Business As Usual

The capital city of Tyrclaid, home of the royal throne.

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Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:09 pm

Glade 10th, 120 AoS

Morning had already started for the Barnell clan and once their routine had begun, the entire family exercised almost utter repetition with the routine. Today being Cuvindas meant that the beef cakes were on today, and Connor's need for a second pair of hands required Dominek to help for a while. Breakfast among the clan had been served quickly before everyone resumed their current chore, and so the family worked in synchronized harmony which kept the business flowing.

Nora tended to the house keeping while Albert worked on taking inventory, Connor finished the first part of the daily menu while Dom tended the floor. So where did that leave Patrick necessarily? Believe it or not he was typically the beverage consultant around here, a glorified name for the position but catchy nonetheless. Yet working the bar wasn't just pouring beverages and wiping down counters, part of it involved taking actual stock of what they were low on too. There were, in fact, quite a few things he had to juggle while he was up there.

So when the bells finally struck to signify noon had hit, moments later Dominek came to join Patrick at the bar. While the second son barely needed to move an eye to notice him, the soft echoes of a couple chuckles registered in range of his perception also. "Connor's got lunch ready, almost started another fire in the kitchen."

"Again?" Patrick raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but of course his tone suggested no hint of surprise.

"Left one of the hand towels near the pit again." Dominek remarked with a look up above them, for the sound of heels clicked on the wood meant Nora was finished.

"Again." Patrick reiterated once more as the recurring theme didn't elude him. No. Every damn day was the same here, and while he loved it at times... other days he grew rather bored and even distant with the world. He knew his reality heavily revolved around helping run the store, yet one couldn't deny the allure of the world and all its wonders.

Dominik of course noticed his discontent and with a lean into the bar, looked sharply at Patrick with a slight crane of his head. "Something bothering you?" Patrick's eyes moved to the stairwell as Nora finally came down to the main floor, with a lean towards her left as she carried the bucket full of cleaning utensils. Patrick merely shook his head and assured his older brother he felt fine, a modest smile shot to their mother as she passed by them with a grin of her own. Dominik seemed inclined to buy it for now, and thus took to man the bar as Nora returned moments later.

"Patrick, could you update the new logs for roomkeeping for me? We should have another customer checking out later today also."

"Sure Ma, consider it done." Patrick answered in turn which seemed to please the lady.

"Thank you dear." She finished with a gentle hand on his shoulder, before she moved off to help Albert with the ledgers. Patrick went to move towards the end of the bar, where they kept the records of their rooms and rental services. After he pulled the log for 120 out, with the cover of the book flipped open towards the first page. They'd already had a couple customers checked out earlier, and with one leaving later; that meant there would be three spare rooms available. As Patrick updated the log to show which rooms were being freed, tidied up after by Elinora herself of course, and what notes needed to be jotted down about the visitors. While all his focus remained on this of course, Patrick also kept an eye on his older brother; in case business picked up and Dom needed the hand.
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Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:58 pm


Talon folded his wings behind him as he landed with his usual ease. The feel of the solid earth beneath his boots brought him back to the present moment. His thoughts had been spinning for the past hour or so as he’d soared through the skies above the countryside and then into the city proper. Beside him, his ever present companion and friend landed as well. The soft gasps and cries of surprise briefly drew a glance from Aoren but Talon ignored them. Avialae were not common outside the northern regions. Primarily because the warmer climates were not ones his people were partial to. The touch of winter flowed in their veins and thus hot and tropic environments tended to disagree with them from a sheer comfort perspective. They were not unbearable and certainly the great kingdom of Atinaw was more to their liking but still, the Synnekar did not often wander far from their beloved city and its territories.

“They’re staring.” Aoren moved closer to Talon and the young Novalys had to sigh internally. This had been a recurring thing since their departure from the city. For one reason or another, his friend and bodyguard was on higher alert than normal. Talon understood that they were far from the protection of the Sky Guard or from the safety of being somewhere they knew but he did not want to see shadows where there were none.

“You never had a problem with people staring at you before, my friend. Why now?” He glanced over to the raven winged Avialae and saw a smirk. Nevertheless, Aoren’s eyes were still alert.

“The events of Frost put me a little on edge, my prince. Especially because…” Aoren went silent. His jaw tightened and Talon saw him glance in his direction. Understanding dawned on the young Novalys. Talon had nearly been killed in the Frost season. Their home had been attacked in a way and on a scale that had been deeply troubling. The danger had not lessened the whole season, especially with the murders of Avialae that had continued even into the current season. Aoren had blamed himself harshly for not having been present to protect Talon. He reached out and touched a hand to his friend’s forearm, squeezing it.

