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Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:27 pm

Moop Rynbii

Full Name: Moop Rynbii
Race: Gnome
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Height: 3’ 9”
Weight: 85lbs

Birthdate: Searing 67 4602
Birthplace: Dagrun

Profession: Seeker, Cartographer
Housing: Inns, rented apartments

Titles: Seeker, Cartographer
Factions: Cartographer League for the Unification of Gnome Settlements (CLUGS)

Fluencies: Kædic, Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Small and thin could be the best way to describe her outright. She stands about chest high to the average statured human. Dark hair falls in huge curls around her head. Her eyes are large and brown, she has a small nose and full lips. Freckles grace her face and tops of her shoulders. Her body is tan and much like that of a normal adult, with slight curves to match, but with much smaller proportions. A rather common augment in her society, both of her arms have been changed into bionic metal limbs. Her clothing style when relaxed and not on the road is like that of many Dagrun natives, white and gold fabrics which flow and give off a sense of dreamy elegance. When on the road she tends to wear more "surface folk" local clothes intending to fit in as much as possible.

Takes very special care of her personal appearance, a prude about dirt and grime, proud in general.

Trying to impress everyone and be an envoy for the gnomes, she tries to be as formal as possible. Her learned gnomish candor and manner of speaking can seem foreign and quirky to people, but she is very polite about things and tries her hardest to be formal with everyone she meets.

While considering herself to do more good than "evil", it is easy for her to make decisions that benefit herself to the determent of others. Some would call this "chaotic neutral".

Born in a dark, dank hole deep within Dagrun’s caverns, Moop was a healthy baby girl in a set of fraternal twins. Her parents were mushroom farmers and her experiences as a child are memorable and good. As she grew she was an average gnomish girl, intelligent and spritely. She was taken as a scholar during early adulthood among a faction called CLUGS. This faction is dedicated to teaching the gnomes about the outside world and how to traverse it, using maps and data from previous gnome escapades.

In her 19th year she was initiated into mentalism in secret by her mother, who told Moop she had never told her husband about the power and made some flippant jokes about why the marriage had lasted for so long. Moop’s mother taught this power to her daughter as a defense mechanism against the outside world. She warned, while Gnomes and the big people in Dagrun were kind and good, not everyone would be. This initiation happened on the eve of Moop’s first trip out of Dagrun and into the vaster world.

Eventually Moop was allowed to meet CORE through her diligent work in CLUGS. It was not a personal meeting, but an induction into a higher rank called Seekers who were tasked by CORE to create maps in Kædic for the gnomish people. Not only that but they were given a quest, find the lost gnome cities and reunite them with CORE and their homeland. It was at the beginning of the year 4620 that Moop and the expedition left. Separating to cover larger ground, Moop and her band set off to the cold North while the other CLUGS members left to find their own ways.

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Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:01 am

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Mentalism 45/100 Apprentice
Melee Weapon, Staff 30/100 Apprentice
Navigation 25/100 Apprentice
Animal Handling 25/100Apprentice
Acrobatics 25/100 Apprentice
Cartography 30/100Apprentice
Meditation 28/100 Apprentice
Psychology 20/100 Novice
Mount 6/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
+100 starting XP+1000 100
Navigation+0-25 75
Cartography+0-20 55
Psychology+0-20 35
Mentalism+0-20 15
Melee Weapon, Staff+0-150
CS Reward by Ruin+15015
Melee Weapon, Staff+0-510
Cobweb Respite I+5-05
Cobweb Respite II+5 (magic)-05 (magic)
Atharen Launch Bonus+25-025
Melee Weapon, Staff+0-100
Character Starting Point Bonus+50-050
Mon petit ami+8-08
[Boghadar]The Final Plea of a Lost Cartographer(Cain)+10-018
Animal Handling+0-180
Seeker's Creed [Boghadar] (CLOSED)+6-06
Inexplicable Meadow Meeting+8 (magic)-013 (magic)
One map, Three gnomes, 4 beers and a bar+8-012
Famous Last Words [Moop]+8-020
Animal Handling+0-713
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Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:02 am

Created for me personally by Goblinatron on Instagram!!



