Someone's in Wonderland [Degare]

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:13 pm

He smiled as he pointed out his initiation "It's time I come clean about that night, after all spending years in Amoren's den does have some pretty nasty effects on you." His eyes would wonder to Dahlia who appeared to be satisfied with the conversation, as she thinks the plan was going ahead. The fact was that Salen had taken a U-turn. Degare and Salen were both interested in removing that thorn from their side, particularly with how deep it was in Salen's back. It was hurtful, although he was oblivious to the extent from Dahlia's abuse of Falsification.

If she could not find a way to subdue a Veir, she had other methods to backfire them into succumbing into their own death. Dahlia has done this for years and she has always gotten away with murdering thousands through falsely admitting themselves. It was questionable weither she truely used the Candor, or weither she created lies to deceive people from her true intentions.

"I'm not after intimacy, only to be away from sight whilst we discuss. We wouldn't want certain meddler's interfering would we?" He said in an increasingly annoyed tone, as if the whole situation was getting to him, yet he had to remain calm as he took a deep breath. He would wonder through the seas of people, although his steps were quicker than Degare's; Salen was clearly annoyed, although he had to mask it in front of Dahlia. The vicious woman of a snake would force her suffocating and constricting presence upon her.

As they walked through the gardens, he'd tread along the well-designed horticulture, all the way into the greenhouse "I must say Degare, your house is always a statuesque beauty; it always has been." He complimented sincerely, although it was time to get to the point as he tensed up. His shoulders were much more stressed as he sat down "I'm sorry, forgive me. I've not been in the best of moods, but here it goes." He paused as he was ready to come clean about his first visit "My first visit, I was sent by Dahlia; she was the woman who was present when I became one of Brazim's agents. The truth is, she views herself higher than Brazim herself. She's a tyrant, a coward, a liar and more importantly... A fucking harlot!"

He heaved as he clenched his fist, looking as if he was about to punch something. Salen's anger is something that was known to be a flaw and Dahlia used it as his biggest disadvantage to control him. Things were changing; Salen was realising himself that Dahlia never truely cared. It was always Me, Myself and I. The phrases that always stood true to every Corvo known to man. If she could abuse the system, she could be responsible for manipulating hundreds of Corvo "She sees you as a threat, Degare. I know, you know something; you are the sword for her back. Everyone eventually reveals their clinks in their armor and that's why... She asked me to do something diabolical and the question is, would I do it?"

He took the poison from his pocket and dropped it on the floor. The glass would smash amongst the floor.

"The answer is... No."

He let that linger for a moment before he shook his head "If I go back, she'll try and influence me again, so tell me Degare... Why would she want you dead?" He asked brazenly "You must possess knowledge that she let slip. Why would the Great Black Dahlia let information against her slip? If she's so great, why does she let her henchman suffer. I don't think you realise but... I made her the woman she is today and I'm starting to regret it."

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Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:54 pm

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The Veir wasn’t entirely sure about what Salen had meant when he had said ‘come clean’ about the night they’d spent together a couple years ago. Degare had his suspicions that he was specifically targeted back then, but…he’s been making somewhat erratic decisions for a long time and didn’t really care that much for whatever reason at that moment. Admittedly, he was quite curious about what that ulterior motive was after all this time. That…and if anything had actually come of whatever information he’d gathered.

While the duo walked, Degare had mentioned picking a setting with a less intimate atmosphere. Salen responded that he wasn’t interested in the first place that evening, but truthfully, the reason Degare wanted to stay away from his tower was because he’d left stuff out that would give him away as a Blood Mage in his bedroom. “True– there’s a lot of dark corners around the estate, I just hope the one I’ve chosen is good enough…” There’s slight agitation interwoven into his words. Dahlia was really starting to get on his nerves; he wished the woman would focus on literally anybody else.

