The Feminine Evil [Degare]

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:50 am

Ash 12th, 4596

The Annual Fall Met had arrived at the time, Cordelia would usually show up with her husband, Lorenzo. However, after their recent arguement she decided to go to the Fall Met alone; she would look amongst her peers, knowing that many would take an opportunity to snatch her up in the Candor. Her sister, Dahlia however was often the center of attention at these kind of events. She knew well that she was a spreader of malicious gossip, but she didn't entertain the fact, nor did she care. She simply ignored her ways as her eyes traced towards her, before Dahlia turned towards her sister and followed her towards the balcony.

"Cordelia, sister..." She smiled, although almost chameleon like with the way she kept her posture as elegant as possible, knowing that she was a representation of what a Daravinic woman was. A representation to the performance known as the Candor. At that moment Cordelia would turn towards her sister as if she was a competitor in such the game as their eyes meet, she narrowed her eyes at her, before turning around "Dahlia." Her tone was more passive aggressive, knowing that she was capable of doing things to her own family. It appeared the two women had their feathers ruffled when they saw each other.

"Still cold as ice I see..." She laughed.

"And you are nosing your way into other people's business? I always said you'd go far in life, Dahlia... But you're not well liked, believe me." She pointed out, the woman wasn't afraid to point out the differences, but she was clearly a more powerful mage than Dahlia, gifted in the arts of Baptism, whilst she could manipulate minds, she had the capability of turning summery lands into a dreary cold wasteland if she wanted to. However, there was no questioning the woman was clearly annoyed from their recent arguement that she didn't have the temptation to do such a thing.

Dahlia laughed "Oh, bit a nerve I see... You should be careful what you reveal, sister... I keep telling you this all the time" The woman could tell that she was up to something, knowing how cruel Entente politics were, she would've rather stayed at home and resume the strained relationship of her husband. Especially the day when she found out about the recent scandal against him, that could flood an entirety of the Ardenserat's halls with gossip. It was best to get away from Dahlia and simply socialise with other Entente, whilst boosting her skills in the Candor herself.

She was simply minding her own business and enjoying life to the fullest. A normal Entente woman who was simply comfortable in her life, unlike her sister who had a craving for more. It was not noticable to her that her changes were more subtle to even recognise in the haze of Daravinic perfume, until she came across a familiar face "Degare?" She spoke incredulously as if he would walk forward as if she was recognised as the other twin "Don't worry, I'm not the night demon that crawls around in your dreams" She joked in a slight whisper as she watched her back across the halls.

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Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:34 am

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Minding his own business, the man wore sleek, extravagant clothes of black and deep purples. Though he wore a mask, those that knew him wouldn’t have that much trouble picking him out of a crowd of other Entente. While Sil’Norai were not a novel concept in Daravin, they were significantly less common than the humans that primarily inhabited the lands. That, and even for a silver elf, Degare was considered on the taller end of the spectrum. Pale as can be, he stuck out quite a bit.

At his side was a shorter man with a long, raven colored braid slung over his shoulder. His outfit was equally lovely to the Veir’s though his colors were black and gold. This was Degare’s husband, Averre, a man that he was rarely, if ever, seen without. While he was quite old at this point, the Ferrier spared little expense when it came to maintaining his lover’s body and looks through generous employment of Necrodoctors.

The two found themselves wandering through Ardenserat without much direction– they had no agenda on this particular day and were only attending the Fall Met for social reasons. It looked good to show up and play Candor with everyone else. Both men snapped their attention to a woman, Cordelia, when she approached. Addressing the Sil’Norai, the was warm and friendly; the two immediately recognized her as Cordelia over her sister, Dahlia, given that one could feel the spite radiating off of Dahlia even over longer distances.

