Alexander Cross

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Alexander Cross
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Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:48 pm

Alexander - Cross

Full Name: Alexander Cross
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs

Birthdate: 7th of Ashfall, Season of Searing, 93rd Year of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Lorien

Main Profession: Assassin; 900 df/day (Approved by Ruin: will increase with renown/accomplishment. Also need to be submitted for approval)
Secondary Profession: Spy; 600 df/day
Faction: Argent Knighthood, The Black Remedy

Fluencies: Common, Gentevarese
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Alexander stands at 5'8" and has a well-formed physique. He weighs around 140 lbs. With his brown eyes and black hair. A full-sleeve tattoo on both of his arm.


Alexander believes that you got to make use of the hands you're dealt. Can’t always wait for a good hand to seize the day. Make the most of what you've been dealt with, and also that you’re not always dealt a bad hand, but you gotta be ready when life dealt you a good hand least, it gets over your head. He also believes that there’s no such thing as useless information, just bad use of information. Many roads lead home, the same as there’s no one way to success. But when life does hit you really hard in the face, always know where the nearest hospital is. He considers his moves carefully. Alexander is someone who will not stick with a repetitive method but chooses to adapt to the situation. But he doesn't disregard tried and tested methods that are successful in the past. He always makes it a habit of learning from his mistakes and the mistakes of others to better himself. He is loyal to people he considers family. He could be quick-tempered at times.

Alexander Cross is the son of Leon Cross and Anastasya Cross and the grandson of Lazarus Cross. His parents and grandfather are Argents. They serve in the espionage and wetworks division of the Argent. Serving overseas and local. Alexander was trained and groomed from an early age for the Argent Knighthood. He followed the training but never took it seriously as he saw his parents and grandfather living a normal argent life. Since small Alexander loves toying with and even disassembling the different golems Lazarus created to help around doing house chores. Seeing as the boy have an aptitude for assembling and disassembling stuff, so after careful considerations, discussion and preparation, Lazarus initiated him into Artificing.

When his friends introduced him to alcohol and gambling that’s where he chose a different path than what his parents had intended for him to be. But the path he took crosses path with his parents, and the lies that his parents and grandfather have carefully built like a tower of cards came toppling down.

Leon, Anastasya, and Lazarus have known of the Dranoch and Black Remedy in Lorien when they cross paths with them on a job. It was supposed to be just a simple assassination job, except their intended target was no longer human but a Dranoch. The three of them would’ve been killed if not for the help of the Black Remedy cell who was also after the same target. After bringing the issue and proof to their superior in the intelligence division, they were assigned to hunt down the Dranoch. Which they did alongside the Black Remedy cell in Lorien, which they kept a secret from their superior because of the view on mages.

It was one fateful night when Alexander discovered the truth that his parents and grandfather have been hiding from him. He and a group of friends have just finished their gambling spree and were about to call it a day before they were approached by a well-dressed man. The man invited them to an underground casino event that he is hosting. Blinded by the prize money they followed him. Unbeknownst to them, the man is a Dranoch. The Dranoch and his syndicate have been doing the same modus operandi for a while. There were several other guests aside from Alexander and his friends who were lured by the prize money. When they were all gathered in the compound then the Dranoch began attacking them. Unbeknownst to Alexander, his parents and grandfather along with the Black Remedy cell have been hunting this Dranoch syndicate. Leon, Anastasya, Lazarus, members of the Black Remedy cell, and several Hollows raided the compound. After getting back home they have a lengthy conversation about the truth and the burden of being an Argent, especially in their division.

Leon decided that it would be best not to keep any secrets from Alexander as because instead of protecting Alexander it almost got him killed. Leon and Lazarus brought Alexander to their superior with the intention of him joining their division. Their superior agreed with the condition that they trained Alexander properly before he would accept him to join their division. Lazarus, Leon, and Anastasya began training Alexander. Anastasya introduced Alexander to Transposition magic. Which after careful consideration and preparation she initiated him into. With the intention that Alexander could use the magic as a last resort to help him survive in case, worse comes to worst.

What they didn’t know is that the Dranoch were also hunting them. As because of them the Black Remedy cell in Lorien gained access to various resources that they previously would not have access to, making the Dranoch lives much more difficult. The Dranoch bade their time. They launch feints attacks all over the city, luring the Black Remedy out to chase them. All the meantime launching their main attack on the Cross family. Without their allies, the Cross family was at a disadvantage. The Dranoch did a blitz attack because a prolonged attack would prove non-beneficial to them because if the Knights or The Black Remedy arrives at the Cross family aid then it was the Dranoch who would be slaughtered. If the assault team were only Dranoch botchlings, then Leon, Anastasya, and Lazarus could have held them off. But there were Dranoch Cardinals among the assault team.