“I have recovered, Aoren. I am alright.” His friend said nothing but merely nodded his head. Talon shifted his wings before turning to one of the nearest vendors on the street. As soon as Talon approached him, the man went a little stiff. His eyes widened to see towering winged men walking up to him. Talon adopted a smile that he hoped would be disarming.

“Sir, we are looking for a place to rest for a few days. Where might we find such a place?” The man blinked a few times before Talon cleared his throat. That seemed to startle him out of whatever thoughts were spinning in his head.

“Oh! Right, that’ll be the Silver Lion. It’s just down the street, turn the corner, you’ll see it.” Talon bowed his head. He gave a friendly wave as thanks before turning and walking in the direction the man indicated. Alfsos was not like Kalzasi. There was a rugged earthiness to it that stood in stark contrast to the elegance and airy lifestyle offered by his home. Much of the city of Kalzasi was built around the idea that flight was in some way necessary to function. Things were spacious, the various sky docks and sky walks that served as bridges around the city leading to its many mountain carved sections were familiar to him. Alfsos had no such design. It was very much a city built for those who lived most of their lives on the ground. It was more densely packed and there was a bustling activity to it that made Kalzasi seem far quieter by comparison. Talon wasn’t put off by this but he did find it somewhat odd, if not exciting. As he and his companion turned the street, his grey eyes found the establishment that the street vendor had been referring to in short order.

“Do you think they’ll even have beds large enough for us?” Aoren commented idly. It made Talon chuckle. That was a point. Both he and his companion were not small men and their wings made some of the indoor spaces typically built by humans even more cramped.

“We shall see.” Talon made his way through the throng of people until they reached the door of the establishment. Opening it, he had to stoop just a bit and fold his wings back to comfortably make it through the door. He straightened once inside and took a measure of the room. It was spacious enough, which was welcoming. The well lit interior had a cozy feel and Talon could smell the cookfires along with whatever foods were being prepared. He was reminded of how hungry he was and looked forward to a hot meal. His eyes landed on whom he could only assume was one of the inn staff. He walked up, keeping his wings tucked tightly to his back and sides to avoid bumping into anything. As soon as he was at the counter of the bar he smiled.

“Do you have a room available? Myself and my companion are looking for lodgings for the next few days.”

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Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:12 pm

Not long after noon had struck the regulars pooled in drones, and so did the help that the business had available. Rose was a bit of a crowd favorite, and with the arrival of Vincent it was soon all hands on deck. For years now the clan has refined a method for handling spikes in activity, and the sudden high demand to feed the natives never failed to bring decent business. Nora and Albert had stepped out onto the lobby floor, with the usual welcome to frequent peers as they smiled broadly.

Elinora stepped back into the kitchen with Vincent right behind her, while Rose was already gathering what orders needed to be served. Albert worked the bar with Dominek and Patrick, to hand out a steady flow of drinks that were written on parchment. One table needed three cups of ale, another table needed two flagons of beer, a flagon of water for the ladies in the lounge area; they all loved to gather and socialize on books.

Nora, Vincent, and Rose were the real valuable members of the team, since their constant walk around the lobby usually ended with food being delivered. Surely as the customers had arrived and settled in, the individual who was ready to check out had came down. Thus Patrick made a quick note to his brother and father, and then moved to the bar's end once more to recollect the log. Room three checked out and left his key, which he was then on his merry way out as Patrick finalized the record; and promptly hung the key on the wooden beam next to him.

Three out of five keys hung there now, not many people were travelling lately. Regardless of his thoughts on that, Patrick's eyes shifted from the room keys towards the door. As people coming and going were all part of the norm around here, what crossed over into their threshold certainly didn't fall into the category of norm. Two giants came to enter the establishment with what had to be wings at their backs, and almost right after Patrick had noticed their entry so too did many others. Avialae were somewhat of a scarcity around these parts, as in practically everybody within the room had never seen one before.

And yet two of them had come to grace the Inn with their presence, their approach made directly toward the bar as they inquired about rooms. As Patrick had heard what they inquired about, his mind on the other hand, needed a moment to relapse back into the present moment. They were here for a room? "Oh, yeah." Was the initial response he had to their inquiry, and then Pat realized he needed to resume work ethic. "We have rooms available yeah." Though doubtful any would accommodate their size accordingly, the only room with the biggest bed available was five... and even a king sized bed seem a bit of a stretch.