Finding shelter

Melee Weapon: Staff;
Using the butt as a weapon
Overhead swing to hit a spider
Center of gravity on a well made staff(AT)
Twirling the staff to defend(AT)
Using a flourish to fake out an opponent(AT)
How to use both ends of the staff to attack(AT)
Bracing during impact while defending(AT)
Gripping your staff with both hands(AT)
Tossing the staff like a baton (AT)
The difference between light and heavy staves(AT)
Defending from a group
Fighting large foes
Can be used as a non-lethal weapon
Stunning an enemy by hitting them in the nose
Following through with your entire body in a strike for more power
Running before striking
Mercy killing



Understanding that everyone wants something
Body language of a scared person
Being understanding of others quests and passions

Speaking clearly
Biting your tongue
Wearing current fashion to fit in high society
Keeping silent among your betters

Telling someone off
Making a point

Telling a lie to someone close
Omitting the truth to get your way

Involving yourself heavily in the conversation
Making a point

Not letting someone leave


Deciding on a scale
Using graphite first
Generic lore 1
Generic lore 2
Generic lore 3
Generic lore 4
Generic lore 5
Generic lore 6 (SP)
Generic lore 7 (SP)
Generic lore 8 (SP)
Generic lore 9 (SP)
Generic lore 10 (SP)


Generic lore 11 (SP)

Using a compass
Knowing the cardinal directions by the direction of the sun
The way back to Dagrun from Daravin (R)
Using a vantage point to see far
Reading a map
Calculating leagues on a map
Using a scale to tell distance and time from point A to point B(AT)
Generic Lore 1(AT)
Generic lore 2 (SP)
Generic lore 3 (SP)


Steadying the mind
Reconnecting with yourself after stirred thoughts
Silence in the mind
Trying to keep your thoughts on nothing at all
Music is a distraction
Calming a restless mind to sleep
Generic lore 1 (SP)
Generic lore 2 (SP)
Generic lore 3 (SP)
Generic lore 4 (SP)


Animal Handling
Calming a pony
Feeding and watering your animal regularly
Luring animals with treats to get them to do what you want
Calming an animal with gentle pats
Giving an animal treats to befriend them
Generic lore 1
Generic lore 2
Generic lore 3
Generic lore 4
Generic lore 5


Using compel
Using impel
Tethers; lines of power created by the Neurocrux (R)
The Mural; is a visible landscape of other’s minds, animal or human (R)
Neurocrux: Runes implanted on the brain
Neurocrux: Is what grants the ability to invade other’s minds and manipulate objects
Weave: Manipulating the physical
Weave: Can be physically seen as a purple crystal glitch
Compel: Using your hands to direct the current of The Weave
Impel: Throwing a weasel through the air
Mentalism is feared, keep it hidden
Tragedian, inflicts sadness
Tethers can be seen at low levels
Latching on to existing emotions to amplify them


Attaching a horse to a cart
Riding in a horse drawn cart

Last edited by Moop on Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:56 am, edited 19 times in total. word count: 624
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Sun Nov 08, 2020 9:08 am




1 Large Tent (4 people) Starter Package Migrant
1 Large Tarp Starter Package Migrant
50 ft. of hempen rope Starter Package Migrant
1 lantern (complete with oil) Starter Package Migrant
10 torches Starter Package Migrant
1 Bedroll Starter Package Migrant
1 Blanket Starter Package Migrant
1 Horse (size, pony) Starter Package Migrant
1 full set of tack Starter Package Migrant
A set of large saddlebags Starter Package Migrant
1 Waterskin Starter Package
1 Backpack which contains: Starter Package
1 Set of Toiletries Starter Package
10 days of rations Starter Package
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife) Starter Package
Flint & Steel Starter Package
Leather armor
Map region (Daravin)
Tool kit, navigator
Tool kit, map maker's


1 Set of Clothing (Coat and footwear included)Starter Package
Cold Weather Clothing
Entente Ball Outfit
Daravin Everyday Wear
Daravin Mask


Scented water (2 oz)
Bar soap (2) Scented
Scented vinegar

Magic Items

Nothing is here yet. :(


Nothing is here yet. :(

Used Items/Broken items/NFP

Nothing is here yet. :(

Home is where you rest your hat.

Starting Gold, +25,000 df. 25,000 Total.
Leather armor -1000 ~ 24,000 df
Quarterstaff -100 ~ 23,900 df
Map region (Daravin)-100 ~ 23,800 df
Tool kit, navigator -8000 ~ 15,800 df
Scented water (2 oz) -100 ~ 15,700 df
Bar soap (2) Scented -120 ~ 15,580 df
Scented vinegar -80 ~ 15,500 df
Gloves, leather, small -50 ~ 15,450 df
Cape, fine wool, small -300 ~ 15,150 df
Stockings, fine wool, small -60 ~ 15,090 df
Trousers, fine wool, small -120 ~ 14,970 df
Toga, embroidered, small -20 ~ 14,950 df
Sandals, small -10 ~ 14,940 df
Tunic, fine wool, fur lined, small -750 ~ 14,190 df
Mapmaker's Toolkit -2200 ~ 11,990 df
Dog- 100 ~ 1899 df
Dress- 225 ~ 1674 df
Mask- 50 ~ 1654 df
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Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:27 am

