Skin to Skin

The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:46 pm


Vivian silently listened. So it was in all likelihood that Hakon was Daravinic by blood, and perhaps been a servant in a Veir’s household by the sounds of things. The Entente were notoriously evil, and Hakon’s poor father may have made things worse by fleeing. Torture was one thing, but turning tail? Escaping? That a Veir could never tolerate, or he would be the one who could be slipped by servants. Every failing was a needle to them. There was a reason for their evil. They all sat at the same carcass, each shoving rotten meat into each others’ mouths without questioning why they did it. It led to broken men like his own Veir, and Hakon.

He watched him with pity in his eyes. “You were so young.” He said softly. “Your village should have approached you with love and understanding, not hatred. Not leaving you here with nothing and no one, and only memories of your parents.” Vivian reached for Hakon’s hand again. He had been initiated into Grave by brainwashing. Convincing him to become another tool. Not a love of the magic.

“Malformity means to lose yourself.” He said softly. If Hakon permitted him, he would stroke his fingers over his palm again. “For me, it was the insect. Insects clothe themselves in skin, and dissolve. I felt every part of me burn apart, flesh sloughing off of bone, down to my eyes burning away, my jaw falling off, fingers disintegrating. Believe me when I say I know pain. But I reformed myself, and burst free of my cocoon a mage. Alone…in blood and skin and the remnants of what I was.”

Vivian looked into Hakon’s eyes. “Insects aren’t kind. To themselves, or others.”

word count: 300
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Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:14 am


Hakon allowed his palm to be touched after once again checking there was no etheric trickery going on. There wasn't. Vivian just seemed to enjoy holding hands, which was odd but he would not deny someone this comfort, if it comforted them. Hakon, of course, needed no such comforting. He went months without so much as a friendly slap on the back, and was quite accustomed to living this way.

"Life is not kind, Vivian, and insects are merely reacting trying to survive. To be a creature like a spider, surrounded by elements it does not comprehend and ferocious creatures trying to gobble it up... is it any wonder they are ferocious and give no quarter? And my village upheld the law and did the right thing. What would they have done with an eight year old orphaned rogue mage on their hands? The villain in this story is the mage, and the gilded hand that bade him kill my father for--" Hakon didn't really like thinking about the nature of the relationship between his departed Father and their erstwhile Lord. He didn't remember much of it, but what he did remember, it had not seemed to make his father a happy man. "for defying him," he finished lamely.

The truth, he was fairly sure, was uglier, but there were three people who could answer that question. One he was certain was dead, and the other two he had no way of finding but would kill on sight if he ever had the chance, vows be damned.

"This is a gloomy subject," he declared. "We shoultn't discuss it." He pulled his hand from Vivian's. "Are you cold? We should get you back indoors, if so."
word count: 298
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1891

Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:43 pm


Vivian sighed. “What was done to you was monstrous. But you don’t deserve to be paying penance for it.” He said quietly. “You didn’t need the Guild. You needed an older mage to guide you, and make sure you used it responsibly. I was lucky; mine is built on empathy. Yours isn’t. It was cruel of that man to initiate you as some sort of torture, but the Entente are known for that sort of thing. It isn’t beyond them.” He lifted Hakon’s hand and kissed his palm. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here.”

It was damned cold, the man had a point. Vivian let him go, and pulled his coat tighter around his body. He whistled at Bara, and jangled the bridle. “Come on then.” He called. “Bara!”

He was able to lead the mule back into his stall with just the reins looped over his neck, and looked to Hakon. “Come meditate with me. It’s not much, but somewhere we can use our magic safely. I think I can help.” He wanted to get the other man to open up. Hakon was so wound up. He needed some fun in his life. Maybe if he could get him to relax a little, he would start to reveal a little more of his true personality. He'd been around a few men like the uptight mage, and usually it just took a few drinks and some dirty talk. Given what Hakon considered fun, a meditation was at least a start. Maybe there was some way to make it a little more interesting.

word count: 280
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