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Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:33 pm
Location: Loras, Atinaw
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Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:20 pm


Full Name: Aeraku
Race: Rathari Dog Beastalt
Subrace: Dranoch Botchling
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 Lbs

Birthdate: 24th of Glade, 495
Birthplace: Atinaw

Profession: Runeforger
Housing: A Cottage In Loras, Atinaw
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: Bloodless Kin, The Court of Dusk
Fluencies: Vithmi, Kokolath
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


There is a sense as one's eyes fall upon this creature that Aeraku is a hollow, wasting thing in poor health. Abstaining as often as he can from feeding, Aeraku is starving himself to the brink of death before he buys himself a little more time, and this shows in his body. The Rathari's limbs are spindly, his body emaciated but hidden beneath a tight, long-sleeved, high collared black robe covered in clasps and red embroidery. Even before he was cursed, Aeraku was considered a runt among Rathari.

Beyond his ailing form, Aeraku's body conforms to that of a hunting breed of dog walking upon two legs. He has white fur, ashen in places, two tall fluffy triangles atop his head for ears, a fluffy white tail to betray his emotions, and a long, bestial muzzle filled with sharp, possibly too sharp to hint at what he truly is, teeth. His hands are covered in soft pads, fingers a bit shorter but covered in claws that appear to be larger, sharper, and more angular than usual. The most telling aspect that he is a Botchling would be his suspicious canine eyes of smoky red, but he feigns being hard of vision to avoid suspicion. Aeraku can often be seen wearing spectacles to further sell this lie.

When he moves, his movements are fluid, graceful, and deliberate. He speaks with his hands as he does his deep, rasping voice, gesturing and animated to convey how he feels. Even his tail swings and sways to the rhythm of the conversation. This makes him a poor liar to a trained eye, but few understand the mannerisms of a Rathari anyway.

Like many Beastalt Rathari, he opts to not wear boots, as the pads on his feet shield him from the ground to an extent. He still maintains a pair of sandals for traversing the city streets, however. Even the claws upon his paw-like feet are thicker, sharper than normal.


Aeraku's rune lays beneath a thick hide of fur upon his chest, hidden from view. It is set into his flesh, and cannot be seen without first shaving the area, or prying the fur apart and taking notice of its existence.

Rune of Negation


Introverted and prone to inner monologue, Aeraku has a gifted mind that thinks in depth before action, only rarely surrendering to instinct. What he is still defines him, and the canid aspects of his Rathari blood have seeped into his mind, leaving him easily distracted by scents, sounds, and instinctual prey drive that has since shifted to vulnerable humans rather than the bounding hares and skittering rodents he'd hunted in his youth.

More than this is the Dranoch hunger. Before being turned, Aeraku was an intelligent, kind, compassionate soul, yet ambitious and driven. These traits stuck around, if muted and redirected, and left him conflicted after being afflicted by the curse of a Mist Lord. The hunger and the atrocities he'd committed are wearing thin his sanity. Until he can find a cure to his curse, he abstains from feeding where he can, preferring to rarely consume those who were short for this life to begin with. Criminals and the ill. This is easier said than done, for he is easily unhinged by the scent of blood, driven to stalk the source and spending much of his time longing for it, staring from a distance or consumed by such thoughts that only fear and guilt keep him from acting upon.

The constant suffering Aeraku endures is punctuated by suicidal thoughts. When he was newly turned, he tried to end his own life numerous times but failed and labeled himself a dangerous coward when he is anything but. The memories of giving in to the Blood Sickness and feeding without thought haunt him, as all of his victims do. Still, he is a young Botchling, slowly cracking under the effects of the curse eating his morals away from the inside.

As Aeraku had seen much abuse by the man who give him his curse, another fear he holds is that Rakkis may one day return. The abuse he suffered under the man's claws was inside and out. This has left him averse to the touch of others whom he does not completely trust, shaken by sudden touches and easily reminded of traumas he cannot rid himself of. As messed up as it is, the anguish holds him to his virtues, helping to vindicate his beliefs that he needs to make this right.