"From the looks of it you'll be needing our largest room." He remarked with a polite smile, aware but ignorant to the few eyes that still lingered on the two. How could Pat blame anyone though, two Avialae were something practically outlandish here; why if Nora had the chance she'd probably ask a thousand questions. Patrick's eyes were alight with wonder as he tried hard not to stare, as if it wasn't hard enough dealing with others doing it. "I think... it should serve comfortably enough. But..." There wasn't any better method to approaching this, since Patrick knew at his very core the room would have to do. Thus he took to grab the key for room five, and then marched around the bar towards the two giants that addressed him. "Follow me, we'll see if it's fit to size."

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Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:18 pm


The silence that fell over the room made Talon’s shoulders tense. He could feel the eyes of the inn patrons on both him and his companion. It was becoming something of a usual turn of events as far as their travel was concerned. With every passing day, Talon was being made more keenly aware of just how uncommon it was to see his kinsmen outside of his homeland. It was common enough in the northern region of Karnor but he hadn’t quite expected to draw so much attention wherever he went. Certainly the Rathari, with their proud beastly forms, or the many Dratori, Hytori or Siltori that roamed the world were more striking to behold. But he supposed there was something unique about his people that simply could not be found elsewhere. His wings shifted slightly. The silver feathers fluffing and settling in relation to Talon’s uneasiness. When he drew his focus back to the bar, he and Aoren were being addressed by one of the staff members. It took a moment. To Talon’s eyes it seemed like the man in front of him was lost in thought. That gave him an opportunity to observe him.

He appeared friendly enough. There was a spark of curiosity in his gaze but Talon was finding that to be the usual case. For a human, he was tall and possessed of a broad physique that looked to be born from hard labor. The man’s eyes were, at first glance, a mix of green and honey but upon closer inspection they were hazel. When a beat of silence passed a bit too long, Aoren cleared his throat to grab the man’s attention again. It made Talon smile.

“Your largest room would most likely be best.” Glancing around the establishment, while there was room enough for the two of them to get around, Talon imagined the bedrooms would be smaller. It was a stark contrast to the Palace of the First Wind but part of Talon found it invigorating. He was in a place where noone knew who he was. He had eyes still following him, for certain, but those gazes were born of curiosity not out of nervousness or a desire to impress. It was his burden as the firstborn of their sovereign to always be on parade wherever he went in his homeland. There was something greatly refreshing about being a nameless nobody.

Talon adjusted his travel satchel. He wore his armor, the chainmail draped heavy over his form was a modification of the Sky Guard uniform. A dull grey breastplate emblazoned with the icewing eagles that served as symbols of the city he came from with a mix of plating and chainmail covering his arms. His thighs were the only portion of his legs covered in armor, with heavy metal plates. The thick heavy leather boots on his feet were reinforced by metal shin coverings. At his hip was a longsword though curiously he carried no shield. The addition of an over-the-shoulder white cloak with a silver trim complete with a medallion etched with the holy symbol of the Dragon King, completed his ensemble. When the man stepped from his place with the key to a room in his hand, Talon offered a nod of his head in return. He exchanged a look with Aoren who merely smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

“Lead the way.” Talon turned and followed the inn staff to the room. The halls, as he expected, were much smaller than he was used to but they were not unbearable. He and Aoren would simply never be walking side by side in them. When they reached the room, Talon had to stoop a bit to get through the door but the interior of the room was enough to meet his and his friend’s needs. He was glad that his companion didn’t point out the obvious. Talon could afford to sleep in some of the most expensive and lavish establishments that the capital city of Atinaw had to offer. He did not. He had no desire to. There would be enough of that once they reached Daravin.

“We will make do.” After briefly inspecting the room, he offered a smile and a hand to the staffer. “I am Talon. My companion is named Aoren.”

Behind him, Aoren set his bags on the floor and stretched slightly. He gave the inn staffer a wave.

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Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:06 am

As a boy raised to be one of the proprietors for an inn, you would believe one grew up thinking you've seen everything. So imagine the excitement, as well as the anticipation, when something so unusual finally comes along. Not once in his lifetime had Patrick ever seen an Avilae in person, and he would even bet on the same for their father also. Yet on this very day, at this very moment, two such proud beings actually stood before him.

