a wolf and a warrior

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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Thu May 14, 2020 11:13 am


64th of Glade, 120th Year of the Age of Steel

Talon vaguely remembered the name of the town that he was in. Truthfully, it didn’t matter to him. He would not be staying for much longer than was absolutely necessary. He’d only come to the town because it was not far from his final destination. His grey gaze stared out across the horizon toward the region of the empire known as the Imperial Badlands. That was where he wanted to go. It was where the creatures he was seeking ultimately resided. He knew little about them, truth be told, most didn’t know about them at all. All Talon knew was that its hide would be perfect for the project that he had in mind. It would just take time to both find it, skill to subdue it and a whole lot of luck to not get killed in the process. The winds caught his scarf and he felt the light touch of the breeze upon his body through the padding of his leather armor.

He felt far too light for the journey ahead but it was merely a shift in what he was used to. Many of Kalzasi’s warriors fought in heavy armor. The plating and shields were necessary to withstand the vicious attacks that constantly swarmed up from the Warrens. But those warriors did not have to travel great distances and also didn’t have a hot environment to take into account. So Talon had opted to eschew his more customary heavy armor in favor leathers. They were relatively new and thus a bit stiff but he would certainly get the chance to break them in.

“You’re certain you want to do this?” Aoren stood beside him with an impassive expression on his face. Talon shook his head. He wasn’t at all certain whether this was a good idea but it was something and he refused to give up for fear of what he didn’t know. The only way to learn was to experience the unknown.

“I have no idea. That is why I hired another set of hands.” Talon glanced up to the position of the sun. It was just a little past midday. He hoped that the mercenary that he’d hired would show up soon. He was itching to get moving and to begin making his way into the Badlands in order to properly explore them in search of what he wanted.

“Let’s hope they’re worth the farthings. I don’t want to have paid good money just for them to end up being shit out by some monstrosity a week from now.” Talon chuckled at Aoren’s blunt remark. He wasn’t surprised by his companion’s demeanor. The dark winged Avialae held the belief that everyone was useless until proven otherwise.

“If things get to be too hazardous then we will retreat and plan another expedition.” He reassured his companion who merely grunted in response. It made Talon smirk. He merely shook his head. Talon knew that Aoren was merely being prickly because he was worried. The two of them had experienced quite a journey between Kalzasi and Daravin. The journey was far from over, Talon didn’t expect to return to his homeland for several years at the very least. He had much to learn and he intended to learn everything he could. As they waited, Talon went through a mental list of their supplies. Between the two of them, he and Aoren could manage to survive in the wilderness for a time if push came to shove. Talon hoped it didn’t come to that. Their biggest concern was going to be food and water. They’d brought rations and medical supplies just in case, not to mention survival gear. There would be no telling until they faced whatever awaited them however.

“They’ve said that there are powerful raider gangs in the badlands. Strong enough to resist Imperial rule.” Another concern. Talon nodded. He had only heard of these bandits in passing. From what he’d come to gather they were far more of a threat than just a passing bandit gang. Talon was hoping to avoid confronting any of them but if it came down to conflict, the badlands were not a place to play hero.

“We will avoid them if we can.” Whatever Aoren was about to say in reply, he withheld as he looked just past Talon with narrowed eyes. Talon followed his gaze to see a man making his way toward them. By his determined stride and attire, the Novalys heir could only assume this was the mercenary that they’d contracted to meet them for this, hopefully, short expedition. Talon immediately stirred his aether into motion, drawing it to his eyes and focusing so that the man’s aura came into view. He concentrated on searching for feelings of concealment or the oily sensation of ill intent. As the man neared, Talon addressed him.

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Thu May 14, 2020 2:37 pm

♅ 64th of Glade, 120th Year of the Age of Steel ♅
"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
A Wolf and a Warrior
♅ To say he was surprised to contracted was somewhat of an understatement. There were countless mercenaries withing Daravin, many more accomplished sellswords than he was, so it shocked him when he received the letter for his assistance. He wouldn't turn it down though as he needed the coin since Gregorio was more his mentor than an employer.

The client wanted to venture into the Imperial Badlands for something he needed in order to use for magical research or something of that nature. Even though he was curious, Constantine couldnt shake the feeling that this was also very foolish. Part of him remembered taking on clients like this back in Lorien, thrill enthusiasts looking for adventure.

He couldnt help but lump this client into that same group, but he hoped it wasnt the case here in Daravin. The people here held a sort of "unique" air to them. Where they sought adventure and thrills, they also had the means to back it up. Another reason why this whole job struck him as odd.

