[Jared] Whosits and Whotsits Galore

The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Ford Edevane
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Sat May 20, 2023 1:15 am


Between allowing Jared a chance to finally find some rest and taking some time for Ford to start grasping the basics of what it meant to utilize ether and channeling it through his Mark of Control, it was time for the two to find some downtime. Jared seemed to like trinkets and had been looking for somewhere he could cast a wandering eye to see what he could nab for his own stores. The Griscian had an idea of where to satisfy Jared's curiosity and desire to pick up a few things. Once the pair had recovered from their training(s), Ford escorted the shorter of the pair to a market in Malevin. It was a bit different from shopping in the Commonwealth, Daravin, or anywhere else that claimed to be the epitome of society. The blonde felt it hit the mark quite well, and he had no real need to go out and look elsewhere unless he was looking for something more specific that could not be found there.

There were many shops, stalls, and carts, having small wooden trinkets to food carts/stands, jewelry, and clothing. There was nothing that could not be bought in that particular market that wouldn't satisfy a typical customer's needs. Even then, Ford had found a couple of gems within that did quite beautiful custom works. So once Jared was ready to go and explore to see what kind of deals there were, Ford would walk with him, leading him through it. "It is a bit rustic, but that is part of the charm of being in Radenor. It is very..." The blue eyes lifted to look around as he took in a deep breath, trying to think of a better way to describe it, but he could not find anything better to compound what he had already said. "...I do not know another word to describe it. The people have a certain charm about them, and that is, remember to treat them as equals. If not, you'll be surprised what you'll be met with. They are very hearty." The blonde laughed as his hands slid into the pockets of his dark coat.

On his frame was a long dark coat that hung near his mid-thigh to his knees and was black with the slightest offset of brown in the fabric. Beneath the coat, Ford wore a simple button-down shirt, white in color, tucked into a pair of slacks that were a slate grey color with a pair of black leather boots that rounded off the outfit. Ford did not have any particular goal for the shopping other than to take Jared to look around. And although he had no intention of buying anything, he did keep an eye out for anything that might catch his eye that would go well at home for himself or Taelian. As his thoughts drifted, his gaze wandered toward the ground as they walked, distracted momentarily.

Having paused, Ford found himself staring at a random cart with small, wood-carved trinkets that could be attached to a bracelet or necklace, not actually meaning to stop and stare, but the voice of someone asking him if he saw something he wanted. Blinking, he lifted his head with an apologetic look of surprise before continuing to keep pace with Jared or wandering in the direction he had gone, if he had even gone anywhere.

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Wed May 24, 2023 3:25 am

47th of Glade, 4623

The time spent with Ford within Radenor has been a sense of calm and stability that the amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but enjoy to its fullest. The thief had a penchant for collecting various oddities and baubles that most people would raise an eye at. An example of said trinkets was an array of Victorian-brass keys that Jared kept underneath his cloak, sewed to the fabric itself, with each key having a similar design while others being completely archaic.

As much as Jared would consider himself to be a fledgling sparrow, there were times that people could call him an avaricious crow, lured by all the shiny baubles and the glimmering jewels that people would flaunt about for mere show. Curiosity was Jared’s frienemy; there were times when his innate pesky inquiries landed him with beautiful discoveries and, at times, unnecessary stress as well.

But one thing was for sure, Radenor and, to that extent, Malevin had so much to offer, and it would seem that the Griscian blonde man had something up his sleeves that the thief wasn’t too sure to expect. In this context, having a surprise without risking one’s neck was nice. Yet, after only a couple of minutes of walking, Jared couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat for a moment as his amber-hued gaze rested itself upon the many shops, stalls and carts that contain all sorts of wares, gear and foodstuff to a name a few things.

It was evident that Jared was already excited as if a child was wandering through a festival; in some sense, despite the gruff exterior that the Draedan would put up when meeting people for the first time was more akin to a natural way of preserving one’s wellbeing. It was already tough being thrown into the slums and less forgiving when the nation you came from did not seek to aid one another; only by climbing on another to further progress one’s status was all that mattered.

“Rustic as it may be, it is still a sight to look upon; in some ways, it has an air of charm to it that I quite like to be honest….”

For a moment, the Draedan took a moment to scan his surroundings, taking in all of the visual stimuli being put forward, and to that extent, the thief was rather content with how things were going so far.

“Well, everything has a charm to someone; I think it is how people are friendly to one another…. It differs from back home, but this is a lovely change. Honestly, I haven’t had the chance to cook in such a long time…. I can chalk it up to stress as you could suddenly lose interest or passion for doing things you once loved.”

The amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but let out a nervous chuckle as he moved his right hand over to his left elbow as a reassuring self-hug, but his gaze motioned itself to the small cart filled with various baubles and trinkets. Yet, in that brief moment, the thief couldn’t help but start skimming through all the wares, whether it was wooden, damaged or someone downright odd. The thief was trying to find something he could add to his collection in some subtle ways. Jared vibrated from the excitement, which even the thief didn’t know.
From colorful, beaded necklaces that sparkled in the sunlight to an old set of rusty keys that looked like they could unlock secret doors to hidden treasures; the price point didn’t matter as much to the thief but rather the possible stories that each trinket held or could hold was what mattered more.

If Jared could store all the trinkets in the world; he would probably have to own a massive vault or two due to his penchant for collecting oddities.

“You know Ford, I tend to collect trinkets, baubles and oddities since in a way; it makes up the day a little brighter. I remember someone I know who loved the colour ‘yellow’ and would buy and collect things that were ‘yellow’ in his home. Do you have something along those lines for yourself?”

word count: 738
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Ford Edevane
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Thu May 25, 2023 11:39 am


It had been an interesting time since Ford had come across Jared. Typically, Ford spent his days working for the Cannery, or doing things with Taelian around Radenor. It had not been the normal routine to spend time being around a friend, as opposed to working or doing something completely task-oriented. With Jared’s company however, Ford had found someone who could help related with him regarding their Marks of Control as well as someone who could offer a unique perspective that was wholly not Griscian or of Radenor, it was endearing. So, as they neared the different shops and stalls, he could see the slight change in demeanor with Jared and he laughed to himself as he listened to Jared recount someone he knew and the things he had collected as well as his desire to collect things. Ford was going to speak on the idea of collecting things when something else Jared had said had piqued his interest.

Bright blues lifted from looking to random baubles to take in Jared with curiosity plain on his face. “Why do you think you haven’t wanted to cook?” He asked as they were looking through the different things, scanning items here and there, allowing himself to be distracted for a moment longer.

“…I don’t really collect anything.” Though something did cross his mind that made him chuckle and look to the ground. It was something that was on the tip of his tongue to say, but it was best left unsaid for that moment, given there were people within earshot. “I watch people. I know it isn’t the same thing, but I feel it’s almost like collecting. I watch people and see the things that they do. Sometimes I get to see people interacting or doing things that I remember for some time. And I do enjoy learning…” Which had the blonde coming to a different conclusion to Jared’s question, rather than saying he did not collect anything.

“…Actually, I would like to change my answer. If I had to admit to collecting anything, I enjoy collecting knowledge. Studying people, interactions and in general, learning knowledge that not many others have a chance to learn, makes me feel like I have collected something.” It was not an exact answer to the type of question that Jared had been asking him. There was no tangibility to what he collected, but as he thought about it, he definitely felt he collected knowledge.

Ford was by no means a scholar of world-renown, and he was not famous, aside for those who associated him with the Draedan that put on a show for the Kyngdom of Jorikford. But one thing he did do, was pay attention. Filing information away for later, or even figuring out new ways to navigate social interactions. That was something that Ford also prided himself on.

“Do you have anything that is more memorable or meaningful to you that you collected so far? Or is it something to where all of them mean something, so you cherish all of them the same?” As he asked that, he lifted his gaze to look up to Jared from having been looking at the ground.

Ford had never really put much thought into the idea of collecting something…

“I never really collected much, though. When I met Taelian, I was traveling and living out of a tent. So there wasn’t much room to really hang onto things that I couldn’t carry. And now I have a house with a bunch of space to fill a lot of things.” Furrowing his brows as he raised his hand up to scratch to the back of his head, he laughed again, something he seemed to be doing a lot lately as he was having moments of introspection. “One day I’ll have a big family to take up a lot of the space and have kids running around or something.”

Ford had gone off on a tangent a bit, he felt a slight redness coming up across his bearded cheeks and he chuckled nervously. “…Sorry. Have been thinking a lot about what the future has in store… Kids would preferably be part of that future, so it derails a lot of my thoughts when I start thinking about things like that.”

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Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:20 am


Jared experienced a feeling of affinity towards Ford, which he wasn't caught off guard by as they shared some commonalities. However, Jared came to the realisation that he had never taken the initiative to acquaint himself with Ford's interests and hobbies. He confessed to himself that he seldom indulged in casual conversations, which led him to disregard these particulars.

Taking a moment to turn his amber-hued gaze over to Ford’s figure, briefly taking note of how the slight changes in his facial expression seemed slightly confused from his interpretation; the thief couldn’t help but sigh for a moment as he couldn’t explain why he had stopped cooking or rather haven’t delved too deep into the culinary exploration.

