Saej Mir'illa

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Saej Mirilla
Posts: 145
Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:52 pm
Location: Kalzasi
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Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:03 am


Full Name: Saej Mir'illa
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 175lbs

Birthdate: 45th of Glade, 94 Year of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Kalzasi

Profession: Kalzasi Courier
Housing: A tent and a horse, inns.
Partners: none

Titles: Merchant
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common, Kyriac
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Standing at 5'6" she is quite the tall woman for a human. Her weight has her at 175 which is shown in her curves. Bright red hair has matted and tangled into well kept dreadlocks at a length of around 2 feet long. Spectacles grace her pale skinned face. She has an aire of something mysterious about her, as if a wild beast is held within. Or perhaps a jester. Her clothing is flowing and simple. The cardinal rune of transposition is found on her inner arm near her armpit.

Creature Comforts
Living for the finer things in life Saej enjoys good food, good wine, good smoke, and a big warm bed to lay in.

She can be hard to get to know and often keeps her personal life to herself, she keeps a small circle even despite having many acquaintances. Not such a loner as to be standoffish it's still a fact that she typically enjoys her own comforts than others.

When she speaks, she means what she says. Pretense isn't her strong suit.

It's easy for her to walk away from people, simple as that.

Accepting of Change
Ever on the horizon with an insatiable lust for something new, this girl is not only accepting but needing of changes in her life. She becomes bored with routine easily.


Growing up she traveled with her parents delivering Kalzasi goods from city to city in their airship. Her parents were unimportant other than raising her, they treated her poorly and she is bitter about her childhood. Due to their poor raising from teenage years she has been on her own. Starting out small as a courier for merchants in Kalzasi she soon grew to befriend a blacksmith known for making useful items like nails, cast iron dining ware, and other household things. She would use the Black Road to take his goods across vast distances with a small varying party of other merchants with other wares. This is all she has known but that's not to say that her time so far has been boring though.

After becoming a merchant on her own at sixteen she was quickly unofficially adopted by a family of gem merchants. They had only one son named Shasco who was two years her younger, the woman was half-hytori and the father was a human man. They took her under their protection despite Saej at first trying to avoid them, the mother was kind and too proud to take no for an answer. Eventually she would travel with them carrying the blacksmith’s goods all across the Free Cities and came to love them like good friend’s as well as family. Saej and Shasco’s relationship is a deep one. While not blood related they consider each other family and will sometimes refer to each other as brother and sister. Their relationship is close and has never once been romantic, instead lending deeper into the question of blood being thicker than water and how destiny or possibly fate brings families and people together.

At nineteen years old Saej was initiated into Transposing magic by Shasco’s own mother. She had always wanted a daughter but had trouble having children and found herself instead with a son at forty-six. After much talking and verbal training on the importance of secrecy with the magic the two woman decided on a date for the initiation. It would have to be between shipments as the effects could last for days. Being young and eager Saej wasn’t prepared for what happened next. The initiation went extremely well, considering for 3 days Saej was in a drooling stupor of “who am I, where am I? What’s happening?” It was as if she had eaten a mushroom from a wizard and in some ways she had. She was lost, seeing visions of dark abysses, sunrises, the ocean, and fields of lavender, but each day the effect was less and less until she came back to her senses now a novice Transposer. She was taught window but was so scared by her experience she has used it sparingly since.

With travel comes a whole manner of interesting and down right exciting encounters. She has learned to use weapons, the chakrams, as well as ride a horse. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Going as far sometimes as Alfsos she has seen much and traveled far for a woman her age. One thing that the traveling and distances have taught her is that no matter the people life is much the same for all. It's a beautiful thing to have the epiphany of all experiencing suffering and love. For her it forced her to decide between light and dark, no longer belonging to a morally ignorant or gray area. She chose the light, the remedy to suffering and the decision to help ease other's suffering. This hasn't made her an overly cheery or friendly person, just leaning towards the disposition of general kindness and occasional generosity.