Immediately his mind could only wander with question, as their friendly presence seemed a welcoming invitation at best. It was complex and unusual for Patrick to fully comprehend, for he had always known only the small part of the world he lived in. When he felt faced with such uncertain curiosity, he had felt the instinct to be indirect and avoid gazing for a brief amount of time. Why? He was never this intimidated with the unknown before, not with the stories he grew up hearing from his mother! So of course with the act of displaying the room, he knew it was only a matter of time before they'd come to make a decision.

Believe it or not there is a point to this for the simple inn staffer, for honor here weighed heavily in Atinaw as it did further north. Yes Patrick could see it in them, their very air and how they postured said as much. While the second born hadn't much to hypothesize with, he certainly felt sure they were noble with intention. Yet there wasn't denying the fact their arrival, as well as their coming decision, would garner some honor for the Barnell clan itself. Therefore it remained crucial to be polite and hospitable, because his family suddenly depended on this. As he brought them up the stairwell and towards hall, they soon arrived at the door marked with a white "five" numeral painted on.

Patrick honestly hoped that they'd find the room agreeable, given their size they'd definitely have very little wingspace. Yet the room he picked was their largest guest room, with the largest bed available too if that was even enough. It was when the two outlanders entered the room Pat closer observed them, eager to discern anything of interest to the eye. They were both certainly impressive and not just by size, one didn't need to be born a giant to become a titan. These two were definitely trained and refined, in both survival and custom no doubt.

The padded iron implied mercenaries but they acted far from it, and the fact they likely flew even in such weighted gear also counted. Were they military trained? Warriors of Atinaw fought with neighboring territories before the Great Eight, so was it possible the Avilae played a part in that? Aware that his mind was already spinning theories, Patrick cleared his throat with a reasonably pleased grin, with a sense of relief in knowing that their inclined to stay. "Great! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Talen and Aeoran," Patrick addressed one after the other respectfully, "my name is Patrick Barnell. It's an honor to welcome you, to our Inn and to Atinaw as well."

He heard them coming, and he knew it was only a matter of time. The clicks on wood forewarned the arrival of another, one who was always more determined to investigate. "Patrick dear, are our guests settling in?" The well aged mother inquired as she came by his side, eager eyes the color of soft ice blue, suddenly alight with passion once Talen and Aeoran fell in sight. One could see time aged her well, with just the few wrinkles around her eyes. She had hair bundled into a chocolate bun atop her head, she spoke to them in a warm lilted tone. "Oh! Forgive me sers, I wouldn't have believed it otherwise. You really are kindred winged folk!" By now Patrick had that look of deja vu, like he had seen this happen before. Truth be told when their mother had the chance to learn and interact with foreigners, she found opportunity to learn more about their stories and their culture.

It didn't surprise him honestly, she was officially the kid in a candy store now. So like the good supportive son he liked to be, Patrick smiled in a hopeful and encouraging manner. For the two looked weary and in need of respite, which was probably the case given they travelled from afar.

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Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:57 pm


Talon smiled to himself as Patrick seemed to stumble on the pronunciation of his and Aoren's names. Perhaps it was years speaking Synskrit and not enough practice with Common but he could only chuckle. Taking a look around the room once more, the young nobleman gave a nod. While he had no misgivings about their host thus far, he opened his senses and stirred his aether into motion. Tugging it to the forefront of his eyes he blinked and beheld a swath of colors. What became immediately evident was curiosity, the electrified taste of it played over his senses. Just beneath that was the touch of wonder, perhaps at finding something new or the chance to meet someone new, Talon couldn't quite make out just then. Still, his surface perusal of Patrick's aura told him enough to at least let some of his guard down.

The sound of footsteps drew his attention and Talon's grey eyes settled on a woman. She bore some resemblance to Patrick but was older and was brimming with just as much curiosity from what Talon could make out. He let his magic fade and allowed his aether to settle back into place. He was tired enough as it was. To them both he gave a nod of his head.

"Aye. My companion and I are both Avialae." As if to accentuate that fact, Talon extended his wings slightly. The feathers were a mix of soft winter grey and silver with some even possessing a natural sheen. He relaxed them at his sides. The journey might have made them a bit less presentable than he would have preferred but such was the nature of travel.

“If you give us but a few moments? It has been a long trip from the north.” Glancing at the two of them both Patrick and the woman he could assume was his mother, he smiled. “Once my companion and I are situated we’d be happy to answer questions if you have them.”

