Reima's Affliction Quirk: Apprentice

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Sat May 16, 2020 10:20 am

Apprentice Quirk: Bloom

By grace of her biology, or perhaps due to her extended use of the rune, when Reima reached the apprentice level of Affliction she manifested a quirk which more tightly entwined her Rune with her very soul. With focus and concentration Reima is able to direct the corrosive aether of her affliction into a single point on her plant form, and at that point produce either a blooming flower, or a seed.

Plants that are grown from Reima's afflictions are not inherently toxic themselves, and eating or using them for potions or salves will produce no affect, be they good or bad. Once the bloom or seed is generated Reima no longer has access to the affliction that was used to generate the plant, however, the plants physical appearance reflects the traits of the affliction which can cause a number of odd and interesting aesthetics being produced. The plants will live an average lifespan if cared for properly, but they will produce no seeds even if berries or fruits are generated over time.

Reima enjoys growing plants and flowers from various kinds of afflictions enjoying their unique aesthetics which she uses to decorate her home.

word count: 207
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Sat May 30, 2020 11:59 am

This is approved.
word count: 3

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