After the two arrived in the greenhouse at the end of the garden, Salen began to speak. While he did, Degare sat down on a stool across from the other man. The Veir granted the other a curious tilt of his head as he spoke of Dahlia and her ego; of course, the woman’s arrogance knew no bounds. A brow of his perked when he pulled out the small poison bottle and promptly destroyed it. Truthfully, the Ferrier was surprised…but nonetheless thankful that the other Corvo had chosen his side in this little conflict.

His expression turned puzzled, frustrated as his brows knit together and he sighs. “Yeah– thank you for the compliment. The botanists that live here do a wonderful job, indeed...and thank you for preserving my life, here," he spoke amiably, tone much brighter for this sentence only. “I suppose I do know a little too much. Might as well tell you since you’ve been so open with me. Do you remember the reason why her sister, Cordelia, was exiled? That crime was actually Dahlia’s; I saw it. However…there was nothing I could do at the time to prevent the wheel of fate from turning the way it did. I’m not sure why she thinks I can or would do anything about it now…but if she’s put a target on me then she has to be dealt with. Like a bloodhound, that one…” He sighed, deep and annoyed. He really didn’t want to be dealing with this woman’s nonsense right now.


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Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:51 pm

"A bloodhound that needs a muzzle, knowing her dirty secrets." Salen smirked as he listened to the conversation, furrowing his eyebrows. He didn't know much about Dahlia's life nor her secrets but everything seemed to be unfolding right in front of him, although he narrowed his eyes "Dahlia never revealed any of her private life to me, Degare. She's a woman of secrecy but I'm interested to know what exactly she's been up to in her life time. Could be much benefit."

Salen's transmisser reacted with a hum, as he had unknowingly carried it in his pocket. Did Dahlia put it there? It suddenly hummed and Dahlia's voice would come through "Oh, Salen..." She tutted... "I hear the sound of betrayal whistling through the wind, Malek's mantis pincers are ready freshly for the plucking of a new soul so it seems. I heard it all, every last bit and now you're nothing but a common mess, I thought you'd do as you would ask like the many puppets I have mangled, destroyed and claimed for my own benefit. Including, my sister... I realise now, you're strong will is something born of your father. You Nightfallen do have that common trait after all." Salen was confused, narrowing his eyes "My father what?"

"Oh you don't know... Ahh, perhaps I let that one slip. Although you're never going to find out, you and Degare are already marked for death, I'm surprised you'll be able to survive, but if you do, Degare, you better have good insurance." She reiterated as the main building outside is covered in illusory flame, created by Dahlia's Phantasm. It was made to look real, but not have any impact on any structures within the building.

"Au Revoir!" She sang, mimicking Degare's musical tone. Suddenly Salen could hear a ringing sound in his ears as he looked into the distance of the greenhouse, an smidgen of pathos came flying through the window, breaking the glass as it was thrown at the velocity of sound. Salen watched, before taking a noble stance, pushing Degare out of the way and taking a direct hit. He winced as he felt the force of the pathos wind him. At a corner of his eye he could see that Dahlia was there in the distance, smirking before activating a Shard Resonator and leaving the area. Salen felt a weakness, now feeling the Bane of Sap take effect on his body.

Salen collapsed, feeling weak for a moment, although the heavy bruising on his back rang through "Fuck, Resoners... They are slippery fuckers..." He cursed as he looked over at Degare "It might..." He grunted in pain as he tried to get up, knowing that Dahlia wasn't a fully accomplished Ferrier. He was weakened physically, knowing his breathing wasn't as steady "Be a trap" He completed his sentence in agony. He was angry, confused, especially what he had just heard. What exactly did Dahlia know?

And more importantly, did Degare know?

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Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:28 am

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As Salen told him that Dahlia had kept him largely in the dark, the Ferrier scoffed– it faded into an annoyed sigh. “Of course she’d tell you nothing…Her trade is blackmail, so why would she allow others to harbor any on her? Suppose that answers my own question, too. I’m a target simply because I was there.” The pale elf is clearly frustrated; he doesn’t care about Dahlia nor does he have any real interest in fucking around with her and her cohorts. Ideally, the two of them would only come into contact occasionally, passing like ships in the night. No interaction beyond that…yet here he was.