“Not too sure, to be honest… It could come from dealing with so many things that I haven’t had the chance to sit down and go through the stress. I mean…. I usually have a habit of burying tough memories, and in that sense, I don’t confront them.”

The thief/chef took a moment to fidget around one of the many trinkets he kept close to his body. In this case, it was a poorly craved-out block of wood that resembled that of a little sparrow taking a flight of sorts, the details itself wasn’t anything too special, but they seemed to have a lot of meaning behind them based on how specific patches of the trinket seemed worn down from friction.

“You should collect something; think of it as a memory you cherish, good or terrible. Like now, buying a bangle or a brooch for the occasion is something to remember; when you casually look at it, it might invoke something deep from within.”

As the thief was listening to how Ford collected his version of memories; mainly through visualisation and observation; certain traits that the thief could resonance, but at the same time, his attention to detail is fickle at best when it is outside of thievery and larceny in general. Tilting his head slightly as Ford mentions wanting to change his answer, the thief couldn’t help but cock his brow for a moment as he listened to what the Griscian man had to say.

Ford’s explanation made the thief smile; it was nice to see Ford sharing his insights about how he processed memories; the fact that Ford was keen to learn about so many things of interest was admirable in Jared’s eyes.

“Maybe, you should start journaling what you know, possibly keeping your knowledge to pass down or possibly keep in secrecy, only for it to be discovered in time. As for memorable moments, I do have one but it is a bit grim if I am being honest…”

The thief takes a moment to pull out a peacock feather, marred in blackness with the fibers decayed slightly as if rot was directed at the object in question. One could tell that this particular feather was affected by something supernatural and based on how Jared looked at the feather, one filled with pain, it was enough for the thief to briefly pause before taking a deep breathe.

“This feather is a trophy of surviving an encounter with a dangerous magus; a lady rather vile and able to pull people into her dreams, doing whatever she pleases… It was why I was extremely sick when you first saw me… After that, I was on my wits end and barely clinging to life, but that is all in the past now; I am just happy to be alive now.”

For a moment, the thief felt a bit terrible about bringing the mood down slightly, but it was a significant moment in his life that still haunts the Draedan now, but Jared had to move forward. Looking back at a closed chapter would not help him in his current situation, and what mattered more in this very moment was living in the present.

“Oh? Didn’t expect you to be a family kind of guy but then again, being a large man yourself; You would enjoy having a large family~.”

The Alistian thief couldn’t help but smirk, enjoying for the first time seeing Ford become flustered. In all honesty, this was rather nice; in some aspects, Jared could see why Taelian decided to make Ford his partner. Ford had a sense of stability within himself that could weather the storm. Yet, Jared couldn’t help but feel a slight dread; when one becomes a pillar of support for another, who will support that pillar? That was something Jared was concerned about for Ford, but for now, It was something that the thief would mention later, as he did not want to ruin the mood.

“Tell me, how are you planning to have your large family? Have you discussed it with Taelian? I am sure he would enjoy the idea very much.”

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Ford Edevane
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Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:13 am


At first, Ford felt a bit of discontent. He remembered how at ease Jared had been when cooking, and it was a good way of providing not only a distraction but also something he could do for others that allowed him to show his feelings. Hearing that something had happened, or a series of events that had happened to make him not feel like cooking due to unresolved things, made the blonde man frown. It seemed that Jared wasn't too keen on discussing it or dealing with the issues at that moment, so Ford let it go for the time being. The mention of collecting things earned a raise of a brow as he thought about what he could collect and glanced to the side, thinking about the various things he could collect, considering he now had space to collect things and keep track of them. The sudden offer of journaling brought the Griscian from his thoughts and had him smirking at the thief.

"You are very perceptive, you know." Ford began as he looked over the Draedan's face momentarily as if searching for a means to continue. "I used to journal a lot. Especially when I traveled more and saw more of the world, studying the different societies that make up the individual kingdoms. It's where I kept notes of things that helped me along the way, like certain herbs, people, and places of interest. I should probably get back to doing that. It used to be fun to sit there and relive memories while I wrote them down."

Though at the end of his words, the larger of the two shrugged his muscular shoulders. "Your journal is for you. It can be as grim or bright as you want it. It's for your memories and thoughts. Nobody has the right to judge what you put in that book."

Slowly, the blonde's eyes slid over to the feather that was rotting from the ends; it looked disturbed, to the point that Ford did not even feel comfortable touching it. Tilting his head slowly as he listened to the explanation, those bright blue eyes of Ford's slid to look to the amber hues of Jared's, "I am also happy you are alive. I think I would have been pretty sad to find out someone as kind and interesting as you was removed from existence because of someone who could not wield their magic responsibly." Ford was not a judgmental person, but he was, in fact, all about fair treatment, which was a unique happenstance that Lucence had come into being part of him.

