Famous Last Words [Moop]

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:06 pm

3rd Searing 4622

Salen spent the night until dawn dreaming. It was a pleasant dream, although it wasn't the usual dreaming but an homage to Remnomancy, a powerful magic associated with dreams, thoughts and illusions. However, he had explored his own mind so many times and watched how it had evolved into what was a shifting hall of mirrors; each memory shifted as Salen's mind evolved with newer memories, including of the experience he had with those two gnomes. They were strange creatures to him, but he wasn't the type to break a promise. Although, there are some promises that he had to break for his own gain.

Finding a chariot for the three of them.

Salen had awoken from his dreamlike state to the morning. He found himself next to the man that he had bedded that night for a quiet night of sleep. The night had earned him a slight soreness from the debaucherous pleasures he had gained. It wasn't his fault he was so lustful, the blight had either cursed or blessed him to be like that. He turned to the man beside him who appeared to be in a sleeping state, still blissful after an precious night of sex.

It was time to take what was rightfully his.

The chariot.

Salen channeled his ether and casted Devise, manipulating the light photons to create Umbraplasm; he then compressed the gravitational darkness into a Compass: a conduit for the dark energy that he had made. As soon as he was ready, he weaved the Umbraplasm from the Compass into sheets of dark silk-like fabric as he climbed onto the man in front of him, laughing "Good morning, handsome... I'm sorry to announce it's your last day alive..." He proceeded to gag the male with the fabric made from the Umbraplasm, before drawing more the sheets around the male, mummifying him in pure darkness. He struggled and screamed as much as he could, but the desperate cries were muffled.

He took the keys to his chariot, but as he left the door to the old hideout he found himself in, he grabbed a canister of wurmblood and doused the man in it. The man screamed even more desperately but noone would hear him, noone would see him. It was as if noone cared.

Natural selection.

"Goodbye..." He took his lighter, burnt a piece of paper and threw it on top of the doused man. The cries of agony wailing from him came as he left the building and jumped on the four-tiered chariot he had gotten himself, before realising that it had no wurmblood.

"Fuck!" He slammed and kicked at the chariot "Why does SHIT always have FUCKING happen!" He shouted expletives with a low grumble and an aggressive tone, head in his hands as if he had fucked up.

Come on it was only a small error.

He looked at the building; it was burning down and would leave a huge signal from miles ahead. He jumped off the chariot continuing to walk a mile forward as he clutched his waterskin in his hand as he took a seperate drink of it. Empty. He sighed and rolled his eyes, trekking further into the desert as he could. He was close by to what seemed like a makeshift camp in the badlands, although dangerous to camp out in open territory at this time.

Corruption storms were quite common in Daravin, meaning that there would be a chance that the patrons here are blown away, smashed into magithermal pieces and rusted in this land of decay "Knock knock." He shouted as he appeared to be rugged and exhausted from all the trekking he had done in the badlands. It was hard work, trying to navigate such desolate land, only to be torn "I think some quaint hospitality is needed here, whoever you people are. Hermits, travellers, I don't care." He said as he tilted his head "I promised two pretty gnome ladies a favor, it'll be grateful if you could help me get back on my feet, so I can find them. I'm sure they can't be far..." He said, looking around wondering if they've gone in their tents.

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:31 pm


A flash of a sword, the stench of Cauren water. Moop was locked in a terrible dream with no escaping. She ran from the Tok who assailed her throughout the maze-like cavers of the Wulds, shooting blasts of rays from their arms and running on mechanical legs to come and devour the last of her. She wish she had a light to chase them off, but she was completely naked save for a toga ripped wrapped helter-skelter around her body. Turning a corner, she out ran them, finding herself at a dead end. The final moments of her dream was pitch black and accompanied by the sounds of chewing. Moop woke up in a bad mood and sweat all over her.

