Fire and Ice I

The cultural heart of South Daravin, where the Entente play their hands.

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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1402
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Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:25 pm

8th Frost, 4621

The pressure was on in the Sil'Othis Estate, it had been a darker day to remember as they armed themselves within the training halls, preparing for combat. Caladrin picked up a blunt chain whip which had been a perfect weapon for him since he was more about agility than full on brawn. On the other hand, Telias chose something on the heavy side. A hammer. The two brothers would stare at each other as they calculated their weaknesses, almost as if they were invoking the Candor on each other. It was common practice, but yet the brothers did not compete against each other. It was only a sheer moment of practice that would help each other in society.

Caladrin; now the youngest Veir of the Sil'Norai house had to set himself an example to the generations of Sil'Norai before him. Telias had been put in charge of placing him under militaristic training; it was in the honor that their family will remain strong. It was pressure being a Sil'Norai in Daravin, particularly if you were at the bottom of the hierarchy, yet there was nothing that he could do about it. The only way out was to climb the ranks of the family, by doing well in the Candor and more importantly by being valuable. Caladrin was valuable. A rare magic had been bestowed upon him from the realms of the Hyr'Norai, yet noone had heard of the nameless Veir. He had just begun his magical journey.

"I won't go easy on you." Telias said gruffly as he swung his hammer in fast motions to intimidate Caladrin. He was much larger than Caladrin; he donned more muscle than him as well, but the younger Sil'Norai had an advantage. He was quicker, much more agile than he was; but yet Caladrin did not know his own strengths and weaknesses. He thought that being a hero in the badlands for a poor slave boy meant something, but it didn't. It only brought him down into another world. However embarrassing and painful that experience was, he must put that behind him.

"Alright..." He stared at him, narrowing his eyes as he did remember him training when he was younger. He often watched him fight and took on board everything. The barbarism would begin between the two brothers as they went hand in hand as Telias threw the first blow at Caladrin for which he moved out of the way. Telias' slow attack pattern was something that Caladrin could take advantage of as he had a much more heavily weapon. His eyes traced upon the clinks in Telias' armor as he took the opportunity to deliver a kicking blow to the stomach. Telias fell to the floor as the punch subdued him, however he was resilient. He got up and picked up the hammer inspecting it.

"Maybe I selected the wrong weapon."

The young Sil'Norai blinked twice as he bluntly replied "Maybe you're just slow, slowpoke." The man kept a straight face as he said it. A grin curled slowly up in mischief as he backed away. However, the swiftness of Telias' running made Caladrin bolt for a moment, ducking and weaving as he threw a strike with his whip. The cold hard metal managed to hit Telias in the side as he twirled with such vigor and elegance. Telias didn't seem phased by the blow to the side, although it did leave him wish minor bruising, although the pain did give him somewhat an adrenaline rush. The goosebumps on his skin filled him with the ability to keep going; perhaps it was berserker's might or simply the resilience.

Telias threw his hammer over at Caladrin as he ducked, noticing it going flying out of the window. Caladrin looked as Alevea came into the room, alarmed by the sudden shattering of glass as Telias looked at the window. Her eye twitched in anger as she was shocked by the mess her own son had made "Telias... That's the third window this week..." Alevea rolled her eyes as she shook her head in disappointment "You're lucky noone was outside that window, last time you almost took Feleri's head off with your antics! Oh by Ulen's mighty name." She sighed out as she looked over at Caladrin as he spoke "Well, you do realise that Telias is the most clumsiest brother I have ever known..." He said with a smirk as Telias pushed his head away in a teasing manner.

"Next, we're wrestling... You and me."

Caladrin looked at him funny as the anxiety trickled through his veins. The goosebumps rose against his skin at the thought as he would be fist to fist against his brother. It frightened him, knowing he was somewhat more brawnier than he was "I did not consent to this..." He looked over at Alevea as she smiled at the two boys "Good luck both of you... And that window... Good heavens, I'm surprised you won't destroy the whole entire manor, that's one of the reasons why we don't trust you with other magics, Telias." She paused as she crossed her arms "You're wreckless! But we love you, now... Give Caladrin a good heads up, make him enter the real world will ya." She said with such toughness and conviction as she left the room.

He looked over at Telias as he smacked his fist against his; he knew what was coming, he just needed a moment to figure out a plan. Telias charged as the young Sil'Norai rolled for his life as he evaded every strike, before he kicked him to the side and he fell down flat on the floor "You are not catching me" Telias smirked as he shook his head as he stopped him. "That's the point, to keep you on your toes." The momentum of swings and hooks as Telias tried his best to catch the younger elf. However, his nimble reflexes and uncanny evasion was something he was proud of. He knew how Caladrin was as a child, always the slippery type when they would brawl and mess about with each other. The cunning innocence of the two Sil'Norai boys now becoming a game.

A game of prey versus predator.

At that moment, Caladrin kicked the older Sil'Norai in the groin. The grunt of pain he heard as Telias appeared to be angered by the sudden action "That does it!" He said as he chased Caladrin further; only he appeared to be unhinged, like some enraged bear or beast as he tried his best to catch him. Eventually, he caught him and lifted him before he pounded him on the floor and pinned him down "You're gonna regret that." Caladrin struggled and squirmed as he rolled Telias over as the two men would wrestle with each other. It was the fight to the finish. A fight of strength and dominance as Caladrin didn't give up.

He put all he could into it as he lifted Telias off him with such struggle. The boys would sweat continuously as it filled the room with the scent of pure victory. However, only one could be victorious. Caladrin pushed further, until his strength waned and eventually he gave into exhaustion. The two brothers would puff and pant as Telias would slam Caladrin playfully onto the floor "Looks like I win..." He smirked.

"I'll get you back one day." He said with such conviction as he laid there for a moment. Of course, he had been defeated but they were brothers. This wasn't a real test for approval for the Candor, although to some degree duels are popular for the presence of magical superiority. However, this was two brothers bonding together and testing their skills. The real application to the Candor would be far more secretive.

Far more brutal.

Telias would help Caladrin up as he looked at him "You're not bad, although... It's gonna take more than that to save your ass from badlanders in the future; or a angry mage." He said with a smirk as he patted Caladrin's back "Alright, trainings off, lets rest. We'll continue some other time, remember Ulen will guide you." Caladrin rolled his eyes again as he heard that line so many times.

Dress in accordance to the devotion of Ulen.

Ulen will guide you.

Who was Ulen?

The Returning King?

Caladrin questioned heavily; was he truely to return?
word count: 1440
Posts: 323
Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:35 pm

Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:16 am


Thread Review

Regular Experience: 5 EXP

Magical Experience: N/A

Injury/Ailments: Mild Bruising and Soreness

Awarded Lore:
Unarmed Combat: Wrestling
Unarmed Combat: Kick in the Groin
Unarmed Combat: Kick in the Stomach
Acrobatics: Rolling
Acrobatics: Generic Lore 7
Blunt Weaponry - Whip: Generic Lore 5

[NPC] Telias - Brother
[NPC] Telias - Very Clumsy
[NPC] Telias - Charges at you most of the time.
[NPC] Telias - Makes absurd jokes.
[NPC] Telias - Has a temper.

Loot: N/A

word count: 89
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