Aoren yawned behind him. The brief shadow of his raven wings expanding and then relaxing with the motion made Talon shake his head. Reaching to his pouch, Talon took out bank notes for a total of two-hundred and fifty dranari farthings. He handed them to Patrick.

“I think this should cover the duration of our stay.” He let out a breath. “If you’ll excuse us? We will be down to hopefully partake of that food we both could smell cooking shortly. Or at least, I will.”

“Oh, I’m not missing out on a meal, my friend.” Over Talon’s shoulder, Aoren grinned at both Patrick and his mother. “I hope there’s enough!”
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Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:43 pm

Names were always a peculiar thing to learn, as Nora once implied they have meanings as well. Ultimately it depended on the culture and where they came from, so when Patrick was faced with two new interesting faces; he could only wonder the meaning of their names as well. Talon of course was an impressive specimen to behold, and now with his mother there questions were likely bound to gush from her mouth.

Yet even when Talon could only display his wings to them partially, the majestic silver and grey plumage already baffled the two with awe. They really could fly with those? The thought was tailed with others in pursuit; such as how long they could travel with them, or how limited they were in carrying weight, or even... Patrick spared a glance to his mother and her expression told him everything. She was asking the same questions, only with a lot more to inquire about once those came to pass.

"It's such an honor sers," The lady enthused with a brief bow of her head, "We welcome you both to Álfsós." Patrick in turn mimicked her display of respect towards the two, and when Talon requested that they be allowed a chance for respite, Patrick and Nora both smiled warmly together as though it were perfectly timed.

"Of course Talon ser, we hope you find the accommodations comfortable." He remarked once more with eyes on the Avilae, however aught caught his attention when Aoren stretched also. Having a field day with these two was something Nora would soon enjoy, but they definitely appeared exhausted now that they were about to settle. Wherever they journeyed from Patrick could only surmise that it was far, and all the wondrous sights to be seen inbetween there and here?

The flash of bank notes interrupted the venture his mind went on, and with a more humbled smile Patrick reached to accept the notes. "T-Thank you ser."

"That's an awful lot of Drathari Farthings Ser Talon." Nora remarked quickly as Patrick looked from her to him, and then of course back to Nora once she continued. "But we shall discuss it later, once you two have settled in and rested a bit." The gracious smile on her face was followed with another polite bow, along with a look of curiosity at the mention of food a moment later. "Oh that's right! You two must be famished! Patrick and I will see to it we ready a table for you two, and not to worry, we've always enough food to for our guests."

At the brief nudge at his elbow Patrick remembered what his mother signaled, the usual part where they bade brief parting; with the expectation to see the guests later in the lobby or so. But of course this time? Avilae were literally in their establishment, and no matter how many times he reminded himself; the fact did feel close to aging any time soon. Regardless he knew the routine, and with a brief wave of a couple fingers; he started after his mother when she led the charge back downstairs.

Patrick made sure his mother received the bank notes from earlier firsthand, so that she could work out the amount of funds they'd spend on boarding and food first. The real trick of the matter was the fact she didn't know how long they intended to stay, therefore she placed the money in a lockbox on the shelf; and moved to her next task at hand. Meanwhile Pat had already entered the kitchen where Connor and Rose were, the both of them still busy multitasking with the cooking and cleaning.

"Connor," Jade green eyes fell on Patrick when the younger brother heard his name, "mother's busy setting a table for our new guests, pretty sure she intends to treat them with the special."

"Wait, we have guests?" Patrick merely nodded with a soft bite to his lower lip, a smile cracked at the corners when both Connor and Rose asked the bigger question. "Who?!"

"A couple outlanders from the north... and they have wings."

"Fuckin' wings?!" Connor exclaimed as Rose covered the gasp of awe she couldn't contain. "You mean that they're Ava- Aver- Avir-"

"Avialae!" Patrick corrected for him, knowing that Connor sometimes struggled articulating the words. At the mention of the name though, mere excitement seemed to flush into the younger sibling's face.

"Say no more! I'm already on it!"

"Me too!" Rose enthused as she scurried around the island counter to gather the plates.

"I'm gonna help with mum then, see if she needs anythin." Patrick added with a smirk, though there was little need to say it. For a fire was now lit underneath the heels of the kitchen staff, and it wouldn't be long until they too would want to see the Avilae in person.