After the nightmare Moop was uncomfortable for the whole morning while washing up with a rag and some perfume then eating a small breakfast of foraged song bird eggs and ramps. The man, Salen, had said he would be back for them but evidently couldn't be bothered to come retrieve them. She wondered if the wizard was hiding in the bushes still, waiting to ambush them and haul them off somewhere or worse. After his show she had little trust or faith in him, but Joop was now willing to go after working on her with nagging for the past few days. This meant Moop would sniff out whatever lead he had regarding Dimps in the Badlands, as much as she hated going there. At this moment Moop was feeding and watering the horses, she was tending to them. Comit and Fae were their names, Comit being a white pony which Moop rode and Fae being the pony who Joop rode who was a dark brown to red coloring. Fae was also the one who pulled the cart, though Comit would sometimes as well. They were getting ready to head out, it had been three days with no sign of the wizard. They were planning on going fast this time, and it would be faster to attach both ponies to the cart to pull instead of Joop pulling alone with Moop riding beside, as they usually would. Taking first Fae by the reigns, the more obedient one, she lured her over to the cart with a carrot in her hand. She gladly put on the harness and shook her mane with a whinny. Comit on the other hand was much more obstinate and wouldn't budge. He was quick and snatched the carrot from Moop's hand before she could lead him anywhere. Pulling with all her might he pulled back and snorted at her with defiance. Patting him gently she tried to calm him, touching the soft hair on his nose and feeding him another carrot. Finally with some gentle tugging and help from Joop they were able to direct him over to the cart to be attached as well beside Fae.

"Give him a little more time..."
Moop pleaded of her twin, who looked back at her with a cocked brow. They had put on their masks again and were headed to Boghadar to catch the mail, then closer to Dagrun in Daradan, where they would try to return from. Joop was more than excited to return home but Moop was not, she was jealous of her sister who seemed to have collected more data than Moop could. Her need for the wizard to show back up was great, even if she felt she couldn't trust him, she thought maybe she would give him a second chance if he actually did what he said he would and revealed a Dimp to her. Who knows what this would mean for her people, and if she could map her way there she would be able to find her way back and perhaps a team could be sent to recover it. She would have to write a report on the dangers of the Badlands, document what it was like, perhaps if she did well enough it would be peer reviewed then maybe even sent to CORE himself! To take up more time Moop was slow going while packing up her things, looking to the horizon and in the bushes for any sign of Salen. Even after these two days the sky still had remained covered in black writhing things, it was nothing short of frightening and she wondered if Dagrun knew too... How would they get back home if things got worse...? They would have to, not even Moop was dumb enough to stay if war broke out, but would it? This was no common thing, it's all anyone could talk about when she could pick up pieces of common in the streets. Snippets of conversation, people were worried and speculation was wild. Joop was looking at this now with one hand raised to shield the little sun which remained from her eyes.
"Fine, but only because I am going to write a report."
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Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:36 am

The sound of silence spoke within the desert wind himself, it appeared to be an abandoned site? Perhaps whoever it was here has gone searching for survival supplies. Food, water and sustenance was scarce in the Badlands and Salen was getting desperate, thirsty even. The sweat poured off him as his hair was ragged, messy from the days of travel he had endured. Although he didn't smell like a badlander, but more like a nobles perfume; however, it didn't linger with toxic chemicals for it was natural to him; the signature piece to ensure he was an object of attraction. He scurried around the campsite, wondering if the travel bearers had left anything of importance.

Salen clearly needed water as the sweat strengthened the leathery, earthy scent that Salen had brought himself. In the distance he could see two figures riding ponies in the distance. He narrowed his eyes due to the blinding sun in the distance, indicating that it was about to go down. The brink of sunset was almost there and the Badlands would begin to feel like a much more grim place to hike and yet dangerous if an unknowing corruption storm had simply blown over. The figures were coming, but he wanted to see if they were the gnomes from before. If they were, he couldnt let them see him sabotaging their camp as they speak; this would look bad, create a sense of tension between the already distrustful sisters at play.


He quickly rummaged through a tent, grabbed a leftover waterskin, refilling half of his own.

What they don't know won't harm them...

He said before looking back into the distance and making his way to the two figures. When he got closer, he narrowed his eyes; the beaming sunset on the Imperial Badlands was blinding, but yet he saw them. The two sisters whom which weren't exactly customed to Daravin's ways. Perhaps he could help them understand if they wished to, but it seemed one of them was stubborn.


She was going to be a tough shell to crack. He approached the two and crossed his arms, laughing "Do you realise how much of an idiot I made of myself, trekking these lands in search of you two?" He laughed as he meant it sincerely "Shall we get going? I've got a promise to keep" He said before bursting out into song.

Oh, she's a lovely dimp
Fine of them all
But sometimes, she needs a good kick
Yes! A good kick up the arrrrrrrssssseeee!

"If I sang that in Genteverse it would sound like erotica written in Daravin."

