Mysteries in the Reverie

Kyrikain's abstract plane, where all who sleep go to imagine and dream.

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Location: Daravin
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1657
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Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:24 pm

Searing 28th, 4622

The ease of Remnant became more prominent to Salen; it was as easy as falling asleep, drifting into the imaginations of others around him, only he came across someone more prominent, he had navigated many minds included the Dranoch that initiated an attack on him that night and a charming young Griscian man who went by the name of Thomas. However, he had lessons to teach him, lessons that Remnomancy was indeed a powerful tool that could wane and shatter minds from miles away.

The nice gesture that he had given Thomas was a rare sentiment from Salen, but perhaps it would bridge their minds within the realms of friendship; someday, they could meet in the reality and converse about their experiences in the abstract, as they cling to every hope and dream that they could find. Thomas seemed like a true Griscian skeptic in terms of magic and had never been exposed to the actual outside world of magic until now. That’s what he understood atleast…

Wading away through the Reverie, Salen entered the door of an unknown mindscape, it was dark, crooked. The gothic corridors made no sense, but he had in fact been snooping around in a mind that was deeply unknown. The best part, they were close by. Salen channeled his ether as he began to guide himself around the person’s mindscape; the engrams would continue to light up their red shade, although most along the corridors would appear dimmed. Memories that are deeply forgotten or kept within the subconscious area of the mind.

Salen delved even further, until he saw a figure of a cloaked man, dressed in black. He appeared to be standing on the staircase for a moment.

“You’ve been working in the underground for some time now… I’ve been watching you, you’ve proven to be a very skilled candidate…”

“And who’s dreamscape may I have stumbled upon this time…”

“That will be revealed in time, but for now I must know if I can trust you or not?”

“Same can be said to you, Mr Mystery…”

He turned to the man, who appeared to be still hooded, although he could see the skintone of the other man. A pale white porcelain colour. His nails were painted black as he remained on the stairs.

“I wouldn’t have opened my dream world to you if it wasn’t such an important meeting, Salen… I understand you’re not in a state to trust anyone… I’ve read every contour of your engrams, every corner of that complicated mind of yours. It’s… fascinatingly complicated, but If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything, Salen…” The strange cloaked man continued, although Salen had been far more intrigued, confused…

Why would some stranger go through his mind?

“You… You went through my mind?” He asked, curiously.

He felt violated by such actions, knowing that anyone could peer into his mind at any moment. It made him paranoid and even questioned if Dahlia had been examining every thought, dream and engram she could find. Was that how she was succeeding in the industry of information broking?

“Don’t you go through people’s minds? Find out every lingering detail and use it against them?” The strange man spoke.

“Why is that any of your business…”

“Because it’s a valuable skill to me and to you even… You’ll go far, Salen, believe me. In Daravin, knowledge is power; if you have knowledge over someone else's misfortune, all you need is the evidence… And then you watch someone’s family just slip away…”

He was right.

Salen had power.

This bothered Dahlia, it also may bother other Entente who are looking to seek the glory of power. To drink from the so-called Cup of Immortality that Ulen promises. Those were false promises to Salen as there was no such thing as paradise. Not to him anyway.

He had trusted people far too often and had gotten nothing, so why should he trust this man? Was he like the others? Power hungry, shameful and deeply lapsed in amorality, there was no such thing for these kinds of people in his life, but it made Salen think.

“Why was I drawn here?”

“I have… A proposition, something which may come into effect at a later date… We both have something in common, we are Remnomancers and we have a common enemy of interest.”

“An enemy of my enemy is my friend? Is that how you’re going to persuade me?” He snickered.

“I’m not going to persuade you, nor beg… I’m simply offering”

“I’m listening…” Salen crossed his arms.

The strange man would point up to the chandelier for a moment as he hinted to Salen. He stood still for a moment confused until he looked up and realised that the chandelier was connected to an Engram.

“The answers lie in the Engram… Take a look, yourself…” His voice, dark and foreboding as if he was about to reveal a conclusive series of events. Salen had no idea what he was getting himself into, but if the Remnomancer was willing to reveal his mind, he had to be telling the truth.

Was this right?

Salen channeled his ether into the Engram up above; it began to glow a red pulsating light as he casted Junction. It appeared he was stronger than ever as Salen began to read the memories within the Engram, like they were being played to him in his mind. He witnesses a man who was within Dahlia’s inner circle, they would stop and stare for a moment before he would see an mass illusion of sexual and erotic images, followed by the sudden ounce of betrayal he had witnessed.

The visions stopped as he stared at the man for a moment, shaking his head as if he had been fed something foul tasting “Who are you…”

“You will find out…” He uttered calmly, before disappearing into the shadowy corridors of his dreamscape.

With that being said, he walked through the gothic corridors, hoping to explore the mind of this mystery person.

He wanted answers.

He entered into a bedroom, with black curtains, bedsheets and a painted frame on the wall, with a male figure’s head crossed out. What was the meaning of this, why was everything crossed out? What did the mysterious man want to hide?

Noone knew.

Salen began to channel his ether and proceeded to cast Guidance, revealing the Engram in the painting. He narrowed his eyes for a moment as the man appeared to have left a puzzle for Salen to solve; furthermore, he chose to cast Junction on the painting, watching it glow with the same pulsating red light, taking a look at the hidden memories. There were memories and flashes of love, betrayal and anguish as well as hatred. A man tearing old paintings and sentimental items down in a fit of rage, but he never showed that face. He had no identity, it was strangely odd to look at.

At that point, Salen began to overload himself for which he forced himself to wake up. He gasped for air from his bed, clutching his head as if he was suffering from a mind-numbing headache. An agonising consequence for overstepping his boundaries in such magic; he hissed in pain, before he received a knock at the door.

“What the fuck d’ya want!” He aggressively projected his voice.

He was still in agony as the pain began to subside slightly, taking a few solid breaths of relief before he gets up, stumbling from his bed slightly as he opened the door. The tall Hyr’Norai was there again with another contract. Salen took the papers, before he shook his head “Look, I’ll read it later… I’m trying to get some rest.”

“No rest for the wicked…” The Hyr’Norai said darkly.

What had Salen gotten himself into and who was the mystery man.

With that, he had no choice but to get ready to fulfill another contract, after all Salen wasn’t the only man with blood on their hands. Everyone was drenched in it. One day, it will rain with blood, fire and ash, burning things to the ground, claiming the lives that stole the lives of others.

The doppelgangers of society.

The chameleons of politics.

The snakes of Ulen.

word count: 1420
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Alexander Cross
Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:42 am
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1155&p=5205#p5205
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1201

Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:07 am

XP: -

Magical XP: 5 (Remnant)

Mageblight: 2/12 (No Mageblight)

Pieces of Knowledge:
  • Remnant: Voyage - Easier to Cast at Expert
  • Remnant: Voyage - Longer Distance Dreamdiving
  • Remnant: Junction - Longer Distance Casting
  • Remnant: Junction - Easier to Navigate through Engrams
  • Remnant: Junction - Can detect phantasmal influences on Engrams.
  • Remnant: Junction - Used to seek information from other minds.
Loot: -

Injuries/Ailments: Salen will experience vomiting and weakness from the 28th to the 31st of Searing 4622 as well as fatigue and headaches from the 28th till the 29th of Searing 4622

Mr. Mystery man, intriguing. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 106
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