The Long Game

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and Atharen's largest city.

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Alexander Cross
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Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:52 pm

Early Morning, 16th of Ash 120
Alexander was leaning on the wall outside of the inn he was renting a room at. He took out his cigarette and lighter then proceeds to light it. He took a puff. He then began to survey his surroundings.

Not so many people awake at this hour. Thank the Hollows. Making people lazier. Alexander thought to himself.

“Hey got a light?” a man asked, startling Alexander.

“Yeah, here.” Alexander gave him the lighter. The man lit his pipe then leaned on the wall next to Alexander.

“Ending the day late or starting early?”

“Not sure anymore”

The man chuckled at Alexander’s remark. “Well then my friend, I’m starting early. Take care” The man continues along his way.
Alexander continues to smoke his cigarette. As he finished it he grabs the pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket. A piece of playing card fell to the ground.

“Bloody fucks.” He grumbled. He knew what the card meant and he has no intention of picking it up. But then he remembers that his quite low on money and curiosity got the best of him. He picked up the card and regretted the moment he picks it up. It was a jester.

“Fuck” grumbled as he hailed a passing carriage and made his way to the tavern.

Alexander pushes the door of the tavern. It was open already. It was quite empty save the hustle and bustle sound from the kitchen and the barmaids chatting at the bar.

“So I guess you are starting the day early.”

Alexander turned around and saw the man from earlier. Followed by the two patrons with concealed firearms. As if on cue the two men lock the door and stood by the door. The barmaids made their way to the kitchen. All that’s left in the bar area is Alexander, the man, and the bartender.

“Take a seat. Oh, where’s my manner. I’m Cain. Whiskey or coffee?”

“Coffee and the usual steak,” Alexander asked the bartender. The bartender nodded and called out the order to the kitchen. “So who’s the target?”

Cain laughed. “Just like they told me. Always straight to the point. It’s a simple undercover mission, low priority, but we need an inside man keeping tabs on them.”

“So I guess you’ll be my handler?”

“Hahaha, no. You are free to act on whatever information you get, and the usual if there are red priority kind of information you need to give me a heads up. The target is the Borisnovich crime family.”

“I’ve heard of them once, but aren’t they a newcomer?”

“Yes, they are. So that is why we need an inside man. You are going deep cover.”

“Fuck. Should I just like help them move up in the underworld so I could get this over with?” Alexander replied sarcastically. The bartender handed him his coffee then Alexander took a sip from the cup.

Cain laughed louder this time. “If you could take over it then it’ll be one less headache. I’m sure Solomon would love to have a chat with you if you try to turn against us.”

“I’m sure he will.” The barmaid brought the plate of steak and place it in front of Alexander. “So what’s the plan on getting in?”
“From the preliminary scouting, the heir is their only daughter. She likes to frequent the coffee shop at the end of the street. She usually travels with four bodyguards. She knows the regulars and the staffs at the coffee shop.”

“Honey trap or damsel in distress?”

“Whichever suits you, you’d be on your own anyway.”

Alexander finishes the plate of steak. “Well, I should be going then. Thanks for breakfast.” Alexander grabbed a nearby bottle of wine and head outside, without waiting for Cain’s reply.

Alexander made his way down the road toward the coffee shop. The coffee shop has glass windows so people on the inside could see outside and vice versa. He walked slowly and did a quick scan of the room from the outside, making mental notes on possible places he could open up a window portal. He decided to enter the building. He was greeted with the aroma of coffee and the warmth of the building.

“Hello! What would you like to order?” The barista cheerfully asked him

“Let me get the….” Alexander’s eyes wander at the chalkboard menu hanged on top. He spotted something. “Give me the barista’s recommendation.”

“How experimental are you?” the barista asked

“Surprise me.” Alexander smiled.

“Alright, coming right up. Anything else?”

“Do you have a breakfast platter? I’ll get that too.” Alexander took paid for the food. Then he took out his pack of cigarettes and gesturing to the barista.

“You could go outside via the side entrance. Here’s the key, just leave the key on the door.”

Alexander placed his coat on the seating area near the side entrance’s door. The barista was about to comment on it but Alexander was already out the side entrance. He then took out his pack of cigarettes and began smoking. After his second cigarette, the side entrance door swung open and four men step out. They too began to take out their pack of cigarettes and about to smoke.

“Hey man, got a light?” One of them asked Alexander

“Yeah,” Alexander handed him his lighter. He gestured to his other companions. Alexander nodded. Then the lighter was passed among the four of them before being handed back to Alexander.

“Thanks. Nice tattoos by the way.” The guy told Alexander

“Thanks” Alexander replied. Then he began to smoke his third cigarette. The four men began chatting. As he finished his third cigarette he made his way back inside. He saw a girl sitting on the sofa opposite from where he placed his coat.