Magic is Aeraku's primary distraction. Meddling in the aetherial and the strange can dull what he feels, like a drug. This gives him an edge, a deep all-consuming focus necessary to help hide his mind from his own nature. Fearful of a loss of control, he avoids mind-altering substances save for sedatives, which he isn't averse to relying upon to sleep through the fitful, constant hunger.

Religion is a complicated thing for Aeraku. Like all Rathari, he feels the Purpose and for him, it is to find peace with himself. Interpreting that sense as the need to find a cure, he toils and clings to this part of his identity. He respects most gods, but does not openly worship any save for the Old Gods. His respect extends to the Dragon Gods, to the Mist Lords and more save for Myshala whom he holds a sense of conceit for that he could never put a finger on. His life has been steeped in tragedy under the sway of the Mist Lord Xarakses' curse, and so he has seen enough of the world to understand the hand in things these beings play. On the rare occasion he prays, it is often so that the pendulum will swing the other way and offer him a boon after a long period of having so little go his way.


Born in Atinaw to the dregs of the Bloodless Kin, Aeraku always wanted to be somebody, to stand out from the riffraff, the forsworn, and the looked down upon. Many avenues of the world were shuttered to him: he could not learn at the academy as a child, for he had no money. When he came of age to work, a checkered past of survival robbed him of the stability he needed to maintain some semblance of an education. He grew bitter, even if he looked after the woebegone and their treacherous lecherous lot with true compassion. There had to be something more. He felt his Purpose early on, to find 'peace' with himself and his ambitions.

Aeraku set his sights on Daravin, where he'd heard Runes of magic were handed out to the ignorant to roll the dice on their fates. This was all he needed, and he made haste across the realms until he found himself at a place far, far from home where few spoke his tongue.

The rarity of Rathari outside Atinaw drew curiosity his way, wanted or unwanted. It afforded him opportunities to learn, but it also drew him into the fold of someone he would come to regret knowing; they were a man named Rakkis, a monster, though he did not know at the onset. They were a Negation mage, a Runeforger and Scrivener who offered to take Aeraku under his wing, and they taught without holding back. The arrangement was too good to be true. The elf may have been loose with knowledge, but there was a bitter lash tacked on to the end of the bargain: Rakkis was equally as abusive as he was generous. Aeraku accepted this as the price to pay for knowledge, but longed for the Lands of Eight so that he might return and make a name for himself with what he had learned. These feelings only grew as he was given the Rune of Negation, the sickness it rendered upon the soul driving him to an emotional stupor of complacency that juxtaposed how his current future could feel compared to the satisfaction of home.

One day Aeraku awoke to the jostling rustle of his mentor packing the lab away in a fuss, with haste. He was drawn into the effort without explanation, and everything was to be loaded into wagon; they were off to Sil-Elaine, a land that worried him to no end. He'd heard stories of the place, and he knew of the bloodsuckers that lived there. When Rakkis' sleeve tore during their travels to reveal a forest of jagged quills, he knew immediately that he must run.

Confronting his master seemed like a bad idea, so he left under the cover of night, but Rakkis caught up to him in a rage. The abuse that followed ascended to new heights, unlike anything before. Too horrible for him to remember, Aeraku buried the trauma away deep inside, but he'll never fully be rid of the memories nor shake the flashes that give him cause to feel ill. It ended in a crescendo as they crossed the dreary borders of Sil-Elaine into the lands of naught; Aeraku had contracted the Mist Lord's curse. Not only had he been violated by another, he was doomed to become a monster. He was told it was for his own good, but to be given the curse through such abhorrent means left his mind in tatters.

