Oliver Carnahan

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Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:31 pm


"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"

Name: Oliver Rufus Carnahan

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Blight: None
Age: 36
Height: 6"2
Weight: 190 lbs
Birthdate: 36th Ash, 4586

Birthplace: The Grisic Empire, Carnahan Estate
Location: Lorien, Gothenberg

Raw Magic:
Sigilic Pyromancy - Journeyman

Librarian, Archaeologist, Ebon Knight.

Cleric of the Black Remedy

The Black Remedy

The Court of Dusk
The Unbreathing Horde

Racial Ability:

The Path (Malek)

Partners: Eric Dalchiberg (Husband)
Sexuality: Bisexual

Fluent: Common, Solanum
Conversational: Silvain
Inepitudes: None


Oliver stands around 6”2, he is quite an imposing figure, fully fledged by the intense workout structure, as well as living a life derived by preserving one’s dignity and self appearance; his body appears to be chiselled towards perfection, as well as strong and sturdy. Oliver’s build is considered lean with muscular qualities, ensuring that he is able to lift and fully comprehend strength related activities.

The human male embraces his mother and father’s genetics smoothly; he sports dark brown eyes and brown hair with slight auburn and blonde tones; a combination that has proven to be both genetically from Tyrone’s Griscian roots to his mother’s exotic Khadaiese ancestry. Oliver embraces every moment of his ancestry, despite having backlash thrown at him.

Oliver possesses no tattoos on his body but has quite a number of scars, a twisted crooked scar caught from an gunfire incident, followed by a few slash scars on his chest and abdomen. The man views these scars as tokens of the battles he has faced and there will be more to come, knowing how determined Oliver is.

Marks of Control

Sigilic Pyromancy

The Black Sigil
Given to Oliver by Aldrin Sil'Jalus. When he had finally realised he wasn't going to fulfill the pillars fully within the codes of the Grisic Empire, Oliver had decided to make his own way in life, by fulfilling his own goal that relates to his moral compass. He empathised with the Sil'Norai who were brought to ruin under the Dranoch lords, only to be raised as cattle. He wanted to break that cycle as he felt as if he could make that change, even if he was an outsider to Sil'Elaine, they needed all the help they could get and so Oliver had turned to the worship of Malek to secure his future from now on.


Likes: Philosophy, Science, Discovery and most importantly... Tea!
Dislikes: Cruelty, Social Occasions, Failure.
Merits: Headstrong, Optimistic, Empathetic.
Flaws: Brutal, Stubborn, Reckless

A serious man with a lighthearted edge; he is the type to crack a joke and provide comedic relief to a bad day, although at times his sarcasm doesn't hit right, especially when he is in a bad mood. He is extremely intelligent and resourceful, often debunking fact from fiction before coming up with an excuse, therefore making him extremely analytical when it comes to people's psychological and philosophical wellbeing. He's a man who likes to understand what's in front of him before making decisions, often leading him to becoming extremely cautious of whom he trusts.

Strong emotions appear to be Oliver's weakness, he is a man engrained in raw fervor and extremely sensitive when it comes to his own feelings. Sometimes, he has trouble expressing them clearly, leading him to stutter and make a complete fool of himself at gatherings and other social events. Due to this, he often shys away from relationship advances and mutual friendships, usually keeping to himself at times. Oliver is driven by the ability to keep his word as Griscian society taught him much about being true to words, aspirations and goals that he is willing to achieve, whilst actively coming across as patriotic, he deems some of these qualities as a foundation of a good moral compass, whilst also questioning the reasoning behind society and breaking down social constructions that inhibit a man from doing good.

Oliver often displays a quality of brutal honesty, often making himself sound sharp, cutting and even stern, he isn't afraid to speak his own public opinion on matters and derives to use words as a hope for change. A passionate man who appears to never hold back, even if he is perhaps too honest, he believes the truth is something that should hurt, despite being the helper of causes, it is simply a matter that is considered extremely sensitive and dear to him.

Despite Oliver's brutal honesty, sarcasm and analytical ways, he means it from the heart, even with people he's close with. People who are close with Oliver share a completely different bond with him. He's more open-hearted and even generous in cases of charity or necessity as much as giving them his shirt from his back, or even doing anything for the people he cares about, but this also leads him to being misled as he is still naive about the world, despite having so much experience, there are mistakes that he still makes with people. A man who wears their heart on their sleeve can sometimes be a fool of fortune.