The mention of the family had the man brightening up, and he almost laughed. "We might look into different avenues, but... Yes... I think the idea of having a large family makes me happy. For better or worse, Taelian is my soulmate. He completes me in ways that nobody else has or ever could. It's a very odd feeling if I'm being honest..." Nearly ready to ramble on about the intricacies of some strangeness, Ford caught himself having not answered Jared's question. "Taelian and I have talked at length about having a family... We are both excited to figure things out. I feel the world needs a new direction, or at least, the family I bring in; I want there to be a path forward for them, in a place where they do not have to worry so much about who or what they are, and rather, thrive to the best of their abilities because the world they live in has endless possibilities to those who are good to others."

It was a lofty, even naive thing to say, but Ford had a purely optimistic view of the family life he wanted in the future. "And what about you? Think you might want a little thief of your own running around, kicking little knickknacks from you when you are not looking?"

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Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:16 am


It could be Jared’s inadequate skills in reaching the social climate between himself and those he interacts with, but something tugged on the thief’s heartstrings. Seeing Ford smile at the thought of having a large family rekindles a few of his ideas about wanting to eventually settle down with someone who had a similar experience but falling in love was probably the most foreign thing to the Draedan. It was shocking that Jared could form friendships despite blundering or what he believes is a blunder when talking with people.

Sometimes, the thief would take note of certain conversation pieces but settle the mental notes to the side before forgetting them. It was pretty standard that the thief couldn’t but feel annoyed about it despite trying to be engaged with the topics at hand. Nevertheless, it was only when Ford’s eyebrow rise caught the thief’s attention as if he was questioning himself about what sort of things the Griscian blonde would collect.

“Really? I guess that is part of the work I do, after all. An eye for detail is a requirement, less you want to miss out on many opportunities.”

The amber-eyed thief smirks for a moment before continuing to listen to what Ford has to say, listening to how the man used to journal a lot, especially during his time travelling across the world and more, recording various societies and how they function in the grand scheme of each kingdom.

“Nothing like keeping those crucial moments and the most specific periods in one’s life, each page is something new, and taking in all the facts you deem relevant and most important to you is crucial. And I will agree with you that no one has the right to judge your book; after all, we are all the authors of our own stories, and every decision made is up to us. We get to choose how it begins, where it goes and ends.”

For a moment, the thief watched as Ford’s bluish-hued gaze briefly directed over to one of the core trinkets that the thief would keep as a reminder of his journey; the brief grimish look on his face indicated that he felt uncomfortable about the trinket.

“Alive and well; with power, people can do so much for good and terrible things. I will admit I haven’t used my abilities for virtuous means and am far from it. You are quite interesting; you have much more insight into people and how people react. You also have a talent for being a rock for so many people; I am kind of jealous, if I am completely honest, to have someone capable of leaning on you when you need it most. That is what I find quite charming.”

Jared couldn’t help but smile at Ford’s comments for considering the raven-haired thief exciting and kind. Yet, despite it all, the smile quickly turned into a grin as Ford mentioned having a large family with Taelian; the idea of having miniature Fords and Taelians running about quickly caused a giggle to slip out of Jared’s lips.

“Well, sounds like you are going to run around like a headless chicken; I can only imagine how rambunctious your kids will be, but I am glad you have found your soulmate~ It warms the soul knowing that despite the crap that is currently present, you two are together….”

Feeling his heartbeat softly, the amber-eyed Alistian couldn’t help but feel that genuine affection that Ford has for Taelian, something that the thief wished to seek, but that would take time, but the thing that struck the thief’s core was the world needing a new direction forward, which the thief nods in agreement.

“Well, having two Draedans in the world is a sign of change; I don’t know what that change might entail, but it is big…. As for kids…. I…. Um…. Well….”

It was very much apparent that the thief didn’t think about the possibility of having kids of his own, and this was very evident during the awakening of his divine spark that certain features were adopted from his father/mother: Saren, who by nature could change to being a husband and a wife at any given point.

"I would like to have a child of my own, but the thought of bearing a child isn’t something I’d expect.... I would want that, but I am afraid of being vulnerable.... Not to feel helpless."

Jared couldn’t help but start muttering to himself as he questioned the very nature of his own body. While he was primarily male for the most part, his morphology changed to have female reproductive organs similar to his father/mother: Saren would have been depicted by history as something that the thief was still coming to terms with.

word count: 842
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