Averre wasn’t much familiar with either woman. He didn’t engage much in politics…the man mostly kept to himself and performed his duties as a Ferrier, presently under House Socorro through his marriage to Degare. Thus, he’s comfortable remaining quiet in conversations like these unless he’s directly addressed. On his end, the Veir opts to reply, “Ah, Cordelia– It’s…been awhile, no? How are you and Lorenzo doing?” His voice was amiable, tone warm and friendly.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
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"Silvain Tongue/Speech"
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Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:12 pm

Cordelia was mostly minding her own business, but she figured she would start conversation, keep the mind busy from all the troubles that she had faced at home "Splendid, I'm assuming this is your partner, Averre? We haven't met at all." She said as her gaze would side-eye towards Dahlia, narrowing her eyes "I wonder who hasn't got anything better to do with their lives. Anyway, lets not let flies spoil the party, I'm sure there's been alot of fulfillment and happiness in your life I assume?" She asked.

Cordelia wasn't a spiteful woman, although it seemed like she was asking too much for information. She wished people well upon their endeavours including her sister who showed a degree of spite and jealousy. She would continue to walk with Degare and Averre as she tilted her head for a moment in thought "Although, I must say. Don't you think life's too short to worry, Degare?" She asked in sincereness "Even if we are Sil'Norai, don't you think that 350 years isn't long enough, do you wish that you could go back in time and correct the mistakes made by others?" She asked, although her expression sombered the mood.

She was upset and she had a right to be. Cordelia had been known to bring up stories of tragedy and sorrow whenever she had a grievance against somebody. With the problems of her sister and her husband, it was difficult for her to keep up with all the drama going on at once. Sometimes she wanted to drown it out, but she couldn't as much as she wanted to. If only a drop of rainfall could solve all of her problems, she would've meditated and got it over and done with.


Dahlia approached the Degare, Averre and Cordelia, smiling coquettishly at them all "I hope I'm not interrupting, it does seem like you have a skeleton in your closet, Cordelia hmm?" Cordelia looked confused for a moment as she circled the two like sharks. Cordelia sighed and shrugged "I believe that's something that you have, Dahlia and you're trying to intimidate me."

"We shall see." She said, raising her eyebrows as she walked along to the crowd of women

"Au Revoir..."

Cordelia sensed that Dahlia was up to something, she narrowed her eyes and looked back at Degare "If I remember correctly, and be honest. You gave her a mark didn't you?" She asked "I'm not angry, admit it. No one in my family has a Bane mark. We are mixture of Oath, Remnant, Resonance and Baptism mages, Degare." She would ask.

"Although, as a Resoner, I'm surprised she hasn't crippled herself on using her abilities yet, but that'll happen sooner or later..." She would laugh in spite as she turned to Degare.

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Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:30 pm

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It was true that Cordelia had somehow managed to never have a proper conversation with Averre before…which was funny, considering that by now, he and Degare had been together for very nearly forty years. Really, all that spoke to was how much of a hermit the human was– he avoided Entente politics as much as he could, only going out when the pale elf wanted his company. Degare smiled at Cordelia and then replied, “Yes, I’m surprised of the times that we’ve met he’s not been with me in the past, to be honest. I assume you’re referring to your sister at the end, there? She’s always been so overly concerned about the lives of others…” The Ferrier’s lighter tone took on hints of annoyance when the subject shifted to Dahlia.

On the subject of lifespans, Averre laughed and interjected. “Life is much too short, indeed. Think of how I feel– Humans barely even get a third of what you have,” he doesn’t sound mad, if anything he sounded like he’s joking…but at the same time, there’s a certain unplaceable tiredness to his voice. Degare’s amber gaze shifted down to his partner for a second and his expression almost looks apologetic, but he doesn’t say anything. There is clearly something unspoken between the two…but such a subject wouldn’t be broached here. In an attempt to break the silence, Degare opened his mouth to speak, “...back in time? I’ve heard stories about a magic that would let one mess with the fabric of time…I won’t lie, the concept does interest me but I fear that such a thing would be rather disastrous if it found its way to mortal hands.”