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Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:10 pm


With no sign of Salen at their camp late that morning the duo headed out. Moop was sullen, sitting beside Joop who directed the wagon. But Moop had a plan. Instead of directing them to Daradan the quicker way, she convinced Joop to travel across the bridge leading away from Levarin and towards what she suspected was the Badlands, if her improved map was anything to go by. About an hour into the trip Joop asked with an eyebrow raised,
"And we're sure this is the right way?"
Moop turned red but played it off,
"Uhm, yes. This should get us where we need to go."

Lying to her sister was new to her, this had never happened before, which is why Joop was slow to catch on to all of Moop's recent scheming. It wouldn't hold up much longer though, as they were headed due north from the bridge and hadn't changed directions, Joop was sure to catch on soon. Which is why Moop was not only shocked but some manner of relived to see the disheveled sorcerer who had crossed his arms in a power stance when he saw them. Joop looked at Moop with another cocked brow but said nothing, clearly upset and realising she was hoodwinked. Moop would hear about this later. Greetings were had as well as a song and dance number by Salen, done rather poorly if Moop did say so herself, and the twins merely looked at him confused. Joop eventually laughed but Moop just stared at him in silent wonder. Who was this strange man? Moop finally asked him when he was done,
"You got lost trying to find us? That's unfortunate. Will you be able to find our dimp you claim?"

She wasn't fully sure about following this man anywhere, one who would insult her flippantly and burst into raucous song. He made her feel like she wanted to take a bath. But with a great sigh she realised she had no other choice. This so far was as close as she had gotten, had she known treasures like this dimp he claimed lay in the Badlands she may have never left. Truthfully she had no idea how underprepared she was for this coming adventure.


Evening, Searing 3 4622

They had been driving the ponies in the hot sun all day, the ponies were exhausted. No matter how much water they drank they seemed to never be fully satiated, not cut out for such hot temperatures. Finally Joop called for a stop and ordered everyone off her wagon. They would be setting up camp. Joop would take her crossbow and leave Salen and Moop alone for some time, Moop spent this mostly silent setting up her four person tent and stringing down the tarp over the wagon. She tied the ponies to a dead tree not far from their camp and hoped that they would remain undisturbed. She had taken off her casual Daravin wear to put on in its place her traveling suit and put on her leather armor over top of that. As if in a show of power she came out of the tent with her staff in hand and sat near Salen in cross legged pose. She looked him up and down, expression unable to be read, thinking how she wished to get into his mind once more and make him stop insulting her. It was like his every word was tipped with poison and ooze, she had met his kind before in Dagrun but stayed away from foreigners for the most part. Finally she asked him,
"Are you Entente too? Is that how you know so much about them?"

That was when another came from the shadows and surprised Moop, she would jump to her feet and brandish her staff at the new comer.
"Name yourself, intrepider!"

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Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:10 pm

Salen sighed at the answer "Oh don't worry, you'll get you're dimp just as much as I'll get the joy of not having a headache after being in the desert for long." He complained. Hot weather really made Salen cranky, but he wasn't someone who would give up over a hot day. He had to persevere and who knows maybe his troubles would just magically go away.


Later that evening, Salen had been walking with two gnomes, riding the ponies. It seemed he could keep up with them. It was no wonder, they went on the slow walking speed of a human. If anything else, he had begun to feel quite tired himself, yet he didn't complain. He was hardened by the many tests that he was initiated into within his own Corvo sect. Joop had finally called for a stop, leaving them to converse and break the ice a little. He helped her setup the tent that they would be sleeping in. Wait a minute? Did they already have a camp? Was the other camp that he was at abandoned? He probably should've taken the full Waterskin that was there whilst he had the chance. It was too late now, he was with the gnomes. After the tent was finished, Salen had taken a liedown inside, on one of the cushions and made himself comfortable, taking out a rolled cigarette and lighting it up.

The aroma was pungent and began to fill the tent with the smell quickly. Salen didn't care, for he simply took a deep pull and opened his mouth, letting the smoke leave his mouth without a single blow. Moop had asked him that question by then, before he turned his head in complete bliss, like he was high and dilated "Do you think I'd be part of that fucking clown fiesta..." He asked with a snicker "You're joking, if you're part of those psycho mages, you might aswell sign your life away..." He shook his head "I only know about them so much, because I worked for one... Then she decided to stab me in the back and throw me under a bus..." He said with a shrug.

"If I worked hard, I'd get the life I wanted she said..." He sighed.

"Not the way things work around here unfortunately. If you know the Candor and know how to play it, you can win big." He announced, showing his frustration whilst he was high. Although it was better than being drunk. Corvo had their own poisons to pick. Salen own cocktail of debaucherous goodies were highly addictive psychedelics, followed by masses of highly spirited alcohol, perhaps enough to even kill a human.

