Thread Name: The Purloined Keepsake pt III
Location: An unnamed border village, Jorikford and Daravin
Notes/Warnings: Violence, blood, death
Collaboration: Andros + Hakon
Magic Experience: Yes, for Hakon
Injuries/Ailments: Surprisingly, no
Requested Lore:
- Appraisal: sensing the presence of a mentalist
- Persuasion: interrupting a fit of rage without getting murdered
- Persuasion: calming very angry mages
- Appraisal: understanding funeral customs in Radenor
- Business: paying with someone else’s money
- Animal handling: leading horses through a town
- Persuasion: comforting the bereaved
- Storytelling: sharing joy
- Brand: Matching Ether to Its Source
- Brand: Devising Inside a Target's Mouth
- Brand: Using Your Armory with Simple Effectiveness
- Appraisal: Determining the Worth of Items
- Appraisal: Determining Goods a Peddler May Want
- Appraisal: Portioning Out Spoils
- Investigation: 2 Generic Lore
Loot: n/a (Andros gets stuff, but this is 9+ years ago, so it's gone by now)
For Magical Threads
Mageblight: 0
New Mageblight: +1 for Hakon, for sure