The Beginnings

The Beginnings - Family Affairs 4586-4610
Oliver was born into a militaristic noble house known as House Carnahan, which was run by Tyrone and Chetna Carnahan; He was the youngest of two other children named Symone and Cecilia. They were a family driven by the appreciation of the six ordinances that linger amongst the Griscian Commonwealth; thus many of them become explorers, scientists, doctors and even academics. Tyrone and Chetna had two very different backgrounds as pioneers of cultural and military development. Chetna was born in Khadai, a state which had neutral province with the Grisic Empire in terms of trade. She worked most of her life in the field of engineering, which she embraced the culture of the Grisic Empire, a standing stone that lead to Tyrone marrying the woman, for which she was forced to give up her career to have children. A rite that continued the progression of their own family.

Oliver's father, Tyrone had a lifelong military career, serving the Divine Abolition for many years, although he had chosen not to harbour the rot that brought forth. Instead, he conducts his research into anti-magic technology as well as experimenting on the mages and researching the various sunderscraps used to build weapons of war for the Grisic Empire. He made weapons against the gods and was so driven by the megalomania and paranoia of the Grisic Empire's morals that he embraced the Pillars to his own children. Whilst they were normal to Griscian society, they were delivered in a smothering way, one that didn’t allow Oliver and his family to grow as people. He was overprotective and extremely unforgiving of defiance. He chose to run his family like a tyrant and with that some couldn’t take the pressure. Oliver wanted to make his father proud, but his brother Symone couldn’t take it. He chose to leave the Grisic Empire permanently and pursue a career outside of the state. The young son stayed, hoping he could live up to his father’s expectations.

Oliver’s education had been tailored to delve into the possibilities of science, philosophy and archaeology, subjects which has led to a large understanding of the world and its history. Whilst enduring this, he had gone through insane amounts of stress, although Tyrone watched him, not a drop of sympathy could convince him that he was trying hard enough. A man so deeply consumed by perfection would eventually drive his own son away from him.

Family life became more tense for Oliver to deal with, particularly when Tyrone asked him of something that would change his life. To marry young and procreate to keep the Griscian Commonwealth more populated. With that, there was an arranged marriage between House Sycamore and House Carnahan. House Sycamore had chosen Jean to marry Oliver, although it was considered demeaning towards Oliver's choices.

The debt that Oliver had accrued during the marriage would go to waste. His wife died tragically of childbirth in the year of 4609, leaving Oliver saddened, depressed and forcing blame on himself, knowing that it would be a shameful prospect to consider amongst a Grisic man; these things were common but society was difficult, especially for a noble such as himself.

His family life became difficult; Oliver began to loathe his father, believing his forcefulness and overprotectiveness had lead Oliver with no prospects other than a career in academia. He was full of anger, embittered rage to the point where Oliver had packed his bags decided to look further, fearing a life of mediocrity that had been created by his father.

He eventually secured a job with an expedition crew to Natanis, which had been lead by Samuel Hendrix, a Koloskan adventurer who had explored most of the continent under the county of Lorien, although he had turned to Grisic in hopes of securing aspiring treasure hunters, adventurers and seekers of fame. A chance for Oliver to prove himself worthy of encompassing the Pillars of Duty and ensure he strives for better cultural development within the Grisic Empire.


Icheron - The Great City of Cahan 4610-4612
Samuel Hendrix and his crew had planned a large scale expedition to the continent of Icheron, where they would gaze upon the Great City of Cahan, said to be an ancient site for the indigenious people lingering there. Many people were hired from across the continent of Atharen to pursue this journey, although it would be a dangerous one, they had to be prepared for every obstacle.

Many of the crew members had different expertise areas, from Archaeology, Engineering and other areas of research. Some of these areas were concealed by the very members of the faction known as the Golden Eagles. A secret society of treasure hunters, grave robbers and tomb raiders. Oliver had no choice but to entertain. He thought this was going to be a journey which would he would finally be able to make his mark completely. However, with the price of prospects and dreams came the ultimate price. To keep promises.

The Griscian male had initiated with an oath. To never share the secrets of an Eagle and with that, he fully became a member of their crew.

They set off on a twenty day trip to Natanis, across the sea corrupted by many of the Bleeding's cataclysmic events, a byproduct of the god's selfish acts; or so it was believe by Griscian folk. Oliver decided to converse with many of the crew members of the Eagle; one in particular named Giselle Zelwinger, a woman who has archaeological knowledge as well as expertise on Blights. Due to Oliver's sceptical nature, he didn't believe in blights; he thought these were creatures of myth, things that were used to scare children during bedtime stories.

