
The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:54 am


As the man protested, the Draedan chuckled and loosened up his grasp, easing until he was certain his beloved felt comfortable. "Right... sorry," he whispered. He was reminded that Thomas had a cracked molar -- a wound -- from being punched by Lord Weissen. He almost regretted not going further in his retribution, but he tried to calm the flash of red he saw while contemplating it, stilling his mind with the thought that he would simply mete out justice when the time was right; a justice far more grave, and more bloody.

He snapped back into reality with an exhale, listening closely to what Thomas had to say. He did not disagree with him, in truth. Thomas would need to be strong to have a partner like Latham -- he would need to be prepared for the vicious nature of politics, the games that nobles liked to play at their most extreme, given the state of civil war their nation was entrenched within. He needed to become an asset not only to Taelian, but to himself. That was simply the truth.

He pondered, for a moment, what could be done. The first adaptation was evidently clear, and Thomas pointed it out well enough on his own: no more crime. There would be no events like this, any longer -- as horrible as it was that he was harmed for it, he hoped that somewhere within the pain, Thomas would learn of the unsustainability of his lifestyle.

"That would be appropriate, yes," he muttered, nodding his head. "What you're missing, Thomas, is discipline -- the sort I got from Aldrin in the Remedy, the sort any man needs to function in the world. From now on, I will be that disciplinary force for you; unrelenting. Your place is at my side, Thomas, and you will learn the intricacies of that place -- and its outer boundaries. I will be your husband one day, and from now on, you must respect me as such. You must listen to me, heed my words. No longer will you doubt my intentions," he said, tensing his brows.

One arm left wrapped around Thomas, the man turned towards Maladan, and nodded soldierly. "I apologize for the commotion. To properly introduce myself, I am Lord Taelian Latham-Stephan Venger von Retzen, and I would be glad to take you under my wing," he said, his voice becoming more stately. "I am a pure-blooded Sil'Norai, like you, and we must advocate for our brethren in these trying lands. Too many of our people end up in the dungeons of sadists and the deranged -- no longer. When I am Kaiser of Lorien, which I intend to be by the end of this war, all of that will change. If Thomas trusts you, I would be glad to have you as a friend and ally."
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:18 am


It was like a dream for Maladan. Still unknown cellmate who'd sacrifice himself for him, the silent titan who'd unshackle him and settle scores with such an absurd ease that Maladan had to wonder... was all this even necessary?

For the first time in his life, though, he did not mean violence. Just for a moment this thought crossed his mind: if only he knew how to fight.

Latham seemed determined to leave as soon as possible. Thomas too. Maladan walked lamely along with them, having taken his things without even thinking if he legally could.

He paused for a moment outside the door of that house of horrors and closed his eyes. He could feel the wind on his skin, the snow under his bare feet, weak light of Frost sun, the clean air and the raw cold piercing its nails into him, biting ~ waking him to life. He was cold, but it was beautiful feeling. He warped his arms around himself and walked slightly behind the pair, just slightly ahead of the Hollow ducklings-like procession.

Even though the situation between the men in front of him felt incredibly cramped, he felt incredibly happy. He kept himself from trying to run, simply from the fact that he could. He didn't start rolling in the snow, laughing. But he looked at Hollow behind him and at the leader of their group.

Though the sound of the silvan from Latham's lips sounded like heavenly music, it didn't bring nearly as much euphoria, as his words came back and back to his mind, echoing.

Was he truly free, or had he traded one prison for another?

'Duke Alderset gave me permission to free you, but only into my custody...'

His custody.

'...cuideachd, a Maladan.''

The smile gradually disappeared from the elf's lips, the coldness becoming uncomfortable, and Maladan hugged and stroked himself to warm up a little, using trying to keep at least some body heat. The drying blood was uncomfortably glue-like, and it didn't take too long before his whole person began to ache.

The strap on which the heavy bag, containing his belongings and tools, pressed onto the wounds on his shoulders and back, making walking more and more uncomfortable by every minute. He almost didn't notice that Latham had stopped, almost bumping into Thomas.

They began a conversation in which, on the one hand, a great many important things came up... but on the other, Maladan lost a lot of illusions. He backed away from the two towards the standing Hollows and tried not to interfere. Sometimes it was quite difficult.

"Excuse me?" the sentence escaped his lips almost automatically, along with offended look at Latham's accusation. At first, it seemed to him that nobles simply can't do otherwise than to complicate things that should be simple and easy; they take a anything that's supposed to bring happiness and fulfillment, and turn it a problem full of shit and drag everyone into it.

It looked like Latham was going to divorce another man because of Thomas and that Thomas had tricked both of them because he didn't feel good enough to earn his love, so he tried to destroy it instead. He wasn't really a doctor as much as a swindler and a harlot, so it seems. He was angry, but eventually... Thomas was nice to him, whoever he was. Maladan could condemn his actions, but not his motives; who has never been afraid that they are enough, let alone in love? It has been a lot to take in, but at the end... seeing the two men hugging, it was... nice. Something he would have really wanted for himself. They had so many reasons to be angry at each other, to scream, to break up swearing; none of that happened. Instead, they gave it a chance, even in the face of the fact that it sucks sometimes. That takes some guts and what's more, it was something Maladan valued very deeply.

