Hakon Osthswicksteppen

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Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:41 am

H A K O N - O S T H S W I C K S T E P P E N

Full Name: Hakon Osthswicksteppen
Nicknames: The Revenant by non-Guilded mages of Radenor and parts of Daravin. The Spider by his Guild.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Weight: 213 lbs / 97 kg

Birthdate: 67 Ash 4591
Birthplace: Osthwick, Northradica, Radenor

Profession: Guild Mage
Housing: Guild-Assigned Housing
Partners: n/a
Sexuality: ???

Titles: n/a
Factions: Initiate in the Endornotkun

Fluencies: Common, Gentavarese
Conversationals: Raillen
Ineptitudes: Kokalath

Hakon is casually menacing without being imposing. He towers over many of Atharen’s residents, so tends to slump forward when talking to people, unintentionally creating an impression that he’s looming over them. He has a strong, angular face and an athletic build, but he's not overly muscular. He has mid-length brown hair and dark brown eyes. He tends to wear structured clothing that is a bit loose, lending an overall impression of ethereal formlessness, or that he can't dress himself very well.

Hakon is a serious, doleful, quiet man. He is purposeful in his speech and his movements, especially when he is setting about a task assigned by his handlers in the Guild, but even when off-duty, he has a tendency toward melancholic contemplation. Unlike some of the Guild Mages in Radenor, he wholeheartedly supports the Guild system, seeing it as the only thing that keeps the general populace of the four kingdoms safe from the cruel ravages of magic. This hard line approach wins him few friends in his Guild, as his handlers don’t wish to associate with the Guild Mages, and the Mages don’t like hanging around someone who sees them as dangerous, subhuman filth.

He seeks solace and comfort in the Path, reasoning that the Gods have been through worse than a quiet, lonely life. His understanding of his religion is based on the current modern Radenorian interpretation. He is currently unaware that there is an older version of the Path still used by his distant kin who remain behind in Northradica. He regularly prays to the Living Gods for guidance, hoping that he will be blessed by one of them one day, but he does not expect to ever receive anything in return for his devotion. He knows it's as much to ease the aches of his heart as it is out of genuine faith.

He has not been shown many kindnesses in his life, so small things can really affect him. By that same token, he has a long memory for slights, even unintentional ones.

He is quite socially awkward in situations where the rules of engagement are not abundantly clear. He has never had the opportunity to develop strong friendships, and has never been in a relationship.



Hakon was born to a working class couple of farming Noruners in Northradica in a village near Osthwick. His birth was difficult, and unfortunately, his mother did not survive it. His father did his best to care for the baby in his household, but he struggled to manage the small plot of land he was assigned without his wife. There was one thing that Hakon's father had going for him, however: his looks. A Valran passing through Northradica saw the strapping peasant tilling the land and invited him back back to his Lord’s household, and he, sensing a better life for himself and his son, accepted.

It did not turn out as expected. The Valran was no gentleman, and what the Lord required was quite explicit, and not at all aligned to Hakon's father's interests. After a fraught two years on the estate, he managed to escape with Hakon back across the border to Radenor. He did his best to keep his head down and disappear, but the Entente could not excuse the insult of his impudence (or perhaps the sting of his rejection), and sent one of his Valran after him. Hakon's father was brutally murdered in front of Hakon, then just seven years old. To add insult to injury and to ensure the young man would not be able to have the freedom to seek revenge, Hakon was initiated by that same man into Brand immediately afterward. The assassin departed, leaving the young Hakon clinging to the lifeless body of his father.

He was discovered the next day by his neighbors, and his attempts to hide the telltale black diamond mark failed quickly. He was brought to the Guild without hesitation, and has remained there ever since. To this day, some people in his village do not believe that there was ever an assassin, maintaining that the young Hakon had been initiated while his father was in Daravin and then snapped one night, killing him. Between this and not having any real ties to his remaining family in Northradica, Hakon was raised entirely by the Guild. Despite it being something of a prison, Hakon adjusted quickly. His guards became his friends and, in time, a few became something like family. His youth, lack of friends or family outside of the Guild, and suspicion of the other mages endeared him to the staff of the Guild. When the leader of his Guild heard about an experimental program, the Endurnotkun, Hakon was the first one she recommended.

Rather than merely monitoring Hakon, the Guild encouraged him to take on two additional magics: Sundering and Grave. He was then sent out on retrieval operations for rogue mages. At first, just Guilded who had not come back from their allotted family visitation times, or who had run off. Eventually, though, he was the go-to choice for any mage retrieval assignment that his Guild leader had on her plate. His abilities in combination with his zeal for the task and professionalism meant that he was only lightly monitored. In time, the Guild taught Hakon to speak Gentavarese so that he could go on missions to Daravin and blend in slightly better with the populace there. At this point, he has over two decades of assignments under his belt, with almost all resulting in capture or execution of his quarry.