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Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:41 pm


Talon wasn’t sure what to make of all the praise and attention that he and Aoren were receiving. He cleared his throat, tucking his wings behind him comfortably. He could practically feel his companion stifling a bout of laughter. Talon had never been good at accepting idle compliments. He wasn’t a shy man by any means but he simply saw being an Avialae, his wings, his stature as simply normal. It was who he was and it was what he had grown up around his entire life. It was only as he was stepping outside of the relative seclusion of Kalzasi and the northlands that he was beginning to realize how not normal some of his norms were. At the mention of the money, he merely nodded in agreement.

“Thank you for your hospitality.” He watched as the two of them left. As soon as they were gone he turned to see Aoren tugging off his bracers and removing some of his armor. His companion turned his back to Talon and the young Novalys took the hint. With practiced ease, Talon began helping his friend doff his armor and gently slide it off in pieces around his wings. He ran his fingers through the raven feathers gently brushing out some of the dirt. The bulk of grooming would have to wait until they were able to take proper baths.

“They’re going to talk your ear off.” Aoren’s voice lilted with amusement. Talon only sighed and continued helping the man out of his armor.

“My ear? Who says I will be the one answering questions.” Talon laughed softly. He helped Aoren out of his shirt. As he was assisting his friend their hands brushed and there was a pause as the two of them locked eyes for a moment. Talon could feel the emotions brimming between the two of them. Aoren did not pull away. After a long moment, Talon moved his hand and looked away. His jaw tightened and he let out a heavy sigh. His chest still ached with the memory of something...something he no longer had but that he knew had been building between himself and his companion. The silence that hung between himself and Aoren was thick with unspoken questions. It was broken when he felt the man’s hand on his chin prompting Talon to look at him.

“Hey, none of that.” Aoren dropped his hands and let them come to rest on Talon’s forearms. He brought their foreheads together and looked into his eyes. “Neither of us is ready, Silverwing.”

Talon nodded and the two stepped back with a slow exhalation. Talon was grateful to Aoren. Things were still not easy following the events of Frost. Though the Heir of House Novalys did his best to project a strong front, Talon knew that those closest to him could see past it. Most days it felt as though he were a hair’s breadth away from simply losing it and screaming into the abyss. He was unmoored after having felt so sure of himself for so many years. He felt like a kite desperately trying to stay afloat in a terrible storm, completely at the mercy of whichever way the winds blew. He smiled at his friend. Aoren just nodded, flexed his bare torso and raised his arms with a grin.

“Besides, you aren’t ready for all of this.” Talon rolled his eyes and threw Aoren’s shirt in his face earning a laugh. The two of them finished changing into more comfortable clothing. Talon finished tugging on his boots and stood with a stretch. He did not take his weaponry with him. He had no need for mundane weapons in the quiet safety of the inn. Should things take a turn for the rowdy in the bar, he had other skills to protect himself, as did his companion. Stepping out of their room, Talon locked it with the key then both he and Aoren made their way down to the main floor. Almost as soon as they entered the area he could smell the delicious food that was cooking and his stomach rumbled. He was definitely hungry. He spotted a table, one that he could only guess had been outfitted for himself and Aoren given the space that had been provided for it. He strode over and took a seat, stretching out his legs and letting out a sigh of contentment. In short order, Aoren walked over with two mugs and a pitcher of what smelled like ale.

“Starting simple?” Talon arched an eyebrow as he accepted his mug. Aoren shrugged with a grin before taking his seat. It wasn’t long before he spotted Patrick and nodded his thanks to the man for the accomodations once more.

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Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:13 pm

Patrick had reached the table Nora picked out for them, where the utensils were already placed out and everything. All that was left was for the honored guests to arrive, along with their food, except when Patrick looked from the table to his mother... something else distracted her all of a sudden. "Ma?" He checked before his gaze followed the direction her's did.

Nora appeared to be focused on the windows, her thoughts kept quiet until she noticed her son there. "Patty, the food almost ready?" She checked as she slightly craned her head, a pointed ear focused on listening to the ceiling above. Patrick felt sure they'd be down pretty soon, once they were rested and ready to eat.

"Yeah, Connor's almost finished with the preparation." He collectively answered as he looked back to the windows, curious as to what could've crossed his mother's mind.

"Good. Do me a favor would you, prepare a pitcher of ale for them please?" She requested politely with a soft smile. "I need to bring up an important matter with the rest of the family."

