Last Tango in Daravin I

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Location: Daravin
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:20 pm

52nd Ash, 4622

Andre is sitting there in thought about his dance teacher who came by the mansion a day ago; The engagement with Salen appeared to be much more alarming to him; as if she knew him, he knew something was going on and if so what did the Remnomancer find inside her mind? The questions were endless, forcing Andre into a state of pondering that led him to walk by Salen’s room.

Salen was lounging on the bed, naked as he was looking at a text to a book on necromancy; firstly the formula for Sinew Foam. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the binding of the book “Hmm… Not Pervaded…” He said with a sigh, rolling his eyes “They don’t make anything simple nowadays…” He expressed with another ounce of disappointment, knowing he absorbed the knowledge if it had been pervaded by another Remnomancer.

Salen would continue reading to himself, finding that the book he borrowed from Synthar was seemingly useful and yet completely boring “So… The process of creating sinew foam requires an anomaly of flesh to create a white paste designed to rehydrate or restore bone tissue… Can also be used to meld bones together in torturous practices…” He said with a raise of an eyebrow; the Corvo that he tortured with Degare’s former lover had been another victim of such a gruesome and terrifying practice where his bones were bonded to the fabric of the chair; his skin and nerves strapped to a chair in a macabre fashion.

He remembered it very well and perhaps proved a effective way of interrogation, other than torturing them from the mind internally. Salen’s motives were unclear on why he would want to adopt necromancy, but there was no question he was heading towards a dark and unforgiving path; he had enemies in higher places as well as the need to watch his back, but he also wanted to be prepared for those moments of interrogation; the moments where he had the perpetrators caught in their place, waiting for a moment to strike.

Salen heard the knock on his door as he raised an eyebrow “Come in…”

As Andre would raise an eyebrow at Salen’s exposed body; he seemed to be shocked by his sudden brazen exposure in his presence “Why… Ulen will not be pleased…”

“Save it, Andre… I know where that one is going, it would be rather hypocritical to admit that you aren’t heretical in your ways…”

“True, but… We are simply in disguise as Ulendreaists…”

Salen raised an eyebrow and smirked as he conjured an illusory cloud, covering his exposed body as it followed him, obscuring the view of his lower body. He made his way towards the dresser as he looked at the other male “So, what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d care to join me, I’m heading out and I was wondering if you’d care to join, clear the air a little…”

Salen seemed confused by the offer as he side-eyed in thought. He appeared to be baffled by Andre’s offer as he was used to him throwing orders and demands. His silence echoed as he opened his mouth to speak, but remained hesitant “Where will we go? You’re not going to drag me into more mess than we’re in right? I’m just getting my head around all that’s going on at the moment and…”

“Then stop thinking about it… Enjoy yourself, with me…”

Salen was hesitant at the offer to be courted, which was created by his simple lack of trust. The Half Sil’Norai had always thought the worst of people, especially when it came to simple gestures; he was cautious and always thought of everything as a trap, even the nicest of gestures can be considered a way to get at Salen within his inner core. He had to give Andre a chance, but it would be his pleading eyes that would talk to him even more, almost as if a sad golden retriever was looking at him. He couldn’t resist as he sighed “Fiiiinnnneeee… But you're paying…”

Andre seemed dumbfounded by his assertive nature, knowing he had to pay for everything now. He almost regretted the decision but chose to go ahead with it, after all the bill wouldn’t be that heavy right? “Don’t spend too much…”

“Tight ass…”

“Go put on some clothes, you’ll be flogged and not in a good way…” Salen was disturbed by Andre’s comment. Was there a good way to be flogged? Apparently, according to Andre’s method of erotic stimulation but who could know what goes on in the carnal mind of Corvae, especially when they were revelers of such depraved pleasures.

After a while, Salen had gotten dressed appropriately for a night out; however, there would be other Entente prowling the streets, taking advantage of gossip and wanting to share a careless night of debauchery with others. Sexual deviancy was common around the aristocratic parts of Daravin, where the main rulers ruled, there was bound to be favors and gambles made with the lives of the Entente.

