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The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Joined: Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:21 pm
Location: Headed from Dagrun to you~
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1131
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1405
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1173

Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:14 pm

Ash 50, 4622¤

Hand in hand two young girls walked down a long corridor decorated on the walls with ornate carvings of the story of the Empire. Lit by artificed mechanical torches, the walk was long and silent on both of their parts save for the sound of their feet. When they reached their destination the interlocked hands departed each other, and the two young gnomes stood side by side awaiting judgement. A great eye turned and focused on them....

Now, in the present, those same two girls, now women, walked up to the post in Boghadar. No longer hand in hand but standing as solitary women, in their Daravin wear and masks, yet still in complete tandem as twins tend to be. They were waiting to get their mail, standing in line, when it was finally their turn. The mail was this time only from CLUGS, nothing from their mother, but it urged them to come back in person and see their Under-Deans. As far as the map was concerned they weren't far from the entrance to Dagrun and how in the first place they miscalculated where Boghadar was could be counted only as a mystery.

In truth, Moop felt very bad for lying to her sister about the map for so long, when she had finally figured it out-- she let that go on for too long to the point they had to go buy a new map. It was money and time squandered, where she met someone who was likely dangerous and wanting to take advantage of the both of them. In truth, there were quite a few near misses. All wizards, it was quite frightening to think Daravin was full of such awful people. She was finally missing home, after everything. They sat outside the post and Moop got a hot cider from a vendor, while Joop got a glass of pure filtered grape juice.
word count: 358
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