Surely they had the magical and combative means to handle some whatever came their way? But alas coin was coin and he couldnt afford to turn it down. Especially after spending almost half of his savings on a new set of armor at the beginning of the season. He was still trying to recoup what he spent on it.

Nearing the rendevous point, Constantine removed his hood, allowing his face to be visible. His hair was slicked back into a ponytail, one that reached down to his waist in length. He had a small satchel of things just in case they were out there for longer than expected, enough rations for him to last a few days and plenty of water. As he got close he could feel a disturbance in the flux ahead of himself.

"Seems my client has brought along a guest." he pondered, his eyes catching two rather tall figures in the distance. He could hear one call out his name, to which he waved in acknowledgment. Taking a deep breath, and putting on a polite smile, he finally could see his client.

They were Avialea, two rather tall winged males. It was certainly intimidating to be towered over by the two men, part of him wondering just how much help he would be for them both, but he kept his smile and nodded. "Yes, I am Constantine Monteliyet. Sorry if I kept you waiting long." he apologized with a bow.

His eyes shifted between both men, before settling on the grey-skinned winged male. "Talon I presume, it is a pleasure working with you. I hope that we can make this a profitable and worthwhile excursion without incident. The Badlands are treacherous lands to venture into." he warned, though he certain if they were going into this place, they were well aware of the danger ahead. ♅
Last edited by Etro on Sat May 16, 2020 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 568
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Thu May 14, 2020 4:25 pm


Constantine was dressed somewhat surprisingly for a man about to step into a desert region. The dark cast of his armor undoubtedly would grow uncomfortable in the hot weather. Still, Talon assumed or rather, he hoped the man knew what he was doing. Comfort for warm weather travel aside, he could see that the man was well outfitted for the journey ahead. With his hands clasped at the small of his back, Talon inclined his head to Constantine.

“I am Talon.” He gestured to Aoren who folded his arms over his chest. The dark winged Avialae had those very wings tucked closely. He was staring at Constantine impassively. “This is Aoren.”

Reaching into his pack, Talon withdrew a bank missive for a total sum equal to half of the agreed upon payment. He extended the note to Constantine.

“This bank note is a total sum for two days of your services. Following the second day, I will draft another for two more days and so forth. I do not expect us to be on this expedition for more than seven days at most. If by the seventh day we have not found a suitable candidate for what I require, we will return to the city and I will plan for another expedition at another time. At which point, your services will no longer be required.” Talon quirked his head with a friendly smile. “Unless of course you choose to join us again.”

Talon handed Constantine the missive then bent down to retrieve his pack. He hoisted it and with Aoren’s help, got the straps in place so that his wings were not impeded. When he was comfortable with the way the pack was situated, he nodded. He was feeling hopeful and was very much looking forward to being able to explore the wilderness of Daravin even if it was dangerous. Truth be told? He was wary but he was not going to discount the skill of both himself and his traveling companions. Without any further preamble, Talon regarded Constantine casually.

“I assume that you have a horse? Or some sort of mount? Aoren and I can fly for quite a distance before needing rest.” It sometimes slipped Talon’s mind that not everyone could fly. He was grateful for the certainty of his wings. He’d only once had the misfortune of breaking a wing and it had been completely miserable. Not only had it been awful because of the pain but being restricted solely to ground travel had been disheartening. Talon loved being able to fly and feel the winds on his face.

“You should know that this expedition is not in search of any specific species of creature. Rather, I am looking for an animal that has had decent exposure to aether corruption. I have heard tell of a few places while on the way here where that might be possible. It will just be a matter of following tracks and getting close enough to observe the animals.” He gave Constantine a smile. He left out how exactly he was going to examine them. He’d brought with him one of the aura glass lenses from his runeforging workshop in order to observe the aether of those creatures they came across in the wilds. He could utilize his rune of Semblance as well but if he didn’t need to expend too much energy, that was more he could save for when it may matter most.

“Now then, as soon as you are ready we can begin our journey.”
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Sat May 16, 2020 11:36 pm

♅ 64th of Glade, 120th Year of the Age of Steel ♅
"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"

Current Theme: Solitude
A Wolf and a Warrior
♅ Constantine bowed to both men as Talon Introduced them, and when handed the banknote, his eyes widened in surprise by the amount. Just who was this guy to be throwing around money like that? Not that he would question the means of his benefactor, but even he believed they were overpaying for someone of his skill.

Nevertheless, he nodded at the instructions for it, tucking it within the coat of his armor. When Talon had asked if he had brought a mount, Constantine let out a whistle. As he waited for his horse, a white mare he borrowed from Gregorio, he listened to the details his patron had to offer.

