[Loras] Pacheco's new rider (???)

The lands of Tyrclaid surrounding the capital city.

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Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:25 am

45th of Searing, 120.

It hurt. All her fresh wounds stung and burned with blatant distaste for the way she'd treated her body of late. It was an ache in her bones and a distinct soreness in her muscles that made it hard to move, and a series of slices in her skin that leaked shallowly.
It was all Khan's fault, of course. She hated that he'd resorted to such drastic measures to prompt her to fight, but under the threat of pain, or even death, she'd broken in her resolve and fought back against the attack.
The event, despite the pain she was in, was oddly liberating, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was more aware of her potential, the strength she wielded, so she didnt have to accidentally hurt anyone. Furthermore, if it came down to a matter of life and death, she knew she wouldn't hesitate to defend herself.
Khan, on the other hand, was overjoyed with the results. He hadn't stopped praising her on her breakthrough since they stepped into the town.
Though she was glad for the praise and for the arrival of another pitstop on their journey, she was exhausted, bleeding, and in need of an unholy amount of food. "Khan," she asked in Vithmi and looked over her shoulder to the chameleon that rode Pacheco. "Can we stay for few days?" She asked, which interrupted the lizard's beaming praise.
"For a few days?" He corrected with a raised brow. Magna sighed quietly; she wasn't in the mood to consider her grammar.
"Yessssss..." she whined.
The Rathari hummed, then took his chin with his one hand to emphasize his thought. Magna stopped, and brought pacheco to halt with his reins in hand. She hadn't expected him to even consider a long break, but there he was.
"Alright," declared the Rath, and Magna exhaled in relief as she hugged the horse's head. Pacheco snorted in her hold. She was blessed, truly. Just a week was all she needed, and she'd back back in shape. "We'll leave Loras on the third day."
"WHAT?!" she cried, drawing a few human gazes in the marketplace they stood a few feet from.
"What? We'll pick you up some bandages now, treat your wounds, then give you a few days to rest before we carry on," Khan looked about the market ahead of them, then dismounted the steed in a swing-like motion. "Come on, we can probably find some supplies to patch you up with in one of these stalls," spoke Khàn with a wave of his one arm as he walked ahead.
Magna groaned audibly, then quieted as she noticed the various humans at the market, many of which were staring at her. After a pause, she cleared her throat and proceeded into the stalls with a straightened back. She wasn't in the wilds anymore; she had to control her volume... and the weird noises she made.

word count: 516

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Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:10 pm



Padded hands fetched key from pocket, shaking as if under the winter winds on a sweaty, hot day. “Mh, go in, go in... ah-h-ha.” Click. Twist went the wrist, pop went the lock, and to the pock’ went the bumpy piece of security metal.

Turning slowly, Aeraku sighed as he faced the world, a mid-day sun staring back at him, watching his every move. His ears lowered beneath the heat, and he put one foot forward, then another, pushing through the ripe haze of a mid-day blood fog only his nose knew the story of.

Starved to the bone, Aeraku felt as if he was on the cusp of death, but he knew he had several days to procure some kind of sustenance before he’d be too weak. Recent developments had shut down the only questionably ethical source of meat he had access to, and so he hoped to find more in Grimholdt. There were caravans for hire in Loras on most days, and today he planned to hail one for a trip south.

Shambling down the streets like a zombie, the very young, very old dog emerged onto the main road, weaving through the throngs towards the markets. As he neared, the aroma of something very strange began to fill his nostrils, its toxic, metallic strength overpowering everything else. Overcome with shock, he forgot to breathe, reaching for the cobbled wall until his hand graced it. Leaning over, he shut his eyes and coughed into his sleeve, nauseated by whatever it was.

Gods, it’s awful. What’s that smell?

Opening a single eye, he peered through the throngs of people to see a lizard and a giant woman bickering. He blinked rapidly, lifting his nose to the air.

Is it... one of them?

He drew closer, just as the woman drew attention to herself with garish noise. Her attire gave him the impression that she was some kind of soldier or mercenary, but that didn’t matter to him. He was curious about her scent, and that gripped his motivations as he drew further. Oddly enough, he could barely smell anything else; every other source of blood in town was hidden behind this woman’s stinky odor akin to rusting metal.

Catching something about the woman needing to treat her wounds from the lizard, he watched them drift by in the crowd.

It’s her.
No doubt about it.

Turning to one of the herbalists, he bartered with the woman for a poultice to treat cuts, and then bought a cheap shirt from another stall which he then ripped up with his claws as he walked, slaking the cloth with the herbal ointment and appearing at her side. “’Lo, miss,” piped up Aeraku, staring up at her and holding up the cloth. “It’s on me, so go ahead and take it.”

After she took the bandages, the white-furred dog-like man hugged himself, hands slipping away to grasp at the air with animated gestures punctuating his statements. “Do forgive a stranger for prying - and I know this question must be as dull as a well used blade, but what race are you descended from? Such height, such strength. I have half a mind to hire you for security on my jaunt to Grimholdt.”