Salen had heard the rustling in the bushes nearby and began to alert; however he couldn't reveal his Shaper in front of two unsuspecting gnomes, they would know what he truely is. He had to come up with a plan B to fight, just incase as Moop brandished her staff towards that direction. Salen saw the shadow as Moop spoke, which was revealed to be Tiberius. He looked disappointed as he sighed.

"Theres no helping you, Salen is there?"

Salen remained quiet as things were getting awkward for a moment "Tiberius..."

"I told you to stay in Leverin" Tiberius continued as Salen remained quiet.

"Yeah well, the dark thing in the sky, isn't exactly, I'm having weird dreams and..."

"Nydden..." He said.

"Don't start with your Omen bullshit again..."

"Rumour has it, an Achra had appeared, that's what they are talking about in the cities" Tiberius shrugged "Might be better if you guys don't camp out, find somewhere along the crags or a cave to camp... You can use my hideout if you want, but Salen... We need to talk." Tiberius looked at the two gnomes; they appeared to be friendly but he didn't trust any of them so it seemed.

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Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:55 pm


She listened to him talk as he explained what the Badlanders had told her before, the Entente were dangerous and something called a Candor. She didn't have time to reply when the rustling in the bushes caused her to leap out and exclaim. She moved her staff with a flourish and fell back when the man appeared, quite embarrassed that the two were on familiar terms. Dusting herself off she told the man named Tiberius,
"I apologize, it seems you startled me. I didn't mean to brandish my weapon in a familiar face's direction."
The two, Salen and Tiberius, carried on a conversation which Moop was privy to. She crossed her arms, staff between them, frowning at their conversation. She felt like an outlier and excluded from the conversation, so with great intention she butted in with at first a slight cough, then a smile at Tiberius.
"Well, I think we're fine here for the night. But your hideout you say? Where is that, are we all invited? He's taking me somewhere I need to go."
There was no way some weird Omen in the sky or whatever they were talking about was going to get away with her betrothed fate. This man was not going to sneak off and leave her in the Badlands, not after taking so long to show up.
"Whatever you have to say to him you can say in front of me, I'm not letting him out of my sight again."
Moop gestured to Salen with a small but wicked smile.

She seemed amicable despite making harsh words. Joop arrived back with a single, but large hare. It was lanky and brown, clearly dead by the bolt in his hind quarter and throat which both had blood dripping from the wound. Joop tossed it on the ground and asked Salen,
"What's the meaning of this? Who is he?"
She did not like the Badlanders and was wary of them,
"You bring some man from the Wastes here? No, ser. This was intended to be an archeological trip not a party."
Moop startled and came to her sister's side,
"No Joop, he's here to help. You're misunderstanding."
Moop patted her sister on the shoulder while Joop snubbed her nose at the new pair and harrumphed. She sat down in the dirt beside Moop and got to work skinning the hair and preparing the rosemary from her stock with some salt and oil. She muttered to herself, something along the lines of,
"All I understand is there is this black shit in the sky and you want to follow strange wizard's and their friend's to who knows where in the BADlands of all place. Honestly Moop I do wonder if we shouldn't turn around right now and head back to Dagrun."
But would say nothing more. Moop ignored her and had her full focus turned on Salen and Tiberius, waiting for their conversation to continue and supper to start cooking. Soon the smells of Joops meager rabbit broth would fill the air.
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Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:28 pm

Tiberius narrowed his eyes at the two gnomes, although there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes as he glanced at Salen "I'll explain everything later, right now... I kinda need you to not mess this up for me..." Tiberius blinked for a moment as he sighed, knowing how scheming Salen was, he was probably hatching up a plan or something, knowing his goal. The conversation between the two ended and Tiberius responded to Moop "It's fine, I'm use to walking with a knife in my back, half of the time..." He said, looking at Salen as he redirected to whom he was refering to "We both are..."

The Sil'Norai rolled his eyes towards Moop; he did not have to explain himself to a little critter such as her, yet it would be rude to suddenly lead him; the shit eating grin that Moop held on her face would make Tiberius laugh and snicker under his breath "What if the conversation was about our sexual escapades, do you care to hear about such things." Salen blinked for a moment, knowing how awkward Tiberius made things "About that time you swa-" Salen's expression became serious and agitated for a moment to a point where he channeled his ether and Impelled a small rock at Tiberius' forehead.


"Shut the fuck up!" His tone was stern, commanding and extremely domineering that it shook the atmosphere.