Latham finally turned to him, still holding his lover close, and introduced himself, declaring that he was a pureblood, like Maladan himself, and uttered what sounded like something that would probably make Maladan spit out his drink... if he'd drank any. Plans like these usually worked on blood spilled and what Latham was saying sounded really like the treason.

He was happy that Latham seemed less cold, and these two lovebird said to each other what needed to be said... but let's call a spade a spade:
"My Lord, what do you intend apart from racial equality for our kin and taking over the kingdom? I mean with... me?" he asked.

"I know I can't really refuse to go with you; I owe you both a great deal ~ you literally saved me from life in chains. Trust me, I am grateful and I don't mean to be rude... but you don't know me, Lord Taelian, and I don't know you. I'm not sure I know you too, Tom. It may be early to consider ourselves friends or allies."

This did not sounded like him at all, but for some reason he felt he had to say it. Maybe subconsciously he felt vulnerable. Maybe he was even jealous. Maybe he knew that if he didn't keep his distance now, it might be too easy to grow fond of the two beautiful, interesting and kind men. It'd make life difficult for them and Maladan himself. It was too fast, too surreal after everything that happened, and he didn't want to get hurt again.

"I'll stay with you and repay my debt with all the skill I posses until you consider it payed in full, but now... we should go." he shuddered.

Pay off the debt. That's... that's it. That's all to it.
word count: 1001
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:35 pm


It was clear that the other Sil'norai was not particularly at ease -- that much was evident in his expression, the hesitation and weariness seeming to incline into his eyes. He was suffering and in pain, and he was frigid from their surroundings. Taelian lit a fire within his palm, directing it slowly within Maladan's proximity until it warmed him like a beacon, the man peering down at him as he spoke. "I intend nothing with you that you do not wish to partake in," he said, firmly. "I am no Lord Weissen -- you are not my prisoner. You may leave when you wish, and do as you wish. However--"

Straightening himself, the man huffed, appearing remiss in his words. He was not fully certain what Maladan would be most comfortable with, nor the answer suited to him. "I would advise you stay within our proximity, at least for the while. You will be safer if you are, to some extent, under my watch. And -- though I am aware you may not know me, nor I you, that can be alleviated and changed. I am certain we have much in common, presumably being from Sil-Elaine, yes? There is potential that we may become fast friends."

He released his grip from Thomas' waist, stepping forward and approaching the smaller man to offer him a shake of hands; a firm grip. "You owe me no debt. I was performing my duty as a Knight, cleaving you from the excesses of that foul man. If you do feel indebted to me, though, you may 'repay' your own self-perceived obligation by heeding my words. At least stay with us until the end of the night -- when we get back to Retzen, we can stay in a hotel and I can mend your wounds with Sinew Foam. After that, you can decide whether or not you wish to stay or go, though I'd recommend you stay. There are rooms available at Ashvane... for as long as we are allowed to stay there," he said, almost wistfully.

Looking down a moment, the man glanced back at Thomas, before setting his eyes upon Maladan again, a curious stare descending upon him. He was handsome, even in his injuries, and he seemed a genuine man. Aside from being a Sil'Norai, those were appreciable traits, and he did not wish to see him gone too soon.
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:05 pm


The fire took Maladan by surprise and he flinched, his nervousness intensifying, face to face with magic... but it didn't last long. He found that fire was not there to burn, but to warm him up. Honestly, it felt good.

While Taelin was speaking, Maladan lifted his hand out to the source of the heat; he smiled, quite cynically. He had no naive ideas, not about Wilhelm - he knew the Lord would go after him as soon as he saw an opportunity. If not him, then at least someone willing to buy his favor by bringing him back. He had no choice but to stay with Taelian, whom Wiessen would probably fear.
"I know." He replied, as free as a deer with only one escape route in a forest fire.

"You're from Sil-Elaine? You don't look..." He fell silent and thought. "You do not appear to be." Of course, Latham must have undergone some modifications, why would that surprise Maladan with man's strength and magic? He knew it... existed. Suddenly even his stunning face, which was both sweet and animalistic, made sense. Fast friends... it sounded alien, but isn't that, what exactly happened with Thomas?

He wouldn't have believed his gesture of friendship if Taelian hadn't decided to leave the comfort of Thomas and shake his hand. He offered his own and glared back. Latham's grip was exactly what he would have expected – firm and strong.

"As you wish." he said, but he could feel something... breaking inside of him. Latham was warm, friendly, just like Thomas. It didn't matter what Thomas did, but how he behaved – like a good hearted person with a lot of doubts. And though Latham could be frightening... Maladan didn't think it was a game for him, or some clever move of skillful manipulation.