By the time they arrived at Natanis, they immediately took to exploring one of the old wonders of Icheron; the landmark that had been conquered by Lorien; the Great City of Cahan. It was now a settlement for the undesirables of Lorien; a chance to heighten one's caste and maybe become Celebrant. Whilst others saw this as a great opportunity, it wasn't what Oliver had in mind; he had his own reputation to build in Grisic and yet it became a deep dark circle of disappointment, but a glimmer of hope. Eventually, Oliver confided in Giselle about his experiences, which lead her into regarding Oliver as some form of friend, a woman that he could be open with despite his view on the otherworldly beings that the woman researches.

During the expedition, Samuel would disappear with a mysterious stranger at night, wondering what he had saw. Giselle started to realise this mysterious woman may be trouble and continued to observe her behaviours day and night when she visited. The other crew members started noticing change in Samuel, including Oliver for whom he was severely beaten down verbally. One night, things got out of hand as the verbal attacks became physical altercations. Samuel attacked Oliver, claiming that he was standing in his way from achieving his prize. What prize? Oliver was confused as he wondered if Giselle had any answers, for which he confided in her.

The mysterious stranger was revealed to be a Corvo, native to Caena; a nation which had been split by the vast undead of the land. Giselle had overheard a conversation previously that there was going to be an ritual of immortality of some kind. She had beguiled Samuel into thinking he would get a gift, but there were darker things in the depths of Icheron, things that did not need to be tampered with and were best left alone. Oliver, Giselle and the other crew members eventually decided to go after Samuel and try and release him from his spell of beguilement.

They had managed to follow the trail after days of travelling through Natanis. They came to an old dilapidated temple in Caena, which had been used by the natives of the area, before great tragedy had broken out. The two figures of Brazim were broken, covered in ivy and vines. It was clear that this was used as an old place of worship. Oliver and Giselle stepped in quietly, coming to what seemed like an altar. The mysterious figure was stood their in the middle as Oliver and Giselle hid behind one of the pillars, observing the moment as Samuel was laid on the altar in a deep sleep.

The mysterious stranger revealed herself to be a strange being, interlinked by the hands of those she slew before her "I offer you immortality for the price of worship to our grey lady, the Umbral Heart herself, Y'shendra... Life and death must be bridged, for it will only reveal the true power of sacrifice to our world" Oliver began to make sense of it all as he watched her hand turn into a sharp claw, Samuel was tempted by no other than one of Brazim's former agents, turned against him by the mask of undead. The agent had manipulated Samuel into thinking of treasure, but now she was destined to convert him.

Before Oliver could do anything, Samuel would feel the claws rip into the thorax of his body and pull out his heart, freely from the ventricles of his body; Oliver gasped in horror at the sight and immediately began to run; the converted Corvo had called the shadowy winds of Gloam to summon an army as she struck down her Effigy, depicting the woman, hysterically carving away at a child's fetus with nothing but glee and enjoyment upon her face. This was an ominous sign, that Y'shendra had no longer the desire to create life, but to bridge it between states. Oliver ran as fast as he could away from the vicious site, but he was met with a small horde of undead; they were weak but yet frightening to look at, it made Oliver cock his rifle, shooting burst after burst but there was simply no effect.

They appeared to be indestructible, their bodies and guts not needed in life; perhaps this source of immortality was real. Oliver had only one other option, a dangerous path that he would inflict upon himself. Giselle had followed Oliver with liquid napalm, which she doused the floor with and set it on fire; burning away most of the undead; they scrambled back to their crew as Oliver couldn't process what he had saw. Undead. All their mangled corpses brought to life with a single effigy, he ran as fast as he could, until they were safe, vomiting at the site of blood, gore and the still beating heart of Samuel's now pulled from the very chest of his thorax.

Oliver began to feel guilty about not believing Giselle; she was right about the whole situation and it eventually took him to understand more about the world, help him open himself up to more possibilities on what lies beyond. Giselle eventually took the hat for the Golden Eagles as well as paying respects to their friend, Samuel Hendrix, who died tragically of greed. Oliver would further question the world, wondering if there were other things out there; it was evident that this experience will shape parts of his future and his life as he continued to explore Natanis' cultural roots along with the other Eagles for two years, before finally searching for better prospects elsewhere.