Salen watched as Joop began to make single protests about the new outsider; Tiberius began to single heartedly become more sarcastic "I'm the Fairy Godfather, I can grant you three wishes. Anything you desire." He joked, Salen was unamused by the joke, knowing that he was under much stress, such as fulfilling the promise he made as well as dealing with a lover who completely decided to humiliate him.

You're fucking gonna get it He thought aggressively.

This wasn't the first time that Salen was slighted by Tiberius in a joking fashion, but it was completely in inaccuracy. He was stressed, tired and completely broken as he had a lot on his mind. Keeping away from Dahlia's whims and surviving as best as he could within Daravinic society. It was stressful, especially when the predators were the people in higher places.

"Look, the dimp is not that far from the hideout, we can take refuge there; plus we have supplies."

"I'm also a qualified necromancer" Tiberius interrupted out of vain.

"Right..." Salen responded, clearly still upset "Unless you two have any other bright ideas?"

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Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:42 pm


Joop clapped once at Tiberius' sarcasm but said nothing, just kept at her work. It would seem Tiberius had upset Salen but Moop did not care, he had riled her up before and made her commit a crime. Anyone who would pick on and fluster Salen was a good spirited person to Moop. Moop was sweating slightly, wondering how she was going to convince them to let her stay for the night. Joop wouldn't follow them like this anywhere, they would have to leave in the morning. She did her best to make them understand. In her worry some Kaedic words slipped out.
"You see, ser, my systr isn't one to leave a pot... unneruved, or rather, excuse me, watched. That is to say, sers, we are staying here for the night. But I am interested in going in the morning. You say necromancy is your interest? That's fascinating stuff, but much too gory for me. Joop actually knows some field healing, mostly things for scrapes or bruises. I think she set an arm once... Didn't you?"
Joop said nothing, not even heaving a sigh, she chewed a piece of hay and spit it back out onto the dusty earth. Then while rolling her eyes she turned her back and began cleaning the rabbit to add the meat to the pot. Moop continued on,
"I say let's eat here for the night and head to the hideout in the morning. I've been out in the black skies for days, I'm not worried about any skinimaen. But straight to the dimp after we are done there. Let's make haste, but I'd like to see you try to grab my sister and move her. Haha! She has metal legs, she can outrun most humans I have met."

"If you stay here you can eat with us, she makes good food. I'd like you to add your hideout to my map, if you would. It would make it easier to come back, incase we get lost."
Getting up, Moop ignored Joop, as she dug around in the tent for the scroll which was her map. Finding it finally after much time, she came back out. If they spoke while she was gone Moop was oblivious and Joop would say nothing.
"Here, I have a piece of charcoal from my map making kit you can use to mark it."
She would hand the piece to Tibrius who she hoped would scroll his location on her map. There was no alterior motive here, she simply wanted the way point on her map. Moop would then ask if they wanted to hear about her homeland, Dagrun, and would tell them much about the flora around there. Talks about mushrooms lasted until dinner was finished, rabbit broth with some wild onion, oil, salt and rosemary mixed. It was a thin soup and had some flavor, which was good. They would rest there that night.


Moop was surprised to find Salen and Tiberius outside in the morning. They fed, groomed, and watered the ponies early in the morning as the sun was just rising. setting out soon after. The way to the hideout took all morning but finally they made it. Moop found the area interesting and was hard pressed to not rush up and touch things. A real hideout! These were not the run of the mill people one would usually meet. Something told her these two were important in their own rights, that sticking close to them was her best shot at greatness. She wasn't sure she fully trusted them and their ways were truly harsh, she would have to get meaner to deal with them. Perhaps they would become closer over time, she thought, if something did give and this lead didn't pan out she would have to return to Dagrun empty handed. While she didn't dislike Salen she wouldn't fully trust him unless he softened to her first, but he seemed like a firecracker, a real nutjob too, maybe this is what attracted Moop to him so.

It crossed her mind the pair could be leading her to her doom, but the fortuitous meeting under the crashing of the sky and the simple fact Salen was able to admit he was wrong and apologize, seek them out, clue them in. She knew she would warm over time, but doubted they would. It was possible these were simply rude people. This meant she would need to work on toughening her skin and working with them, if Joop would let her. This trip was hard on Joop, people were unfriendly and cruel. While Moop missed her home dearly she still couldn't go back empty handed.
"Let's get supplies and then head out!"
Moop would tell Tiberius and Salen when they arrived.