"Somethin wrong?" He couldn't help but check with a modest raise of his eyebrows. Normally family meetings were only things done when business died a little, and while the lunch hour had almost passed they still had quite a few patrons.

"No. At least not really." She quickly denied with a hand brought to his cheek. "It's about our guests, and right now I feel you're the best candidate for their hospitality. The rest of us will have to cater to their privacy however." Privacy? It then dawned on Patrick where this was going. Avilae were in Alfsos and specifically, their inn, so that would attract more than just a few onlookers.

"Okay, you can count on me." He responded in turn with a confident grin, pleased to see it bring a warm smile to Nora's lips. After she patted him on the shoulder a couple of times, the lady marched onward to the bar to request that Albert and Dom join her; as she led the way for them to follow within the kitchen. That left Vincent and Rose to tackle the bar for a bit, while Patrick prepared what his mother had requested for the two guests. In a way it was a means to welcome them, but also see if they'd loosen up a little while here.

Nora always had the better sense of customer relations when it came to the business. Normally when certain people or special guests were expected, she did everything she could to learn about their comforts. Now with two outlanders in their establishment, a whole new ball game was to be played for her and for Patrick too. He did welcome them here after all, which meant that in hindsight he also brought what could potentially be a lot of attention. Attention that their guests probably didn't want anyways...

After he finished filling the pitcher with ale Patrick looked to the stairwell, a welcoming smile displayed on their behalf as he placed two empty mugs down next to it. Aoren came over from the table they would be dining at, and with a gesture towards the containers the bartender said "On the house," to the winged man. At the appreciative gesture he received later, Patrick grinned just a little wider and nodded in return to Talon. "Rose!" Nora called from the kitchens as the barmaid with auburn hair quickly moved, while Vincent almost stared incredibly hard at the two new guests.

"Hey," Patrick muttered softly with a snap to the man, which seemed to work at regaining his attention. "keep the stare to a minimum! Kay?" Vincent nodded and promptly resumed tending the bar, albeit he had to remind customers the same thing as well. Patrick sighed with a pinch at his nostrils, knowing good and well this was already getting out of hand. How long before people flocked here to see the Avilae from the north? All this unwanted attention would bring a wild amount of business sure, but it wasn't something Patrick felt ready for just yet.

Rose walked out of the kitchen steadily with a platter of two dinner specials, while Dominek and Nora exited a few seconds after her with a split away from one another. Their priority was pretty obvious to Patrick, seeing as how Nora was the first to come up with it. While Rose approached their table to drop of their meal, the other two discreetly moved to close the curtain of every window in the room. It was a simple act but it didn't solve the real problem, which was the word from mouth that'd soon spread. For all they knew it probably already had, which is why Nora made it her utmost priority that the two guests weren't bothered.

"Here we are sers!" The barmaid cheered as she gracefully balanced the platter on her left hand, the dinner plates brought down for each of them one at a time. Each plate had a pair of beef patties that were slathered with a bit of gravy, with a slice of buttered bread on each plate, and with a scoop of steaming hot white beans for their side. "I'm told that your meal is on the house tonight, I do hope you enjoy your stay here." Rose added with a slight bow, her jolly energy present when she marched quickly back to the kitchens.

Patrick looked from the two guests to his brother and then his mother, both had managed to close every curtain window by now. Moments later Albert came out of the kitchen with his own plate, a smile cast to his wife as he knew the woman wasn't going to rest anytime soon. As the father moved back into his office, Dominek stood closer to the second son with a lean on the bar. "You know now's the time to join them right?" He checked with an expectant look to Patrick. "Mother's only waiting because she wants to provide them privacy."

"Who's to say I'm not doin' the same?" Patrick remarked to the oldest sibling with a smirk on his face. Dominek on the other hand knew a little too well.

"C'mon Pat, earlier you were aloof in your own world. The moment those two walked in however, the same curious little brother I knew came right out." Patrick raised his eyebrows at Dominek, uncertain as to whether or not his observation had been true. He didn't want to admit really, but there was something real about what he'd heard. Everyone here had grown so complacent as of late, enough to really bore Patrick now that he thought more about it. "Now go get some dinner, and join those two at their table. Vincent and I will watch the bar."

Dominek's urges to Patrick led him to reluctantly give up his position, albeit with a soft grin on his face when he moved to the kitchen. In all honesty Patrick had been far too excited earlier, but since he knew the burden of responsibility now; part of him wanted to keep a relative distance most of the time. Yet he also had a job to do now, as his mother made it quite clear he was their proprietor now. From the moment Patrick provided them with a room he became that, which meant being involved with them even against his better wishes. After he'd made a quick trip to the kitchen to grab himself a plate as well, the aloof bartender trekked his way towards the table Talon and Aoren sat at.