The world wasn't has black and white as Oliver thought it was, it had color to it, sometimes light and sometimes dark. Although, the biggest life lesson that Oliver would learn from this trip is to open the mind to other possibilities, because there are unpredictable forces out there.


Sil’Elaine - The Baptism of Fire 4612-4617
The boat ride appeared to be the most unsatisfying part of the journey back to Grisic, Oliver couldn't comprehend the things he saw, the things that plagued his mind for the two years he spent in Natanis. He couldn't get over seeing the death of a prominent leader, although it seemed Giselle was having an issue taking the reigns. Other members began to get greedy and eventually would fight for their own survival. It wasn't often that Giselle had to break up fight after fight on board, in which Oliver had tried his best to comfort her through every moment.

The experience from the Dunash of Icheron and the ritual from the mysterious being, it was all too much to take. A large stepping stone that brought him from the far reaches of scepticism to the grounded approach of an open mind. He recalled her mentioning Y'shendra, wondering if she was truely wicked in society. Was she a life giver or a life taker? Oliver confided in Giselle over that, revealing that it is one of the gods she worships under the Norad version of The Path. He began to question the world's antics more as well as the woman's intentions; it seemed that the Dunash worshipped the Umbral Heart as some kind of mother, but why?

Were her ways truely wicked or was she fulfilling her role that she had previously enacted? Oliver had so many questions, but not enough answers. He began to pace backwards and forth, thinking to himself; his thoughts eventually took over his sleep and eventually he began to suffer from severe insomnia. Was it post-traumatic stress of witnessing a death of a potential friend? He could hardly know, but all that was in his mind was the Effigy he had witnessed, come forth from the Dunash's grasp. The figure haunted him as it had a ounce of cruelty from her wicked smile, the knife lunging towards the fetus of a child, the once beautiful goddess, now depicted as a murderous witch.

One night, Oliver had tried to sleep, but was interrupted by harsh dreams similar to the woman that was depicted within the Effigy. It appeared she was clawing her face off, revealing the inner layers of her skin, until eventually she was bone. She laughed in hysteria as she appeared to have enjoyed the activity of tearing away one's flesh. With that, he had awoken to find the ship slightly flooded with no clue about what had happened. He ran through the waters all the way up to the upper deck to find that his crew had left him for death.

"Damnit" He responded, luckily securing one lifeboat that had been left behind, although it was a challenge to unsecure from it's fastening. He had used it to arrive on the shores of Sil'Elaine; where he had coughed up his guts, processing what he had just witnessed from all those years being on Icheron. Lost and abandoned, he had to find out where he was, his first instinct was to find shelter and camp out for the night.

However, Oliver was unaware of the dangers that came with the turf of Sil'Elaine. He had eventually come close to being fatally killed by a single Dranoch who had wanted to initiate a feeding frenzy upon him. However, he had been saved by a local Ebon Knight under the name of Elendril Ela'Vendril, for which he had taken him to safety. They discussed the events of how Oliver came to Sil'Elaine, however it appeared to be no accident. However, he saw the local Sil'Norai devoid of emotion. Some were still embittered by sadness of the tyrannical Dranoch Lords that roamed this land. Oliver wanted to understand their pain, until he eventually saw his own pain.

A man pretending to be someone he was not.

Elendril coached him and urged him to make a choice and with that, he threw away his entirity of Griscian life and began a new order within the Black Remedy, doing something meaningful in society. His experiences with the undead on Icheron had shaped him into more than just an explorer, a treasure hunter, but a human being that wanted to understand the world from several different points of view, rather than the stoic Griscian way he was educated.

Adaptation was the way forward as he would never again be able to be accepted into their society without facing the risky consequence of death.

He chose to take the initiation into Sigilic Pyromancy under the supervision of Aldrin Sil'Jalus. The Beacon was encased into his soul and the Black Sigil took a hold of his soul. He was now deemed a Cleric of the Black Remedy and would offer his service to the Remedy for years to come, slaying and culling every member. He was guided by the Ebon Knight, Elenris Ela'Vendril; the man who saved him from the Dranoch attack. Being a part of the Remedy made Oliver more self-assured and fearless, in which he saw this as a boon to himself. He was no longer the man on the expedition, he had become something much more fulfilling.

