Taelian Into Celebrant

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Taelian Edevane
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Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:22 pm

Plot Synopsis
Hey folks! I'm hoping for Taelian to become an actual Noble in Brandt. Given the civil war and his position in the Covenant, as well as his potentially great use to the Duke and Duchess, I think there exists opportunity for him to ascend to become a Celebrant of Lorien. There are a few potential ways this could be possible, in my view:

First, he's engaged to someone from a Celebrant family, namely Riven. If he could petition the Duchess to restore Riven's position and formalize their marriage union, he could become a Celebrant pretty quickly and easily. This would be an equally legitimate way of acquiring the rank, also, as marriage is probably the most surefire and natural way to increase one's caste.

Another possible method is by effectively being knighted into this position. This would likely come from serving the Lady Galbrecht to an extent where she rewards Taelian for his service in this way, perhaps as an incentive to do more, or as a part of a deal.

The final method would be through the Knighthood: Taelian is currently acting as an Argent for the Duchy of Brandt, and has the opportunity to join the Knighthood right now. Considering he is stronger in practical terms than most Knights, I think it would make sense for him to become a full Knight-Argent fairly rapidly. His shortcoming is that unlike other Argent, he has not learned how to control Hollows, which is a requirement to become a full Knight-Argent. If I could be allowed to run a plot with some oversight, this could be a fun avenue to go through. Knight-Apostles can be made full Nobles, especially in times of war, and are often given extensive land for their service, again especially when there is a shortage of viable Celebrant (such as right now).

Please let me know your thoughts. I'd like to get this plot underway! Thanks.
word count: 337
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Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:03 pm


Hello Taelian,

Thank you for submitting this ticket. It would seem that your end goal for the plot is to become a celebrant, as I understand it. Of the three paths you have proposed, I would like to see you take the road of the argent knighthood to achieve the rank of Knight Apostle, then later advance to nobility. In order to achieve Knight-Agent Status, I'd like to see Taelian trying to tame and control hollows in a few threads and achieve at least Expert in Leadership and Journeyman in Tactics.

Please post all related threads here as you complete them. This request is approved.

Build to last,

word count: 118
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