor slightly extended outward on branches. Those same cherry blossoms wrap around his wrists and ankles too, while others wrap around his waist and down his Adonis belt until it reaches a place that shall not be named.

He has eyes with thin tree bark-like strands for eyelashes and an eye color array mimicking that of the very flower that grows on his body—a magenta and yellow flecks can be seen throughout his enchanting blush-colored eyes. Khaori has hair too a color of green slightly darker than his skin that mimics a silk bouquet of flowers. The fae’s hair is somewhat long and thin, dropping just below his back and swooping upward, ending with the fine point of a daisy. Tucked away under that hair are elven ears no different than a Sil'Norai or Hyr'Norai or any other elf. They're small but with off-pink tips. He has a lovely face too not to mention. A somewhat wide nose, paired with thin lips.

At Last, Khaori is a little on the heavy side with legs almost thicker than tree trunks and a large torso—both holding the same amount of muscle. His body proportion can be considered slightly off with the legs being longer.


The Carapace

Never having to use his carapace before his kidnapping, it was very hard to conform to the biological race he has taken after. However, aside from his own kind, even Khaori has to admit that their looks are almost exotic and breathtaking. Hence why he has chosen the kalen-dratori as his choice of the carapace. Although he barely reaches the height of their women, Khaori has decided to try and take on every other feature that the elves possess. Such as their gilded and bronzed skin tone he somewhat admires. Khaori has successfully grown thick brown hair that coils too, making it appear much shorter in length than what it truly can be if it were straight. Also, there are the ears that are the same size as the one in his fae form but with much darker tips and more of a fine point.

He has a strong jawline too and thick lips with the same wide nose. Khaori’s eyes too are a bewitching green that he had to admit is admiring. Khaori’s muscles are much bigger too and more defined than before.

Last edited by Khaori on Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:51 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 525
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Thu May 28, 2020 3:56 pm


Khaori tends to give a lot of people the cold shoulder. It is most likely the thought of being much better than others that makes him this way. Like most of his kind, he is hostile to those that are not his family or community, believing one needs to prove that they are worthy of his time and effort despite being less than honorable himself at times. You cannot tell him that though. He has learned to push a political party manifesto forward, to dance with thy enemy and speak logistics with others–making him a person worth more than a few words. So he thinks. So he will not give a person the time of day unless they prove that they’re worth more than his cunning lies and wits.

Turning your back on others you hardly know gives you the chance to use your ears more than your eyes. Khaori has a habit of closing his eyes, keeping his mouth shut and listening. He’s somewhat of a nosybody, taking what his mother taught him about taking advantage of what he knows and using it against others. It is why he’s so quiet at times. He likes to listen and hang on your every word. Khaori will remember what you said too—years will pass by and he’ll still know.

In Vendigad, he was often referred to as the boy with a million faces in court. If he’s truly interested or not is a mystery to some since he’s good at hiding his emotions. He’s got a knack for socializing and making others feel pretty comfortable or uneasy depending on what he’s after. Khaori is strong and hard to break…

Last edited by Khaori on Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:50 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 306
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Thu May 28, 2020 3:58 pm


The birth of Khaori was a certain outcome of a hatched plan by his mother and her sister-wife. The two Fae were (and still are) the leading ladies of their husband’s life and although they cared deeply for one another, the life of a noble often becomes stale. A way to spruce up their life, the two ladies challenged each other frequently. Fashion was usually their choice, but when you have the entire world handed to you on a silver platter eventually that too becomes boring. The challenge that birth Khaori started off as a seduction game. The noblewoman wanted to see who could bed their husband first after a stressful day—he often ignored his spouses when he was tired. Rhana, Khaori’s mother, was much more talented in the arts. So it was no surprise when she was capable of bedding him. The other fae, a bitter woman, still slept with their husband somehow too the same night.

Unintentionally, saplings were produced and both women were excited. They didn’t care too much about being pregnant, both experienced that joy multiple times before, however, they took it as another challenge. Never have they ever had children at the same time. Both boast about their children yet there was no way of proving their beauty since the kids always ranged in ages. While the noble house never cared to separate their seedlings, the fae nobles did so to prove something. Khaori grew in a field of imported blossom trees, a gift bestowed on his mother on her wedding night.