A man of his own accord, no longer bound by the rules, regulations and the Pillars that he once solely believed in. If a man could believe in themselves, they can accomplish anything, but Oliver's journey was still at it's beginning.

[For a detailed account, click the thread above.]


Daravin - Unveiling the Unbroken Empire 4617-4619
After many years with the Remedy, Oliver became trusted enough to fulfill his own destiny and he departed to Daravin, often to fulfill the regulations of Daravin's underground circles of Dranoch. Whilst his guide had every faith in him at this point, he chose to handle the mission alone, knowing how headstrong and independent he had become. It was a sign that he was no longer the man from Grisic that he was wanting to become, but the man who had finally found himself. A self-assured, diligent adventurer with the blessing of Malek behind him, so much that he had cut all his ties and began worshipping the god of death himself.

Yet, he was still unsure exactly what called him to the god. Perhaps the need for comfort from the experiences that he had suffered in Icheron, or simply he was something that he related to.

However, the badlands weren't something that Oliver had visited before, but he had heard the tales of anarchistic tribes and gangs raiding and pillaging for the centerpiece of the land. Many were infected with the Madness; what Oliver believed to be some sort of disease that infects the mind, although he had never seen such infection before. He arrived at Rustbucket where he met a wayward explorer from Lorien by the name of Eric; he was strangely bookish, charming and yet somewhat naive about the world, just as Oliver was.

He agreed to help assist him at a expedition at one of the ruins, belonging to history involving in the Unbroken Empire. Since, Eric was fascinated by the history of artificing, he had begun researching with a crew but it appeared they would never return and thus Oliver would become a hired muscle to help them. In the ruins, they would encounter old artificing golems that have been broken apart as well as a hideout for the dark creatures of blood.


Oliver helped Eric uncover the mystery as well as escape from the ruins itself, but it would only leave Oliver with severe injuries of his own. That was until Eric revealed something dark; the same magic that was used to revive the dead of Icheron as he recognised the tool used.

A Nightorch.

Memories and flashbacks would begin to plague Oliver, only to be calmed by Eric, since he had used such a tool to save his life. Although, he revealed secrets and shared some of his insecurities and eventually their friendship blossomed. Through the years of partnering up, Eric began to develop feelings for Oliver and wondered if their relationship would work. Oliver was reluctant at first, to immersed in the pride of Griscian masculinity that had been brought upon him, but eventually with some convincing he opened himself up to the possibility of his own sexuality, taking control and finding the facet of who he was.

What was a man closed off by the fear of doing something completely taboo was a man who didn't let those things define him anymore. He was his own person and had thrown away the possibility of living as a Griscian when he received his first mark of control.

Why should he care?

He wasn't going to turn back now, for his future had already been settled.

[More detailed account of his backstory in the thread link above.]


Lorien - A New Beginning 4619-Present Day
Oliver and Eric's relationship blossomed at that moment and it appeared that Oliver was ready to commit himself to someone, despite his duties with the Black Remedy, he had made sure that he would be there if they needed him. The two years were challenging for the couple, particularly when there were challenges in between societial gaps that Oliver hadn't let go off fully. The prospect that he was in love with a man came with great questioning from his own end, unsure that such a thing could exist because of the way he had been educated. However, Eric didn't give up and opened the door to sexual and romantic liberation for him, even though he had been open-minded about male flings and other debaucherous offers, it meant that Oliver had the opportunity to explore himself, away from the eyes of Griscian gossip and the potential ruin he could bring onto his family. He didn't need to worry about that anymore, so why was he so bothered about it?

In the Searing of 4619, Oliver and Eric Dalchiberg had married; despite having such a difficult time accepting it, he was in love and happy. They would go onto doing what they loved aswell, whilst keeping their secrets to themselves. The fact that they were mages in secret proved to be something that they had to hide, or atleast gain approval from. Oliver was raised to the stature of Savant and eventually began proving himself to Rien society. A good husband and a supportive lover, he stood by Eric through the many gossip he faced and proved that he could prove so many people wrong; he eventually secured a job as a Librarian at the Gothenberg University, before quickly excelling to be able to teach certain classes of Archaeology with the help of Eric bolstering his career line.

However, something was missing; the longing and craving for adventure was still there. Oliver was still young and with a husband full of energy, he could still accomplish many adventures with him, despite his experiences in life he will keep growing and excelling at what he does best and perhaps mentor those who have been in his shoes. For this reason, Oliver is a man driven by logic, prospects and the passion to see achievement in others, even if he does have the shadow of death looming over him.