The mechanical click of a transmisser pulled him out of his thoughts as Dahlia’s voice rang through the device. A fool, Salen was, for forgetting that he’d had it on him. Oh well, suppose it doesn’t matter that much, does it? She’d find out sooner or later anyways…

Looking out from the darkness of the greenhouse, the Ferrier could see flames dancing in the distance. Yet such a thing could not be physically possible…his house was made of so much stone that there simply wouldn’t have been enough time for a fire of that size to be started and blazing like this. Very likely an illusion…though the imagery angered him nonetheless. The fact that she thought of him as that much of a fool was insulting.

Again, his thoughts were interrupted– though this time, it was because Salen had shoved him out of the way before being impacted by a bolt of…something? It took a second for the Veir to register what just happened, but he would recognize the effects of Sap regardless of who the caster was. Within a few short moments, Salen had crumpled into an exhausted heap before him, mumbling something about it being a trap. Of course it was. Why would it not be?

“Salen, dear…you didn’t need to do that. She’s a much worse Bane mage than me,” he said in a voice almost gentle and oddly calm given the circumstances, though his agitation would be audible underneath the surface. Kneeling down beside the other man, Degare channeled ether into his palm and rested his hand on the exposed skin of Salen’s neck, With a pulse of Allay, Dahlia’s Sap should be fully dissipated largely due to Degare’s superior skill with the magic.

“Suppose going over there is a trap, then. You know her better than me– what do you suggest we do going forward? And how do I dispel her pesky illusions?”


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Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:53 pm

Salen was disgruntled by the sudden trick that Dahlia had pulled, but then the comforting presence of Degare's hand Allaying his affliction was somewhat soothing. He could feel the weakness subside as he gained his strength back. He sighed as he shrugged "Just be thankful it wasn't a dagger she sent flying with her Aural Burst." He said. The anger and sheer frustration could be seen on Salen's face and knowing what a fool he was for letting Dahlia slip that transmisser in his clothes.

"She's a crafty woman, smart but not smart enough. Degare, I've had enough of her bullshit." He hissed out, looking at his side as the pathos left quite a bruise on his back. The velocity of it was way to strong and it left Salen in aches and pains from the resonating sound, used to catapult it with such diabolical force "Frankly, she has chosen you as a target for a reason and if it's to do with something in the past, she will not let go." He said with a sigh "Although, as much as I envy it, you have more of an advantage than I do, you're a citizen. She can only touch you if she has evidence." He smiled ruefully, knowing the truth that he would never gain any help from the state. Dahlia realises this and plays on it; Salen has no identity in Daravin "I'm sorry to say this, but if I was taken by her and murdered, no one would actually care. That's the sad truth of the matter" He shrugged.

"Fuck, should've realised that I would know Dahlia better now, should've checked my clothing before I even stepped foot at the party." He continued; blaming himself for the matter as he shook his head at Degare's disgruntled demands "Well, lets just say it is an elaborate trap that duration depends on the skill of the Remnomancer, it could last days maybe weeks even, although a Baptism mage can dispel them, so I've heard." He sighed and continued to ramble "They can create phantasmal reflections from the mind and imbue them into the world, Dahlia is notoriously known for playing her psychological games with people. She could even turn your whole house into a labyrinth if she wanted to. That's why, we need to wait out for the illusion to pass time; keep your guard up, Degare." He said.

"They can even imbue places and objects with precious memories of their own; like mementos of time. Remnant, it's a beautiful magic but also it can be frightening to experience certain things within the mind" His expression saddened "That's why these illusions are ominous, they create a sense of anxiety from it. Some say, it's the linkings of the Kyrikaric Principle, the pathway between, hopes and dreams, anxiety and nightmares. The foundation of the illusory compass of the mind." He shrugged.

"Sorry, I'm blabbing on too much. We remain here for a while until the illusion passes. I'll keep watch, if anyone tries to do anything they'll have me to deal with" He looked back at Degare as he stepped outside the green house, looking around to see if there were any stragglers of Dahlia's agents.