What followed was a Blood Sickness that he fought against and repeatedly failed to shake for the span of half a year. Those days were a blur of feeding, anguish, and attempts at taking his own life. When he finally came down from it, he came to understand that the Court of Dusk had adopted him into their fold, and that he was a rarity among Dranoch in Sil-Elaine at least. Receding deep within, hiding behind a numb state of complacency, Aeraku was eager to learn when Rakkis resumed teaching and abusing him.

He couldn't take it anymore, living like a murderous savage and playing tea time with the pompous pestilence of this land under wretched claw and villainous hive. Going above his master, he risked it all and petitioned the Cardinal holding authority over the cretin who made him for something abroad, anything to be away from this place. Aeraku woefully explained his origin as well as the abuse he was suffering under the Cardinal. He wanted no justice, only a reprieve, and by some miracle his wish was granted and he was sent to Atinaw where he would shack up within the walls a small town called Loras to spy on the interests of the Court of Dusk. Namely mages, and the spread of the Black Remedy, their Sigilic Pyromancy a noted concern.

This was enough. At first.

Aeraku grew ill again, this time with shame as he descended upon Atinaw in the year one-seventeen like a predator in a forest of prey who could not hold a candle to what he was. It wasn't fair to him, that he should take lives, and for what? To feel good? The solution was to find a cure, and so he pursued just that. He began amassing skills, resources, and connections pursuant to that goal while helping the citizens of Loras with wards, sewn articles of clothing, and tool repairs in exchange for their coinage. The other Dranoch around Loras be damned, he'd never make their mistakes nor fall into their fold. Power-hungry fools.

The road is fraught with hunger and doubt, but who would he be if he didn't try?

Last edited by Aer on Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:49 am, edited 44 times in total. word count: 2111
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Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:33 pm
Location: Loras, Atinaw
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Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:21 pm

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Negation 25/100 Apprentice
Unarmed Combat 15/100 Novice
Meditation 20/100 Novice
Research 0/100 Unskilled
Teaching 0/100 Unskilled
Tactics 0/100 Unskilled
Runeforging 25/100 Apprentice
Scrivening 20/100 Novice
Smithing 15/100 Novice
Sculpting 0/100 Unskilled
Construction 0/100 Unskilled
Clockwork 0/100 Unskilled
Architecture 0/100 Unskilled
Medicine 0/100 Unskilled
Biology 0/100 Unskilled
Mining 0/100 Unskilled
Business 0/100 Unskilled
Design 0/100 Unskilled
S K I L L - L E D G E R
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+350 35
+20 Meditation0 -20 15
+15 Unarmed Combat0 -15 0
CS Approval+150 15
+15 Smithing0 -15 0
M A G I C - L E D G E R
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package+650 65
+25 Runeforging0 -25 40
+20 Scrivening0 -20 20
Negatory+5 5
+5 Negation 0 -5 0
None yet+00 0
Last edited by Aer on Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:10 pm, edited 33 times in total. word count: 176
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Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:21 pm




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Last edited by Aer on Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:08 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 175
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Location: Loras, Atinaw
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Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:34 am


1. Starter Package
  • 1 Set of Clothing: Red Silk Cloak, Small Linen Embroidered Robe w/ Black Dye & Buckles, Sandals
  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries
  • 10 days of rations
  • 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
  • Flint & Steel



Within Loras, Aeraku possesses a 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug.

1. Starting Gold, +25,000 df, 25000 Total.
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Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:56 am

Non-Player Characters

N P C: A Z A R E N - N E B A C H A N E Z Z E R

Age: 51
Race: Siltori (Botchling Dranoch)
Birthplace: Lorien
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 Lbs

Faction: Loyal to the Court of Dusk
NPC Type: Personal NPC
Influence: 3
Relation to Aeraku: Mentor

Necromancy (Expert), Unarmed Combat (Expert), Transposition (Journeyman), Intimidation (Journeyman), Alchemy (Journeyman), Hunting (Apprentice), Stealth (Apprentice), Survival (Apprentice), Medicine (Apprentice)

Description: Azaren Nebachanezzer. Few know his name, save the Dranoch under his purview and they whom tug upon his invisible leash. While he is not cruel inherently, he is an eccentric predator driven to see those without the gift of Xarakses as little more than paint pigment for his artistry. Stories circulate of bloody messes and partially gnawed on corpses arranged and cut apart for profane and sacrilegious rituals to the Blood God, and these would be largely true - Azaren’s loyalties lie at heart with Xarakses and less so with the Court of Dusk - he is a fanatic.

