Lost Glory

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Taelian Edevane
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Mon May 25, 2020 6:36 pm

33rd of Glade, Year 120

"You're the last one left of all your Ebon Knights, aren't you?" she asked.

"Who, just me? There's also Eleanor," Taelian thought to remind her. The woman took a sip of her tea, then set it down unto the table, before returning her clasped hands to her lap.

"What will she do by herself, Taelian? Realistically, she'll need to return to Kalzasi. But she'll be alone in doing so -- and mind you, it is very likely that the Dranoch group you culled was in contact with another, more powerful coven in another city. The pattern of their dealings was... unusual. It was monitoring these trade deals that led me to contact the Remedy in the first place, but with all certainty I can place that there must be another group in Kamdin. Connected to..."

"The Westweald Trading Co?" he questioned.

"Yes. It appears your people are observant after all -- it is a company that I am deeply interested in, chartered by a woman who may very likely be a Dranoch. Her name is Helena Flowers, a woman from the Imperium. I believe she is heavily involved in the mercantile class; she is involved in trade with the very same Imperium and works to ensure trade relations between them and Atinaw continue to be profitable for both parties. People would surely be suspicious of her, if not for the fact that she is such an anomaly."

Taelian's brow rose. "Is she very influential?"

"Not particularly, no," she responded. "Simply another small trade conglomerate among many. Another cog in the machine. But her tactics are far more ruthless, and her competition has recently been drenched in the scandal of missing men and dead bodies, a string of murders. Her own workers do occasionally die, but always random and insignificant ones, often the ones most degenerative to the company's interests. Retiring cripples, men who broke their backs hauling goods, people injured by Druskai during a trade missive. People whose death would benefit her. Her competition, on the other hand... they're losing shipwrights, skilled captains, excellent actuaries. It's all far too suspicious, and yet investigations against her have led to nothing. Those of us with knowledge on global affairs know better. As someone who has studied the many supernatural beings of this world, I am certain that I know what she is."

The Ebon Knight lowered his gaze. "A Dranoch," he softly said, sighing into his words.

"Precisely," said the Umpire. "And she is likely the one who offered Ser Joseph his affliction. Power, wealth, immortality -- a tempting offer. And her own model has proven to work exceptionally well; prey on the misfortunate, the homeless and depraved, the starving and diseased. Society's untouched, and untouchable. The Dranoch fulfill a role that polite society does not... and perhaps for that reason, people enable them."
word count: 508
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Taelian Edevane
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Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:04 pm


"It doesn't matter," he said. "We'll worry about that some other time. What's the next ability of Transposition, now that I've advanced enough? I'd like to focus on that."

"Spatial Perception," the Umpire replied. "Haven't you ever wondered how I... for example, round corners with a portal, stepping beyond a wall? Or entering a building from the outside, with the inside being concealed by a curtain? This is done with a particular ability, the one I just named. It is an aethereal connection forged to the network of aether around you; more specifically, the Aetherium that composes the fabric of space... or... so we say in the books. Through this connection you gain a sort of layered understanding of your surroundings, becoming able to sense your environment. You can see objects, people, other things; you can see omnidirectionally, and therefore you can both react to things within your nearby space and forge portals in places you cannot traditionally see. It is an incredibly useful ability of the magic, and it requires virtually no expenditure while actively used, at least at Master. For this reason, I often keep it active while in particularly volatile environments. Certainly in a battlefield, but even in meetings with the Finla. Assassins and onlookers be damned. It is an ability that is wildly beneficial to one's patron. Another reason Thespians must be Transposers."

The ability sounded... complicated, though at the same time simple. It only felt abstract; how did Taelian forge a connection with the Aetherium? How was he meant to perceive these layers? And how did one see things omnidirectionally?

"What's that like?" he asked. "Viewing every direction at once? Is it a visual sensation?"

"No, little lark. You... moreso, feel it. You feel the dimensions around you; the corners, the curves, the smooth edges and the hard ridges of each object. The contours of one's complexion. The only way I can properly show you is for you to perform the ability yourself. Try it. Confine it to this room," she said. "Close your eyes."

And he did. Taelian began to exert a small amount of aether, focusing on... imbuing it into the space surrounding him. Forging that connection with space itself, a weave that would connect his mind with shapes and dimensions. With, in one particular way, the make of reality. He began to concentrate -- more. Instead of trying to re-imagine what he visually remembered, though, Taelian tried to feel it through the Flux. Through the space. Through the dimensions.