“Here’s your coffee and meal.” The barista said to Alexander, placing the cup and plate on the table. Alexander thanked the barista. Then he looked at the girl and smiled.

“Hey, I’m Alex. I’m sorry, is this like your spot? I could move to another table.”

“No, it’s okay. My name’s not written on the chair and table. Anyway, first time here? I’m Stephanie.”

“Yeah, just finished the last day of my job. So I decided to treat myself to a bottle of wine to celebrate my unemployment, then grab a coffee and breakfast then head back home. Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”

“No, no, no. That’s ok.” Stephanie held Alexander’s hand. “You’ll get through this. Anyway being stuck in a job that you don’t like is like being imprisoned.”

“But still better than stuck in a life you don’t like.”

At his remarks, Stephanie’s facial expressions changed a little.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

Stephanie looked at Alexander and smiled. “No, that’s alright. Sometimes life gives you a wake-up call in ways you couldn’t imagine.”

One of the men came back in, he saw Alexander sitting with Stephanie. He got a questioning look on his face.

“Dave, this is Alex. It’s ok, I’ll be fine” Stephanie said

“Yes ma’am. We’ll be right outside.” Dave replied before grabbing a cup of coffee from the counter and heading back outside.

“Wait, are you like someone famous?” Alexander leaned closer and whispered.

Stephanie laughed. “No, no, no. It’s just my overprotective father. He’s paranoid like that.”

“I…I see. Same thing as my parents. Always trying to keep a secret from me. They said it’s for your own good. It’s for your own safety.”

“Well, parents are just protective of their children I guess. But some could be overprotective.”

“By the way, what did your father think about the piercing?” Alexander said as he pointed at Stephanie’s nose.

“Well, as you pictured it. Hey Stephanie, a girl should act ladylike. What’s the use of that? Is that a statement? I raised you better than this.” Stephanie imitated her father’s way of talking.

Alexander laughed. “Well, I can’t imagine what’s he gonna say if he saw my tattoos.”

“Oh, young man, you are a disgrace. Paintings on paper are worth more and could be sold for profit. Rather than you spending money to paint your body and be like one of those foreigners.”

Both of them laughed out loud. “Oh boy, guess they don’t understand art huh?” Alexander replied.

“Nope, not at all. You could even have a forger forge a painting and sold it to them with whatever price and said this was done by an unknown famous painter and they would believe you.”

Alexander took out his bottle of wine. “To overprotective parents.”

“To overprotective parents.” Stephanie chimed in.

“You a day drinker?” Alexander asked

“Well, not yet.”

“Come, I’ll show you the best spot in the city for day drinking. Away from prying eyes. They also cooked the best steak in the city in my opinion. Bring Dave along too. Wouldn’t want your father to come chasing after me for being a bad influence on his daughter.”

Stephanie laughed. She then says her goodbyes to the staff and the regulars there and followed Alexander to the place he mentioned, with Dave and the three bodyguards following nearby.

Stopping in front of the tavern, Alexander pushed the door open. Cain was still there sitting and chatting with the bartender. The two armed patrons were sitting at a table near the bar.

“Hey, Ivan! You still got that steak and the bottle of wine? A friend of mine wanted to try it.” Alexander shouted at Cain. Cain motioned the barmaid to prepare a table for them.

“Greetings, my name is Ivan Rembert. I’m sorry if my friend is a nuisance to you and begged you to come and try out our food.” Cain lied as he raised his hand for a shake.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Reimbert, I’m Stephanie Borisnovich, and no, he was not a nuisance at all,” Stephanie replied as she shook Cain’s hand.

Alexander could see Cain’s face twitched a bit at the mention of Stephanie’s full name.

“Alex would you help me in the kitchen. Grab the bottle you like. It's on the house for you and Stephanie.” Cain told Alexander

“Sure thing.” Alexander then turned to Stephanie, “I’ll get the most expensive bottle. If I’m gonna introduce you to day-drinking, best to start it the right way.” He laughed then followed Cain to the kitchen.

“What the…..” Cain was about to comment when Alexander cut him short.

“Whichever suits me right?”

Cain sighed. “Be damn sure you get in, or I’ll send Solomon after you.”

Alexander laughed as he grabs the most expensive-looking bottle from the wardrobe.

“Wait, that’s mine”

“Drinking is bad for your health old man. Tell Solomon I said hi.” Alexander replied as he made his way back to Stephanie.
word count: 1866
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Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:10 am


Review Request:

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None

Injuries/Ailments: Perhaps another time.

Awarded Lores:
*None requested.

Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained.

That was a sweet, surprisingly wholesome thread. I was expecting more fire and death! Stephanie seems like a nice girl, too. I look forward to where this plot is going. There aren't any new issues with the thread, just what I've addressed in your past solo and with Nathan's collab. Mind the names and the tenses! Enjoy the rewards.

Build to last,

word count: 103
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