Straying little from the wilds, Azaren preys upon travelers almost exclusively. Never in one place for long, he takes pleasure in nature and prefers to stay constantly on the move. Azaren does not see becoming a Huntsman as a goal to be chased, but rather a pilgrimage in service to his favored Mistlord.

Those who’ve met Azaren have remarked on his affable, if capricious, politeness. For a wild man, he is well mannered and hospitable if unpredictable, but he bares a curious visage as a result of his Necromantic experiments that leaves him bereft of all elvish features. The idea of himself has been corrupted to such a degree that his body is overlain with the features of a wargish canid.

Many mistake Azaren for a Rathari, and it is for this reason he enjoys exploring or skulking about in Atinaw and other lands with such populations where he can exist without drawing suspicion.

Azaren spends a lot of his time in Lorien where he was born. He owns a small estate with a hidden laboratory for his experiments, but the local miscreants often consider the building abandoned for how little life exists there, and so they vandalize what they can find, which is little.

While he may consider himself an artist, he struggles with staying interested in anything that doesn’t appeal to his habits and instincts. His creativity is limited to quick bursts and flights of fancy, so follow-through on larger projects holds him back from ever pursuing World Magic to its fullest extent beyond the field of Briomancy.

Note: Azaren will be used for personal character development as well as guidance in Necromancy/Alchemy/Transposition through an overarching plot to do with the corruption of Aeraku.

N P C: R A K K I S

Age: 48
Race: Siltori (Cardinal Dranoch)
Birthplace: Sil-Elaine
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 198Lbs

Faction: Loyal to the Court of Dusk
NPC Type: Personal NPC
Influence: 3
Relation to Aeraku: Former Mentor


Runeforging (Journeyman), Scrivening (Apprentice), Negation (Apprentice), Tactics (Journeyman), Persuasion (Apprentice)

Description: Rakkis. Loyal subject of the Dranoch courts and born to a tight-knit family of mages he'd betrayed, this conniving cretin extirpates knowledge abroad from dusty archives and lonely old men or women, satisfying his thirst for cruelty wherever he happens to trounce and trot. Charismatic and jubilant, it's hard not to fall under the sway of a man who seems so innocent at first. When one discovers that appearances are only facades with this one, the mask begins to unravel to a most troubling face, but by then it is often too late.

Rakkis is a sadist. Dranoch or not, he derives pleasure from inflicting turmoil upon others, and he uses them for his little mind games every chance he gets. Many Dranoch peers do not appreciate this behavior when directed upon their kind, and so he finds only the most woefully and morally corrupt individuals to be his true and trusted confidants. While Rakkis does possess several Botchling apprentices under his purview, each of them secretly bemoan their Master, and would sooner stab him in the back if given the chance.

Talented in Runeforging and Scrivening, Rakkis is tolerated for what he has to offer as a World Mage. He is well versed in most forms of mortal and Dranoch biology, and he is a perceptive strategist whom can quite accurately and very often assess the faults in others to bring them down. While he may be exceptionally gifted at Runeforging, he paradoxically spends much of his time crafting torture tools and other unsavory things as opposed to shoring up his weaknesses, figuring he has all of eternity to play and learn.

Rakkis wears a frilly cloak of glossy blackened silk. His attire beneath the cloak also serves to hide the evidence of his Dranoch nature with long sleeves and a high collar, Dranoch quills strapped down with bandage. This allows him to better blend in outside the borders of Sil-Elaine.

Note: Rakkis will be used for personal character development, and magical guidance for his disciplines.

word count: 922

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