All I Had To Do

The decentralized lands of the Entente, and the bulk of the Empire.

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Taelian Edevane
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Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:24 pm

23 Ash, 4621

"You know it's always this same song and dance..."

As if to accentuate her words, the salon music began to play from afar in the gallery, the two well-dressed magi gathered together in the hall. Eloise, always vibrant, wore her satin dress; long and vertical, she had eagerly embraced Lorien's forward-thinking styles. Taelian himself wore satin beneath a silk brocade vest, with long slacks, and proper finely-laced shoes. All around them lied industrial architecture but with a gothic tinge; stately, ornate, yet with the remembrance of older times. Perhaps better ones.

"I know it is, Eloise," he said, narrowing his eyes. "But this time I believe my connections might bear fruit. I've been speaking to Renfier via telegram, he's informed me of rumors of Lady Ash's interests. The way she eyes this northern conflict -- the way she believes it may play into her favor."

"And you believe that lecherous, facile man, Latham?" she questioned, a scowl attaching itself to the Half-Elf's lips. "And you believe inviting Daravin into our affairs could possibly do well for us in the end? That Empire is a nation of vultures, no better or worse than Von Rabe."

"I do," the man whispered. "Brilan wants more than her lot. More than the rudimentary schemes of the Entente. I know it. Everyone in the Empire of Rust knows."

"Nevermind this discussion," Eloise corrected him, eyeing Duke Galbrecht approaching from the foyer and passing him a blithe smile. "Present company begets us. Remember your cues, Lord Venger. And remember who it was that made you a Lord at all."

- - -

He awoke to a memory. One that provoked no shortage of unpleasant feelings, attached to the weight that woman had placed upon his back. You are among our greatest assets, she would whisper. A warrior we cannot afford to lose.

And she was right. The Covenant could not afford to lose him. They were crowded with enemies, now, a feature of the gambit they had decided to embark upon; to involve themselves in the construction of the Aether Cannon, and now, the fraught war they bitterly waged against the Kindred. A war that was total, that could not be shied or escaped from. Even if they fled Lorien, its fate against Von Rabe would only lead onlookers across the world to view their movement as a poison, led by a cabal of deceitful witches. They would be hunted by the Omen. Perhaps by those birds themselves.

Even the loss of one essential component, now, meant the death of them all. Each 'Thespian' had their part to play. Remember your cues.

"I can't stay here forever," he murmured. "Lorien needs me... all of those people... Essen." There was far more than the Covenant at stake. Their last defeat had come in the face of Von Rabe decimating an entire city, culling the population in a blizzard unseen before it through history. If they did not succeed, millions would die.

It was thoughts like these that kept him awake at night. And in the morning, they continued to creep through his mind. Within his tent, Taelian meditated, wondering what could be done. Better--better than the ones before him. What could he do that Aldrin could not? What was the key?

Reawaken the Divinity. That was what he always told himself. Become a Draedan again. Let the corruption seep in, or find a way to purge it. Don't let that gift wane.

He shook his head. Slowly changing his attire to more casual wear -- simple white and brown linen cloths -- he prepared himself within his tent for another long day. They would need to find a river, lake or pond soon for him to bathe.

Opening his tent flap, he called out to the other, curling his lips into what almost looked like an agitated frown. "Lux," he said firmly. "It's time to get moving."
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Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:22 am

Lux had been awake for at least a few minutes, though he wasn't counting. He was excited to be traveling with someone who knew the world, which unfortunately hampered his attempts at sleeping well. Not that he cared. He had dressed into something different, but equally as strange as his attire from the day before — he didn't own anything that could be considered by Atharen standards at all, let alone Daravin. Though he didn't consider this an issue, he knew it only served to make him stand out more. But no change of attire could make him fit in, and it didn't seem that most clothing was made to accomodate tails like his was.

He came out of the tent and wasted no time in starting to take it apart. He had already written as much as he could remember from their conversation before in his journal. It was funny to him that his language, his native tongue, was perhaps a better cypher than anything most on Atharen could come up with on their own. With no connection to any other language on the planet and a number of people who could understand it in the low thousands, his notes about the colors of flowers and which stars were brighter than others were secure. It helped that it took up much less space to write in than Common. He could fit much more on a page if he had a sharp pencil and made his circles very small.

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?" Lux was a font of energy, and was packing everything at a remarkable speed. He went so far as to use his tail to help him grasp things he couldn't quite reach with just two hands. "I didn't, but that's okay. I have been writing. And thinking. Mostly writing."
word count: 317
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Taelian Edevane
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 3:07 pm


His mood was not in such high spirits as the dawn before. There was something weighing on his mind -- it was clear and obvious even just from the way his lips slightly pursed, his brows turned, every facet of his features. Good morning. He merely tossed a small wave, nonchalantly, unexcitedly. "I did sleep well," he replied. For the most part, he was being honest. He dreamt, but... his dream did not awaken him before he was satisfied with his rest. It was a peaceful memory, relatively speaking. Not a brutish nightmare, at least. Just... memories. Memories of the politics of home, or at least the place he had called home for the past year or two. That place was always changing for him, after all.

It was amusing to him that Lux apparently did not sleep well, and yet he was beaming positive enthusiasm, while Taelian - who did - was slumped over like a flaccid leaf. The thought actually brought a faint smile to his lips, as he coughed out a single chuckle. "Ahem," he cleared his throat, climbing out of the tent and standing at attention. He began to pack things up, sliding his bag out of the tent and stuffing items into it as condensed as he could, one after another. It wouldn't take him long; he'd done that very thing every night for years and years, at least until he landed at the Covenant's doorstep.

"What have you been writing?" he asked, without turning around to look towards the other. "I have been thinking," the man began. "About things. About what I'll be doing, and my... timeframe. Things are stringent and dire. I have less time than I would like."

Rolling in his blanket, he began to tie it over his pack, pulling a string at a time over the rolled clump and glancing once towards the Moroi. His enthusiasm, and forthrightness, was somewhat infectious. He could not deny that.
word count: 335
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Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:15 am


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Regular Experience: 8 EXP

Magical Experience: N/A

Injury/Ailments: N/A

Awarded Lore: N/A

Loot: N/A


Regular Experience: 2 EXP

Magical Experience: N/A

Injury/Ailments: N/A

Awarded Lore: N/A

Loot: N/A

word count: 85
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