It seemed like this was going to be extensive, but Talon assured him that if they were to not find what he wanted in the allotted time, they would try again. He nodded as Constantine would gladly offer his assistance if the need arose. But for now, he would do his best to ensure this was a fruitful endeavor.

When the mare finally trotted her way up to him, he mounted her and gestured for them to lead the way. "If you would lead the way, ill follow behind you both as closely as I can." he had only ventured out into the badlands to deal with raider excursions, but even those were near the borders of Lyonesse. He had no idea where this thing Talon was looking for would be, so it would have been in his best interest to let them lead the way and back them up from the ground.

The badlands were an unpredictable place, there was no telling what they would encounter out here. ♅
word count: 351
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Wed May 20, 2020 5:48 pm


The mare that trotted up to Constantine was a fine specimen that made Talon suddenly feel nostalgic. It was no Icewing eagle but it was a beautiful animal. He approached the horse, doing his best to project an air of serenity and good intentions. Reaching out, he touched the tips of his fingers to her soft nose. It brought a smile to the warrior’s face, a smile and several memories. A note of melancholy filled him. He was only drawn from it when he felt a hand squeezing his shoulder. Looking to his companion, Talon gave him a nod as answer to his concerned look. It was still difficult moving forward after suffering a loss like the one that he had but he would get through it. It was these simple moments that caught Talon off guard. It was the memory of nearly losing the man standing right beside him that made it even worse. But just when he thought he might be swallowed by everything he was feeling, his friend was there.

“That is the joy of it, Master Constantine, we are here to explore. There is no path. Only the one we make for ourselves.” Adjusting his pack so that it hung more comfortably and would not be a burden, Talon took a step back. He pointed to a grouping of what he could only assume were trees out on the horizon. If they were not trees then they were some sort of savannah plant-life. Talon would be interested to see exactly what once they reached them.

“See those? We will travel there and set out on our journey with that as our starting point.” With that, Talon spread his wings and with a sprint he took off into the air. As soon as he was airborne he felt the desert winds on him. They were different from the northern winds of Karnor. They felt wilder and far less restrained than the gusts that swirled down from the mountains in the cold north. He followed the currents as best he was able, just like Aoren had taught him. Rather than try to beat the air into submission, he followed the unseen rivers of air and trusted his instincts to guide him through. The warmth of the sun felt good upon his wings. The way the feathers caught the light made them shimmer with a healthy silver glimmer.

As Talon flew, he thought on what lay ahead of them. In many ways their task was made easier because it was so non-specific. That made the journey that much more difficult in other ways however. As they were not looking for any specific creature but rather one that had been affected by the rumored aether corruption that was sometimes rampant in the badlands, they could truly face down any manner of beast with a hide suitable for Talon’s purposes. On the other hand, that meant they both might and might not find a suitable target in a quick matter of time. It wasn’t long before they reached the outcropping of savannah trees and Talon had to admit that there was an interesting and savage beauty to the wildlife there. With a flourish of his wings, Talon slowed himself until he was able to descend to the ground safely and without hurting himself. It felt great to be able to spread his wings and fly without fear of smashing into some building or get caught up in a clothes-line. When his boots were solidly on the ground, Talon took in the scenery around them.

They were nearing the edge of the more desolate badlands. It was one thing to be told what the wasteland looked like, it was quite another to see it so up close and personal. The landscape looked blasted. The ground was cracked and dust flew in the air with the winds forming a red sandy wall that created a reddish haze. He could already see the outcropping of ruinous structures half-buried under rock, dirt and sand.

“The dry winds are going to make tracking any sort of living thing difficult.” Aoren’s deep voice came from slightly above him as he landed.

“A challenge, yes. Not impossible. Just time consuming. As much as we are here to seek the wildlife, we are also here to see if there is anything interesting beyond that.” He could feel as much as see Aoren shaking his head.

“You and your forging.” There was the hint of a smile in his companion’s voice.

“Oh? As though you will not benefit from it?” That brought a chuckle. Talon turned as he heard the gallop of horse hooves on the dry earth. He eyed the mercenary as he rode up to them. Talon offered the man a wave.

“I am going to see if I can find some tracks.” Talon nodded as his friend set off exploring the area. As Constantine neared, the silver winged Avialae bowed his head.

“Tell me, Constantine, have you heard any interesting stories of the Badlands?”
word count: 853
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Taelian Edevane
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Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:10 am




Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8

Comments: A shame this couldn't resolve! Either way, good introductions. Also, good to see stuff in the Badlands as always. :mrgreen: Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 44
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