Review Submission Thread v1.0

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Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:04 am

Thread Name: [Memory] Escape
Location: Nivenhain, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Collaboration: Yes, with Arkash
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:


Gunslinging: You can't pull the trigger if you get too cold.
Gunslinging: The recoil of a pistol.
Gunslinging: Aiming from the floor.
Gunslinging: Firing at the environment to injure multiple targets with the blast.
Gunslinging: Assisted shooting.
Gunslinging: Your arm can absorb the recoil if it's cold.
Gunslinging: The appropriate grip.
Gunslinging: The sound of the blast can startle your target.
Gunslinging: Presenting the weapon can intimidate your target.
Gunslinging: Managing the weight of a pistol.
Investigation: Determining the source of unknown bloodstains.
Investigation: Start with yourself.
[PC] Mannon: Claimed to live near Nivenhain's upper districts.
[PC] Mannon: Came from Atinaw.
[PC] Mannon: Claimed to have been in Lorien for a while when you met.
[PC] Mannon: Saw nothing special in Lorien.
[PC] Mannon: Frightened of others.
[PC] Mannon: Didn't rot your body.


Deception: Divert attention
Deception: Hide weapons out of sight
Persuasion: Smile when no words are needed
Appraisal: Gauge the nature of the situation by the sounds
Appraisal: Recognize ill intent
Psychology: The strength of survival instinct
Psychology: Doing extremes when pushed to limits
Etiquette: Remain polite in the face of adversity
Deception: Hide truth behind politeness
Appraisal: Reconsider earlier conclusions
Deception: Offer false information
Persuasion: Ask the right questions

Arkash: A lizard rathari
Arkash: Cannot deal with cold
Arkash: Needs external source of heat
Arkash: Knows and lives in Lower Nivenhain
Nivenhain: Lower district is dangerous
Nivenhain: Charger territor in lower district is a no-go zone

Loot: Gun for Arkash to be buried in his backyard and dug up years later.
word count: 283
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Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:36 pm

Thread Name: Through The Barge
Location: Nivenhain, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: 20 XP for each participant, not 8. Orion's Word Count: 6,146, Arkash's Word Count: 6,958
Collaboration: Yes, with Arkash
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: No
Requested Lore:

Acrobatics: Swing from a metal bar.
Acrobatics: Freefalling.
Acrobatics: Landing with a deep-sit.
Leadership: Delivering simple instructions.
Leadership: Deliver your plan.
Leadership: Initiating a partnership.
Leadership: Formulate a plan and delegate tasks.
Navigation: Using sound to warn you when you're approaching a drop.
Navigation: Smelling old markers.
Navigation: Memorize the route.
Stealth: Over-sized burlap clothes break up your shape and make you difficult to see and identify.
Stealth: Approaching your target from the peripheral of their vision.
Stealth: Cover your scales to reduce the shine in low-light environments.
[PC] Orion: A human boy from Koltoska.
[PC] Orion: Wanted to get to Outer Nivenhain to steal some guns for his town.
[PC] Orion: Seems nice for a human.
[PC] Orion: Understands the unfairness of the world.
[PC] Orion: Doesn't believe that your mom was a wolf or that she laid an egg.
[PC] Orion: Never saw a rathari before you.
[PC] Orion: Comes from the forest that you used to forage at?
[PC] Orion: You agreed to help him if he helped you.

Gunslinging: Concealing a gun
Gunslinging: Readying a surprise shot
Gunslinging: Holstering
Survival: Sleeping in a bedroll
Survival: Properly wrapping up for cold temperatures
Survival: Sleeping in frosted environments
Bodybuilding: Heavy lifting
Bodybuilding: Lifting upward
Bodybuilding: Evening your muscle exertion
Bodybuilding: Pressing upward
Investigation: Examining shrouded figures
Investigation: Observing a poorly lit environment
Investigation: Studying objects in the dark

Arkash: A 'Rathari'
Arkash: Lowborn
Arkash: An Interesting Guy
Rathari: Animal Race
Rathari: Capable of being any kind of animal...?

Loot: N/A
word count: 301
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Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:12 am

Thread Name: [Job Thread 1] Amends
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: Presenting a severed head.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Blades: Dagger: Pierce the lung to prevent your victim from screaming.
Blades: Dagger: Sawing a head off.
Blades: Dagger: Stab repeatedly while you hold them in place.
Blades: Dagger: Stab the throat to ensure your victim bleeds out.
Blades: Dagger: Ideal for ambushing.
Blades: Dagger: Deliver multiple wounds to speed up the effects of your venom.