It was a bloodbath. They were losing, Lazarus and several Hollows were holding off the Dranoch. He ordered Leon and Anastasya to grab Alexander and escape. They were about to reach the carriage when a Cardinal and several Dranoch manage to break through and gives chase. The last thing Alexander remembers was his mother shoving him to the ground. Tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry” she mouthed, then she opens a portal between her and Alexander. She and Leon run into the portal followed by the Dranoch along with several Hollows. Within moments they were gone. He remembers the shoutings and people with flaming swords rushing past him into his house. He remembers looking up and saw the face of the ebon knight who was a friend of his father and mother.

The Black Remedy cell took him in. They brought him to Sil-Elaine to be initiated into their ranks and also to train him in utilizing his Sigilic Pyromancy magic. After spending time training with the Black Remedy and proving himself, he was stationed back in Lorien. On his way back to Lorien he encountered a convoy being raided by bandits. He managed to kill the bandits. He took the sole survivor under his care.

Last edited by Alexander Cross on Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:09 pm, edited 27 times in total. word count: 1330
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Alexander Cross
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1155&p=5205#p5205
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Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:50 pm

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Artificing 5/100 Novice
Sigilic Pyromancy 20/100 Novice
Resonance 25/100 Apprentice
Deception 75/100 Journeyman
Unarmed Combat 20/100 Novice
Spycraft 20/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+1000 100
Starting as Human+100 110
Artificing+0-5 105
Sigilic Pyromancy+0-20 85
Resonance+0-25 60
Deception+0-20 40
Unarmed Combat+0-20 20
Spycraft+0-20 0
Approval Reward+150 15
Deception+0-15 0
First Name on the List+50 5
Deception+0-5 0
The Long Game+50 5
Deception+0-5 0
Joining the Argent Knighthood+50 5
Deception+0-5 0
Atharen Launch Bonus+250 25
Deception+0-25 0
Last edited by Alexander Cross on Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:33 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 120
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Alexander Cross
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Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:52 pm


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Last edited by Alexander Cross on Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:31 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 352
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Alexander Cross
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1155&p=5205#p5205
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Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:53 pm


Starter Package: General Package
  • 1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 days of rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils
  • Flint & Steel
  • Dagger, Punching (x2)
  • Garotte
  • Knuckle Duster (x2)

Inns, rented rooms and apartments

1. Starting Gold, +25,000 df. 25,000 Total
2. Dagger, Punching (x2) -400 df. 24,600 Total
3. Garotte -50 df. 24,550 Total
4. Knuckle Duster (x2) -100 df. 24,450 Total
5. Wage, Ash 120, +218,400 df. 242,850 Total
6. Lifestyle expense (Common), Ash 120, -10,000 df. 232,850 Total

Last edited by Alexander Cross on Mon Oct 25, 2021 1:45 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 256
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Alexander Cross
Posts: 86
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1155&p=5205#p5205
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1201

Tue Nov 17, 2020 7:50 pm



N P C: Gabrielle Stradiva

Race: Human
Age: 12 years old
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 99 lbs

Relation to PC: Companion
NPC Type: Companion NPC
Influence: 6

Gabrielle stands at about 5’0”. With her brown colored eyes and hazelnut colored hair adorning her head. She dresses according to the situation, always keeping it simple.

A child prodigy, at a young age, she was already taught in the craft of her father. She is a very keen observer and curious person and will always get irritated if she could not figure something out. When she is focused on something, she gets in the zone and doesn’t care about what’s happening around her. She gets bored easily with people who don’t interest her but she acts polite and attentive while in truth her mind is elsewhere. She could be demanding and short-tempered when working on something, which was heavily influenced by Alexander. She doesn’t trust people easily and tends to stick with those that she trusts. She has a hard time socializing with her peer group since she easily gets bored with them.

She first met Alexander when Alexander save her from the bandits raiding the convoy she was with. Since her parents were killed in the raid, Alexander took her under his care.

Alchemy (50/100)
Artificing (50/100)
Biology (25/100)
Chemistry (25/100)
Clockwork (25/100)
Engineering (25/100)
Etherforging (50/100)

  • One set of Clothing (SP)

1. Starting gold, +45.000 df. 45.000 Total
word count: 330
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