Business As Usual

The capital city of Tyrclaid, home of the royal throne.

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Tue May 05, 2020 10:52 pm

Even from afar Patrick had been able to hear just a little of their conversation, and believe it or not he felt a good sense of amusement over their simple pleasure. If travel rations were as bad as they sounded, then he felt glad he might not have to worry about eating such a luxury so soon. Travel plans were something of an unknown quantity within the household, since everyone seemed quite rooted with the business at least. Nevertheless Patrick had an obligation to uphold right now, thus when he approached the two he chuckled at the warm welcome.

Quite frankly he'd missed the brief banter on the Avilae's ideals on hospitality, but of course it was a conversation the three would surely have soon enough. Actually it felt like Patrick had a lot of things to discuss with the both of them, otherwise his own mother would hassle him later if he didn't at least try. As their official proprietor he'd be in charge of all their arrangements, which meant their care and comfort fell upon his shoulders before the rest. If he couldn't even uphold those simple standards, then he simply wasn't an Antinoran at heart. Family and duty were above all important aspects to every household in Atinaw, which was also probably why he felt so reluctant to shoulder such responsibility.

Yet he could only risk messing something up by trying first, which is why he chuckled once Aoren grabbed his own plate. Were they always this eager to welcome a stranger in their midst? For a couple of outlanders they certainly seemed to trust him well enough, which he took to note mentally as he accepted the seat they provided him. They also called him "sama" after saying his name, a terminology he had never heard of before. Which meant it had to maintain cultural significance up in the north, and was yet another thing he committed to memory now that he'd joined them.

At the praise over the meal he smiled a little wider and respectively bowed his head a bit. Connor was always somewhat proud in his cooking skills, which is why he favored the kitchen more so than the bar. There were often times of course when he wanted to try new things or change something, and of course their father always showed absolute reluctance in that regard. It must have stemmed from the mindset the older man possessed, he did after all come up with his own recipe for success by starting this hectic business. But that was neither here nor there, for Patrick's current focus was the two intriguing outlanders sharing their table. Silence had briefly followed as he'd taken a bite of his own patties, a similar groan heard from him when the blended flavor of seasoned meat travelled across his tongue.

Visibly he seemed a little more relaxed now that he felt a little more associated with them. But of course there still lingered the uncertain mystery, which would be addressed soon after he imbibed a little bit of ale. Of course Patrick made sure to show gratitude to them, especially since Aoren went through the trouble of getting a pitcher. It was when Talon brought up the inn that suddenly Patrick remembered, and once more felt a little tense about the current situation on hand. "Yeah actually, Elinora was the lady you saw earlier? That's our mother," He remarked with a bold look cast her way, "she's inquisitive but knows how to relate to the public better. Albert's our father who actually established the business, you might've seen him wandering back into his office." While he spoke Patrick started to poke his food a little with the fork, his mind clearly more focused on the discussion rather than the meal.

"Dominek's the oldest out of all of us, and Connor's the youngest; who's also the one that cooks all the meals around here." He remarked with a cheeky grin, hopeful that the two might regard that for later. Every one of his family members likely drooled at the chance to be here now, but for whatever reason Patrick felt at complete odds over the situation. He thought it because of his obligation at first, but deep down something otherwise indicated his hidden apprehension. Which had been odd because in this business, dealing with strangers was a routine practiced daily. So why? Was it because these two were such an enigma? Was he really that afraid of the unknown now?

"We were actually born into the business come honestly." He followed up with the answer to Talon's second question. "This bar is and always has been our lives, so you can imagine why we're all excited about a couple outlanders." The Atinorin remarked casually as he sipped from his mug of ale. It was then he made it his turn to investigate the new arrivals, since they were the ones to break the ice and ask questions. But of course there were such a burning number of questions listed in his mind, most of them ones he knew his mother would ask later. Patience was a key virtue of course, and if Patrick wanted to make their stay a success; then he needed to enjoy the company as well as entertain them.