Muscles in his face relaxed and he sighed. He looked up at Latham directly, in his eyes, after he checked Thomas as well.
"It's... it's just hard to believe it's over." He wrapped his arms around himself again. "I don't want to be alone, but... I'm scared. Just... scared."

"You are a briomancer?" he asked, changing the theme, but his voice was like going to shake. He remebered his mention of foam. He knew his body will heal over time ... about his mind, he wasn't so sure.
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:47 pm


He glanced down at himself as the other man informed him that he did not appear particularly Elainian, smoothing his fingers over the dulled, but still sharp curve of his flared ear tips. "I know I do not appear to be," he said, a lopsided smile curving onto his lips. "I had surgery to hide the tapestry on my face -- skin grafting. I changed the pigmentation of my hair, and... I had my ears dulled. All of this to make me appear like a Half-Elf, so that I may belong in some way to this nation. It was the best I could do to secure political certainty, to weave myself into the fabric of the body politique."

He dawdled for a moment, before eventually reaching out and gripping Maladan's hand, shaking it with a strong tug. Allowing the other man a moment of peace within his own thoughts, he pressed his lips together and sighed out softly as the Sil'norai expressed fear. He could understand him well -- he had seen many others like him, like them, isolated in lands like these, liberated from one oppressor only to fall into the lap of another. Years back, though, he hadn't been able to help those people. Now, he could.

"You don't need to be afraid," he said, lifting a hand to smooth over his shoulder with a soft, gentle squeeze. "Whatever your objective, I -- we -- will ensure you make it safely. If what you wish is to leave these lands, I'll help you. Thomas and I -- we're a good sort. He doesn't think he is, but he is."

This time, he did not glance back, the man merely smiling before letting go of his brief grip on Maladan's shoulder, the squeeze loosening until his hand slipped off.

"I am a Briomancer, yes," he nodded. "Not a very good one, but it doesn't take the most skilled practitioner to mend basic wounds, eh? I'm a mage in general, as you saw, an Officer within the Pact-Covenant. Came to Lorien to fight in the civil war -- to cull the Kindred until they're littering the fields. Decided, more than a year back, that I wanted to stay here. I love this nation, for all of its flaws. It has made me a stronger man."

Bringing his arms over to his chest, he crossed them together beneath his pectorals, and let his shoulders settle. "I'll see about getting both of you citizenship, tomorrow morning. There'll be no more Namelessness for either of you; it leaves you too vulnerable to harm and exploitation. Even a man like Weissen wouldn't dare do all that to a sovereign citizen. So -- I will ensure that you both have your papers," said Taelian. "For now, let's continue heading back until we can make it to a hotel. There's one on the outskirts of Retzen, not far from here. It won't be long."
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Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:18 pm


"I... understand." He said after not much thought. With his poor ability to hide his emotions and zero effort to do something like it, it was clear that he didn't agree with trading integrity for power, especially not one that pandered to the base human instinct to destroy what was different. But how else to change the system?

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder. He didn't flinch.
"I don't know why I trust you... but I trust you." He nodded. "You and Thomas. He already knows I didn't come here for any purpose... I just want to live and heal – I want to be a physician... no, necrodoctor." He smiled as Latham's hand pulled back and added another smile to Thomas, who had been silent for the time being.

"Glad to hear you know the art. I'm more of a beginner too, but I think I could take care of Thomas' tooth... with an effort and care... and some practice. I always wanted... to be better. It's strange to say that after all: I got arrested because I am necromancer."

"I've seen you cast magic... impressive. I don't know what the Pact-Covenant is, but still. I am also happy for your nationalism, but I hope it won't get you into trouble. All you have really seems like... really big plans." Lorien as a country had something in it, but many flaws. Maladan didn't know if he was staying because he wanted to, or if he was just tired of looking for something better and being disappointed.

"You... can do that? Just like that?" He asked, looking at Thomas. "We don't have to... get married because of that?" He preferred to turn the subject away from this stupid question.

"Let's go. I'd like to get cleaned up... and change my clothes. I'll probably ritualistically burn the current one." he smirked.

After that, it was no use staying on the place on the road any longer.

The group headed back into Retzen in a much more... relaxed mood. Maladan had something to warm him up, and the two lovers had handled the crisis.

Happy ending. Or the beginning?

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Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:10 am




[*]Rhetoric: Provoking an Assailant
[*]Torture: Dunking Chamber
[*]Torture: Being Punched in the Jaw
[*]Survival: Taking a Punch
[*]Survival: Breath Control
[*]Survival: Enduring Pain (basic)
[*]Persuasion: 2 Generic Lores

Injuries: Broken teeth, bruised jaw, split lip

Points: 8


[*]3 Generic Unarmed Lores

Injuries: None

Points: 8


[*]3 Generic Anatomy Lores,
[*]Medicine: Pain Threshold

Injuries: More scars, cuts, and bruises

Points: 8

Great thread! Jeesh, so much blood, yet love prevails. If you have any questions about your rewards let me know.

word count: 99
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