Frost 11, 120¤

It was logical to Moop to say that Joop had gotten far too lost trying to forage in the desolation of the Badlands. Now that they, Moop and Nuraku, had traveled farther the landscape turned from arid and covered in palms and cactus into cry, cracked, red earth and dust only. That was it as far as the eye could see, save for a few imperfections leading to sheer drops and other rocky formations. It would seem life had no purchase here, Moop was scared. More scared than she had been before on this journey, perhaps more afraid than she had been in her life. The uncertainty of her future ate up in her stomach like a toxic well of ichor. Some of that was eased with this revelation of the cave and crag.
Before she was sent on her way to be an emissary in Daravin, there were some things she was told. One of them was to, at all costs, avoid the Badlands. She was explained to that this area was filled with, what her Teacher had called, "gangs" which were violently savage big people bel-bent on killing you for your things. In her heart she was terrified, what if one of these gangs had stolen Joop. They were both well aware of the uniqueness of gnomes, a fair warning given to them that people would try to exploit them out of curiosity or worse. Moop's mind was drifting to horrible places, she wanted this to end.
Dressed in her leather armor, she waved at Nuraku and said,
"Lead the way."
And followed the bird-mage to the cave. Once there the pair could see the obvious signs of a struggle, some blood, some loosened bolts which Moop gathered, and a broken reign.
Said Moop as fear gripped her chest tightly.
"These are my sister's, but.... she isn't here. And this sight doesn't look good. But this blood is wet, whatever happened is recent. We may have a chance! Come, we must hurry!"
She was about to abandon Daze and run into the cave when the sounds of something running towards them met her ears. It was Comit, Joop's horse. Around the other side of the crag Comit must have heard Moop and came running. It was starting to make sense.
"He... must have been spooked and ran off, but he is a good pony and came back. I'm.... Shocked. This is terrible. Oh sweet CORE, she could be dead. Nuraku. What do we do?"
Her huge, brown eyes were watering as she struggled to make sense of this terrible, ill fortune. Whatever Nuraku the raven proposed, Moop at this point would follow. To her doom or no.
"Without Joop I have nothing, I will surely die. Maybe we can find somewhere to tie up the ponies-- gangs be damned. They can have them!! I just want my sister back."
The gnome woman was a hair's breath away from sobbing. This was not good.