The location that Andre appeared to have taken Salen, appeared to be seedy, dark and rather secluded from the higher society of Daravin, in fact it was more of the dark shadowy underworld of the Brotherhood of Scaeva; it appeared to be a hive where all of the Corvae would influence their games with the promise of art, seduction and exchange of information. Salen never knew he was prepared for such a game, knowing his magic was a purveyor of information, but also a tool to manipulate and even destroy a single life with implications of narrative, fiction and stories that linger within the engrams of another person.

As Andre approached the door which appeared to have a shutter as it slid sideways, revealing two eyes “Password!” He asked.

“Lady of Evograv…”

The door opened as Andre slotted his emblem in the door and turned it, opening it as he nodded to Salen as he walked through the door to find that it appeared to be an underground bar with everyone dancing a strange dance. Corvae appeared to be well traveled on their cultural differences as they appeared to be a mixture of theatrical practices within this place, but one art that drove Salen’s attention was the attention to detail on dancing. The closeness, followed by the intense staring and quick staccato movements of the legs, it appeared that Andre had a few hidden hobbies that Salen had brought upon him “I see where you get your obsession with dancing…”

“I’d like to show you sometime, although this is a quiet place…”

Salen smiled “I like it…”

“How about a drink?”

“Surprise me…” Salen smirked as he took another glance at the dance location, it appeared to be the most smoothest place going; he inspected the other dancers as their beguiling eyes would follow Salen’s before he turned away, knowing the power of another Corvae’s eyes was the pathway to debauchery and impulsive decision making. He was huge manipulator of Beguiler himself, knowing that anyone’s deepest desire can be a weapon for Salen to get whatever he truly wants, or expressing a need to endure himself as a object of desire, only to trap someone in what seems like sadomasochistic pleasure becomes a victim of death.

Salen watched the dancers once more as Andre was taking care of their drinks with the bartender; he appeared to be having a good time as he spoke in a deeply intense Rallion accent. His eyes would stare at him once more, inspecting his attractive completion; the face that caught the essence of machismo, followed by the darkness of his skin, his deep dark brown eyes and his cocoa essenced hair. His stare was intense, intimidating and yet strong as he turned his gaze towards Salen once more. He smiled at him as he turned his conversation to the bartender once more.

What was this sensation that he was feeling, was it love? The butterflies that roamed around his stomach reigned, knowing that he also had doubts, insecurities and even deep flaws between them, but also maybe there was a reason for bringing him here. Perhaps because Salen was deeply grieving for so long that he needed to let go a little, let himself endure his own selfish desires.

“What’s on your mind?” He asked.

“Hmm… Lets see, you brought me to a nice place… And yet I’m still confused of why me? Why not Synthar, you two have known each other for longer…” He asked.

Andre snickered, “I figured you needed some time to vent away your sorrows, away from the people that caused them…”

“I’m still angry, Andre if that’s what you’re wondering…”

“Then let go… Enjoy yourself for the night…”

Salen made eye contact with Andre once again as he tilted his head again “What’s this dance then…”

“The Tango… Two partners, close together… In deep conflict, their lips never touch as they fight in an aggression of entangled love; when one denies the other they constantly battle until one succumbs… Which in this case, is a constant battle, like slaying a monster right in front of you, there are rules though… The steps, the tempo, the pace and the graceful chemistry between the partners…”

“I see…” He stared intensely at him as he would mimic the exact same stare. Something that said masculinity embrowled within the man.

To be Continued.

word count: 1623
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Alexander Cross
Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:42 am
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Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:52 am

XP: 5

Magical XP: N/A

Mageblight: (Current level)

Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Necromancy: The uses and applications of Sinew Foam
  • Necromancy: How to make Sinew Foam
  • Necromancy: The tools needed to make Sinew Foam
  • Dancing: Tango - The closeness of a partner
  • Dancing: Tango - There are rules.
  • Dancing: Tango - The rhythm of the Tango.
Loot: N/A

Injuries/Ailments: N/A

Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm. Last Tangoooooo. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 80
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