"Speaking of which you... called me something earlier. 'Sama' I think it was?" He checked a little curiously, hopeful the name sounded accurate even in his Atinorin accent. "I'd imagine it's the same term 'Ser' we use here, but I'd like to know a bit more about where it is you're from." He posed the question in a mildly humbled tone, cautious as to avoid eagerness in asking such a question. There was so much about the north that everyone here could learn about, and it was obvious that it fell on one man to wriggle as many answers as he could from the two.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:47 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1024
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Wed May 13, 2020 4:53 pm


Talon listened to Patrick’s explanation of his family’s structure and how they went about their daily lives. The inn was obviously important to him and his family. He could respect that.

“You must tell Connor that his cooking is much appreciated.” Talon smiled as he took another bite of the potatoes on his plate. He paused in his eating to sip at his ale as Patrick explained who each person was and what some of their roles were within the establishment. It made Talon think on his own family. His father, his mother and his brothers and sisters. He already missed them but he would see them again soon enough. He looked over to Aoren and was grateful for his companion’s company. He didn’t think he would have been able to make this journey by himself.

“I am glad to have found it.” Talon’s voice became thoughtful. His expression was distant. “Family is important.”

Shaking himself from his thoughts he listened to Patrick’s inquiry regarding the honorific that had been used to address him. Talon chuckled and nodded his head.

“It is a form of address used in our homeland. It is difficult to explain but it essentially means, “to hold a place of high honor”. Different forms of address are used in different settings. As you are the host of this establishment, you hold the highest honor here. Thus, you are addressed formally. “Sama” is a form of high honor and myself and Aoren are honored to be your guests. However, the term is also used to address someone you are unfamiliar with whom you do not with to disrespect.” Talon picked up his mug of ale and tipped it back, downing the rest of it in just a few gulps. He was about to reach over and refill it when Aoren gently took the mug from him and refilled it for him. He gave his friend a nod of thanks.

“We are from Kalzasi, far to the north. It is a place that is very different from Atinaw.” Talon chuckled. He finished the rest of his food as he thought on the differences that he’d seen between Atinaw and Kalzasi. When he’d set his silverware down, before he could protest, Aoren picked up the plate in front of him and carried it toward the bar to be whisked away from the kitchen. He resisted the urge to frown as he was trying to get out of the habit of being waited on hand and foot while he was traveling. Rather than focus on that however, he turned his attention back to Patrick.

“You have shared knowledge of your family, I will share knowledge of mine.” He considered his words carefully before he spoke. He would not lie to Patrick but there was information that the human simply didn’t need to know. “My family are merchants in the dragonshard trade. I have many brothers and sisters and one day I will take my father’s place as head of our affairs.”

It was decidedly vague on specifics but it was true nevertheless. House Novalys dominated the dragonshard trade in the region and served as patron to many merchant businesses to say the least. Talon’s family was smaller than what it once was but his father had spent a great deal of time nurturing it back to strength and vitality.

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Sun May 17, 2020 9:11 pm

At the complement of Connor's cooking Patrick couldn't help but chuckle softly, with a grin plastered on his face while he resumed eating in between conversation moments. For the most part the Atinorin felt the same in regards to them, for they were the ones who brought in business after all. And a fine bit of it too if they really just threw money around like that, Patrick had to make a mental note to grab that ledger in a little bit. He wanted to make sure that their stay wasn't just comfortable, but provided for down to the very last moment of their stay. Already he started to factor in the figures, tallying numbers in his head from years worth of counting.

But then the topic of Patrick's question came into play, and the bartender legitimately beamed at what he was learning. So 'Sama' was the equivalent of 'Ser' here in Atinaw, as every guest that came into their inn was to be treated with great honor. It was fascinating to hear of the cultural differences, and the similarities found in just a few different words. Already Patrick could feel his mother probing him later, her eyes glowing with the same innate curiosity he now possessed. "Ser is pretty much the same here," Patrick remarked with a hard swallow of his chewed food, "It's actually more appropriate for knights such as the Order of the Brave here, but Atinaw is very tradition in it's values of honor and duty; so it's more commonly used in the same manner as Sama."