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Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:05 pm

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With a small sigh, “Even if it were a dagger, I could seal the wound provided it didn’t sever anything that would kill you in an instant.” The Veir doesn’t opt to explain by what method he could manage this, but a Ferrier’s Pallor or a Vandikar’s Infuse could both seal wounds quite well.

After Degare spoke, Salen began to open up quite a bit more about his frustrations related to his now ex-mistress. “That is true…regardless of what she finds out, she can’t actually touch me without proof. Even with her Remnomancy…the Entente are fully aware people lie and that a woman in her position can only benefit from fabricating stories about her enemies, so prove her accusations she must.” He was at least grateful for this. That and the fact that his family was one of the most notorious within Boghadar would make it objectively difficult for her to doom him unless she had something damning. “Daravin has always been like this…a cruel beast to anyone without a title. For whatever it’s worth, though, you do have a friend in me.”

At least Salen did admit fault about the transmisser. Then, the man went on to explain some of the finer points of a Remnomancer’s magics. “Fascinating…I’ve always had an interest in that magic but never really had the opportunity to get my hands on the mark.” There is a glimmer of genuine interest in his voice despite his audible frustration at Dahlia’s scheming.

Keeping himself mostly hidden by sticking to the parts of the greenhouse most shrouded in darkness, the Ferrier didn't stay too far behind his companion. Should the younger man need any help, Degare was a fairly formidable magician in his own right; although, he would prefer to not have to engage in combat on the grounds of his estate.


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Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:38 am

With a snicker, he simply shrugged "I suppose you're right, although Dahlia is always known to play dirty." He said as he would look up at the illusory fire amongst the castle, watching it dissipate slowly as he looks back at Degare with a frustrated sigh "I pity the next person who's chosen by Brazim to be gotten by her, Degare. That's another soul she'll try and claim and..." He stopped himself for a moment as he appeared to be getting upset over the fiasco; it was clearly fate that put him in this situation. The fate of a god who revels in hopeless dreams and failed aspirations. Salen's trauma and vulnerability showed as he looked up at Degare; the mask of his emotions wasn't as subtle as before; it was difficult for him to even comprehend the situation that was tormenting him.

"I'm a strong mage, Degare. Although, I had to learn all those concepts myself, I know we've both got a nasty festering pustule of a woman to deal with." He said with a sigh, shaking his head "She gave me a double edged sword when she initiated me into Remnant. I don't know if it was some form of code for her to do it, but she did? Why would she do that if she knew I was going to be a threat?" He asked, staring into the distance of the castle structure.

"Perhaps I'll never know."

He shrugged as he listened further; he looked back at Degare as he listened to his sentence and smiled, nodding "Thank you, Degare..." He took a long pause and sighed "It's... Actually endearing to hear that, perhaps there are some Entente with good hearts out there. Of course, I don't wanna be misled. I almost feel like I've been a slave to them all my life, even after I got my first mark... Although, it was out of spite." He shrugged as he rolled his eyes "I gained Nightfall, but was it worth it? I didn't think so..." He sighed.

"You know what we need to do? Burn the churches" He reiterated with such force "Burn the Omen, burn it all. Fuck the prophecy." He shrugged "Don't you think you live the way you do, just because you're born that way, or made that way? Pfft, The Omen..." He would continue to ramble as he smirked "You agree with me don't you, that we should just burn it all... I'll give you the mark you want, if you make me a promise, that one day you will fulfill." He looked into his eyes as he tilted his head more.

"Burn the Omen... They are the true heretics..."

He smiled as he patted Degare on the shoulder "I think I should leave, to prevent any further danger coming to you, do take care of yourself." He grinned, leaving a lingering thought in Degare's mind.

"I will return..." He said before cloaking himself in Obscura and camoflaguing himself in the darkness, disappearing from sight.