Seasons prior she had decided to take her horse and ride to Zeraphesh then to Zaichaer, there in Zaichaer was a shipment of goods waiting to be picked up by her and taken back. Just a large parcel of tools that they weren't willing to ship on air or water, with Saej's prices being much cheaper and just as reliable. Upon making her way into the Northern Wilds from Zeraphesh she had unfortunately gotten lost. After some time the night began casting its cold glare over the forest's trees and she had to find shelter. As if by divine grace the silhouette of a lone, dilapidated building had shown itself to her. It was some sort of old temple. There she and her horse huddled throughout the night. But she couldn't sleep, instead she began checking out the small chapel. Due to some rotten floor boards she fell through and into what must have been a secret cellar. Inside she could just barely make out some sort of altar and perhaps candelabras long since unused. It was dark and dank in there, where she huddled for four long days and nights, only able to be seen by the sunlight which shown through at the top of the hole. Eventually she passed out from fear, starvation, and exhaustion.

Saej woke to find herself in Zaichaer, some locals had found her horse which led them to where she had fallen. They refused to speak of the temple and its secret subterranean chapel. After gathering her strength she set out and delivered the goods back to Kalzasi but couldn't shake the trauma of what happened to her. And the question of what exactly was in the chapel hidden in the Northern Wilds.


Poppy, Pet NPC


Name: Poppy
NPC Type: Pet NPC
Birthday: Frost 1 118 Year of the Age of Steel
Race: Dog, Malamute
Appearance: A huge dog to behold, Poppy is around 170 lbs. With thick, black and white fur she is naturally made for cooler temperatures-- thriving in cold weather and sweltering in the heat; because of this she refuses to come out of the shade during the hotter parts of the seasons. Her eyes are amber.
Personality: Poppy holds herself with an aloof and regal mindset. It's very plain to see that this dog is trained in ways of protection and for that, she will never be the type to come wagging up to someone looking for a scratch unless its Saej. One could call her a mean dog but she wouldn't ever attack without warrant or a command from Saej. Poppy is also very loyal to the core.
History: Saej got Poppy as a puppy, she was two months old. Over the last two years she has grown considerably into a huge dog. Her purpose is to protect Saej, the horse and mule, and the wagon's goods. This is what she does unfaltering and is all she has ever known. She is a good dog!

Shasco Devule, Companion NPC

Name: Shasco Devule
Race: 1/4 Hytori, 3/4 Human
DoB: 27 of Ash 96 Year of the Age of Steel (24)
Relation: Friend, Travel companion, Muscle
NPC Type: Companion

Biography: Shasco's mother was half Hytori, his father was full human. Taking on the physical aspects only of his Hytori heritage, this man has amber-brown eyes that glint gold in the light and slightly tipped ears. His black-brown hair is curly but soft, he keeps it cut into a small afro which he braids into different elven style braids at times. His skin is melanin-rich. Shasco stands at a height of 5'11" and has a slender but muscled build. It could be said he is tall and wiry. Wearing mostly human fashion he isn't shy about his elven heritage but doesn't play much to their styling. He also has two rings in his left ear at the lobe.

Being quite the prankster and jokester the quiet Saej and he met as teens during a caravan trip. His parents were merchants of precious stones. There were many times after their initial meeting that Saej and Shasco spent time together in caravans and over the course of the years grew to be good friends. After two years of not seeing each other they have reconnected recently.

Growing up Shasco dreamed of being a performer. He found his calling first in the streets as a busker and later in a circus as a crier, using his power of Mesmer to draw people in, and also traipse musician. Meaning, he would play his lute on the high wire for a crowd. As a slightly greedy person he left the circus after a payment dispute.

Altogether Shasco is a loyal but boisterous man. He is prone to flirting with any gender and loves to compliment people, though part of this is his act. At face value he's a loud, talkative, and brash individual but once you get to know him he quiets down and actually has some insightful things to say. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, quick witted, and smart are all great words to describe him.