The social energy he’d manifested to speak up to her quickly withered, and his posture slackened with a sickness. His eyes fell from her face to linger at the stony road as he leaned against a beam, slowly falling shut for a scant few seconds.


The feeling of his round glasses slipping from his face shocked him awake, hand rising to push them back into place. His eyelids slowly rose then, focus rising back to her, and he looked halfway to death already with the obvious dark bags under his smoky red eyes.

Hungry... tired... Not as hungry, no. Nauseous.
...Is this a better feeling?

What a strange woman.

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Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:10 pm

Groggy with pain, tired, and worn to the bone in parts, she began to push her way through the streets, and did her best to conceal her exhaustion. They needed some rubbing alcohol? Maybe not, the wounds weren't that deep. But, as mother had taught her, even the shallowest cut could fester. It would be better to be safe than sorry.
The giantess wore simple fur clothing; a kilt, a vest, two bracers, and her boots. Her red hair was bright against the browns of the various pelts she wore, but it still fitted her well. Pacheco, her tan and white patched horse, appeared abnormally small as she guided him along by the lead, but he was fairly average for his breed.
She'd been considering what she'd eat that day while browsing the stalls for anything that looked or smelled edible when a dog man appeared beside her and spoke something in Ithmi. At once, she fell to her guard and began to process his words as quickly as possible. Obviously, the Rathari was a native speaker, and she'd grown accustomed to the chameleon's slower, deliberate manner of speaking.
The rathari offered her something; some sort of medicated bandage. The giant stared down at him, eyes wide and nostrils flared with shock and awe as if she was showing great restraint. Finally, a smile broke her straight face, and she cooed an 'aww', pleasantly. "Thank you. So kind," she spoke slowly, then accepted the gift before she began to tie it to her deepest cut. She used one arm and her teeth to tie the fabric tight. Sure, she didn't know what was on it, but it covered the wound, and she didn't have to spend yet even more money that she didn't have.
The tall lady watched his hand gestures as he spoke, and did her best to follow his words. Thankfully, he spoke a little slower and softer, it was easier to pick up. her silver eyes locked on his while she nodded in understanding. What was she? And a job? "Uhhh..." She wondered aloud, eyes drifting to her brow while she deliberately thought. "I human, most of. Think jastai also, not sure..." She explained to the best of her ability.
"You want give job to me?" She asked with a bright smile. Wow! No one had ever offered her a position so quickly! It seemed to be some sort of escort job. She'd met people of similar trades in her youth, and it was normally in large groups... But she was quite big, perhaps she could yell at whoever picked a fight with them until they ran away? Then again, she did have an ax, and she'd used it all of one time.
Before she could give her answer, the Rathari seemed to have fallen asleep on the spot. She dipped her head to peer at him with a look of great confusion... and it was at that point that her will to restrain herself broke. The image of a sleeping dog was too cute to resist. She reached over with her large hand and lowered it to pet him between the ears, where she'd most carefully rub. He snapped from his sleepy haze just a moment or so later, and Magna withdrew her hand in surprise. "Sorry! You took nap, tried to wake!" She lied to the best of her ability, though it was probably a lot more transparent than she believed.
"If want guard still, I accept," she offered with a bow. Where were they going? Somewhere called Grimhodlt? She didn't know where it was, but petting the dog had revitalized her energy stores after her month-long walk, she could go a few more days, she was sure. Besides, buying her new gear had cost her a pretty penny. She needed money.
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Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:37 pm

Those ears perked tall, catching at least what she thought she was.

So she’s a half-breed.
That explains the strange scent.


Aeraku’s tired eyes peeled. Where her hand had mussed his fur, it stayed that way, and his ears were now flat upon his skull. The dog Rathari seemed to glare.


As a bit more energy returned to the wasting mage, he was starting to catch on that the woman wasn’t that acclimated to his language yet, so he consciously made an effort to speak slower to the woman. His gaze softened, too. “It is rude to touch a stranger this way,” he told her, but he shrugged and shook his head slowly side to side, letting it go.

Aeraku gave her a sly smirk. “Of course I’ll accept. You’re dressed, for the part,” he said slowly. “Big and scary.” He look to Khan, and flicked his nose at the reptilian Rathari. “Will that one come too?” He’d eyed the man’s scabbard. Clearly they were both warriors of some repute.

From his travels and a youth growing up in Alfsos as a Bloodless Kin, Aeraku knew some types of foreigners were gullible, and this was due to their intense loyalty towards the ones sponsoring them. Magna was clearly one of those types. He didn’t aim to mislead her, no, but his thought was that working with her was less risky.

“If we leave today, I’ll pay extra,” said Aeraku.
“Will you be okay to travel with those wounds?”