Loot: +1 New backpack. +1 Severed head.
Last edited by Arkash on Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 89
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Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:12 am

Thread Name: Independence III
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: Presenting a severed head.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None.
Requested Lore:
Negotiation: Asking a reasonable price for your services.
Negotiation: Reasoning that you're capable.
Negotiation: Doing favors for people can earn their favor.
Stealth: Escape through the back alleys.
Stealth: Concealing a severed head.
Stealth: Move quickly to avoid detection.
[NPC] Asmodei: Surprised by your coldness.
[NPC] Asmodei: Knows you hate humans.
[NPC] Asmodei: Doesn't seem happy with your assassination job.

Loot: +1 Gun bill paid for.
Last edited by Arkash on Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 92
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Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:13 am

Thread Name: Independence IV
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None, really.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Some bumps and scrapes.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Forward roll.
Acrobatics: Kick off the ground to change direction.
Acrobatics: Sprawl.
Stealth: Take cover.
Stealth: Blend-in with the ground.
Stealth: Sudden movements alert your opponents to your position.
[NPC] Asmodei: Disappointed by your hatred of humans.
[NPC] Asmodei: Claims to understand you even if he doesn't feel the same.
[NPC] Asmodei: Will tell Fayeth about your assassination job.
[NPC] Asmodei: Smug bastard.
[NPC] Asmodei: Helped you escape.

Loot: None.
Last edited by Arkash on Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 98
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Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:13 am

Thread Name: Independence V
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: Lots of blood, gore, explosions, violence.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Lots of cuts and scrapes along his legs and arms, furns to his back, bruises a-plenty, maybe a hairline fracture or two if you see fit.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Rolling to reduce the impact of a fall.
Acrobatics: Handspring.
Blades: Dagger: Using the blade to slow your fall.
Blades: Dagger: Sudden jerking motions can disarm you.
Gunslinging: Pistols are inaccurate.
Gunslinging: The recoil is strong enough to knock the weapon from your hand completely.
[NPC] Asmodei: Super strong combatant.
[NPC] Asmodei: Can summon flame lances.
[NPC] Asmodei: Strong enough to crush a skull with his boot.
[NPC] Asmodei: Carried you away from the scene of your ruined hideout.

Loot: None.
Last edited by Arkash on Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 134
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Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:36 pm

Thread Name: The Prodical Son Returns
Location: Nivenhain, Lorien
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Collaboration: NO
Magic Experience: No
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore: N/A
Loot: N/A
word count: 28
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Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:17 am

Thread Name: Independence VI
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None, Really.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: Treatment of current wounds.
Requested Lore:
Medicine: Wrapping legs with the right tightness.
Medicine: Thoroughly scrub wounds with disinfectant.
Medicine: Re-open lacerations to ensure there's no grime left in.
Psychology: Murder is the ultimate form of domination.
Psychology: Power, to those without, is addictive.
Psychology: Guilt-tripping.

Loot: None.
word count: 70
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Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:54 am

Thread Name: Initiation I
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None, Really.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None yet.
Requested Lore:
Etiquette: Waiting for your escort.
Etiquette: Letting go of minor qualms.
Etiquette: Stay put.
Stealth: Evade the sight of a taller target by staying close to them.
Stealth: Check to make sure no one's seen you before proceeding.
Stealth: Etiquette of hanging around secret areas.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: The Sawtoothed Renegades.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Made up of Jastai.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Seek prosperity through any means necessary.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Saw fit to test you a second time for your initiation.

Loot: None.
word count: 103
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Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:01 am

Thread Name: Initiation II
Location: Lorien, Lower Nivenhain.
Notes/Warnings: None, Really.
Collaboration: None.
Magic Experience: None.
Injuries/Ailments: None yet.
Requested Lore:
Acrobatics: Dive and roll.
Acrobatics: Jump to gain height while running at a wall, then jump off of the wall quickly to gain even more height.
Acrobatics: Duck and spring forward.
Acrobatics: Backflip.
Acrobatics: Mid-air twirl.
Acrobatics: Moving in a dynamic environment.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Tried to kill you in your initiation.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Beat you senseless.
[FACTION] Sawteeth: Accepted you into their ranks.

Loot: None.
word count: 89
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