Damn if that didn't feel wonderful to iterate upon, it wasn't often Patrick had the opportunity to indulge in such topics. Locals were never really too concerned about things like that, since everyone was usually fixated on just honor and survival here. Not to say that Atinorin people weren't cultured, quite the opposite when one studied a bit of it's history actually. Atinaw was a place where warfare thrived among the many clans, due to how wild and untamed the wilderness throughout the region really was. But of course hardly anyone knew of the world beyond Atinaw's borders, yet who's to say those at the Academy didn't have tomes and articles stored away.

As Patrick listened to Talon speak he continued to finish eating, quick to shovel the last bit of food in as he listened about Kalzasi. When the part on Talon's family was brought up, Patrick's eyebrows rose from what he soon heard. "Wow, that's gotta be a pretty lucrative business." Certainly a dangerous one if Patrick thought correctly, while he'd never really read up or studied dragonshards much; he knew from word of mouth that they worked much like a facilitator. In fact when Patrick thought more about it, he remembered the stories of the Gelerian Empire from his father. War tales of machines and weaponry that fired from distances, both thunderous and terrifying to combat when you only carried a sword.

Dragonshards were a component used in these machines, from what Patrick had gathered out of what he'd heard. So if Talon's family had a business venture built on them, then maybe that's where the uncertainty Patrick felt earlier came from? "Our father's hopin' that we all find pretty girls, settle down, and take over the business when his time comes. He's certainly a little hard on Dominek and me sometimes, but that's mostly because he expects the best out of us." He remarked with a brief glance towards the bar, mainly the doorway where the office was tucked within.

"I can't imagine what your family's business is like though." He then admitted warmly with a modest grin. "I know very little about dragonshards, save for what few war stories Pa Pa has told us." It was innate curiosity that led him to throw that out there, as Patrick hoped to fish more out of the two in their conversation. But of course there were still many other questions, questions that Patrick had to keep contained for the moment; otherwise he'd come to flood his guests with everything in one sitting.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:47 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 727
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Mon May 18, 2020 10:55 pm


“It has brought my family great honor and prosperity.” Talon was careful in his explanation of his background. He looked up to see that Aoren was making himself comfortable with some of the other patrons. A small smile touched Talon’s lips to see his friend unwind. In the span of just a few words he had a group of men laughing.

“It is a great responsibility stepping into the expectations our parents set for us.” Talon quietly thought on everything that was expected of him in the coming years. He was to learn statecraft, military strategy, leadership and all of the nuances that a sovereign was expected to perform competently. That was in conjunction with endeavors that would see the business ventures of his House prosper. He took a deeper drink of the mug of ale in his hands and quirked a brow as Patrick made mention of war time endeavors. He nodded. The story of the War of Five Kings was one filled with just as much heroism as it was filled with darkness.

“The mining of dragonshards can be a dangerous practice. But we go out of our way to make it as safe as possible for our teams.” Many a day, Talon himself had gone down into the Warrens seeking the aether gems in order to use in his own pursuits. He could have easily purchased some of them from his family’s stores but there was a sense of accomplishment he felt in gathering his own materials. He stirred his aether into motion in order to gauge some of Patrick’s moods carefully. The human’s aura came into view in the span of a few heartbeats. It swirled mostly with a sense of curiosity. Just from a surface perusal, there was no ill intent that Talon could measure from the simple questioning. He ventured that the man was just genuinely curious.

“Dragonshards or aether gems, possess many wondrous properties. They have incredible uses and are a boon to those who know how to harness them.” He considered the importance of the dragonshard trade in the Northlands of Karnor. Something as simple as a fire shard could provide heat for a home in the depths of a particularly brutal northern winter. “But much like a sword; in the hands of a soldier it can be used to defend. In the hands of a criminal, that same blade can be used to cause great harm.”

Talon was not blind to the consequences of the business dealings his family dealt in. It had not happened in recent memory but there had been times when attempts had been made on the life of a Novalys. The depths of their businesses did not always affect things positively and once the shards they mined were released into the open market, there was no controlling whose hands they ended up in. A round of raucous laughter drew Talon’s attention. He saw Aoren going to great lengths to explain, in visual detail, one of his many bar stories. The young Novalys shook his head. He downed the rest of his ale and then sighed contentedly. Setting it down he gave Patrick a smile.