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Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:25 pm

"I know, I know. Sorry," She spoke again and bared her teeth in an uncomfortable cringe. Khan had told her time and time again during their stay in Hopsfel not to pet the various Rathari, no matter how badly she wanted to. It was hard, especially when the little lizard evaded her view.
Khan hadn't just evaded her view, however. He'd walked off without her. Upon noticing she was gone, the lizard quickly purchased the supplies they needed and returned to the path they'd traveled. He was just in time to meet the dog's inquiry.
"What's this, now?" Asked Khan with a glance between the two taller people. The chameleon man was quite vertically challenged, and stood a good foot or so below the dog. "Going where? What's going on?"
"Khan, I got job!" Magna declared with a bright smile and visibly shook with excitement.
"You did? How?" He furrowed his brow, then looked to the dog and watched him with a suspicious glare. "Is my friend understanding you right? You mean to hire her for a job?" It was hard to believe; she was an outsider and spoke poor Vithmi. It was possible she misunderstood... or that something else was afoot.
"I can hear, Khan. I understand," clarified the giant sternly as she stared down the lizard. He rose a brow; she was getting better.
"Alright well, understand that she's not familiar with the area, and she's still learning Vithmi, so slower talk sticks better," Khan spoke something akin to a concerned parent handing over instructions to a babysitter.
Magna simply rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Wounds are fine," she spoke in return to the dog's question. Khan simply raised his brows at her. "They are!" She declared sternly as she caught the lizard's brow raise.
"I'd like to wrap her wounds and feed her before she joins you, an hour or two at best is all we'll be. And, to answer your question..." Khan paused in thought. Was he joining them? "No, I will remain here. I think this is a good opportunity," he spoke almost cryptically with a smile. It was the lizard that had cut down all the beasts they'd encountered on the road from Hopsfel, after all. Magna had to step up to the challenge, and this was as good an opportunity as any.
"I can go?" Asked the halfbreed.
"I don't see why not, as long as you're not going all the way back to Hopsfel," he laughed a breath, but the tone carried uncertainty.
"Grimholdt," she answered the half-question.
"Oh. Yeah, that's fine. You'll do great, I'm sure." Magna beamed and began to bounce where she stood. Khan then turned to the dog and bowed his head. "I have faith she'll serve you well, sir. My name is Khan, I'm sorry I didn't start with an introduction."
The halfbreed's eyes widened and she bowed her head in turn. "My name is Magna, I'm sorry also," she parroted her mentor.

word count: 529

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Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:09 pm

“No harm done,” said Aeraku, reaching down to hug his grueling gut.

It’s five days to Grimholdt.
These are going to be a miserable five days, indeed.

Glancing down to Magna’s chameleon companion that joined them, the white-furred dog studied the other Rathari up and down as the pair of foreigners had their little exchange before listening to the upright reptile’s words.

“Hum. ”
“Yes, she is. “

Clarifying his stance, he spoke more quickly to the Rathari. “Her imposing height and garb make her a suitable ward, and caravans have been avoiding hereabouts since weeks past.” Aeraku looked back to Magna, a forced grin stretching over his lips.

“Besides, I know from experience how hard it is to make a name for oneself in Atinaw without a Kinship running through one’s veins.” The words were quick, but he wasn’t making an effort to be understood, only to earn the chameleon’s trust.

Aeraku gave a nod. “Aye, the route’s straightforward. Grimholdt and back, about five days.”
“I’ve picked up on her challenges.”
“That isn’t a problem,” he told her, slowing down to a hushed voice.
“It’s quite good. You will speak our tongue as good as any governess in time.”

For a brief moment, Aeraku forgot he was hungry. A hidden fluffy tail twitched and swayed beneath his robes. No longer did her scent revile him, at least not to the point of sickness, and it still obscured his sense for the blood around town. She would be more useful to him than she would ever know.

“Even so...” Aeraku’s hands cut the air, head tilting.
“We will avoid danger.”
”There will be no detours, and I needn’t even stay the night.”

Glancing at the horse, Aeraku seemed momentarily distracted until he tore his gaze away. “Aeraku, of the Bloodless Kin. A pleasure.”
“That horse is too small for Magna to ride. Perhaps I shall ride it, for the journey.”

He nodded. “Yes, we shall meet by the southwestern gate in two hours,” he told them both.
“I will reimburse you for any traveling supplies, so pack for one more.”

Of Dragonshards and flesh markets, what a strange life I lead...
Perhaps there is something more to this pair.
We shall see.

Saying his farewells and satisfied with the arrangements they had worked out between them, Aeraku left to gather his things, packing some basic provisions and taking along his backpack. Grimholdt was closer to Clan Raellon, and so he presumed there may be small Dragonshards at market there which he needed for his craft and research. When he was ready, he made his way to the gate to meet them both.

The cover of night should keep us free from the risk of bandits.
I wonder, in those hills... those that fled...
Do they lurk?

word count: 509
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