Ranged Weapon (sling shot) 50
Acrobatics 50
Persuasion 50
Instrument, lute 40
Mesmer 40
Acting 10
Rhetoric 10

1 Set of Clothing (Cloak and leather, winterized moccasins)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

Personal Ledger:
+45,000 df ~ Total 45,000 df
Balls, Juggling (set of 5) -800 df ~ Total 44,200 df
Horn, Speaking -400 df ~ Total 43,800 df
Mandolin/Lute -1700 df ~ Total 42,100 df
Bedroll -10 df ~ Total 42,090 df
Slingshot -50 df ~ Total 42,040 df
Slingshot bullets (140) -140 df ~ Total 41,900 df
smoked turkey leg -5 df~ Total 41,895 df

Last edited by Saej Mirilla on Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:18 pm, edited 34 times in total. word count: 2024
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Saej Mirilla
Posts: 145
Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:52 pm
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
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Character Secrets:

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:09 am

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Thrown Weapon (Chakrams) 25/100 Apprentice
Running 31/100 Apprentice
Etiquette 26/100 Apprentice
Acrobatics 28/100 Apprentice
Transpositon 22/100 Novice
Stealth 15/100 Novice
Survival 20/100 Novice
Mount 20/100 Novice
Animal Handling 20/100 Novice
Navigation 5/100 Novice
Intimidation 5/100 Novice
Fishing 13/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
CS Rewards+10010
Animal Handling010 0
Rotae Fortuna, The Spinning Wheel+50 5
Animal Handling05 0
Betwixt But For Hire+50 5
Animal Handling05 0
Apple Trees & Throwing Discs Memory+50 5
Survival05 0
Breaking Pots with Pizazz+50 5
The Lion's Liquor+50 10
Navigation05 5
Intimidation05 0
Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest+80 8
Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest II+80 16
Fishing05 11
Acrobatics010 1
Step Into My Parlor+80 8
Vaulting and Scrapes (Memory)+50 13
Luna So Bright+50 18
Daydream Fishbones+50 23
From the Window into Storms+50 28
Windows into Moonlight+8 MAGIC XP0 8 MAGIC XP
Transposition080 MAGIC XP
Server Restoration Reward30058
Touch of Depseration+80 36
[Loras]Dum Spiro Spero+80 36
[Memory] Bear Necessities I.+80 44
[Memory] Bear Necessities II.+80 36
Last edited by Saej Mirilla on Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:48 am, edited 30 times in total. word count: 219
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Saej Mirilla
Posts: 145
Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:52 pm
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
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Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:09 am



Main Skills

Thrown Weapon (Chakram):
Aiming basics
Holding your chakram
Hitting a target that is up high
Practicing the throw before you toss
Throwing from a distance
Paying attention to the wind
Having a clear mind with which to focus before throwing
Balancing the chakram by its middle
Throwing the opposite direction of the wind
Tossing a disc from the heart to the apex
Using an improvised weapon

Having a guard dog
Scowling to make a point
Doing things for yourself
Being loud

Animal Handling:
Saying commands with diction
Commanding a guard dog to attack
Commanding a guard dog to cease attacking
Brushing the dirt from a horse
Brushing creates a bond
Keeping a dog calm through commotion
Distracting a dog away from food
Keeping a cold weather dog out of the hot sun
Taking an animal into a crowded market
Fitting an unwilling dog through a door

Jumping over boxes
Sticking the landing
Vaulting over a rail
Using many points of contact
Wall run
Vaulting up high places
Jumping down from an awning
Taking a hard fall and getting back up into a run
Keeping your balance after tripping
Juking out of the way
Dropping to your knees quickly
Rolling from underneath a wagon into a sprint

Secondary Skills

Keeping pace
The quick sprint
Courier jog
Sustained for nearly two hours
Back and forth through Kalzasi
Making sure you rest
Chasing someone
Running in a zig-zag to get away from someone
Jogging with goods in your hands
Focusing on breathing
Letting the legs do the work
Running for too long burns the lungs
Feeling the beat of your feet
Shoulders level and relaxed
Jogging to tire yourself for better sleep
Fleeing from a bear
Warming up

The path of least resistance
Getting stuck in the mud
Driving a wagon down city streets
Driving a wagon long distances
Getting a wagon to a trot
Keeping up with a convoy

Creating the nodes between the portal and yourself
Being in a state of calm
Using gestures to center yourself

Using a map
Checking a map at forks in the road
The road along Lake Udori
The Wild King's Forge

Checking out the competition
Local businesses vrs traveling merchants
Choosing your stock
The need to learn the local languages for traveling merchants
Loras has high-quality items in their market
Loras could be a good spot for a merchant stall
Traveling for your job