“You must excuse me, Patrick-sama. I had best go retrieve my companion before he gets himself into trouble.” Rising from his seat, Talon offered a nod of his head to the innkeeper then went to join Aoren.

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Tue May 19, 2020 9:38 pm

Hearing Talon speak of both honor and prosperity led Patrick to wonder more about the trade, granted he'd lived in a world where both were similar benefits to his own abode. Yet it wasn't so much the Inn itself that prospered, just the family that helped kept it running over the years. Often times he neglected to consider just how fortunate they were, that is until hard times came to hit the clan every great once in a while. Those times during the War of Five Kings for example, never knowing if their father would ever come back alive...

It brought them small comfort when they received letters to be sure, but Patrick could never forget how difficult it felt to keep the Inn going without Albert. So when Talon remarked upon the responsibility of expectations, Patrick himself couldn't contain the hearty chuckle when he heard him say it. "Yeah, no kidding. It certainly doesn't make anything easier." From that note he spoke from inner thoughts, more or less, considering how difficult it was just to run a simple inn. He couldn't imagine how life beyond Alfsos was, and Talon's family working in the Dragonshard trade must've been even tougher.

Luckily for Patrick he was indulged in just a little bit of the trade, as Talon made it clear procedures were used to ensure safety. The mention of teams told the bartender a little more, as that implied multiple individuals likely trained in the profession. It led Patrick to wonder how he could, if he needed to some day, go about collecting such materials for himself when necessary. Yet to hear Talon continue the subject on them, highlighting the aspect of their properties as well as their potential risk. Patrick took it to mind that they were, in essence, a resource both useful and dangerous if applied correctly.

This led him to imagine what could he possibly learn to do, given that he hadn't the slightest experience handling them. His mind wondered more about their properties, and even theorize how the Aether of the world likely played in part. Were they potentially just crystallized Aether? Or was there more to them that he had yet to discover? There was so much he wanted to learn now, all because of an easy conversation shared with an outlander. "Well, I'll definitely have to keep you in mind if I ever want to research some. You don't suppose..." Just as he was about to ask the question he trailed off, as he noticed Talon became distracted by his fellow companion.

Aoren had already looked to be enjoying himself at the bar, a fact that pleased Patrick already once he saw how relaxed the Avialae was. But that also meant his time with Talon would have to be cut short, as he felt the need to keep his friend from getting out of hand. "No worries," Patrick remarked in turn to Talon, "I better get back to work as well. Remember that if you or Ser Aoren need anything, all you have to do is ask!" He reminded the silver winged Avialae as he started to walk away, leaving Patrick to leave the table with a modest grin on his face.

Oh how he wanted to ask more about Dragonshards, hell his mother was already going to want to know more. In due time however, as they were going to be guests for a short while from the looks of it. Which meant there would be plenty of chances to interact with them more, and maybe even then Patrick would be given the opportunity to study a shard or two for himself. Thus he brought his plate and mug with him, quick to return to the kitchen so that he could wash everything; and then proceed to resume doing chores throughout the inn.
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:50 pm



Business: Having A Constant Routine Down In Your Head
Business: Logs Are Important For Record Keeping
Business: Catering To The Needs Of Your Customers
Etiquette: Showing Proper Respect To Your Patrons
Rhetoric: The Applications of "Ser" and "Sama" With A Name
Business: Prioritizing Your Customer's Privacy Above All Else
Etiquette: Giving Someone Their Space When It Feels Appropriate
Interrogation: Getting To Know Someone Through Questions
Rhetoric: Banter Over Your Own Upbringing
Research: Taking Mental Notes For Later Reference

Personal: Proprietor For Talon and Aoren The Avialae
Avialae: The Winged Race From the North
Trade: Mining Dragonshards Can Be Profitable
Arcana: Dragonshards And Ways You Can Apply Their Use
Arcana: Dragonshards Can Be Mined But To Do So Alone Is Dangerous

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8

Comments: Gurl what is "ci"? You've forsaken any comment. :evil:

word count: 149
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