"You're a more compassionate soul than me, Vivian," Hakon said with no small amount of fondness. "You hear this story and think only of how the people in them must have felt, and seek to a way for them to reconcile. I think that's quite admirable."
His own mind did not work that way. Vivian no doubt knew that already, but the lad had little idea how much their perspectives on redemption and reconciliation diverged, and Hakon felt no need to bring it up. They were getting along reasonably well, and to do so would only drive a wedge. Vivian was not a suitable candidate for the Endornotkun, and likely never would be. That did not mean Hakon did not care for the Malformist's development and happiness, though. It was nice to see him take an interest, even if they were different.
Uncharacteristically for Hakon, he extended a hand for Vivian to hold if the other man wanted. Vivian had done it often enough that perhaps it was rubbing off, and he didn't like seeing him in distress.
"You have not failed in your mission to find the father of your child," he corrected Vivian. "You have just not succeeded yet. You're a Novus in the Guild, now, and the Guild should make an effort to assist you. Surely your Warden has taken your description of this Alistair and has contacted all the other Guilds across the Four Kingdoms? Placement of children is something we take seriously, here. Kids should be with their parents, when possible. You may be a mage and ineligible, but perhaps the father can give your child a home. If he is here, we can look for him and let him know that his joy has come due."
He looked at Vivian, not quite knowing how to ask the next question.
"Forgive me if this sounds rude, but is there any chance Alistair is simply unaware of your... state? Were I to lie with a man, I would not imagine that this would be a consequence of such an act. And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you to be a man despite your current state and penchant for cosmetics and the like -- was this Alistair's understanding, as well? If so, he may just not know that he is about to be a father. I'm sure he would not simply sire a child and then leave no forwarding address," Hakon hastened to reassure, although in truth he was aware that men did that with some regularity.
He could not comprehend that in the slightest. Having a family was the greatest gift in life. Alistair, wherever he was, was lucky that he was about to have a child, and Hakon hoped that they could find him in time.