It wasn’t much longer after the Ferrier said that when a fourth party approached the three. It was Cordelia’s sister, Dahlia. The two women immediately snapped at each other, pulling a confused expression out of Averre– he knew precious little about their feud. When the other woman left as soon as she came, his expression looked more annoyed than anything else, as if to ask ‘what was her problem?’

Once Dahlia had left, Cordelia posed another question towards Degare, though this one was actually picked up and answered by Averre. “He did give her the mark, yes, but I should clarify that she paid me for it. I agreed to that sale– if you want to blame anyone for her having it, blame me. Degare only did it because I thought it would be fun for him to initiate somebody,” he punctuated the sentence with a small laugh. The man couldn’t tell whether Cordelia was upset that her sister had the mark, but either way, he didn’t want the woman to hold any ire about it towards his lover.


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Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:28 am

Cordelia would chuckle as she tilts her head "Well, I hope you two have been well, I'm sorry if I seem rather stand-off. These past weeks have been difficult, I can only imagine that you have struggles of your own though." She nodded as a glance came over to Dahlia, wondering what her problem was before "Although, I can't help but notice Dahlia doesn't seem to mind her own business ever, you know what they say though." She chuckled and raised her glass to Degare and Averre.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Cordelia uttered, before glaring at Dahlia once more. She would glare back in spite as she would turn to her crowd of socialites.

When they changed subject on time, Cordelia would tilt her head at the concept of time magic "You mean, Chronomancy? Yes. It would be disasterous, I mean, imagine if Dahlia got her hands on it; what she would do. Although that is a conversation for another time, we are representatives of Ulen after all." She teased, knowing that Degare wasn't keen on the religion, neither was she. She just accepted it as a societial role in her efforts to become a good citizen of Daravin.

The conversation became more tense fo Cordelia as she narrowed her eyes at Averre, implying that he may have made a mistake, but since he was honest she did not act confrontationally. Instead, Cordelia would look at Averre and sigh "I see." She nodded, although it seemed rather upsetting for her to receive such news "Well, I wouldn't blame you. You had to do what you have to do for your own preservation of your house, it has quite a reputation if no doubt." She paused as she appeared to be frustrated, not at Averre, but at the way she came for the mark. Cordelia knew of her feud with Rexus and yet she appeared to be making more drastic decisions than before. "But..." There was a but, an ominous sounding but, but what could the but be about? If anyone knew it was Cordelia and her sister's methods of obtaining information to get what she wanted. "I must warn you the implications you may have brought upon yourselves in the future, although I'd prefer to discuss this another time, I wouldnt wanna spoil your mood in petty family politics."

She would continue walking with Degare, noticing Dahlia. There was a march of Halamire making their way through Ardenserat's halls in which they marched through the halls and approached Cordelia. Dahlia's look was reptilian, scheming as she would turn, pretending that she had done nothing. However, she made one glance to Degare, narrowing her eyes at him as she would make her way towards the balcony, removing herself from the scene.

"Cordelia Senerite?"

"Yes" The female answered.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Lorenzo Auclair, on behalf of the Daravinic Empire, you will be trialed for your crimes."

"Murder? What?" She looked confused as the halls of Ardenserat would gasp in shock, gossip would run flying through the halls as Cordelia appeared to be panicked "I've done nothing wrong, this is absurd, what do you mean?" She would look around, noticing Dahlia had left the scene. She sighed and complied willingly "Degare, it wasn't me. I swear!" The moment of protest would start as soon as her shackles were fixed as she was dragged out of the halls of Ardenserat.

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Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:04 pm

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With her response, both of the men realized that Cordelia held no ill will towards either of them. At least, not after the explanation that had been given. She came across as more genuinely amiable than most performing Candor at the very least. Averre replied with a soft smile and a nod, Degare spoke. “She never does, does she? Would be nice. Averre prefers to keep to himself, nose out of politics and all that. Which is fine…I don’t mind taking the attention for him,” The elf spoke with an amused laugh at the end and the couple followed up with raising their own drinks towards Cordelia in return, as was polite.