"Mind if I join?" He inquired before taking a seat somewhat near the two. "How's the food by the way?" He thought to check as he placed his own plate before him, a friendly smile shared to the both of them as he waited to hear their opinions.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:46 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1361
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Tue May 05, 2020 5:44 pm


Talon gratefully accepted his drink from Aoren as his companion returned to their table. He brought the mug to his lips and drank deeply the first gulp in order to calm his nerves. To all outsiders he would have appeared the picture of calm. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. Inwardly, Talon was a storm of emotions all threatening to bubble to the surface if he didn’t keep a tight lid on what he was feeling. There was much on his metaphorical plate. Tensions were rising in the Northlands. Zaichaer was growing ever more aggressive in attempting to push its agenda across the Free Cities. Talon had begun to hear rumors of conflicts in the cities of Praildui and Adithaksh of mobs coming down on mages and any other “abnormals”. People who had been parts of their communities for decades suddenly finding themselves hauled off in chains and branded as outsiders. The stories of Zaichaer instituting forced servitude upon its magic wielders through the use of collars and special branding marks had not gone unheard in the council chambers of Kalzasi.

It was only as some of these tensions drifted to his ears that Talon truly grasped why his father had chosen to hold off on calling for the council to name him the true heir to the throne. Magic was vital to Kalzasi’s survival. The presence of the Warrens could not be contained or fought with mere steel alone. It was madness to think otherwise. Kalzasi needed the services of free mages able to think and act of their own volition to protect the city, as they had for centuries. Talon himself was a mage of no small skill. This news of anyone and anything resembling “abnormal” being rounded up and sent gods knows where did not sit well with him. It did not sit well with several of the Daizoku either. The more Talon learned, the more he realized that his mother and father were encouraging him to go to Daravin in order to see what a society dominated by mages could be like. Or perhaps they were trying to convince him of the opposite. Talon did not know.

There was something brewing among the Free Cities of the North and it made the muscles between Talon’s shoulder blades twitch.

“Here we are sers!” Talon was pulled from his thoughts as the barmaid brought their food out to them. He smiled at her, setting his mug down. With a deep breath and a nod of appreciation he signaled his content with the meal. Talon felt a hand squeeze his thigh. He looked up to see Aoren’s concerned face regarding him. What could he say? They were far from home. That alone presented challenges. Aoren was not unaware of the difficulties at hand. So instead of answering the unspoken question, Talon gave him a shrug then dug into his food. The beef patties and the beans smelled different than what they would have tasted in Kalzasi. Regardless, it both looked and smelled delicious. The taste was rich and while simple, very appetizing prompting Talon to groan in appreciation.

“This is much better than travel rations.” Aoren chuckled as he dug into his meal with equal gusto. His companion spoke after a few bites.

“This is the second thing they’ve given on the house. Our drinks were the first.” Talon quirked a brow at hearing that. He took another bite of the beef and beans. Talon chased it down with a gulp of ale before responding.

“If they will not accept coin, we will find another way to compensate them for their hospitality.” Aoren nodded in response as he drank from his mug. It was the nature of their people. Hospitality was a sacred thing in Kalzasi. A guest repaid their host with deed, payment and polite company if it was requested or some combination of things equal to the hospitality given. Talon made a mental note to perhaps explain their customs to the owner of the establishment and find a way to compromise so as not to offend them. It was as he was taking another bite that their initial host, Patrick, came over to join them.

“Of course, Patrick-sama! You are most welcome!” Aoren answered for both of them, for which Talon was grateful as he swallowed another bite of the food. Before Patrick could seat himself, Aoren stood up and took the man’s plate setting it right at their table directly beside the two Avialae. Aoren pat the man on the shoulder before resuming his seat and stepped away to get a pitcher of ale instead of just mugs. It was not long before he returned and plopped back down to continue eating.

“It is the best meal that we have had in days. Thank you.” Talon offered a nod of his head. There was silence for a moment before Talon spoke again.

“This inn, it is run by your family?” The Novalys glanced over to the bartender and a few of the other staffers who all bore a resemblance to the man seated before him. Not all of them, but Talon noted that several of them did. “How long have you run this establishment?”

word count: 886
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