And briefly, vaguely, he could.

"Ah!" he yelled, excitedly. "I think I'm doing it, Eloise!"

"Good," the woman replied. "Now... you never bothered to examine the objects in the room surrounding us. Do you remember them well?"

"No," he said. "Not at all."

"Wonderful. Tell me then -- where is everything? What is everything?"
word count: 488
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Taelian Edevane
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Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:20 pm


He focused. For that vague moment, he could feel the shapes and contours. But he felt his connection to that Aetherium begin to fade, and his spatial recognition of his surroundings began to fall to the wayside, lost. Instead, the mage almost felt he was throwing his aether out into empty space. And that simply would not do.

He focused again. Taelian's temples tensed and his eyes shut more tightly, his face pressing forward and lowering as he concentrated. He felt it again; shapes, and then feelings, and those feelings translated into images and some sort of vague aethereal awareness. A form of understanding. He felt now that he could answer her query.

"There's a... chair, stray, opposite the end of the bed and against the corner of the wall," he whispered, nodding. Eloise confirmed it, quietly voicing a 'yes' though keeping to herself so as to not disturb his focus. He would need to be able to use this ability more naturally later, but most tended to learn it in this state of hyper selectivity, distinguishing the perceived space from what they visually saw. It helped to organize one's thoughts, and to reduce assumptions. "There's a drawer with a vanity in front of us. Well... a set of drawers. For clothes and some other belongings, I think. I can feel like... like a, laced dress or something like that in the top drawer. Then..."

He went on to describe the rest of the clothes. Eloise was pleasantly surprised; he was able to feel and distinguish the contents within the drawer from the base surroundings, already wading beyond the initial layer. Taelian showed promise in Transposition; she was certain of that. "There's a vase on the desk with a flower within," he added. "I can't tell what sort of flower; it's a small one, with a bell-like shape. Then to the left of this set of drawers is another table at the end of the room, a writing desk. Above it, a partially opened window."

"Partially opened, not mostly closed? My, optimism," she teased. Taelian lightly laughed. "Open your eyes," she said, patting down his shoulder as she noticed a loose thread attached to it. The woman looked into his ivory eyes, freshly opened and partially readjusting, and softly smiled. "Not too difficult, was it?"

"Not too bad, no," he said, absently looking towards the ceiling. When he'd been perceiving his surroundings, his initial perception had been consumed by the upwards, flat surface. He wondered why it had been so magnetizing to him. "Problem is, I can't even Blink apparently, so this won't be too useful for the moment. I suppose once my Lychgate allows me to step through it... but before then..."

"We'll need to work on discovering whatever ability Blink might have been replaced by. If there is one. Your Rune seems driven to limit you, though it also appears to be hyper-focused and minimally draining. It should be very useful once you learn to forge a perfect Portal. But there's still some time before that," the woman said. Eloise rose from her seat upon the bed and stepped towards the door, her boots silently clapping against the tiles beneath her. "I will be going to my rest. Don't worry too much about Westweald, by the way -- Atinaw doesn't typically rely on foreign insurrectionists to solve its issues. Eventually everything will be pieced together and she'll be put down. I only hope Eleanor doesn't try to take it into her own hands."

"Right," Taelian nodded once, pressing his lips together and exhaling through his nostrils. It was likely that she would. "Goodnight, Eloise," he said, offering his farewell for the eve.

"Goodnight," she then said in reply.
word count: 645
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Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:24 pm

♅ Lost Glory ♅

  • 5xp {Can be used for Transposition}
Pieces of knowledge:
  • Transposition: Spatial Perception
    Transposition: Spatial Perception: Bonding to the Aetherium
    Transposition: Spatial Perception: Unfolding and deciphering layers of reality
    Transposition: Portaling through objects and obstructions
    Spycraft: Making intelligence assumptions based on continuity
    Spycraft: Gathering the facts of one's behavior
  • I love this thread and the more I read Taelian progress in Transposition, the more I wanna have one of my characters learn it. I truly adore the interaction between him and Eloise and find their dynamic interesting to read. Overall this was an amazing read and enjoy your rewards.
word count: 135
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