His track record is remarkable, but what really sets him apart is his enrollment in the Endurnotkun: In addition to his conventional duties, he is involved in an ambitious project to increase the Four Kingdoms’ access to fragments. When criminals in the nearby prison were bound for the noose, they would be initiated into a magic instead. If it killed them, well, they were dead men walking anyhow. If they survived, they would be allowed to attain up to an Apprentice level of mastery in their abilities under the tutelage of a guild mage, after which point Hakon would Sunder them, producing a fragment that the artisans of Radenor could use.

This did not, and does not, bother him in the slightest. Hakon believes that mages are irredeemable once marked, and that criminals are little better. He carves out a small exception for himself as someone who was initiated against his own will and has subsequently dedicated himself to the pursuit of eliminating others who are perverted in this way. He takes a good deal of satisfaction in his work, and is proud of his contributions to Radenor.


Hakon has not ventured out of Radenor too often, though he has been sent on a few missions in to Daravin to Sunder escaped mages.
  • 4491-4492: Near Osthwick, Northradica, Radenor
  • 4493-4494: The outskirts of Amoren, Daravin
  • 4495-4497: a town outside of of Leiden, Radenor
  • 4497-Present: Mages Guild, Vesterhal, Jorikford, Radenor, with sojourns to Daravin and extensive travel throughout Radenor

Frost 4622

Last edited by Hakon on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:38 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 1476
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Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:08 am


STR = 50

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Blunt Weaponry 25/100 Apprentice
Shields 25/100 Apprentice

DEX = 25

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Stealth 25/100Apprentice

INT = 25

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Cryptography 25/100Apprentice

PER = 25

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Investigation 25/100Apprentice

CRA = 50

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Sundering 50/100 Journeyman

SCI = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency

CHA =0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency

MER = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
None Yet 0/100 Novice

ART = 0

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
None Yet 0/100 Novice

ARC = 95

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Grave 34/100 Apprentice
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Blunt Weaponry Skull Bashing
Blunt WeaponryKneecapping
Blunt WeaponryGuarding
Blunt WeaponryBasic Countering
Blunt WeaponryDisrupt Concentration
Blunt WeaponryBrandishing to Intimidate
Blunt WeaponryAiming to Cripple
Blunt WeaponryRegular Drilling Improves Technique
Blunt WeaponryBreaking Down a Door
Blunt WeaponryDestroying Small Objects
Blunt WeaponryGeneric Lore x2
RunningKeeping Pace
RunningRunning Alongside a Mule
RunningPushing Through Dizziness
UnarmedUsing Footwork to Deflect
UnarmedSubmission Holds
UnarmedA Half-Nelson
UnarmedTwisting the Arm of a Prone Man
UnarmedReleasing Targets from Holds
UnarmedOne-armed Holds
UnarmedSlamming Opponents into Walls
UnarmedUsing Blood as a Weapon
SwimmingKeep Your Head Above Water
SwimmingKeep Your Footing in Water
SwimmingAttempting to Walk in Water
SwimmingObserving How Skilled Swimmers Move Through Water
SwimmingSome Men Float, Others Sink
ShieldsWarming Up
ShieldsUsing a Kite Shield
ShieldsBasic Defensive Forms
ShieldsBasic Offensive Forms
ShieldsKeeping Hold of the Enarmes
ShieldsRaising to deflect a blow
ShieldsGeneric x6


StealthHiding while Tall
StealthHiding in Shadow
StealthWalking Quietly
StealthFlattening Self to Wall
StealthHiding in a Tree
StealthGeneric x5
Thrown WeaponryLearning the Balance of the Weapon
Thrown WeaponryPractice Makes Perfect
Thrown WeaponryDifferent Motions for Different Projectiles
Thrown WeaponryHistorical Use of Projectiles
Thrown WeaponryHow to Use a Javelin
Thrown WeaponryBasics of Aiming


CryptographyGeneric Lore x10


TortureDon't Make Empty Threats
TortureUsing Pain to Enrage
TortureUsing Pain to Distract
InvestigationAsking Basic Questions
InvestigationEstablishing What Happened
InvestigationMaking Logical Deductions
InvestigationNeeding More Evidence
InvestigationAsking Blunt Questions
InvestigationEstablish Rapport Before Asking
InvestigationProtocol vs Effectiveness
InvestigationReturning to the Scene And Asking More Questions
InvestigationExamining a crime scene
InvestigationGeneric x2
AppraisalDetermining the Worth of Items
AppraisalDetermining Goods a Peddler May Want
AppraisalPortioning Out Spoils
MeditationDaily Prayer
MeditationQuiet Contemplation
MeditationThink of the Living Gods
MeditationRelaxing with Someone Else
MeditationThe Trials of the Living Gods
MeditationMastering Bodily Urges