J O O P ~ R Y N B I I

Race: Gnome
Age: 20
Height: 3'9"
Weight: 95 lbs

Occupation: Gatherer for CLUGS
Relation to PC: Sister
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: A beauty among Gnomes, Joop is quite the person. With a strong moral sense for family, being a twin, she follows her sister everywhere. Not necessarily "shy", as she speaks her mind in full when her voice is heard, she prefers to watch and wait before taking action. A competent singer, this woman has a naturally beautiful voice compared to that of thick, warm, honey. She is much more scholarly than her sister and driven towards hard facts and patience, slow and methodical.

Inducted to the CLUGS Gatherer's she accompanies her sister on her current travels. Joop is the naturalist of the two-- taking samples and collecting data. Having been in the outside world much more than her twin she is highly capable in the wilds and among the broader people. She is Moop's guide and constant companion. Reflective of her sister, both of Joop's legs are mechanical.

Hunting: 50
Survival: 50
Botany: 50
Singing: 20
Ranged Weaponry(crossbow): 20
Fishing: 20
Trapmaking: 20
Medicine: 10
Cooking: 10



Leather Armor
cart (three person)
cart harness
large chest
good lock
good key
cage medium
winter blanket
small animal snare
iron pot (2)
olive oil/1gal


Gatherer Wear (Cloak and footwear included)
Daravin Everyday Wear
Daravin Ball Gown
Daravin Mask


Nothing is here yet. :(

Magic Items

Nothing is here yet. :(


Nothing is here yet. :(

Used Items/Broken items/NFP

Nothing is here yet. :(

Starting Package, Companion
Gatherer Wear (Cloak and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
1 Flint & Steel
1 Crossbow, Hand
20 Crossbow Bolts (Hand)
45,000 starting df
fur trimmed, fur-lined, medium wool, small hood (2, One being dark hide and made of black fur, the other a light hide and made of fox fur) ~ 57 ~ 44,943 df
fir lined, medium wool, small scarf ~ 75 ~ 44,868 df
fur lined, medium wool, small stockings ~ 300 ~ 44,568 df
leather gloves, small ~ 50 ~ 44,518 df
pony ~ 5000 ~ 39,518 df
cart (three person) ~ 1500 ~ 38,018 df
cart harness ~ 200 ~ 37,818 df
large chest ~ 200 ~ 37,618 df
good lock ~ 800 ~ 36,818 df
good key ~ 4000 ~ 32,818 df
cage medium ~ 600 ~ 32,218 df
winter blanket ~ 50 ~ 32,168 df
bedroll ~ 10 ~ 32,158 df
small animal snare ~ 100 ~ 32,058 df
iron pot (2) ~ 100 ~ 31,958 df
dillweed/1oz ~ 3 ~ 31,955 df
salt/5oz ~ 5 ~ 31,950 df
sage/1oz ~ 10 ~ 31,940 df
olive oil/1gal ~ 100 ~ 31,840 df
cheese/1lb ~ 10 ~ 31,830 df
hide armor ~ 1500 ~ 30,330 df
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Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:50 pm


Subtle, but there, a thin line has formed in the middle of her forehead. It’s flesh colored, almost like a thin scar. It is raised enough where you could feel it should you run your fingers across it.

Telekinetic Mind Mage
At this level, compel and impel are now much stronger. She is able to pick up objects as large as fifteen feet and weighing up to three hundred fifty pounds, the larger the object the slower the kinesis floats. This is to the detriment of only being able to cast compel or impel on larger/largest objects three times a day. These larger objects can only be moved about three to four feet in the air and cannot be flung or thrown with much force. The longer she holds larger/largest objects the more she becomes addicted to the feeling, as well as the rapidly closer she gets to threshold sickness. Smaller/smallest objects are able to be thrown with great force and more often, the greater the force the more likely she is to become addicted and need to do it again.