Khaori and his fraternal brother were born the same day, basking in the glory of the court. The challenge certainly failed since no one really spoke on which child was more beautiful. But Khaori’s mother was certain it was him and whenever she speaks of his birth, she’d overexaggerate. There were many children born after Khaori, however, he’d always remain the apple of his mother’s eye since he’s technically the only one she had ever paid close attention to. The children before him had been raised by nannies or the entire house made up of the noble family’s significant others. The sapling didn’t have that honor since the year he was born was a tiring year; few children were born due to important events and no one seemed to have the energy to take care of children. Rhana passed on getting a nanny since the thought of actually getting to know her child, amending the mistakes she made in the past with her older kids, sounded much better.

Rhana’s way of raising a child perhaps wasn’t normal. She carried Khaori everywhere she had gone and made sure the servants fed him. Khaori wasn’t exactly treated like a child either. Even as a baby, he sat in on tea breaks and luncheons with his other mothers and fathers as they spoke on stuff he did not exactly understand. As time passed, he’d learn and gain knowledge from it. Nonetheless, Khaori was a child and deserved to be treated like one at times. Oddly enough, it was Khaori’s older siblings that taught his mother how to raise a sapling. Children like games, mother, they’d remind her. Rhana was such a prim and proper wife that she had to learn along the way.

Khaori and his mother eventually started doing things that he liked from time to time. They’d play games with his siblings, he’d learn how to ride horses, and dance at court. He didn’t exactly take to anything else his mother taught him at the time. Rhana is an expert at crafting magic, many would say it’s what defined her and what elevated her status as one of the leading ladies in her husband’s harem. She believed that since her son had no usage for magic at the time, he’ll eventually catch on to it once he’s much older. Until then, it was decided that Khaori would remain the bundle of joy he had always been to both his mother and family.

The sapling spent a great amount of time with his mother, but never with his father. He remembers his father always being too busy as the head of their house. From time to time, Khaori’s father would watch over him while he played or learned something new. A few times, he swore he'd seen him stifle a smile. Khaori’s father has always been an almost hidden figure in his life that he often wondered about. Curiosity got the best of him and his fraternal twin only once. The two were trouble together, the terrible ideas usually flowed out Khaori’s mouth like an endless river. He always had a plan yet never went through with it alone.

The two sat in on one of their father’s meetings. They hid of course, but the head of the house sought the two out eventually. He spoke very little, but it was more than what Khaori usually experienced. The fae was sure to face punishment from his mother, however, he’d say it was worth it at the time, considering the close interaction he had with the man he looked up to the most.

As he matured, he craved less of his father’s attention. The fae began focusing on the direction his mother wanted him to follow. Rhana believed her son would not be an extraordinary politician and he would not boast being a military figure. Khaori has a kind heart and a pure soul that shined throughout— he wasn’t up for the games played by only the elite, a common trait he shared with his mother. Rhana, however, perfected other skills to keep everyone on their toes and her husband in her back pocket. She was good at pushing agendas forward with her lips alone. She knew her son had the same potential. He could be a great aristocrat like herself. He would just have to learn what’s important to a noble.

Khaori got through a great majority of the training his mother put him through. Kyriac was the common language, but since he was little she always spoke to him in Eldhan. She said it would make him sound smarter and Khaori did, but he always had such a hard time communicating with others. When he debuted at court, it could’ve been considered a success. He didn’t stick around for the social season, a chance to visit their family’s seasonal palace arose and he was quick to take the chance despite his mother’s disapproval. He should’ve listened to her too.

The trip consisted of mostly Khaori’s cousins and siblings, who had all gone ahead of him. He rode in a carriage alone, taking unfamiliar routes and whatnot. Eventually, he and his servants were caught by bandits and sold off into slavery.

Last edited by Khaori on Fri May 29, 2020 3:08 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1184
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Character Sheet:

Thu May 28, 2020 4:05 pm


SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Ranged Weaponry (Longbow) 20/100 Novice
Dance 20/100 Novice
Spycraft 15/100 Novice
Negotiation20 /100 Novice
Persuasion15/100 Novice
Acting 20/100 Novice
Tactics 5/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Range Weaponry(SP)+0-1585
Dance (SP)+0-1570
Approval XP+15-015
Ranged Weaponry+0-510
Thread Points (no magic)+5-05
Last edited by Khaori on Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:23 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 101
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Thu May 28, 2020 4:22 pm



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Last edited by Khaori on Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:16 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 385
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Character Sheet:

Thu May 28, 2020 4:24 pm


1. 1 Set of Fine Clothing (Cloak)
2.1 Waterskin
3.1 Backpack which contains:
4.1 Set of Toiletries
5.10 days of rations
6.1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
7.Flint & Steel


1. Starting Gold, 25,000 df. 25,000 Total.

word count: 112
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