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Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:49 pm

Skill List
SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Sigilic Pyromancy 50/100 Journeyman
Gunslinging 75/100 Expert
Bodybuilding 50/100 Journeyman
Archaeology 40/100 Apprentice
Acrobatics 25/100 Apprentice
Survival 25/100 Apprentice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
The Longing for Adventure Again...+55 (Skill Debt) 0
Tavern's Delights (Kayleth)+00 0
Nothing Lasts Forever+55 (Skill Debt) 0
Thread Name+00 0
Thread Name+00 0
Thread Name+00 0
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Starting Package:
150 Points
Sigilic Pyromancy - 50
Bodybuilding - 25
Survival - 15
Gunslinging - 50
Acrobatics - 10

Human Bonus
Acrobatics - 10

Character Approval
Acrobatics - 5
Survival - 10

Athaversary 2022
Archaeology - 15

Skill Debt:
22 Skill Debt
25 - Bodybuilding
25 - Gunslinging
25 - Archaeology
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Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:21 pm

Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores
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Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:36 pm

1. General Starting Package
Up to 6 Sets of Clothing befitting your Class.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Rifle

Eric's Country Home; typically a 600 sq ft. (20x20) home in an urban or rural area.

Currency Ledger
1. 1000df - 1000df for a Rifle.
Currently: 0df

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Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:25 pm


Race: Human
Age: 29
Height: 5"6
Weight: 170lbs

Occupation: Archaeologist and Artificer
Relation to PC: Husband
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 5

Eric was born in Icheron, Natanis under the birthrite of his mother and father Clarisse and Elijah Dalchiberg; they were both explorers amongst the island when he was young; his mother and father took part in the colonialism of Icheron, where they had began to become a prominent member of society, however his Lorien bloodline still stayed within him. The Lustrian family had set out their goals for a better future. However, it would seem at the age of 21, Eric would lose his parents to the Unbreathing Horde, after venturing too far into Icheron.

His mother came back with one last wish, for Eric to join her, in which she inscribed him with a mark. A grueling initiation that he had to survive in order to live; the darkness would close in and all that light seemed to have fade. The sound of church bells could be heard and all of a sudden as he made his way through the maze of darkness; the bells got louder as the Effigy of Y'shendra would call to him, the golden beating of the Umbral Heart now in Eric's grasp, ensured that he would survive the initiation. However, it proved to be a curse on his behalf that he was initiated into Grave. A magic that he used for good purposes only and not the amoral purpose of consuming souls for the undead. He had kept this a secret and bound to never use it, unless in a situation of turmoil.

Eric had chosen to abandon his mother as a lost cause, viewing her as the woman who had cursed him. He had alot to hide now away from the Omen, since magic had been outlawed in Lorien. It had forced him to return, contemplating about what was out there in Icheron, weither there had been countless other victims of their cause, but he was also confused at why his mother would return to him, when she was deemed a dead woman? Was there still some human semblance even after the ending of a life and being bridged between the undead? Were there other people out there in Icheron, trapped in this false identity that the Umbral Heart had given them? He would never know, but it sprouted curiosity, so much he began to write about it.

His career appeared to have taken off as a professor, artificer and archivist at Gothernberg University, often keeping records of the colonialistic efforts made by Lorien's caste. However, he was lonely, cold and misguided by what he had seen. The fact he abandoned his mother could only prove painful for him as he questioned further in each and every book he wrote. He decided to investigate and explore the prospects of history even further. He met a man in a similar position in Daravin, under the name of Oliver Carnahan, whom had given him the strength, courage and determination to do whatever, but yet his brazen nature and straightforwardness was a charming factor to Eric, so much that he had endeared it. The same vulnerability was there, only chose to hide it underneath his Griscian masculinity he displayed. He encouraged him to let go and explore himself, so which that Oliver found love within his embrace.

The two would continue to endure each other's relationship and build for a better future, despite Oliver's secret responsibilities he still holds with the Black Remedy. To cull those who defy the laws of life and death and to bring peace to those who enter eternal suffering due to the confines of undeath.

Grave 50/100 - Journeyman
Artificing 50/100 - Journeyman
Archaeology 50/100 - Journeyman
Gunslinging 25/100 - Apprentice
Engineering 25/100 - Apprentice
Teaching 25/100 - Apprentice
Runic Script 25/100 - Apprentice

word count: 681
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