
The Eastern Crown of Radenor.

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Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:49 am


Hmph. Mer could’ve very easily had a moment over the fact there was more bureaucracy in the process of getting help from mages. He was sure there’d be yet another step after submitting a petition to the First Warden, if he had been offered further finances by his mother perhaps the situation would be a lot easier to navigate. Either way this Hakon fellow didn’t exactly strike Mer as someone he could buy off, nor did his position in Sunderland offer him much grace. Alas, all his tricks were for nothing.

Without measurable progress on the matter of the Mythical Beast, to which he was rather sick of droning on about, Mer made the silent decision to drop the topic in favour of perhaps bonding an alliance with the mages of Vesterhal through other means. A show of strength perhaps! Yes… It was going to make things harder sure, but it seemed like a path of less resistance than what he felt he had been facing. “There is little point in deserting the training grounds only to return,” Mer mused, though did not come to pass comment on the notion of cleaning up afterwards. That was the first time Mer began to look upon Hakon a little differently. A large man of seemingly ample strength expressed an interest in cleaning up with the lordling after a sparring session. Mer’s lips offered a large smirk in correlation with his plotting.

“Judge me not for my abilities in the art of hand-to-hand combat. When I would bring it up... My mothers would insist it was unbecoming for someone like myself,” Mer announced, before offering a quick and poorly telegraphed punch for the side of Hakon’s stomach. The lordling fought dirty, throwing the first punch with no indication at all he would do so. For the trickery and downright dirtiness of the seemingly pristine boy, there was a notable lack of force in the punch. It lay a brief mystery as to whether Mer lacked physical strength, or simply meant to pull his punches in such a confrontation. “Entertain me while I await your move, Hakon! Tell me, do you challenge all guests of Vesterhals to sparring matches, or was the notion of facing me in battle something special?” He teased like the larger man was a fish. Mer had spotted the fishy swimming about with the offering of the bathing areas. Mer had cast his line with his comment. All that was left was for the fishy to ensnare its lip in the sharp hook.

word count: 438
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Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:30 pm


Mer's blow did no real harm, but it did surprise the larger man, and he gave a grunt that could have sounded like pain. Then he grinned at Mer, excited for the first time. This was not to be some kind of noble duel with their fists up, but rather a real fight, where such blows were allowed. He danced out of Mer's reach so that he could give Mer a bow in deference to the Lord's status. If it was perhaps a bit ironic and not entirely a sincere genuflection, well, that would just provide Mer motivation to put some weight behind his next blow.

"I will not hold your gentle birth against you, m'Lord. I come from far rougher circumstances, though it has been some time since I have revisited my peasant roots."

Hakon was well-accustomed to sparring against shorter opponents, purely because he rarely ran into anyone who was his size. So he stayed at the edge of the range his longer arms provided and circled Mer, looking for an opening. When a shift in the younger man's stance alerted him to the fact that he was moving in for a punch, Hakon stepped in before Mer could, connecting with a right cross and then pushing him back out of range before he could retaliate. His smile broadened. Something about sparring with boys like Mer got his blood pumping.

Mer's innuendo was too far outside of Hakon's experience for it to really register, so he just answered it literally. "As for 'entertaining guests,' my Lord, I seek only to help you in your mission against the Beast, and nothing more. Well, perhaps I also seek to entertain you."

So saying, he dropped his defensive stance with his right arm to crook a finger at Mer: Come at Me, it said. It was a trap, but this was all in good fun, and if Mer didn't get a bit aggressive, he'd just get the stuffing beat out of him while Hakon used his superior reach to rain blows down on him and then push him out of the range his shorter limbs provided.
Last edited by Hakon on Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 373
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=2330&p=10796#p10796
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Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:53 pm


The truth was that Mer had no gentle birth, but instead an overly gentle upbringing. A truth that the Sil’Norai dancing away on his feet knew very little about. “Perhaps I would enjoy seeing those far rougher circumstances applied in our battle!” Mer volleyed back, a little on the nose, a little more bait to see if the fishy would bite. He couldn’t exactly help wanting to see where the Mage’s intentions lay if there were intentions at all to be toyed with.

Mer was simply too caught up in the adrenaline rush. He wanted to beat the large oaf-like man and prove that he was in control. With the lack of direction on if he'd truly get the assistance he sought on the matter of the beast Mer couldn't help but feel somewhat frantic. He moved frantically in the way he bounced on his feet, and threw his fists, he was a man without control. Control over his body, control over his situation. The thoughts that all circled not having the control he had prior to leaving the family home were all packaged up and cast away, they were going to be the reason for his loss if there was to be a loss. Instead, Mer set all of his thoughts on Hakon. This large man who wanted to spar, wanted to bathe with him when they were done, yet would hardly give any indication of where his intentions lay. The lack of clarity fuelled the Lordling like it was firewood!

Hakon’s size seemingly allowed him to prevent Mer from getting his shots in, which admittedly did begin to infuriate the little lord further and further. If it was a battle of archery… Mer would have won by now! “What of your entertainment? It does not excite you so to engage in such things?” Mer posed in response to one of his fishing lines reeling back in, with a slightly raised eyebrow. Mer believed himself to be laying traps with his words, so much so that his confidence made him oblivious to traps possibly laid out for himself. Laying traps meant to give him his victory, meant to give him vindication over the mages and the failings Mer perceived them to have.

The frustrations, and the need to understand Hakon, bubbled into a charge. With a fist raised in a sloppy fashion, like it could either land on a pectoral or completely miss, Mer missed his punch at Hakon once more. The dance continued and Mer found himself missing the steps, despite a self-belief that he was winning. A dance garnished with delusion. A brat perfectly placed for the trap.

word count: 457
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