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Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:03 pm

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The Veir’s expression was somewhat perplexed as Salen spoke of Dahlia’s strange ability to lord over other Corvae. When he’d been initiated, the man who initiated her didn’t mention him at all and Degare himself had no idea she even was one until well after he’d begun to adjust to his new Blight. If she’s ever so controlling of other new converts, what had allowed him to so easily evade her grasp?

Lost in these thoughts, the pale elf didn’t manage to respond before Salen spoke again. “Honestly, in my opinion, she is so arrogant that she doesn’t really look at anyone lacking a title or political prowess as a ‘threat,’ ever. A flaw of hers, for sure…and one that can easily be exploited. I’ve a particularly crafty Valran that could probably work her way into gathering useful information on the woman. I doubt Dahlia would even respect her presence given her title.” He spoke with a bitter tone, but sounded amused towards the end and even punctuated his sentence with a laugh. Upon further reflection, Lucia would definitely be able to sabotage Dahlia in some way– the woman’s arrogance knew no bounds and Lucia was great at acting demure and harmless.

When Salen spoke again, the Ferrier responded, “Provided you don’t fail the initiation, I think any mark can be ‘worth it’ so to speak. I’ve often joked about collecting all of them eventually as a sort of badge of strength over my peers…but that’s not important right now…” Degare trailed off, thinking about the logistics of collecting every mark and how irritating that would actually be. Not to mention dangerous.

Having again drifted off into his thoughts, his attention was once again recaptured at the mention of the Omen. He never knew Dahlia to be an actually pious woman, but everyone pretended. In large part, it was this hypocrisy that he hated about the faith. Most of its believers were hypocrites in about every shade of the word. At the notion of burning it, Degare simply laughed.

“Oh, you think I’m capable of such a feat? Why, you flatter me…” the way he spoke and the expression he wore would indicate to Salen that he was in favor of the deal the other proposed. He just…didn’t want to overtly say it in case somebody overheard this conversation in one way or another.

With a small sigh and a wave of farewell, he watched Salen fade into the darkness of the night with Obscura.


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Sun May 22, 2022 2:51 am

☠ Someone's in Wonderland ☠
☠ Points awarded:
  • Salen - 8
    Degare - 8
☠ Lores:


Spycraft: Don't let your enemy take advantage of you
Spycraft: Defying orders secretly
Spycraft: Implanting communication devices.
Spycraft: Resonance as a medium
Spycraft: Privacy is important
Spycraft: Analysing your Enemy
Spycraft: Checking for implanted evidence
Spycraft: Remnomancy as a medium
Spycraft: Deceiving the Enemy
Spycraft: Remaining calm and covert about true intentions
Spycraft: Ensuring information is secure
Seduction: Offering an Incentive to do something back
Seduction: Persuading someone to give into temptation
Seduction: Let the thoughts linger.
Seduction: Entice them with their interests


Politics: Daravin - Secrecy is Life or Death
Politics: Daravin - The Candor & Blackmail
Politics: Daravin - Entente Meddling
Politics: Daravin - Entente Motivations
Politics: Complex Political Games
Deception: Feign Amiability
Deception: Feign Interest
Deception: Bright Voice, Dark Thoughts
Deception: Reveal Nothing
Deception: Convincingly Deny Accusations
Spycraft: Blackmail
Spycraft: Keep Your Secrets Close
Law: Evidence to Back Up Accusations
Etiquette: Daravin - The Candor
[PC] Salen: You met him a few years ago
[PC] Salen: Betrayed Dahlia
[PC] Salen: Saved your life by betraying his mistress
[PC] Salen: Trustworthy?
[PC] Salen: A Corvo
[PC] Salen: Has Remnomancy and Nightfall
[PC] Salen: Willing to give you his Remnant mark?
☠ Loot:
  • N/A
☠ Injuries:
  • N/A
☠ Mage Blight:
  • N/A as its a memory thread
☠ Notes:
  • Your thread has appeased the vengeful spirits and saved your soul from damnation, congratulations!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 304
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