SunderingApplying a Sunderstrike
SunderingAiming the Sunderstrike
SunderingUsing a Sunderwell
SunderingProperties of Lightwater
SunderingBasics of Relic Tonality
SunderingShattering Relics


BiologyAnatomy of the Wasp


EtiquetteBasic Omission
EtiquetteSomething Approaching Tact
EtiquetteGiving a Guest a Tour
EtiquetteRadenorian Baths
EtiquetteAttempting to Be Friendly
EtiquetteAttempting to Be Kind
EtiquetteAttempting to Request Things Respectfully
EtiquettePolite Greetings
EtiquetteDon't Insult Someone Else's Native Country
EtiquettePolite Platonic Touch
EtiquetteApologizing for Missteps
EtiquetteEnforcing the Rules
EtiquetteApologizing in Turn
EtiquetteDressing as the Entente
EtiquetteTalking With Someone of Higher Status Than You
RhetoricElucidating an Argument
RhetoricBacking Up Points With Personal Example
PersuasionBeing Sincere
PersuasionAsking For Help
IntimidationThreatening Legalistically
IntimidationStanding Too Close
IntimidationSmiling Too Much


None Yet 0/100 Novice


None Yet 0/100 Novice


GraveHunger for Vitesence
GraveThe Nightorch as Companion
GraveEngulfing Sundered Mages
GraveMaking Use of Mercy Killings
GraveThe Basics of Healing
GraveChanneling Vitessence
GraveHealing Minor Wounds
GraveKnowing When to stop Healing
GraveAttempting to Cure Serious Wounds
GraveUsing One's Own Vitessence
GraveSacrificing One's Vitality for Another's
GraveSwitching Vitessence Sources
GraveRecognizing Agony as it's cast
GraveWatching a fellow Engraver heal
BrandThe Armory Form: Mace
BrandThe Armory Form: Shield
BrandThe Armory Form: Shiruken
BrandBlinking Into Ethersight
BrandGalvanizing in Combat
BrandUsing Huntersight Inconspicuously
BrandDrawing Glyphs while Lying in Wait
BrandParsing Etheric Remains to Track Mages
BrandSwinging Branded Weapons through Oneself
BrandThrowing Branded Weapons from the Axis
BrandUsing Ethersight to check for Mages
BrandUsing Huntersight To Find Etheric Patterns
BrandFollowing a Cold Etheric Trail
BrandMatching Ether to Its Source
BrandDevising Inside a Target's Mouth
BrandUsing Your Armory with Simple Effectiveness
BrandDetermining A Target's Facility with Raw Magic
BrandWatching for Etheric Surges
BrandThe Formation of the Armory
BrandSummoning a Weapon Without Drawing Attention
BrandEvaluating a mage's expertise
BrandGalvanizing objects to destroy them
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Last edited by Hakon on Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:34 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 913
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Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:00 pm


Racial Ability - Adaptability
Humans start with +10 skill points

Mageblight Graph
Currently: +3 Mageblight (Level: Mild Mageblight)
1 Mageblight acquired as of 50th Frost 4622 (from Memory Thread The Purloined Keepsake pt III)
1 Mageblight acquired as of 50th Frost 4622 (from Memory Thread Ajax: Damsel in Distress)
1 Mageblight acquired as of 81st Frost 4622 (from Contemporary Thread Thumb on the Scale)




Hakon's nightorch feeds from the man himself unless offered a continual supply of fresh vitescence. Additionally, Hakon is barred from using many of the standard Grave abilities, in return for greatly enhanced utility of one ability in particular: Wither. His tethers glow blue, not white, and chill the target instead of warming them.
Last edited by Hakon on Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:45 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 139
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Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:19 pm


  • Sundering Kit
  • 4 sets of clothing suitable for a working class citizen of Radenor
  • 1 set of fancier clothing for meetings with high-ranking Guildmage officials or Radenorian nobility
  • 1 set of clothing suitable for pretending to be a Daravinic Valran.
  • Waterskin
  • Backpack with travel essentials
  • Iron Mace
  • Iron Kite Shield
Hakon does not currently own a business.

Hakon is currently employed as a Guild Mage in Radenor.
A room within a Guild Mage's tower. It contains a bed that is too short for him that his legs hang off of unless he curls up, an old wooden chair, a table, a fireplace, and a bookshelf with a few well-worn religious texts on it.
Currency Ledger
1. Starting Gold, +1000 df. 1000
2. World Mage Addendum, +2500 df. 3500
3. Sundering Kit, -2500 df. 1000
4. General Starting Package, -0. 1000
5. 1 Iron Mace, -250. 750
6. 1 Iron Kite Shield, -300. 450
7. Frost 4622 Wages, +1325 1775
8. Sundering Kit Loan, -1000 775
9. 1 Iron Mace (replacement), -250 525
word count: 192
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