“Much as I would encourage curiosity…delving into the business of others so very consistently is a dangerous game. Eventually, she’ll wander somewhere that even she won’t be able to deal with, I’d think. Unfortunately, there is no way to divine when that will be.” The elven Veir mused these words in response, keeping his words rather vague. He really did want Dahlia dead. Life for many, himself included, would be much easier that way.

Averre’s expression didn’t shift much when Cordelia addressed him directly. For all anyone else knew, the transfer of the mark to Dahlia was, for all intents and purposes, a business transaction. Should anyone approach them upset that she had it, he would shrug his shoulders and dismiss their concern. Her simply having the mark isn’t his problem. Money got it into her hands, nothing else.

The shorter man’s eyes narrowed when he noticed the approach of Halamire, grabbing Degare’s arm and freezing in place to stop the pair’s movement. They ended up a few feet behind Cordelia by the time the Halamire had caught up to her. Both men noticed Dahlia’s presence and came to the same conclusion: this was orchestrated, whatever it was. Stepping closer to his lover, almost as if he wants to hide in the elf’s shadow, Averre whispered, “...whatever this is, you’ll take care of it, right? Keep me uninvolved?”

Looking down to meet the man’s bright gold gaze, “Always.” Then, shifting his lover’s jaw upward with two fingertips, “’re well aware how important you are to me, after all.” That much was true. Averre was very spoiled by the Veir’s boundless affections. His only response was to smile, mischief lighting up his face.

The loud, booming voice of one of the Halamire pulled the pair from their brief respite. Both of them shifted their eyes towards whatever scene was unfolding. Accusations of murder, apparently. Turning back to face them for the last time, she claimed innocence to the elf. Honestly, he believed her– but what could he do? He had nothing concrete. Two lives destroyed in one– both Lorenzo and Cordelia were lost.

So it goes. With the Entente, such schemes are common.


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"Silvain Tongue/Speech"
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Sun Jun 05, 2022 2:19 pm

The schemes of Dahlia Senerite had been never ending, especially when her plan to out the most powerful family member from existence with as little collateral as possible. However, there would be someone to fulfill the role of this scheme. She did not act alone, she used the resources of others to her own advantage; by culling favor with other people, she was able to create political targets for her schemes. She stared at Degare and smirked, before making her way outwards to the balconies of Ardenserat. It was quiet there as she was waiting for someone. Someone important.

A young-looking handsome man appeared had made his way forward, before he looked over at Dahlia. He appeared to be in some kind of trance-like state, that was until she channeled her ether and restored his Engrams. She watched him closely as he appeared that his memories were wiped "What did you do..." The man asked, there was something antagonistic about his tone; he was angry, upset so it appeared. She chose to linger and not answer for a moment as she enjoyed reveling in the suffering of others. The cruel and sadistic woman who had now inherited the entirity of House Senerite, thanks to her schemes.

"Well, no harm to you of course, remember... You're bound by the Orchid; what can I say. You can't touch me, nor destroy me. I'm impenetrable, Rene..." She said as she turned to the man as she tilted her head smirking "It's payback, for the day you decided to throw me out of that home..."

"For infidelity!" He growled.

"There's no law against having a few extras, I've seen you have some, why can't I have my share hmm? Besides, there are no charges against you if you cooperate... If you don't you're dust, Rene..."

Rene would begin to sigh as he snarled out, before Dahlia snickered "Oh, and by the way... Clean your flees you dirty rat... You're like a dog without a leash... I should probably take care of that."

"You're mutton dressed as lamb..."

"Pfft, you wish." Dahlia would take her leave once again to enjoy the parties view.

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Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:32 pm

The Feminine Evil

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