[Genteven - Solo (Job)] After the Fire

The realms of North Daravin, ruled more directly by the Emperor.

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Location: Genteven, The Northern Marches, Daravin
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Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:27 am

79th of Frost, 4622

It wouldn’t be hard to believe how much a trip to another world, another plane of existence, had changed Jared. The sheer danger that accompanied him with death was a close companion from every step he took walking through the orange-brown wasteland that was covered in scorching rivers of mud or the jagged spires that would be mountains.

The thief, who was currently weakened, was sitting at the top of one of the many rooftops, weakly holding onto his tattered cloak that aided him from the start of his career of being a petty thief of the world. For once, Jared contemplated how much of himself had changed after embarking on a trip that no ordinary mortal could survive. Were his wits keeping him sharp throughout, or did his reliance on others make it so? Whatever the case is, Jared was alive and back home in Genteven, his inner fire dimmed by the events that had transpired.

Feeling his body feel the breath of winter chilling close to his bones, the amber-eyed Nightfallen couldn’t help but chatter his teeth, while it would make sense for one to limit their exposure to the cold. The sensation of cold battling against the warmth of his blood kept the thief’s mind active, almost as if he was trying to convince himself that he was still alive and breathing.

“Come on, Jared; You haven’t seen people die before… but… It is a different dread that I would not wish upon another… Alright, enough milling about, time to get to work; Take it slow and easy. You have already done the necessary casing, and it is time to fill the bag with some wares to pawn off.”

Feeling that it was time to get a move on rather than standing still and staring up into the endless veil of night encrusted with various glimmering lights, which the thief would like to thief of it being possible gemstones or possible trinkets made by the beyond to make the gruelling world a little bit easier on the soul.

Taking time to descend from his respite, the usually steadfast and nimble thief struggled to make his way down. Of course, he needed to hold onto various points during his climb down with as much force as he would clench his fist, but in his case, it was to maintain his hold just long enough to reach the next ledge in question.

Upon planting his feet onto the ground, the amber-eyed thief couldn’t help but stumble as his muscles gave in momentarily. Moreover, his coordination overall was somewhat hindered, but the effects felt lighter as the day passed slowly, like the essence of decay itself.

Breathing rather heavily, the thief couldn’t take any chances. While the usage of magic itself was crucial for his day-to-day operations, a gut-wrenching feeling gnawed at the back of the thief’s head as if it was suggesting that using Nightfall now would spell a disaster for himself and those around him but that would be impossible as ever since his return from Bel and his discovery of being a son of a corrupted god: Saren, his crutch that was his mastery over Nightfall disappearing and replaced with something familiar yet at the same time foreign.

Stumbling slowly towards his location where the thief had cased a few days prior, the Alistian-born thief takes a moment to tighten the tattered black piece of cloth around the lower half of his face, covering his mouth and nestling on the tip of his nose. He is still getting used to the change in his body, as the surge of divinity flows through his veins. It felt warm yet, at the same time, sickening as his divinity was tainted by pure corruption that the thief had to keep at bay in some shape or form.

Tugging at the cuffs of his blacked-dyed leather gloves and briefly checking he had all the tools required to start his operation, the amber-eyed thief takes a moment to breathe in deeply, attempting to calm his nerves before the action even begins.

Placing his back against the cold stone wall within one of the many alleyways that paint the streets of the lower district of Genteven. Jared took a moment to scour his surroundings through his sight as he looked about, searching for potential areas to use for an escape or ways to enter the building with the least resistance. Unfortunately, while Jared had some time to case the establishment, there wasn’t enough information to work with due to patrol groups roaming the streets with increased numbers which could be due to several events which annoyed the thief.

“Fuck… There are a lot of guys roaming the streets; what got their knickers in a knot… Nevertheless, I need to get this done so that the remaining days of winter begin slightly easier to endure. There are a few entry points that I could use… I could pick the door open, but I would have to do it quickly… Too many variables to keep track….”

Feeling the tips of his fingers, the thief takes a moment to tinker with his newfound abilities - notably, the sudden manipulation of light. While the effects of the light were just that, a source of light that could be used for his will alone, it does help in trying to find things that are enshrouded in darkness.

With the beam of light mimicking the intensity of that of candlelight, the thief would put it to some use. Quickly turning the effects of Ray off, the thief takes a moment to look around once more before quietly moving over to the marked building that he was planning to prey upon to assist his means of living. Scouring about whilst remaining light-footed, Jared took a moment to pull out a pair of lockpicks of standard iron quality that he keeps in his wristbands.

“Alright, let's get to work… The faster this is done, the quicker we can get home and practice more.”

Something that Jared had noted after his experience trudging through Bel and witnessing so much horror and anguish. The moment that his Divinity was set ablaze, many things had changed about him. Notably, certain features of the petty thief took the form of Saren’s depiction that was told in history; While most of his features remain masculine, some feminine parts would form that the thief would not like to discuss as this was all still too new to him.

Nevertheless, with divinity smoothing through his arteries and veins, the thief begins his attempts to pick the lock. What surprised the thief was the speed at which his fingers would manipulate the picks as if he was pulling the strings of a puppet. While his skills have much to improve, some of his physical and mental capacity would grow and dim with how much effort he would put into practising his newfound powers.

It was a blur to the petty thief his attempts at picking a standard lock would be made, compared to when using his Nightfallen abilities; While still fast, the speed was pretty much the same as what he was guessing, but his assumptions could be wrong.

"This is a bit new... It would have taken me a bit longer to crack a lock open, but I can’t complain... Just get inside, do some investigating, and nab a few things."

With that, the thief would quickly slip into the building, closing the door behind him rather quietly before allowing his eyes to gaze around the semi-lit room bathed in gentle moonlight. Then, taking a moment to breathe deeply, he focused on conjuring a small sphere of silvery light through Ray.

Jared would feed the luminous orb with his divinity, feeling his radiance draining slowly to keep a fifty-foot radius in soft moonlight, which allowed the newly-born Draedan to look around the room, taking note of anything that could be taken for value.

It wouldn’t take much time for Jared to steal some items that could be pawned for cash. Jared’s ideology when it came to stealing was to take things that would be easily missed and could be easily replaced; they didn’t need to be beautiful or create a vast disturbance or scene. While some thieves and scoundrels enjoy the thrill of infamy, Jared is not too thrilled about gaining notoriety.

Not only that, he wanted to live in Daravin and being a Draedan already spells a lot of trouble for the thief, making Jared more cautious than usual. But, even then, the Alistian thief would need to put his neck out here and there if he wanted to sustain himself and live comfortably as a so-called average person.

Once all the stolen items were collected into a tattered sack, the thief would take a moment to peer through the window, listening for any potential guards before exiting through the door he used to enter the merchant building. As much as the thief wanted to pick the lock back to its closed position, Jared wanted to head home and rest; his mind was slightly blurred with many thoughts about how much his life would change from now on.

word count: 1586
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Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:07 pm




Lucence (Ray) - Manifesting candlelight;
Lucence (Ray) - Controlling intensity of softlight;
Stealth - Picking at doors in the open;
Larceny - Using standard-iron padlocks;
Larceny - Opening standard doors;
Investigation - Listening for footsteps;

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Slight drain on Divinity

Points: 5 (2 for Lucence as requested)

Comments: This was a nice a detailed story with strong descriptions that made me feel like I'm a part of Jared's dangerous and magical surroundings. Your writing is detailed, focusing on Jared's inner conflicts and new abilities which help to understand him more. My favorite thin about the story is how you show Jared's complicated personality as he deals with changes in his body and the effects of his newfound divinity.
word count: 123
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