Keeping a conversation on track
Making a call

Using a sinking lure
Catching worms for bait
Using a floating lure
Fishing at night
Gutting a fish
Reeling in a big one
Using larger bait for larger fish
Fixing a snapped line

Making an investment
Buying an expensive item out of your budget

Miscellaneous Skills

Step with heel, then toe
Sticking to the shadows
Being quiet in the water
Sneaking out from your bedroom window

Cooking meat on a spit

Showing someone how to throw a chakram

Speaking on the elephant in the room

Accepting an offer with little hesitation

Making yourself at home
Giving people space
Moving into someone else's home
The grateful thank you
Keeping a conversation light
Keeping a conversation short
Being polite
Giving and receiving the same amount of information
Meeting a noble
Being polite to shopkeepers
Allowing someone to borrow an item
Accepting a gift

Receiving a favor
Finding the middle ground
Giving information
The leap of faith


Atinaw: Distrusts outsiders
Atinaw: Dislike the use of Common Tongue

Searing 3, 12 Aos; Rotae Fortuna; The Spinning Wheel
-In this thread Saej makes a delivery on the Black Road, someone evil tries to rob her but Poppy saves the day!
Last edited by Saej Mirilla on Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:47 am, edited 25 times in total. word count: 740
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Saej Mirilla
Posts: 145
Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:52 pm
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:09 am


1. General (SP)
*1 **Set of Clothing (Cloak, black, and footwear, plain leather work boots, included)
*1 Waterskin
*1 Backpack which contains:
*1 Set of Toiletries
*10 days of rations
*1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
*Flint & Steel

Migrant (SP)
*1 Large Tent (4 people)
*1 Large Tarp
*50 ft. of hempen rope
*1 lantern (complete with oil)
*10 torches
*1 Bedroll
*1 Blanket
*1 Horse
*1 full set of tack
*A set of large saddlebags

2. Purchased Searing 120
*1 Covered wagon
*1 Wagon harness (fits 2)
*2 Chakram
*1 Mule
*1 Large chest
*1 hammock
*1 guard dog, **Malamute, 170 lbs, female, named Poppy, only friendly to Saej, can't tolerate heat.
*1 waterproofing oil(alchemical)
*5 oil, 1 pint flask
*2 waterskin
*2 crates, 3 sq.ft
*Dress with embroidery and two tone dyes(fancy)
*Working pants and working shirt combo
*Corset, blouse, skirt combo
*Dress, embroidered, sage-color dyed(fancy AF)


As a travelling merchant and courier she has been on the road for a long time, this is her home.

Starting Gold, +25,000/00~ Total 25,000
-4500 covered wagon~ Total 20,5000
-500 wagon harness~ Total 20,000
-2000 (2) chakram~ Total 18,000
-800 mule Total~ 17,200
-200 large average chest~ Total 17,000
-500 hammock~ Total 16,500
-2500 guard dog~ Total 14,000
-250 water proofing oil~ Total 13,750
-50 (5) pints of oil~ Total 13,700
-200 (2) water skin~ Total 13,500
-30 (2) 3 sqft wooden crates~ Total 13,470
-500 Inn, Common 10 days~ Total 12,970
-100 Staying at The Silver Lion Inn 10 days~ Total 12,870
-25 "Shitport Special"~ Total 12,845
-12 (2) ales~ Total 12,833
-10 (2) smoked turkey legs~ Total 12,823
-600 dress, dyed, linen embroidered~ Total 12,223
-120 dyed linen pants~ Total 12,103
-15 dyed linen shirt~ Total 12,088
-60 leather shoes~ Total 12,028
-80 linen Blouse~ Total 11, 948
-68 dyed cotton corset~ Total 11,880
-90 dyed cotton skirt~ Total 11,790
-900 dyed cotton embroidered dress~ Total 10,890
-1000 fishing kit~ Total 9,890
-100 fishing pole~ Total 9,790
-100 map, region: Atinaw~ Total 9,690
-5 a pound of smoked venison~ Total 9,685
-100 Nagota from The Silver Lion Inn~ Total 9,885
-500 Renting of the Celler of the Silver Lion Inn~ Total 9,385
-60 mug of Shitport Special~ Total 9,325
-14 cup of whiskey The Silver Lion Inn~ Total 9,311

word count: 499

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