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Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:54 pm

Tiberius couldn't help but warm up to the hospitality of the gnomes as he listened to them, however he was a man of few words and knew the badlands very well "Necromancy is a necessity sometimes, especially for idiots who injure themselves regularly by making the wrong decisions..." Tiberius shaded as he looked over at Salen for a moment, before he continued on, answering Moop's question about Joop's way of medicine "She should try necromancy, it's the future and provides better healthcare. It can also uphold a man's beauty, such as myself and even mend someone else's pretty face."

Salen sighed, rolling his eyes; Tiberius would often continue to roast him regularly about his misadventures and other bad habits "A good meal sounds nice, ehh Salen." He said as Salen chose not to answer him, he was still somewhat taken back by the way Tiberius insulted him, but he was right. He was wreckless and one day his impulsive actions would get him outed and expelled by the Entente. Salen's thought processes tilted "Skinimaen?" He asked, wondering what kind of beast it was, It made Salen chuckle as Moop continued on the joke about Joop having metal legs. It would seem she may need them for the amount of running she may have had to do, weither it was the Entente or Moop as a sister, he couldn't tell which was the dreg's advocate.

Tiberius looked at the map and remained puzzled for a moment; he blinked as he tilted his head slightly "Erm... How do you understand this thing?" He said with a sigh, rolling his eyes "I mean Salen would probably know where it was, since he's ended up at it as many times before." He rolled his eyes, not knowing how to understand the map made things more difficult for Tiberius to navigate, but it was more infuriating as Moop continued to prod Tiberius with the charcoal.

Dinner was served, rabbit broth with wild onion, salt and rosemary mixed. A soup with very little flavor for Salen's liking, but it was the only thing on the menu. He chose to eat it and then headed to bed, in which Tiberius shared his tent with him "I know you're angry with me, for showing you up like that, but I have a point... Your ego is going to get you killed, I'm actually worried about you."

"You don't need to be... I'll be fine, I'm just... My morale has been bruised."

"Get some rest..." Tiberius said tenderly.

Salen would have strange dreams that appeared to be lucid, perhaps more interactive with him because he was a Remnomancer; what omens could follow on? Only time will tell.


The next morning, Tiberius had gone out of the tent to get his chariot. He appeared to be in a hurry as he sighed worryingly "Fuck, I said I'll be..." Salen got out of his tent as he sighed walking over "Tiberius! Where the fuck are you going!"

"Shitport! I'll meet you at the hideout..."

Great, he sighed, not knowing what to tell the gnomes about Tiberius; it appeared that it would be devastating news to deliver to Moop and Joop, however he had no choice as they were behind him in seconds "Well, you heard him, I guess we'll be finding the hideout ourselves..." He said with utter frustration as well as the heat pounding on him, it appeared to make him more agitated and bitter, but there was only one way forward "If I make a promise, I keep it... And I'm leading you to that dimp, for whatever pilgrimage you decided to bring upon yourselves.

And with that, Salen continued the path forward, leading them as he tried to remember the pathway to the hideout.

word count: 653
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Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:42 pm


Bickering ensued between the two men who were clearly familiar with each other. Moop would say little and Joop nothing at all as supper was dished out the conversation died off as the girls took to their tent. Moop couldn't make out the conversation but heard the mean speaking in their own tent not far. She wondered that night at what would truly become of this excursion. He had called it a suicide mission before and could be right, as all others who had this task before her had failed. All others had run into trouble, never coming back or coming back in pieces. This wouldn't be Moop. She was sure she would find her people and be held in the esteem she deserved.


While at first she thought they had made it to the compound, it would seem she was wrong and they had simply faced a run down building in the Badlands. Something by now she was used to seeing. The day was hot but this effected Moop little. Joop would ride the pony and wagon steadily but silent behind Salen, Tiberius had left early that morning for somewhere called "Shitport" which sounded like a downright dirty and disgusting place Moop hoped to never go. Even that the mere mention or thought of the name Moop brought out a handkerchief and coughed into it, sick to her stomach. With Tiberius unable to read her map and no time last night to explain it would seem they would follow Salen, the wizard, to wherever this hideout was. Moop wasn't sure as her track record in the Badlands and finding her way back was low, on her map the Badlands were not marked with anything, just a large blank spot where icons would be. Instead she would rely solely on Salen's memory to get them where they needed to be.
"If this isn't the hideout, are we far from it?"
The beating sun and the sound of a single singing grasshopper were all that cried back after she spoke, creating an empty space after her words.
word count: 381
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