The Reception

The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Taelian Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:42 pm


Whatever his real or actual interpretation was of Ford's 'blunder,' it was not visibly shown. Taelian's lips lifted very briefly as if to reassure the other, before he lowered his arm to place the document Hilden had given to him on the desk, sliding a bunch of the sheets together and straightening them up, using the surface as a tool. He then assembled them and placed them within the desk-drawer, before a dim blue light emanated from his fingertip, and the drawer appeared to seal shut. Finally, Taelian walked around his desk, grabbing his suit-jacket by its corners and pulling it from his chest, hanging it up on a coatrack that flanked a series of bookshelves. With that gone, he still had his white button-up, and his pair of black slacks that were kept firmly around his waist by a brown belt.

"Ford then," he responded. "You may call me Taelian; in fact, I would prefer it. We are not in Lorien, so I am not much of a Lord here... and that is something I appreciate, in truth. Sometimes, those Lordly bearings weigh too much; Radenor is a fresh start for me, as well as for you." He bowed his head politely, pulling the door to his office open fully and gesturing for Ford to step out first. If and once he did, the large man would lead him down the hall, offering gestures and simple remarks on the rooms that they passed. Finally, they arrived at the door that opened into Ford's room. Taelian undid the lock, opening it slowly to reveal an elegant array of furniture; like many of the other elements of the building, his room appeared early-Industrial, not dissimilar to what the room of a well-to-do Griscian man might look like. While Radenor was trapped centuries in the past, the Covenant had bought one of the few Imperial buildings that had been maintained, if only to project modernity and power.

The room itself was roughly three hundred square feet, with a bed, a dresser, some tables, lamps and a lounging area beyond the initial short hallway, and not much more. It was very clearly meant to be a quarter, rather than a place worthy of being called home.

"For tonight, I'm happy to let you get suited to your new lodging. If you have any questions, need a tour or simply want company, let me know. I'll be in my room, 220. You can't miss it."

The man placed a hand on Ford's shoulder, before quickly letting it slide off. He flashed him a smile.

"Good day, Ford, and thank you for accepting our offer. I cannot wait to see what we achieve."
word count: 469
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Ford Edevane
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Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:06 pm


It was hard not to watch people when one was a professional people watcher. The newly appointed Sociologist listened attentively while Taelian was speaking but received confirmation on what he could call or refer to Taelian when they addressed one another—just calling him Taelian? That would be awkward, but not for obvious reasons. One thing he had kept with him was his attempt at manners and polite etiquette when it came to social situations. It happened quite a lot where Ford's sense of self showed through and overshadowed the projected form of himself that everyone else could see. "I could only imagine. I get enough anxiety from people calling me Ser Edevane... It makes me think of my father whenever I hear it, and half look for him to come around a corner." It was spoken more matter-of-factly than really needing a response for anything. "Taelian is it, then." When the jacket came off, Ford looked at the white shirt before following Taelian as he offered him the grand tour. Nodding here and there, Ford tried to commit most of what he was being told to memory, trying to associate things with each door before they finally stopped at his door, which was opened.

A single hand came up to the door jamb as he leaned in a bit and glanced around at what he could. An appreciative smile graced his face, and he looked from corner to corner, wall to wall, ceiling to floor, as he was elated at the sight of his room. It was hard to hide the sheer joy of having his quarters rather than living in a tent. There was a certain charm and enjoyment of something as simple as a tent, but the idea that, for the time being, he was to be allowed a chance to sleep and work out of those quarters? He wanted to jump for joy, but he only kept it to a smile. "Thank you very much, Taelian. The offer of the position, the lodgings... It's more than I could have hoped for, and I will do my best to help you and the covenant with the job you have entrusted to me."

"Two-twenty..." He repeated softly and glanced to the hand on his shoulder, then up to Taelian. "I will have to remember that too." A smile was given in return. Three things he would have to remember. Taelian. Two-twenty. And daily reports to Taelian. As long as he could manage those, he would be fine.

"I'd say you could also stop by if you need company or need to talk, but you already know where I'm at." He laughed and scratched at the back of his head as he attempted not to look too foolish in front of the other.

word count: 479
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Taelian Edevane
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Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:29 pm


Taelian and Ford

Eleven (11) Generic Lores for both characters.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8

Comments: :oops:

word count: 28
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