General Casting Afflictions;
These afflictions last through all the stages of her levels.
Makes her laugh uncontrollably, on occasion she ends up with a terrible giggle fit when she uses mentalism.
Makes her hallucinate fractals, these can be anything, people’s faces turning into fractals, walls, spots on the ground, it will happen for around twenty minutes after the first cast but should she get threshold sickness she will have this happen for a full day. This can range from subtle to extreme, but she will never be able to ignore it-- unless she can force herself to look away she will become transfixed for fifteen seconds at least by the fractals. She is of course the only one who can see these fractals.
Makes her addicted to the kinesis ability which will eventually cause threshold sickness. She doesn’t want to stop using this ability, she becomes obsessed with doing it again and again no matter the detriment, in front of people or no.
Instead of only purple, her weave coloration has taken on a much more obvious coloration and has the occasional iridescent prism shine, which shimmers at will. This is purely cosmetic.

The line is thicker, very noticable. Its edges are frayed as if it wants to pull apart, it looks very similar to a seam. After using Mentalism magic, no matter if she got threshold sickness or not, this seam will burn and ache. It lasts about two hours and isn’t unbearable so much as just a very present pain, but one she can function during.

Shattered Obelisk
By creating an obelisk Moop can shatter it and use the shards as projectiles combining the obelisk ability with compel and impel. Very small, these projectiles are like bullets, though they lose their ability for Moop to control them as the obelisk, once they are embedded into the target Moop is able to shatter them for an explosion effect. This ability has a slight effect on the physical, creating welts and deep bruises where they enter and shatter, enough of these can incapacitate a person through sheer bruising-- or even cause internal bleeding. Instead of being able to control the person’s mind and emotions like traditional obelisk ability, if they meet their target and aren’t all destroyed Moop will suffer from feeling emotions that aren’t her own. This is uncontrollable and will last until the obelisk shard dissolves, typically three days time. This power is telekinetic and susceptible to the addiction affliction.

General Casting Afflictions;
This affliction lasts through all the stages of her levels.
When approaching threshold sickness, the fractal hallucinations become amplified with a sound like that of helter-skelter wind chimes and are aggressive to Moop now. They will often whip at her and if she is touched the sensation is tactile, though the only way they can actually hurt her is her own reaction to them. Such as jumping back from the hallucination and falling out of a window, to use an extreme example.

The eye is half lidded. Now open, it is useless other than cosmetically. The eye is milky and metallic gold, the pupil is visible though it does nothing and the eye often hurts with a deep ache.

Evil Eye
Occasionally during times of intense stress, good or bad, the now visible third eye will cause a telekinetic ability, glowing and refracting like a prism, either compel, impel, shattered obelisk, or overbear, to happen on a random object or even person in the room. This effect can be stopped by Moop at the cost of Fraying.

Telekinetic Mind Mage II
Like the first installment, Moop gets a massive boost to her ability to use compel and impel. Now able to lift things as large as a house and indeed throw them to the side. Again, the larger the object the more difficult and slow the ability is, but what was accessible to her before at Apprentice is now done with complete ease. When lifting larger/largest objects Moop will bleed from the nose, getting moderate threshold sickness each time. Should she take too long to move the massive object it is a sure thing that either Fracturing, Fraying, or Tangling will happen.

The eye is open. Fully functional and developed, Moop can now see out of this third eye. It is a deep gold that shimmers and sparkles with flecks of brown and prismatic rainbow. The eye is about 1.5 times bigger than the eyes she was born with.

Laser Beam
Sending out a combined mixture of the telekinesis abilities, tether, and mindsculpt Moop is able to shoot a laser from her third eye. While it is mostly pink-purple in color it can also be seen refracting light as a prism in some parts where it shimmers. The beam is around 3 inches wide at its base, tapering like a triangle at its end. It can reach up to ten feet, extending out in an arch. Objects or flesh in the beam's ray will be rendered with a warping effect that welts spirals and causes the affected object etc to become permanently twisted. Objects caught in the beam will have a minor effect while those unfortunate enough to let the beam settle will have the twisting go deeper and deeper. The downside to this effect is that it can only be used three times a day and will cause the third eye to be blind for half an hour.

Third Eye
This third eye is always closed. If she closes both of her eyes and opens her third one up she will see the murals latently. This world looks similar to our own but is covered in fractals, each fractal making a portrait of the world in a pseudo-way. For example, if she were looking at a painting of a vase filled with daisies, then were to close her eyes and perceive it through her third one she would still see the frame, canvas, vase, and daisies-- but they would be warped and moving as fractals instead of the 4D reality most mortals perceive. When looking at a person or sentient creature, she will see their mural much like a regular mind mage, but this is done now without tethers. The downside to this is if she uses it for too long, half an hour being the limit, it will start to warp her usual reality into more of the fractals. This effect will last in a ratio of 3:1, three being three hours in the warped reality with one being the time spent over half an hour.

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:18 pm



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